Obama Election Explained- 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth

One in two Americans don't believe in evolution

Talk about low information voters......guess which party they vote for

Do I believe in Creation = Yes
Do I believe in Evolution? = Yes
How old is the Universe? = about 14 billion years
How old is the Earth? = about 4 billion
Is there a Creator, a God? = Yes
Am I a Christian = yes, by my own definition, not yours!

Where does that put me in your "one in two" statement?

Hey Natstew: if I agree with you (which I do)
does that make "two out of two Americans"?

Yes it does, in our unbiased, bi-partisan, fair and balanced poll!:clap2:
Do I believe in Creation = Yes
Do I believe in Evolution? = Yes
How old is the Universe? = about 14 billion years
How old is the Earth? = about 4 billion
Is there a Creator, a God? = Yes
Am I a Christian = yes, by my own definition, not yours!

Where does that put me in your "one in two" statement?

Hey Natstew: if I agree with you (which I do)
does that make "two out of two Americans"?

Yes it does, in our unbiased, bi-partisan, fair and balanced poll!:clap2:

Wow I'm glad that evolution/creation debate is settled with YES and YES.

Now let's discuss whether Bush was the Great Satan or Obama is the Antichrist....
Hi Iceweasel and Sallow:
If you look at ACA like prochoice or prolife policies,
does it matter if 53% want X and 47% want Y?

The prolife voters still want prolife policies 100%.
The prochoice voters still want prochoice policies 100%?

Why compromise at 53 vs. 47
Why not give all voters equal freedom to choose and fund what
they want at 100% each?

Isn't that more constitutional and ethical to protect people's views equally at 100% across the board.
Rather than compromise religious freedom with only 50% represented at most.

Baked into those "against" numbers are people that wanted single payer.

And it looks like when you break down the numbers on repealing? They are like 53% against, 33% for.

It's disingenuous to use these numbers unless you point that out.
It's disengenous to post numbers as facts with no support. I said I heard about 70% were against it. Which is true. Those wanting single payer would be included in the for camp so you aren't making sense.
And Obama's "lie" was no lie.

Unfortunately he made a claim that the insurance companies had no compulsion to adhere too.
Try this in smaller pieces. If he made a statement without knowing or caring about the final outcome, he was lying. For votes. Secondly, insurance companies CAN'T give you the same policy since so much else was mandated by law into the policies. To say Obama didn't know that could be a factor is beyond credulity.
And after the law went into effect, they sold a bunch of policies they knew they would have to cancel. They also knew they could blame it on ObamaCare.

Why this isn't the REAL issue is beyond me.

Oh wait, it isn't.

You folks just hate everything this President does.
You need to back up your claim they sold bundled policies. Who would have bought them that didn't know the ACA was coming? I don't hate Obama, I knew what he was and he has proven true to form. I have no respect for those that gave him power and continue to support him though.
one in two americans don't believe in evolution

talk about low information voters......guess which party they vote for

do i believe in creation = yes
do i believe in evolution? = yes
how old is the universe? = about 14 billion years
how old is the earth? = about 4 billion
is there a creator, a god? = yes
am i a christian = yes, by my own definition, not yours!

Where does that put me in your "one in two" statement?

NO bible for YOU!!!!!!!

I read the Bible (Book of Books), I find it the most amazing book ever written. The earliest record of Mankind's spiritual experience, strength, and hope. I am especially attracted to the 'Old Testament'.
Two things I am sure of:
1. There is a Creator God
2. It's not me
At present, it is the GOP that presents the anti-science stance, and caters to the willfully ignorant. And, yes, that does partially explain why President Obama won. You see, there are a lot of us that do know a good deal of science, and recognize when a political party has sold it's soul to the energy companies. It is the whole party, not just Inhofe.

At present a bunch of Liberals think they look smart when they talk about the GOP's stance and intelligence ... While at the same time peddling more welfare and minimum wage to their own voters.
President Obama sold his soul and the American taxpayer to the Green Energy companies ... And ended up wasting everybody's money.

Hi Iceweasel and Sallow:
If you look at ACA like prochoice or prolife policies,
does it matter if 53% want X and 47% want Y?

The prolife voters still want prolife policies 100%.
The prochoice voters still want prochoice policies 100%?

Why compromise at 53 vs. 47
Why not give all voters equal freedom to choose and fund what
they want at 100% each?
That's what people were told. Why do the percentages matter? They don't if people have no say. In a democracy it matters a great deal.
Baked into those "against" numbers are people that wanted single payer.

And it looks like when you break down the numbers on repealing? They are like 53% against, 33% for.

It's disingenuous to use these numbers unless you point that out.
It's disengenous to post numbers as facts with no support. I said I heard about 70% were against it. Which is true. Those wanting single payer would be included in the for camp so you aren't making sense.
And Obama's "lie" was no lie.

Unfortunately he made a claim that the insurance companies had no compulsion to adhere too.
Try this in smaller pieces. If he made a statement without knowing or caring about the final outcome, he was lying. For votes. Secondly, insurance companies CAN'T give you the same policy since so much else was mandated by law into the policies. To say Obama didn't know that could be a factor is beyond credulity.
And after the law went into effect, they sold a bunch of policies they knew they would have to cancel. They also knew they could blame it on ObamaCare.

Why this isn't the REAL issue is beyond me.

Oh wait, it isn't.

You folks just hate everything this President does.
You need to back up your claim they sold bundled policies. Who would have bought them that didn't know the ACA was coming? I don't hate Obama, I knew what he was and he has proven true to form. I have no respect for those that gave him power and continue to support him though.

Stop the press, a politician made an exaggerated claim to get votes.

Here's another newsflash for ya, "Jeep has not moved all it's production to China".
Hi Iceweasel and Sallow:
If you look at ACA like prochoice or prolife policies,
does it matter if 53% want X and 47% want Y?

The prolife voters still want prolife policies 100%.
The prochoice voters still want prochoice policies 100%?

Why compromise at 53 vs. 47
Why not give all voters equal freedom to choose and fund what
they want at 100% each?
That's what people were told. Why do the percentages matter? They don't if people have no say. In a democracy it matters a great deal.

People's religious freedom should not depend on getting a majority vote to defend it.

My point is that majority rule should never be abused to impose
policies that one group believes in over the beliefs of others.

It doesn't matter if it is 53% or 75%, if 25% have a different religious
view that should be respected and not discriminated against by laws or fines as with ACA.

if these 25% AGREE to majority rule policy that's fine

But from the conservative BELIEFS in free market health care, Constitutional due process where changes to federal power require an Amendment, tax revenue bills require a different process through Congress, and health care belongs to people to decide on state levels by voting DIRECTLY on legislation (not going through Congress where they can't)

I have found NONE willing to compromise their beliefs on these points.

So that's where I recognize religious freedom trumps any abuse of majority rule
or political force and coercion to impose an opposing faith-based policy through govt.

Since ACA is not proven to work, represent the people paying for it, so there is no taxation without representation and no involuntary servitude being forced to pay for "private insurance" against one's free choice,

it remains FAITH BASED. so it is being pushed politically by people who believe in it. that is the same as religious imposition, but using political policy, language and force of law.

it is still a religiously held and bias ideology, forced onto people who clearly dissent and believe otherwise, but suffer under this majority rule policy and ability of judges to impose a ruling without their consent as well. if this was more clearly labeled a religious group such as Muslims, Hindus Christians or even Atheists pushing an agenda, people would see it is religious. but it is masked in politics, people are conditioned to accept majority rule.

in practice it is like prolife advocates pushing a bill against the beliefs and consent of prochoice, which is normally argued against for similar reasons. why not here?
People's religious freedom should not depend on getting a majority vote to defend it.
True. And it's a Constitutionally protected right.
My point is that majority rule should never be abused to impose
policies that one group believes in over the beliefs of others.

It doesn't matter if it is 53% or 75%, if 25% have a different religious
view that should be respected and not discriminated against by laws or fines as with ACA.

if these 25% AGREE to majority rule policy that's fine
What does the ACA have to do with religion? Not that I rule anything out, God alone knows what all is in there.
But from the conservative BELIEFS in free market health care, Constitutional due process where changes to federal power require an Amendment, tax revenue bills require a different process through Congress, and health care belongs to people to decide on state levels by voting DIRECTLY on legislation (not going through Congress where they can't)

I have found NONE willing to compromise their beliefs on these points.
Unfortunately, the Supremes ruled it legal, as a tax. Although the story line was that it was not a tax. Many don't agree but that's what happens when judges have too much power.
So that's where I recognize religious freedom trumps any abuse of majority rule
or political force and coercion to impose an opposing faith-based policy through govt.

Since ACA is not proven to work, represent the people paying for it, so there is no taxation without representation and no involuntary servitude being forced to pay for "private insurance" against one's free choice,

it remains FAITH BASED. so it is being pushed politically by people who believe in it. that is the same as religious imposition, but using political policy, language and force of law.

it is still a religiously held and bias ideology, forced onto people who clearly dissent and believe otherwise, but suffer under this majority rule policy and ability of judges to impose a ruling without their consent as well. if this was more clearly labeled a religious group such as Muslims, Hindus Christians or even Atheists pushing an agenda, people would see it is religious. but it is masked in politics, people are conditioned to accept majority rule.

in practice it is like prolife advocates pushing a bill against the beliefs and consent of prochoice, which is normally argued against for similar reasons. why not here?
Well, you lost me, but most Constitutional experts say Roe v. Wade was bad law as well. There was no basis for it and it should have been a state issue. Which is the answer to your question I suppose. We have 50 laboratories where this could be carried out. You don't like it, move or get the law changed. Instead, the whole nation is the lab.
People living in government housing pumping out babies and living on food stamps. In other words, Obama supporters.
This GOP congressman speaks for many on the Right.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXR96_uFYwY]Republican congressman dismisses evolution as 'lies straight from the pit of hell'. - YouTube[/ame]

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