Obama did that - the student loan scam is killing America

#1 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.
#2 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.

I hope your joking...since, like it or not, many-many-many of these high risk, almost zero chance to graduate students are minorities. Find my a politician anywhere who is going to touch that with a 1000 yard pole.
The goal of Obamas nationalizing of loans for education (student loans) is to destroy private colleges...

The Student-Loan Scam Killed ITT Tech

ITT imploded and has long been known, like Corinthian, to be a waste of time and money. The only way this school could exist is by federal loans. ITT is a scam.

Private universities are Dartmouth, Princeton, John Hopkins, Loyola etc. You think they are worried? Nah. Do you know why?

ITT could not even pull it's head out long enough to recreate a vo-tech school worth a damn.

It is a government complicit scam.
In your own words - "The only way this school could exist is by federal loans"...which is true.
#1 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.
#2 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.

I hope your joking...since, like it or not, many-many-many of these high risk, almost zero chance to graduate students are minorities. Find my a politician anywhere who is going to touch that with a 1000 yard pole.
So you admit you don't understand. OK.

Don't understand how you make ludicrous assumptions?
#1 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.
#2 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.

I hope your joking...since, like it or not, many-many-many of these high risk, almost zero chance to graduate students are minorities. Find my a politician anywhere who is going to touch that with a 1000 yard pole.
So you admit you don't understand. OK.

Don't understand how you make ludicrous assumptions?Correct
Yes, your assumptions are ludicrous as well as false, like above.
#1 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.
#2 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.

I hope your joking...since, like it or not, many-many-many of these high risk, almost zero chance to graduate students are minorities. Find my a politician anywhere who is going to touch that with a 1000 yard pole.
So you admit you don't understand. OK.

Don't understand how you make ludicrous assumptions?Correct
Yes, your assumptions are ludicrous as well as false, like above.

What assumptions? That a large percentage of non graduate defaults are minorities? Really? You want to say that is a false assumption?
"In your own words - "The only way this school could exist is by federal loans"
...is something I never said. So now you tell a lie that is easily refuted.

Haha...look again...that isn't a quote from you dude.:lmao:
When you write "In your own words" means you are quoting me. I never said anything of the sort. You did.

And again...the quote is not yours..."Diser" said it. I wasn't even talking to you.
But do go on by all means
Take the private sector out of the student loan program and have government loan at COL levels.

That doesn't solve it.
The problem with the student loan bubble is two-fold..,.

#1 - Loans made to students who have almost no chance of ever paying the loan off, not to mention that many of these same extreme high risk "students" also receive tax dollars for living expenses.
#2 - "Loans for the asking" mentality of the government system provides an impossible to resist temptation for schools to overcharge. They overcharge in two ways - bloated tuition, and bloated class requirements. Guaranteed loans means guaranteed payments to schools....almost no matter what.
#1 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.
#2 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.

You don't know what you are talking about. If they vetted the whole scam would disintegrate. Probably 75% of applicants wouldn't qualify.
"In your own words - "The only way this school could exist is by federal loans"
...is something I never said. So now you tell a lie that is easily refuted.

Haha...look again...that isn't a quote from you dude.:lmao:
When you write "In your own words" means you are quoting me. I never said anything of the sort. You did.

And again...the quote is not yours..."Diser" said it. I wasn't even talking to you.
But do go on by all means
Thank you for admitting your deliberately told a lie and got caught.
Take the private sector out of the student loan program and have government loan at COL levels.

That doesn't solve it.
The problem with the student loan bubble is two-fold..,.

#1 - Loans made to students who have almost no chance of ever paying the loan off, not to mention that many of these same extreme high risk "students" also receive tax dollars for living expenses.
#2 - "Loans for the asking" mentality of the government system provides an impossible to resist temptation for schools to overcharge. They overcharge in two ways - bloated tuition, and bloated class requirements. Guaranteed loans means guaranteed payments to schools....almost no matter what.
#1 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.
#2 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.

You don't know what you are talking about. If they vetted the whole scam would disintegrate. Probably 75% of applicants wouldn't qualify.
Now you are arguing against yourself. We want a better system. My way is better. You have nothing to offer.
#1 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.
#2 - qualify (vet) the applicants first.

I hope your joking...since, like it or not, many-many-many of these high risk, almost zero chance to graduate students are minorities. Find my a politician anywhere who is going to touch that with a 1000 yard pole.
So you admit you don't understand. OK.

Don't understand how you make ludicrous assumptions?Correct
Yes, your assumptions are ludicrous as well as false, like above.

What assumptions? That a large percentage of non graduate defaults are minorities? Really? You want to say that is a false assumption?
Misdirection is a tactic at which you fail every time.

My point is that a federal loan program run by the feds will lower the fail rate, not put students into terrible debt, and will benefit the nation.

You way is . . . nothing offered.
You don't know what you are talking about. If they vetted the whole scam would disintegrate. Probably 75% of applicants wouldn't qualify.
Exactly...like every government created false demand - it is filled with misuse and fraud.
The GI bills and the science ed acts, both very successful big government programs, revolutionized the economic power of the middle and lower classes.

The student loan acts that allowed banks to loan to the unqualified and then charge huge default interest are the fault of the private sector.
In the wise words of Milton Friedman..."find me these angels that you think will organize society for us".
The student loan acts that allowed banks to loan to the unqualified and then charge huge default interest are the fault of the private sector.

Like all liberals, you miss the point.
Your statement above is true. No one argues that BOTH private and public colleges take copious advantage of the "loans for the asking" government system. And they do so at the full knowledge and cooperation of the government.

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