Obama Election Explained- 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth

LMAO--- Liberals no doubt. :lol:

This explains some of the reasons Obama was elected twice



A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation.

The survey of 2,200 people in the United States was conducted by the NSF in 2012 and released on Friday at an annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicago.

To the question "Does the Earth go around the Sun, or does the Sun go around the Earth," 26 percent of those surveyed answered incorrectly

Read the rest here: 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says : The Two-Way : NPR

I do not believe this survey

Note how much it is in the interests of The American association for the advancement of science to suggest that Americans need more science education?

I haven't seen the survey but I simply cannot believe this is on the up and up.

Ask yourself if you know even one person this ignorant.

My guess is you do not.

My guess is no one you know knows anyone this ignorant either.

One out of four Americans?

This is bullshit!


Well of course you do.


Do YOU PERSONALLY know even one person who thinks this, Geaux?

I'd bet serious money you don't.

But it tickles your fancy to think that people are this stupid, doesn't it?

That's sort of a pathetic conceit, lad.
The scariest words in the English language: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you".

All across the first world you can find countries that have had socialised health care for years and it has worked in tandem with a private healthcare service if you wish to utilize it. I genuinely do not undersand why it is fine for them and works yet there is such a ridgid detest for something that is designed to help the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.

Because this is America and greed it King. It's American to profit off of someone else's suffering. Didn't you know?

I think that is quite a cynical way of thinking even if there may be a small note of truth in it.
The scariest words in the English language: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you".

All across the first world you can find countries that have had socialised health care for years and it has worked in tandem with a private healthcare service if you wish to utilize it. I genuinely do not undersand why it is fine for them and works yet there is such a ridgid detest for something that is designed to help the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.

Because this is America and greed it King. It's American to profit off of someone else's suffering. Didn't you know?

Is that why poor people in the united states drive new cars and have fat kids?
All across the first world you can find countries that have had socialised health care for years and it has worked in tandem with a private healthcare service if you wish to utilize it. I genuinely do not undersand why it is fine for them and works yet there is such a ridgid detest for something that is designed to help the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.

Because this is America and greed it King. It's American to profit off of someone else's suffering. Didn't you know?

Is that why poor people in the united states drive new cars and have fat kids?

They don't, but keep pushing the "our poor aren't poor" meme. It should serve you as well as the 47% did.
All across the first world you can find countries that have had socialised health care for years and it has worked in tandem with a private healthcare service if you wish to utilize it. I genuinely do not undersand why it is fine for them and works yet there is such a ridgid detest for something that is designed to help the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.
...at the expense of everyone else. The extreme poor have Medicaid or the hospitals write the bill off or more likely pass it along in the billing. The are a number of reasons it's so expensive here, lawsuits are a primary driver. Hospitals have to practice legal defense above all else. The red tape and paperwork for government assistence is very high compared to other countries. The answer for more government is like gas on a fire.

I grew up a military dependant and worked at a VA hospital. I've had government care and yes, it will be government care when they micro-manage procedures for private companies.

Most people did not want ObamaCare and I don't think the number has improved exactly. That's my primary objection, it's a major life decision that was taken away from the people and decided by a minority. That is not how it's supposed to work in a democratic republic.
All across the first world you can find countries that have had socialised health care for years and it has worked in tandem with a private healthcare service if you wish to utilize it. I genuinely do not undersand why it is fine for them and works yet there is such a ridgid detest for something that is designed to help the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.
...at the expense of everyone else. The extreme poor have Medicaid or the hospitals write the bill off or more likely pass it along in the billing. The are a number of reasons it's so expensive here, lawsuits are a primary driver. Hospitals have to practice legal defense above all else. The red tape and paperwork for government assistence is very high compared to other countries. The answer for more government is like gas on a fire.

I grew up a military dependant and worked at a VA hospital. I've had government care and yes, it will be government care when they micro-manage procedures for private companies.

Most people did not want ObamaCare and I don't think the number has improved exactly. That's my primary objection, it's a major life decision that was taken away from the people and decided by a minority. That is not how it's supposed to work in a democratic republic.

Lawsuites huh? You think lawsuits are the reason that Americans are priced out of healthcare? Let me guess, the solution is...TORT REFORM right?

Are you aware that in states that have enacted Tort Reform, the price of healthcare delivery has not changed one iota?

A "major life decision" was not taken away from you. You can't decide whether or not you want healthcare insurance because if you "choose" not to pay for insurance, the taxpayer picks up your bill at the Emergency Room in the most expensive and ineffective way imaginable.
All across the first world you can find countries that have had socialised health care for years and it has worked in tandem with a private healthcare service if you wish to utilize it. I genuinely do not undersand why it is fine for them and works yet there is such a ridgid detest for something that is designed to help the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.

Because this is America and greed it King. It's American to profit off of someone else's suffering. Didn't you know?

Is that why poor people in the united states drive new cars and have fat kids?

Not to mention gold chains and cellphones.
LOL. It is the right that has politisized science.
Idiocy like trying to prosecute Mann for publishing the Hockey Stick Graph. And then that GOP stalwart ran for governor in Virginia. And look at the spew of nonsense about Dr. James Hansen, pretty acknowledged as the worlds leading atmospheric physicist. Yet the right wing writes lies about him 24/7.
Hansen isn't God. The fact that many on the right object to the political nature of global warming doesn't that they are responsible for polarisation. Dissagreement with the left is not treason.
You want respect concerning science affecting policy, you first get the science right. The right wing of the GOP has spewed the most idiotic crap concerning science I have ever seen in politics. And, at present, it is that wing that is calling the tune for the GOP on this issue.
At present, the left wing loons run the Democrat party. Their allies in various science fields want/need funding so I'm always skeptical, as should we all be. If you don't think the left has politicized science then you are part of the problem.
LMAO--- Liberals no doubt. :lol:

This explains some of the reasons Obama was elected twice



A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation.

The survey of 2,200 people in the United States was conducted by the NSF in 2012 and released on Friday at an annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicago.

To the question "Does the Earth go around the Sun, or does the Sun go around the Earth," 26 percent of those surveyed answered incorrectly

Read the rest here: 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says : The Two-Way : NPR

Bout the only thing I member about science class was Al Gors movie bout global werming.

It upset me so much I dern near walk to werk every day.

Course, it was not as good as the movie "Heather has two mommies" that we watched in social studies. It was so good I had to take a cold shower when I got hom.
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This video thoroughly exposes the liberal mentality. They're simply sheeple who believe EVERYTHING CNN or CBS tells them:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm1KOBMg1Y8]How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters - YouTube[/ame]
well there is that, our country has become Politically dumb

When a man like Obama can dupe so many we should all be very frikken afraid for our survival and freedoms

Not knowing that the Sun does not rotate around liberals doesn't really effect people's lives. What is important is to see that the last 7 of democrat rule has been a disaster.

It isn't liberals that think this..

Neither is it Liberals that think the world was created in 6 days and is 5000 years old.

Neither is it Liberals that think that the universe was created by an all powerful being with absolutely nothing better to do than view each and every schlub on the Planet Earth with a magical microscope.

Neither is it Liberals that believe you can dump tons of crap into the air and water and have no impact on the environment.

Neither is it Liberals that think a kook named Noah was able to build a ship big enough to house thousands of Animals and keep them alive for year because the entire world was covered in water.

That would be conservatives.
well there is that, our country has become Politically dumb

When a man like Obama can dupe so many we should all be very frikken afraid for our survival and freedoms

Not knowing that the Sun does not rotate around liberals doesn't really effect people's lives. What is important is to see that the last 7 of democrat rule has been a disaster.

It isn't liberals that think this..

Neither is it Liberals that think the world was created in 6 days and is 5000 years old.

Neither is it Liberals that think that the universe was created by an all powerful being with absolutely nothing better to do than view each and every schlub on the Planet Earth with a magical microscope.

Neither is it Liberals that believe you can dump tons of crap into the air and water and have no impact on the environment.

Neither is it Liberals that think a kook named Noah was able to build a ship big enough to house thousands of Animals and keep them alive for year because the entire world was covered in water.

That would be conservatives.

You tell'em swoller!!

Last thing I want is for rite wingers to tell me bout the Bible and try to teach kids rite from wrong and such. Keep morality to yourselves. Kids just need to be taught about global warming and how to have gay sex. Geesh, it's like livin in Sadia Rabia or somth'in.
I knowed who I blame bout people think'in the sun orbits the earth. My pappy learned me about Galileo. He told me right wingers tried to convince us that the sun orbits the earth.

So ther ya go!! We are still suffer'in from religion.

Of coorse, my teacher in public skool did not seem to knowed much at all bout Galileo, so I'm not sure if I'm rite bout all this.
Not knowing that the Sun does not rotate around liberals doesn't really effect people's lives. What is important is to see that the last 7 of democrat rule has been a disaster.

It isn't liberals that think this..

Neither is it Liberals that think the world was created in 6 days and is 5000 years old.

Neither is it Liberals that think that the universe was created by an all powerful being with absolutely nothing better to do than view each and every schlub on the Planet Earth with a magical microscope.

Neither is it Liberals that believe you can dump tons of crap into the air and water and have no impact on the environment.

Neither is it Liberals that think a kook named Noah was able to build a ship big enough to house thousands of Animals and keep them alive for year because the entire world was covered in water.

That would be conservatives.

You tell'em swoller!!

Last thing I want is for rite wingers to tell me bout the Bible and try to teach kids rite from wrong and such. Keep morality to yourselves. Kids just need to be taught about global warming and how to have gay sex. Geesh, it's like livin in Sadia Rabia or somth'in.

Please guy.

Like religion, your sexual preferences should be kept to yourself.

So keep your dicksucking antics where they belong.

Between you and your boyfriend behind closed doors.
Obama Election Explained- 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth

No, Barry won because the Republicans thought that they could beat him with a guy who wears magic underwear.

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