Obama doesn't know if the attack was terrorism?12 pipe bombs, tools for making more explosives?

Living in fear, shitting your pants on a daily basis, is exactly how ISIS wants you to live.

Turning away the refugees fleeing ISIS and Assad are exactly what ISIS and Assad want you to do.

Stop being useful idiots.

What ISIS doesnt want is an armed America.

That is the kind of retardation that warrants institutionalization. Here's your hockey helmet...

So in your feeble mind a terrorist prefers to be perforated before he can inflict maximum damage.
Your stupidity is noted for future reference.
She came here on a visa, not as a refugee. Two entirely different processes. The refugee process is far more stringent and takes years.

Apples and oranges comparison.

So we need to change our visa vetting process,because it obviously doesnt work.
Or we could just stop importing muslims altogether ....

yup, your brother Farook had a visa ... a US birth certificate just like yours.

So you now recognize the depth of the problem with islam.
So what do you propose we do about a religion that can take an American born citizen and turn him into a jihadist?
Certainly bringing in more of them is a bad idea right?

in this case do something about people who notice suspicious activity and fail to report it .... some guts go a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way.

What!! And be labeled an islamaphobe!!!!!

F'N A Jack !

if 1 person had grew a pair and pointed to the problem 14 would be alive for Xmas.
Living in fear, shitting your pants on a daily basis, is exactly how ISIS wants you to live.

Turning away the refugees fleeing ISIS and Assad are exactly what ISIS and Assad want you to do.

Stop being useful idiots.

What ISIS doesnt want is an armed America.
Go right ahead and arm yourself. I'm not anti gun.

More than anything, ISIS wants you shitting your pants.

Stop walking and living in fear. Stop being an ISIS useful idiot.

I wont change my behavior due to terrorism.
But I will feel secure in the knowledge that I have a chance to stop it if I encounter it.
Living in fear, shitting your pants on a daily basis, is exactly how ISIS wants you to live.

Turning away the refugees fleeing ISIS and Assad are exactly what ISIS and Assad want you to do.

Stop being useful idiots.

What ISIS doesnt want is an armed America.
Go right ahead and arm yourself. I'm not anti gun.

More than anything, ISIS wants you shitting your pants.

Stop walking and living in fear. Stop being an ISIS useful idiot.
We don't want to live in fear nor shit our pants. We want them to do that. As Patton once said, it is not for you to die for your cause, but to be sure the other bastard dies for his.

That is simply something that you cannot handle or seemingly justify. It is also why you are weak and others are strong.
So we need to change our visa vetting process,because it obviously doesnt work.
Or we could just stop importing muslims altogether ....

yup, your brother Farook had a visa ... a US birth certificate just like yours.

So you now recognize the depth of the problem with islam.
So what do you propose we do about a religion that can take an American born citizen and turn him into a jihadist?
Certainly bringing in more of them is a bad idea right?

in this case do something about people who notice suspicious activity and fail to report it .... some guts go a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way.

What!! And be labeled an islamaphobe!!!!!

F'N A Jack !

if 1 person had grew a pair and pointed to the problem 14 would be alive for Xmas.

Well unfortunately with the liberal onset of PC and the very real chance of being sued for voicing your concerns I can see how this happened.
yup, your brother Farook had a visa ... a US birth certificate just like yours.

So you now recognize the depth of the problem with islam.
So what do you propose we do about a religion that can take an American born citizen and turn him into a jihadist?
Certainly bringing in more of them is a bad idea right?

in this case do something about people who notice suspicious activity and fail to report it .... some guts go a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way.

What!! And be labeled an islamaphobe!!!!!

F'N A Jack !

if 1 person had grew a pair and pointed to the problem 14 would be alive for Xmas.

Well unfortunately with the liberal onset of PC and the very real chance of being sued for voicing your concerns I can see how this happened.

IMO RW's hammer the PC crap too hard ... failing to report suspicious activity that resulted in death should carry a prison term ... forget the ******, ****, jew horseshit .... mass shootings and bombings trump an evil tongue.
Living in fear, shitting your pants on a daily basis, is exactly how ISIS wants you to live.

Turning away the refugees fleeing ISIS and Assad are exactly what ISIS and Assad want you to do.

Stop being useful idiots.

What ISIS doesnt want is an armed America.

That is the kind of retardation that warrants institutionalization. Here's your hockey helmet...

So in your feeble mind a terrorist prefers to be perforated before he can inflict maximum damage.
Your stupidity is noted for future reference.

Would the Boston marathon bomb attack been stopped if every single person at the event had a gun?
Living in fear, shitting your pants on a daily basis, is exactly how ISIS wants you to live.

Turning away the refugees fleeing ISIS and Assad are exactly what ISIS and Assad want you to do.

Stop being useful idiots.

What ISIS doesnt want is an armed America.

That is the kind of retardation that warrants institutionalization. Here's your hockey helmet...

So in your feeble mind a terrorist prefers to be perforated before he can inflict maximum damage.
Your stupidity is noted for future reference.

Would the Boston marathon bomb attack been stopped if every single person at the event had a gun?

So the only way to stop muslims terrorists is to sanction muslims.
Living in fear, shitting your pants on a daily basis, is exactly how ISIS wants you to live.

Turning away the refugees fleeing ISIS and Assad are exactly what ISIS and Assad want you to do.

Stop being useful idiots.

What ISIS doesnt want is an armed America.

That is the kind of retardation that warrants institutionalization. Here's your hockey helmet...

So in your feeble mind a terrorist prefers to be perforated before he can inflict maximum damage.
Your stupidity is noted for future reference.

Would the Boston marathon bomb attack been stopped if every single person at the event had a gun?

So the only way to stop muslims terrorists is to sanction muslims.

That didn't answer my question. Or does deflection translate to 'no' in your language?
Would the Boston marathon bomb attack been stopped if every single person at the event had a gun?

It's a bitch carrying a gun while running 26.2 miles, let me tell ya. It adds several minutes to my time. And they don't build holsters into running shorts. Talk about an oversight!

I'm not carrying. Are you carrying?

No. Anybody? This guy next to me looks Muslim.
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obama urges us not to jump to conclusions! Meanwhile, he is so concerned about this "tragedy" that he called a meeting.
Yes.....so glad that Obama decided to hold a meeting about how to handle the media on this issue......but taking steps to prevent another attack?

I don't think so.

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