Obama DOJ Drops Charges Against Libyan Arms Dealer To Buy Silence; Stephens Died 4 Syria-Gun Running


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama’s Deputies Drop Criminal Charges Against Hillary Clinton-Linked Arms Dealer in Libya
-- Arms dealer had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s talks about arming anti-Qadhafi rebels

"President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice has dropped charges against a man who sold weapons which he claimed were supposed to arm the rebels in Libya during Hillary Clinton’s aggressive intervention in that volatile Middle Eastern country.

Arms dealer Marc Turi’s lawyers signed the deal to avoid an illegal arms dealing trial, which could have further blown the lid off the U.S. government’s alleged weapons-running operation. Many of the weapons, experts say, were diverted to jihadist insurgents in the Middle East during the so-called “Arab Spring” uprisings."

** The 'All-In For Hillary' and Obama-protecting media calls their Un-Sanctioned WAR in Libya to help Al Qaeida, by-passing Congress to do so, an 'AGGRESIVE INTERVENTION'.

This is NOT the 1st time the Obama administration has been caught illegally running weapons to this nation's enemies - his administration was caught in his 1st year as President handing over thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, a disastrous operation that resulted in over 500 people being murdered, to include 4 Americans.
(President Obama is still defying court orders to release 'Fast and Furious' documents, attempting to run the clock out on the 7 1/2 year old criminal scandal. His AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of Perjury before Congress in an attempt to keep the crime/incident covered-up. President Obama protected him from prosecution; however, a unanimous Congressional vote was made to Censure Holder, making him the only US Attorney General in US History to be Censured.)

"Turi has been willing to publicly talk about the weapons-running scheme, saying, “When this equipment landed in Libya, half went one way, and the half went the other way. The half that went the other way is the half that ended up in Syria.”

The gun-running to Syria from Libya was the ONLY reason Ambassador Stephens and his American staff were in Benghazi...and the only reason Hillary and Barry refused to order them out before the attack on 9/11/12:

"Blackwater founder Erik Prince told Breitbart News that the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was being used as part of the weapons-dealing plot."

"It’s absolutely what they were doing,” Prince said of the reported scheme to buy back American weapons from Libyan jihadist groups and divert them, through the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, to rebel groups in Syria. “They were trying to buy back weapons and in particular [shoulder-fired missiles] MANPADS to push to the so-called Syrian rebels,” he said."

Not only did Hillary and Barry by-pass Congress to engage in their own private, Un-Sanctioned WAR to help Al Qaeida in Libya, they were trying to buy back some of the U.S. weapons they allowed to be stolen by Al Qaeida during their WAR and send them to ISIS in Syria!

...And to prevent a trial that would blow the lid off all of this, create an event the 'All-In' Clinton-supporting and Obama-protecting media could NOT ignore, Barry just bought this guy's silence by dropping all criminal charges against him!


Obama's Deputies Drop Criminal Charges Against Hillary Clinton-Linked Arms Dealer in Libya - Breitbart

Obama DOJ drops charges against alleged broker of Libyan weapons
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remember benghazi. this is the four year anniversary of the obama reelection cover up.
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The level of corruption in this administration is enormous....but many D voters are fine with it.

We have a lawless president, a worthless opposing party, and a D nominee who is the epitome of corruption, lies, and elitism.

Oh well...f**k it. Libs don't care, why should I?
(...more silence from the Obama/Hillary ass-kissers...)
Breaking the law will not be punished if it might expose Hillary and Barack corruption. :banana:
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Hillary and Barack are above the law and apparently many Americans are cool with it.
Breaking the law is OK if it might expose Hillary and Barack corruption. :banana:

it is not clear to me that Barak is "CORRUPT"---((-doesn't corrupt mean stuff like he takes bribes and engages in nepotism and stuff like that??)) Barak just seems to me to be very accepting of the agendas of the muslim brotherhood and the Shiite gang--
BOTH at the same time. Hillary seem to be both corrupt AND
into muslim brotherhood and Shiite gang
Barak just seems to me to be very accepting of the agendas of the muslim brotherhood and the Shiite gang--
BOTH at the same time. Hillary seem to be both corrupt AND into muslim brotherhood and Shiite gang
That's one way to say Barry and Hillary treasonously aided and abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and even used our own military to the benefit of the world's worst terrorists while needlessly sacrificing American lives to do so.
Barak just seems to me to be very accepting of the agendas of the muslim brotherhood and the Shiite gang--
BOTH at the same time. Hillary seem to be both corrupt AND into muslim brotherhood and Shiite gang
That's one way to say Barry and Hillary treasonously aided and abetted, financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and even used our own military to the benefit of the world's worst terrorists while needlessly sacrificing American lives to do so.

well......that's how it looks to me-------but my opinion is tainted
by my last name (very jewish) Not all people dislike the
muslim brotherhood and the present Iranian fascist goose-steppers. Keep in mind----Hillary said that islam has nothing
to do with terrorism
Not 1 Liberal is going to try to defend Barry...or Hillary ... on this one?

Silence is their admission that Barry and Hillary aided and abetted terrorists, ran weapons to terrorists, and got 4 Americans needlessly murdered!
Another media source catches on to the story and begins covering it......

COINCIDENCE? Feds drop case against arms dealer who threatened to implicate Hillary on Libya dealings

"An arms dealer who had threatened to reveal potantially damaging information about Hillary Clinton's alleged role in arming Islamist militants until federal prosecutors abruptly dropped their case against him Tuesday"

"Turi provided documents and email exchanges he had with high-level members of Congress as well as military, and State Department employees to back up his claim that the Obama administration authorized in 2011, at the height of the Arab Spring, a covert weapons program that spun out of control."

"Turi told Fox he never supplied any weapons to Qatar, and it was in the hands of the U.S. government and the State Department's Bureau of Political and Military Affairs which was headed by a key Clinton aide, Andrew Shapiro. Shapiro was responsible to oversee the export control process at the State Department."

“They don’t want this stuff to come out because it will look really bad for Obama and Clinton just before the election,” an associate of Turi told Politico, claiming that information sought by Turi’s team would show Clinton’s own role in arming Libyan rebels fighting former strongman Col. Muammar Qaddafi while she was secretary of state."

"Turi adviser Robert Stryk accused prosecutors of bringing the case against Turi in order to cover up Clinton’s mishandling of Libya. Clinton was secretary of state on Sept. 11, 2012, when jihadists mounted an attack on two American facilities in Benghazi, killing four Americans including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

The attack came just weeks before President Obama stood for re-election against Mitt Romney, and the administration initially – and falsely - claimed it was a spontaneous event triggered by an obscure anti-islam video. It later became evident that it was a coordinated terror attack by extremists linked to al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia."

"Turi believes he was being blamed for a program that went off the rails, much as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, whose Internet film, “The Innocence of Muslims,” was initially blamed for the Benghazi attack."

Doj Abruptly Drops Case Against Arms Dealer Who Threatened To Reveal Clinton's Libya Dealings
So Barry released the man he called 'the mastermind behind the Benghazi attack' - no trial, letting him disappear in the wind, guaranteeing he'll never talk and expose Barry and Hillary's lies.

Now Barry drops charges against the guy he and Hillary used to run guns out of Benghazi to ISIS in Syria in order to silence HIM!

What a treasonous criminal!

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