Obama & DNC Both Served: The Legal Documents Pertaining to Berg vs. Obama

They did not post a real certificate, so the fuck what? The State has already weighed in on this, he has a STATE Birth Certificate. This will go NO WHERE. It is a waste of time and ignorant as hell. I hope the court makes this dumb ass Lawyer pay Court costs.

There is NO requirement that Obama provide anyone of us his birth certificate. He had to prove he was legally able to run to the Government, not individual citizens.

Wrong again.... read the legal documents that have been filed and posted in the previous posts
Berg's site that both the DNC and Obama have to answer by Sept. 24th.
Certificate of Live Birth analysis - Part one
Thursday, 18 September 2008 21:15 administrator We have a further analysis into the Certificate of Live Birth documents (COLB) posted on Mr. Obama's website, fightthesmears.com.

The COLB posted and analyzed on the Daily Kos and the COLB posted by factcheck.org, were found to be altered and forged.

Ron Polarik specializes in computer graphics with over 20 years experience with computers, printers, and typewriters. He holds a PhD in Instructional Media, took on this project, prior to our asking, and has been working on it for several months.

Mr. Polarik has prepared an updated and extensive report regarding these forgeries and altered COLBS. Mr. Polarik took it a step further and obtained further review to collaborate his findings.

Please find part one of Mr. Polark's findings below.

Certificate of Live Birth analysis - Part one
Philip J. Berg, [Berg is a former Deputy Attorney General of the Democratic National Committee [DNC]

This is legit!!
Barack Muhammed Hussein Al- Obama is going down!!

No. He's a former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery (PA) County and a former member of the Democratic State Committee

Honey, *I'm* a member of the NY Democratic State Committee... it isn't that difficult. The guy's a toon.

And he's looking like a psycho. As are you, of course.

And, just so EVERYONE knows what a toon he is and we can put your spamming to rest... a little bit more about the nutter....

He believes that the United States government was behind the attacks of September 11, 2001; the very mention of such theories make me ill. He was an ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton's candidacy during the primaries; I sell tee shirts showing the former first lady and one of her quotes ("We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good," said in June 2004) juxtaposed under the words "RE-DEFEAT COMMUNISM."


Now please start getting your facts straight.. I know it's difficult for obsessed people like you, but do try.
No. He's a former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery (PA) County and a former member of the Democratic State Committee

Honey, *I'm* a member of the NY Democratic State Committee... it isn't that difficult. The guy's a toon.

And he's looking like a psycho. As are you, of course.

Oh right but if this was about Palin or Mccain you'd love every minute of it..

Do me a favor and donate all your money and all of your families money to barack that way when it comes out that he's not eligible then we can all get the satisfaction of knowing you got ripped off.LOL
Can they tell them to f off like the Palins have done on their subpoena?

No because the Judge has ordered the DNC and Barack to provide actual evidence of his birth. he has until the 24th of Spetember to do so or he's in deep doo doo. I bet Obama's forgerer is working overtime on this one
Don't disregard this lawsuit just because it's not being reported in the main media. They are not allowed to report it, because it would diminish the huge amount of money that Obama is making for them. It is also a known fact that no one can mention his middle name again on TV or print. How many times during the Democratic Convention did you hear "Hussein"? None! How many times did you hear Hillary "Rodham" Clinton? Everytime! The media is trying to brainwash the Obamabots. This is a real lawsuit. Obama has 5 different names and Mr. Berg has 16 charges against him. Read the lawsuit at Obama Crimes

The wheels of justice move slowly, but they will continue to move.
Don't disregard this lawsuit just because it's not being reported in the main media. They are not allowed to report it, because it would diminish the huge amount of money that Obama is making for them. It is also a known fact that no one can mention his middle name again on TV or print. How many times during the Democratic Convention did you hear "Hussein"? None! How many times did you hear Hillary "Rodham" Clinton? Everytime! The media is trying to brainwash the Obamabots. This is a real lawsuit. Obama has 5 different names and Mr. Berg has 16 charges against him. Read the lawsuit at Obama Crimes

The wheels of justice move slowly, but they will continue to move.

talk about grasping for insults...hillary is using her maiden name not her middle name...do mccain and palin use their middle names...

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