Obama & DNC Both Served: The Legal Documents Pertaining to Berg vs. Obama

It would take all of 20 seconds to put this "nonsense" to rest...just show us the documents that prove Obama's claims....simple as that...Whats the big deal

Hi, he did.

Its called his Hawaii birth certificate, which he has released.

Check out the link.
He has shown it alpha. Who would you like him to show it to next? you personally?

If this were a story and there were a grain of truth to it there would be reports about it all over the place. There aren't.

He can show it to that Democrat lawyer, Atty. Berg in court....
He can show it to that Democrat lawyer, Atty. Berg in court....

to whom? the crackpot?

i think mccain should have to show his birth certificate in court then.

do you realize how stupid this suit is?

oh wait, of course you don't.
Wow. This is reminding me of something....what was it....it will come in a moment...


Except of course there was never any question of any "real" wrongdoing in that matter. Nobody even pretended it was a real concern except for the political hacks.
Wow. This is reminding me of something....what was it....it will come in a moment...


Except of course there was never any question of any "real" wrongdoing in that matter. Nobody even pretended it was a real concern except for the political hacks.

Oh, do list the similarities.
Wow. This is reminding me of something....what was it....it will come in a moment...


Except of course there was never any question of any "real" wrongdoing in that matter. Nobody even pretended it was a real concern except for the political hacks.

Because it's ok when right wing nutters abuse their powers... the loonies are only concerned when someone to the left gets a bj... :cuckoo:
The LEFTY loonies don't think sexual harassment is a crime worthy of prosecution. Is that what you meant?
I know. First we "disenfranchise" all those illegal voters and fraudulent registrations you guys tried so hard to sneak in...now this. What's the world coming to?
Because it's ok when right wing nutters abuse their powers... the loonies are only concerned when someone to the left gets a bj... :cuckoo:
Jilly your belligerent ignorance is shining thru as usual
URGENT: Big story about to break, we are one step closer to Rezko giving Obama up to federal prosecutors HillBuzz
URGENT: Big story about to break, we are one step closer to Rezko giving Obama up to federal prosecutors HillBuzz

I looked in the column they showed. You know how much info I found from that column? bupkis. nothing about about obama. this is yet another attempt by the right wing to try and hijack a presidency.
We were told that Sneed’s column confirms rumblings people we know heard independently that Tony Rezko is giving up the Giannoulias family to Patrick Fitzgerald — Rezko and the Giannoulias family are as close and tied together as anyone in Chicago could be. If Rezko is turning on them, then Rezko is going to give up Governor Rod Blagojevich and Obama too.

Yeah I don't see his name either. :rolleyes:
Yeah I don't see his name either. :rolleyes:
UPDATE: http://www.usmessageboard.com/elections-2008/www.NoQuarterUSA.net ran a nasty story about us today that said we’re wrong about Broadway Bank, and that the bank in Sneed’s report below is the Harvey Bank. Well, as much as we like NoQuarter, we expect a written apology from its poster “Truthteller” because they’re dead wrong on this. We reconfirmed that it is Broadway Bank Sneed is talking about — three more people connected heavily in Chicago said that while Harvey bank does a lot of business with Rezko, it is not “politically connected” in the wider sense…not in the way Sneed is talking. All three of these people said the first bank they thought of when they read Sneed was “Broadway Bank”. So, NoQuarter is wrong here. And as for Truthteller’s nasty little remark that we wrote on this “to grab attention” or drive web traffic — we don’t do this for either reason. We started this blog to get the facts out about (Obama), and that’s why we maintain it. Unlike NoQuarter, we don’t have advertising on this blog or make any money off it - so we don’t care if 1,000 people or 40,000 a day read us. We put what we know about (Obama) out there — because we can’t sit back and watch the media cover for him. Whatever we hear, we will tell you, and you do with that what you want. So, “Truthteller”, that’s some truth for you.

Also, there are those who claim Nothern Trust did the financing on (Obama’s) Townhouse - the home he lived in with Michelle and his daughters before he bought the (Obama) Mansion in the Rezko deal. We have been told by credible sources that Northern Trust financed the (Obama) Mansion, but Broadway Bank financed the Townhouse. If someone out there is able to do a title search and provide firm proof one way or the other, that would be appreciated — but until then, we believe what we have been told, by people who have been following all of this since 1996 when (Obama) knifed Alice Palmer and others in the primary for his state senate seat. They say Broadway Bank financed the Townhouse, and we believe them.

I count 6 times OBAMAs name is mentioned in just the top part of the page. You both either need glasses, illiterate or crazy or all of the above lol
URGENT: Big story about to break, we are one step closer to Rezko giving Obama up to federal prosecutors HillBuzz
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What, that stupid photoshop? Gimme a break. :D
meh, the state of HI says its what they give out, and a friend on another message board was born in HI and he said it is exactly like his
the BC thing is a silly thing to be using as a talking point, better to beat him on his actual issues
arent they bad enough?
meh, the state of HI says its what they give out, and a friend on another message board was born in HI and he said it is exactly like his
the BC thing is a silly thing to be using as a talking point, better to beat him on his actual issues
arent they bad enough?
I know that's what they hand out, but they also will do a real one. This motherfucker needs to be hammered on every issue.
I know that's what they hand out, but they also will do a real one. This motherfucker needs to be hammered on every issue.

Man... the MSM isn't about to touch this. Hell it took FOX News a YEAR to even report on Bill Ayres... and the info about THAT communist fuck is OLD NEWS!

It's surreal... absolutely unbelievable. A full fledged subversive is the Democrat Candidate for President... You couldn't sell a Novel with this reality as a plot, because no one could imagine it possible.

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