Obama did what seven Presidents before him tried to do, and failed

The question is Are we better off with it? Better off simply
1. Is there more people insured?
2. More innovation and cures?
3. The system is more efferent?

If not then why not?

By gawd, its been in partial effect for a couple of years, full effect for a few months and with half of congress fighting it every step of the way and its STILL not perfect?

How about you write your R congress-asshole and tell them to stop with their phony, tax paid repeal votes and instead, work for their constituents' well being. Yeah, I know ... Can't do that because it goes against the Repub Rule Book.

Or, what the heck. Why not just go on demanding "more innovation and cures" ... WHF???
Julian Castro says seven presidents before Barack Obama sought universal health care | PolitiFact

He will be remembered as the President who did what many people thought was impossible. INCREDIBLE! :eusa_clap:

Jim if this thing turns out to be a fuck story as time goes on.....will you be here saying as much?....just askin....

Harry, if the Repubs keep on throwing our money on their admittedly phony repeal votes and fighting for the damn insurance companies bottom line, will you still be kissing their butts?
The way he did it was borderline criminal and it might have crossed the border. Democrats intimidated and harassed and threatened other less enthusiastic democrats and shut republicans literally out of the process. The law was hastily written apparently by clerks and amateurs and pretty much nobody in the majority democrat party even read the monstrosity that they approved. The president does not have the authority to alter a bill he signed into law but he changed the law with presidential decrees. Meanwhile most of the mainstream media has become an arm of the democrat party and any violation of the Constitution is fine with them as long as democrats continue to get elected. Meanwhile democrats seem surprised that more than 50% of Americans are pissed. "Out of touch" doesn't begin to explain the criminality of the Hussein administration.
this is the sadist and most dishonest crap I have ever seen

they need to make up shit to give this man something

he has been a man who had done nothing but bring us down all around the world and demoralized us as proud people who has given much of our blood, sweat and tears for others we didn't even know]
I am ashamed of my fellow citizens you put this on us..
Julian Castro says seven presidents before Barack Obama sought universal health care | PolitiFact

He will be remembered as the President who did what many people thought was impossible. INCREDIBLE! :eusa_clap:

Jim if this thing turns out to be a fuck story as time goes on.....will you be here saying as much?....just askin....

Harry, if the Repubs keep on throwing our money on their admittedly phony repeal votes and fighting for the damn insurance companies bottom line, will you still be kissing their butts?

The GOP needs to give the repeal route up. Their continuing disdain of the ACA is going to bite them in the butt, very soon.
And yet few if any Democrats are running for reelection on the passing of Obamacare kind of telling.

Just wait a couple more months.

Ok you seem to be suggesting in a couple of months Obamacare will be popular enough for the Democrats to run on if that is the case do you think they should at that time implement the employer mandate that the administration has pushed back past the midterms?
And yet few if any Democrats are running for reelection on the passing of Obamacare kind of telling.

Just wait a couple more months.

Ok you seem to be suggesting in a couple of months Obamacare will be popular enough for the Democrats to run on if that is the case do you think they should at that time implement the employer mandate that the administration has pushed back past the midterms?

Not my call Chief. But I hear success stories nearly every day. I know people that are able to go to a Doctor and get basic medical care for the first time in years. But I guess that is a bad thing...
The question is Are we better off with it? Better off simply
1. Is there more people insured?
2. More innovation and cures?
3. The system is more efferent?

If not then why not?

By gawd, its been in partial effect for a couple of years, full effect for a few months and with half of congress fighting it every step of the way and its STILL not perfect?

How about you write your R congress-asshole and tell them to stop with their phony, tax paid repeal votes and instead, work for their constituents' well being. Yeah, I know ... Can't do that because it goes against the Repub Rule Book.

Or, what the heck. Why not just go on demanding "more innovation and cures" ... WHF???

It has not been in full effect. Obama has put off the business mandate until after the election. But we already see mass cancellations, rising premiums, and people denied care.
Just wait a couple more months.

Ok you seem to be suggesting in a couple of months Obamacare will be popular enough for the Democrats to run on if that is the case do you think they should at that time implement the employer mandate that the administration has pushed back past the midterms?

Not my call Chief. But I hear success stories nearly every day. I know people that are able to go to a Doctor and get basic medical care for the first time in years. But I guess that is a bad thing...

You need to quit reading DU. In the real world people are suffering from Obamacare.
Julian Castro says seven presidents before Barack Obama sought universal health care | PolitiFact

He will be remembered as the President who did what many people thought was impossible. INCREDIBLE! :eusa_clap:

The reason it was impossible, was that everyone knew it would gravely damage the country, and would do far more harm than good. As it is doing now.

That Obama and his regime did it anyway, is testimony to his stupidity and blinders-on ideological agenda that never checks the actual results of his programs.
Julian Castro says seven presidents before Barack Obama sought universal health care | PolitiFact

He will be remembered as the President who did what many people thought was impossible. INCREDIBLE! :eusa_clap:

Are we seriously comparing our nations success to that of Cuba?

Really? If Cuba is so awesome why don't we have a little America on their shores?

Cuba is the American Left's ideal state: total equality, except for the assholes in charge. Everyone is equally poor and miserable and driving 50 year old cars and recycling because they can't afford to buy anything new.
Just wait a couple more months.

Ok you seem to be suggesting in a couple of months Obamacare will be popular enough for the Democrats to run on if that is the case do you think they should at that time implement the employer mandate that the administration has pushed back past the midterms?

Not my call Chief. But I hear success stories nearly every day. I know people that are able to go to a Doctor and get basic medical care for the first time in years. But I guess that is a bad thing...

I didn't ask you to make the decision I asked you for your opinion about implementing the employer mandate at the end of your couple months. I'm sure you do hear success stories we also hear stories about people who have lost their doctor can't use there old hospital peoples premiums and deductibles going up the other side of the coin.
Just wait a couple more months.

Ok you seem to be suggesting in a couple of months Obamacare will be popular enough for the Democrats to run on if that is the case do you think they should at that time implement the employer mandate that the administration has pushed back past the midterms?

Not my call Chief. But I hear success stories nearly every day. I know people that are able to go to a Doctor and get basic medical care for the first time in years. But I guess that is a bad thing...

lol, basic medical care for the first time
can you be anymore dramatic and a useful tool?..
how sad you are for lying and see no shame in it
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Well, I suspect that Obamacare will eventually be a political winner with the voters the dems have to have: the blue collar. I put up a link last week to the strange flip with the gop attracting the less educated whites, but they are declining as a % of the electorate, and there may be race component there as well.

I think the below WSJ link is correct in that the effect of Obamacare will be a "two-tier" system. However, I'm not sure what that really means, because Germany has a base insurance for the less well employed, and better and more individual choice packages for others. France is moving there. I think Sweden and Poland are either there or moving. We didn't choose the Canadian model. Further, there's an irony in the gop decrying a two tier system in that we CHOOSE to not do a damn thing while instead invading a camelshit third world country. Futher, the angst of existing docs not taking Medicaid patients is a bit of fear mongering, since part of obamacare is educating more primary care docs. Of course a lot of bright kids who wanted to go to med school to be highly paid specialists, bailed out into other careers, because they didn't want to treat the great unwashed masses.

Still, instead of expanding Medicaid, I wish we'd have just raised taxes on HC providers and Insurors to give people w/o HC tax credits to use to buy HC insurance, which would then in turn have given the providers and insurors more customers with which they could have "recaptured" their tax hikes.

Scott W. Atlas: The Coming Two-Tier Health System - WSJ.com

With the Affordable Care Act, the government has dramatically expanded its authority as final arbiter over health insurance and consequently over access to medical care. After the law's Medicaid expansion and with the population aging into Medicare eligibility, the 107 million under Medicaid or Medicare in 2013 will skyrocket to 135 million five years later, growing far faster than the ranks of the privately insured.

Enlarge Image
David Klein

Add to that centralization of power the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), ObamaCare's group of political appointees tasked with reducing payments to doctors and hospitals. Even Howard Dean, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, warned that "The IPAB is essentially a health-care rationing body. By setting doctor reimbursement rates for Medicare and determining which procedures and drugs will be covered and at what price, the IPAB will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them."

The hidden truth is just around the corner—those more dependent on public insurance, mostly the poor and middle class, will have limited access to medical care. About one-third of primary-care physicians and one-fourth of specialists have already completely closed their practices to Medicaid patients. Over 52% of physicians have already limited the access that Medicare patients have to their practices, or are planning to, according to a 2012 survey by Merritt Hawkins for the Physicians Foundation. More doctors than ever already refuse Medicaid and Medicare due to inadequate payments for care, and that trend will only accelerate as government lowers reimbursements.

And yet the Queen of the crackers who yelled death panels

Palin says her family went to Canada for health care when she was young
Updated 12:32 p.m.
Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, a fierce opponent of Democratic health-care reform efforts who has said America under President Obama is headed toward socialism, told a Canadian audience her family used to go to Canada to get medical care when she was growing up.

"My first five years of life we spent in Skagway, Alaska, right there by Whitehorse. Believe it or not -- this was in the '60s -- we used to hustle on over the border for health care that we would receive in Whitehorse. I remember my brother, he burned his ankle in some little kid accident thing and my parents had to put him on a train and rush him over to Whitehorse and I think, isn't that kind of ironic now. Zooming over the border, getting health care from Canada," Palin said a speech Saturday night, according to the Calgary Herald.

44 - Palin says her family went to Canada for health care when she was young
these are the people we need saved from

good luck

jim is not your friend,

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