Obama Drags Sasha And Malia Into Gay Marriage. They Can Be Publicly Ridiculed Now

Most of you are probably too young to remember the shit the right gave a 11 year Amy Carter for reading a book at the dinner table at a state affair.

The right NEVER stays off the kids of dem presidents.

Unless they attack them and it hurts them in return

I voted for Carter, I loved Amy...........I don't remember what the heck you are talking about or are you making crap up again??

Yes it happened Ill go find a clip on it
You went after Amy , you went after Chelsea and have NO doubt the right will go after these two young kids.

they just dont have the morals to stay away

Guess you are right.... you guys on the left didnt go after Jenna and Barbara Bush :eusa_whistle:

Oh I guess two wrongs make a right now.

so what you're saying is you'd like to be free to do it,, and you know it's fucking wrong to do it,, but because it's wrong it shouldn't be done back to you.. is that about right you ignorant putz?

I never did any such thing. I am asking you if two wrongs make a right?

Okay,, her'es your once in a lifetime opportunity.. Call out the liberals for attacking the Palin children.. It's never too late to apologize.. I'll wait.
Most of you are probably too young to remember the shit the right gave a 11 year Amy Carter for reading a book at the dinner table at a state affair.

The right NEVER stays off the kids of dem presidents.

Unless they attack them and it hurts them in return

I voted for Carter, I loved Amy...........I don't remember what the heck you are talking about or are you making crap up again??

Yes it happened Ill go find a clip on it

Amy Carter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carter did not receive the "hands off" treatment that the media later afforded to Chelsea Clinton.[6] President Carter mentioned his daughter during a 1980 debate with Ronald Reagan, when he said he had asked her what the most important issue in that election was and she said, "the control of nuclear arms". Once, when asked whether she had any message for the children of America, Amy replied with a simple "No".[7] Further controversy resulted when Carter was seen reading a book during a state dinner at the White House, which was seen as offensive to foreign guests.[6]
so what you're saying is you'd like to be free to do it,, and you know it's fucking wrong to do it,, but because it's wrong it shouldn't be done back to you.. is that about right you ignorant putz?

I never did any such thing. I am asking you if two wrongs make a right?

Okay,, her'es your once in a lifetime opportunity.. Call out the liberals for attacking the Palin children.. It's never too late to apologize.. I'll wait.

Palin was NEVER voted into the white house.

vetting is not the same as having some respect for the Office and underaged kids
Sorry TM, it says the "Media" went after Amy Carter, not the right. And perhaps not using good manners at dinner was a slip up. My children weren't allowed to bring a book to the table..........oh the shame of the left leaning press.

BTW, you realize Fox News didn't exist then, right.
Palins kids brought attention to themselves by getting pregnant right in the middle of a primary election.
I never did any such thing. I am asking you if two wrongs make a right?

Okay,, her'es your once in a lifetime opportunity.. Call out the liberals for attacking the Palin children.. It's never too late to apologize.. I'll wait.

Palin was NEVER voted into the white house.

vetting is not the same as having some respect for the Office and underaged kids

Palins kids brought attention to themselves by getting pregnant right in the middle of a primary election.

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I voted for Carter, I loved Amy...........I don't remember what the heck you are talking about or are you making crap up again??

Yes it happened Ill go find a clip on it

Amy Carter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carter did not receive the "hands off" treatment that the media later afforded to Chelsea Clinton.[6] President Carter mentioned his daughter during a 1980 debate with Ronald Reagan, when he said he had asked her what the most important issue in that election was and she said, "the control of nuclear arms". Once, when asked whether she had any message for the children of America, Amy replied with a simple "No".[7] Further controversy resulted when Carter was seen reading a book during a state dinner at the White House, which was seen as offensive to foreign guests.[6]

Alrighty there ya go, in lock step with TM. The press went after Amy Carter, not the "right". She was using very bad manners at a formal dinner, and that was pointed out.

Like I told TM, Fox News didn't exist when Carter was in office. :)
Not when they are used in a public format for political gain as Obama did here.

Always off limits. Period
I have to disagree. They should be open to scrutiny as Palins young teenagers were back in the 08 election. Their lifestyle, morals and values should be publicly exposed. They are public figures and Obama drug them into a highly contested public national situation. It's no different than when Jimmy Carter named his daughter Amy for influencing his decision on Nuclear Proliferation in a national debate.

Obama Exposer

Bristol was not a young teen. And Obama himself said the Palin children should be off-limits.

Obama to Media, Politicos on Palin Pregnancy Story: ‘Back Off!’ - ABC News

At a brief press availability in Monroe, Mich., ABC News asked Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., if he had any response to Gov. Sarah Palin’s statement that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter Bristol is pregnant.

"Let me be a clear as possible: I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people’s families are off limits," Obama said, "and people’s children are especially off limits.

"This shouldn’t be part of our politics," he continued, "It has no relevance to Gov. Palin’s performance as governor, or her potential performance as a vice president.

"And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories," he said. "You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and, you know, teenage children, that shouldn’t be the topic of our politics and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that’s off limits."
So what's the "excuse" for Willow and Trig?? Are you suggesting they were fair game since Bristol got pregnant?

And the fact that once they started attacking Bristol, it went on to all the rest of the kids, and it went on and on and on and they kept digging deeper to find crap on the kids. There's NO excuse for that...........
"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno." - John McCain, 1998
The right has not treated a dem kid in the white house without distain since Kenendy

If it were the current Republicans, they would have ripped John John a new one every day. And let's not even go there about what they would have done to Carolyn.
Always off limits. Period
I have to disagree. They should be open to scrutiny as Palins young teenagers were back in the 08 election. Their lifestyle, morals and values should be publicly exposed. They are public figures and Obama drug them into a highly contested public national situation. It's no different than when Jimmy Carter named his daughter Amy for influencing his decision on Nuclear Proliferation in a national debate.

Obama Exposer

Bristol was not a young teen. And Obama himself said the Palin children should be off-limits.

Obama to Media, Politicos on Palin Pregnancy Story: ‘Back Off!’ - ABC News

At a brief press availability in Monroe, Mich., ABC News asked Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., if he had any response to Gov. Sarah Palin’s statement that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter Bristol is pregnant.

"Let me be a clear as possible: I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people’s families are off limits," Obama said, "and people’s children are especially off limits.

"This shouldn’t be part of our politics," he continued, "It has no relevance to Gov. Palin’s performance as governor, or her potential performance as a vice president.

"And so I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories," he said. "You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and, you know, teenage children, that shouldn’t be the topic of our politics and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that’s off limits."

As the liberal attacks increased on Trig, Willow and Bristol,as the campaign went on, he sure didn't step up and put more effort into telling them to stop did he?

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