Obama Election Explained- 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth

It isn't liberals that think this..

Neither is it Liberals that think the world was created in 6 days and is 5000 years old.

Neither is it Liberals that think that the universe was created by an all powerful being with absolutely nothing better to do than view each and every schlub on the Planet Earth with a magical microscope.

Neither is it Liberals that believe you can dump tons of crap into the air and water and have no impact on the environment.

Neither is it Liberals that think a kook named Noah was able to build a ship big enough to house thousands of Animals and keep them alive for year because the entire world was covered in water.

That would be conservatives.

You tell'em swoller!!

Last thing I want is for rite wingers to tell me bout the Bible and try to teach kids rite from wrong and such. Keep morality to yourselves. Kids just need to be taught about global warming and how to have gay sex. Geesh, it's like livin in Sadia Rabia or somth'in.

Please guy.

Like religion, your sexual preferences should be kept to yourself.

So keep your dicksucking antics where they belong.

Between you and your boyfriend behind closed doors.

But I thought we were suppos'in to come out of the closet and such? Maybe Michelle will call us up and pat us on the back for it.

Say, are your one of those phobic Obama hat'in types or somth'in?
All across the first world you can find countries that have had socialised health care for years and it has worked in tandem with a private healthcare service if you wish to utilize it. I genuinely do not undersand why it is fine for them and works yet there is such a ridgid detest for something that is designed to help the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.
...at the expense of everyone else. The extreme poor have Medicaid or the hospitals write the bill off or more likely pass it along in the billing. The are a number of reasons it's so expensive here, lawsuits are a primary driver. Hospitals have to practice legal defense above all else. The red tape and paperwork for government assistence is very high compared to other countries. The answer for more government is like gas on a fire.

I grew up a military dependant and worked at a VA hospital. I've had government care and yes, it will be government care when they micro-manage procedures for private companies.

Most people did not want ObamaCare and I don't think the number has improved exactly. That's my primary objection, it's a major life decision that was taken away from the people and decided by a minority. That is not how it's supposed to work in a democratic republic.

Yes, but justifiably at the expense of everybody else I would argue, unless spending were to be cut elsewhere and then it would not necessarily be at the expense of anyone. As far as I can see the 2 massive overspends in the US are Military and Prisons. Perhaps not locking up such a large proportion of the population and not having 17 aircraft carriers when the most any other country has is 2 or 3. Massive oversimplifications I grant you but a huge amount of new government spending doesn't have to be at the expense of everybody if structured correctly.

I honestly have no idea how many people are for and against a national universal healthcare provision but I'd guess a president who is has declared for one and then is returned in office probably has as good a public mandate as anyone in politics is going to have for such a big project.

On a side note and not trying to be obsequious but thanks for actually coming out with the first seriously valid criticism of universal healthcare anybody has bothered to give me. I've had everything from rumours of British NHS "death panals" to suggestions that people will be more reckless doing dangerous jobs "knowing the state will pick up their medical bills" in the past. :tongue:
You tell'em swoller!!

Last thing I want is for rite wingers to tell me bout the Bible and try to teach kids rite from wrong and such. Keep morality to yourselves. Kids just need to be taught about global warming and how to have gay sex. Geesh, it's like livin in Sadia Rabia or somth'in.

Please guy.

Like religion, your sexual preferences should be kept to yourself.

So keep your dicksucking antics where they belong.

Between you and your boyfriend behind closed doors.

But I thought we were suppos'in to come out of the closet and such? Maybe Michelle will call us up and pat us on the back for it.

Say, are your one of those phobic Obama hat'in types or somth'in?

Phobic, what?

What is it with you queers?

Dude. Seriously. I don't care nor am I afraid of what you do in private.

But it's not my bag.

And there's no reason you got to advertise it every chance you get.
Maybe if I learned to be a great college football player or NBA super star you'd be proud of me Swoller.
Please guy.

Like religion, your sexual preferences should be kept to yourself.

So keep your dicksucking antics where they belong.

Between you and your boyfriend behind closed doors.

But I thought we were suppos'in to come out of the closet and such? Maybe Michelle will call us up and pat us on the back for it.

Say, are your one of those phobic Obama hat'in types or somth'in?

Phobic, what?

What is it with you queers?

Dude. Seriously. I don't care nor am I afraid of what you do in private.

But it's not my bag.

And there's no reason you got to advertise it every chance you get.

Gay folks are meant to be between 2-4% of the population. Think about how many people at your school percentage-wise would have been gay. Cos At my school that is a lot and I can't think of one who ever came out. Just because a few people shove their sexuality in your face don't talk about them like they all do, my guess is they're just like sports fans, some wave flags in the street and shout about their team, others just watch them at home with the blinds closed a cold beer.
But I thought we were suppos'in to come out of the closet and such? Maybe Michelle will call us up and pat us on the back for it.

Say, are your one of those phobic Obama hat'in types or somth'in?

Phobic, what?

What is it with you queers?

Dude. Seriously. I don't care nor am I afraid of what you do in private.

But it's not my bag.

And there's no reason you got to advertise it every chance you get.

Gay folks are meant to be between 2-4% of the population. Think about how many people at your school percentage-wise would have been gay. Cos At my school that is a lot and I can't think of one who ever came out. Just because a few people shove their sexuality in your face don't talk about them like they all do, my guess is they're just like sports fans, some wave flags in the street and shout about their team, others just watch them at home with the blinds closed a cold beer.

But I thought gay folk was suppose to be selebrated, just like Michelle and Barry congradulates gay folk for com'in out.

That is, unless they like Jeffery Dahmer or somth'in. Then we just ignor'em I reckon.
I honestly have no idea how many people are for and against a national universal healthcare provision but I'd guess a president who is has declared for one and then is returned in office probably has as good a public mandate as anyone in politics is going to have for such a big project.
The figures I saw was around 70 percent against ObamaCare. Yes, he was re-elected, but America was lied to. They were told they could keep their plans if they preferred. Those on the right hollered that it wasn't possible but most of the news media couldn't be bothered. As it is now portions of it are being pushed back beyond upcoming elections for the same reasons.
I honestly have no idea how many people are for and against a national universal healthcare provision but I'd guess a president who is has declared for one and then is returned in office probably has as good a public mandate as anyone in politics is going to have for such a big project.
The figures I saw was around 70 percent against ObamaCare. Yes, he was re-elected, but America was lied to. They were told they could keep their plans if they preferred. Those on the right hollered that it wasn't possible but most of the news media couldn't be bothered. As it is now portions of it are being pushed back beyond upcoming elections for the same reasons.

He had me beliv'in it. I thought for sure that Obamer could cover millions more and keep my premiums down at the same time.

Gosh dern it!! I blame the GOP obstructionists, not Obamer.
I honestly have no idea how many people are for and against a national universal healthcare provision but I'd guess a president who is has declared for one and then is returned in office probably has as good a public mandate as anyone in politics is going to have for such a big project.
The figures I saw was around 70 percent against ObamaCare. Yes, he was re-elected, but America was lied to. They were told they could keep their plans if they preferred. Those on the right hollered that it wasn't possible but most of the news media couldn't be bothered. As it is now portions of it are being pushed back beyond upcoming elections for the same reasons.

If 70% were SO opposed to it that they were prepared to vote against the man who was going to bring it in then it would never have come this far, that the reality of modern democracy. If you have a public vote on every little thing then nothing will ever get done and you end up disillusioned with the whole concept just like Plato was back in ancient Athens. Also it's not the news media's job to alert the people to what goes in their governmental institutions. the whole Obamacare thing itself makes me feel very sad as it's been done in such a half-assed way. Done right this could have been a real force for good but as it is it's just a mess. Hopfully it will get fixed of a fashion, it's gone so far now that I can't see it being totally abandoned.
I honestly have no idea how many people are for and against a national universal healthcare provision but I'd guess a president who is has declared for one and then is returned in office probably has as good a public mandate as anyone in politics is going to have for such a big project.
The figures I saw was around 70 percent against ObamaCare. Yes, he was re-elected, but America was lied to. They were told they could keep their plans if they preferred. Those on the right hollered that it wasn't possible but most of the news media couldn't be bothered. As it is now portions of it are being pushed back beyond upcoming elections for the same reasons.

If 70% were SO opposed to it that they were prepared to vote against the man who was going to bring it in then it would never have come this far, that the reality of modern democracy. If you have a public vote on every little thing then nothing will ever get done and you end up disillusioned with the whole concept just like Plato was back in ancient Athens. Also it's not the news media's job to alert the people to what goes in their governmental institutions. the whole Obamacare thing itself makes me feel very sad as it's been done in such a half-assed way. Done right this could have been a real force for good but as it is it's just a mess. Hopfully it will get fixed of a fashion, it's gone so far now that I can't see it being totally abandoned.

It's like I tell all my freinds. Liberal policy is good. It's just that it needs to be done the rite way.

Again, I blame the dern Tea Party!!
The figures I saw was around 70 percent against ObamaCare. Yes, he was re-elected, but America was lied to. They were told they could keep their plans if they preferred. Those on the right hollered that it wasn't possible but most of the news media couldn't be bothered. As it is now portions of it are being pushed back beyond upcoming elections for the same reasons.

If 70% were SO opposed to it that they were prepared to vote against the man who was going to bring it in then it would never have come this far, that the reality of modern democracy. If you have a public vote on every little thing then nothing will ever get done and you end up disillusioned with the whole concept just like Plato was back in ancient Athens. Also it's not the news media's job to alert the people to what goes in their governmental institutions. the whole Obamacare thing itself makes me feel very sad as it's been done in such a half-assed way. Done right this could have been a real force for good but as it is it's just a mess. Hopfully it will get fixed of a fashion, it's gone so far now that I can't see it being totally abandoned.

It's like I tell all my freinds. Liberal policy is good. It's just that it needs to be done the rite way.

Again, I blame the dern Tea Party!!

I'm sure that this schtick was funny at one point but I'm afraid that point may be long gone now.
If 70% were SO opposed to it that they were prepared to vote against the man who was going to bring it in then it would never have come this far, that the reality of modern democracy. If you have a public vote on every little thing then nothing will ever get done and you end up disillusioned with the whole concept just like Plato was back in ancient Athens. Also it's not the news media's job to alert the people to what goes in their governmental institutions. the whole Obamacare thing itself makes me feel very sad as it's been done in such a half-assed way. Done right this could have been a real force for good but as it is it's just a mess. Hopfully it will get fixed of a fashion, it's gone so far now that I can't see it being totally abandoned.

It's like I tell all my freinds. Liberal policy is good. It's just that it needs to be done the rite way.

Again, I blame the dern Tea Party!!

I'm sure that this schtick was funny at one point but I'm afraid that point may be long gone now.

You got that rite. Those radical Tea Party extemists was pretty funny at first, but now they'ed be just a pest.
If 70% were SO opposed to it that they were prepared to vote against the man who was going to bring it in then it would never have come this far, that the reality of modern democracy.
Wrong. You're skipping over words. People were told they could keep their plans.
If you have a public vote on every little thing then nothing will ever get done and you end up disillusioned with the whole concept just like Plato was back in ancient Athens.
Nobody but noboday has accused the ACA of being a little thing. It's about 7% of the economy and involves quality of life and life and death decisions.
Also it's not the news media's job to alert the people to what goes in their governmental institutions. the whole Obamacare thing itself makes me feel very sad as it's been done in such a half-assed way. Done right this could have been a real force for good but as it is it's just a mess. Hopfully it will get fixed of a fashion, it's gone so far now that I can't see it being totally abandoned.
It can be abandoned in a functioning democracy that does the bidding of the people. Unlike what we have now. How do we fix a train wreck that was designed from its' inception to create a uniform government controlled healthcare system? I don't know.

Some people live healthier and make more money and some people live very unhealthy and make less money. What exactly is fair about giving them the same plan and equalizing the premiums?
I honestly have no idea how many people are for and against a national universal healthcare provision but I'd guess a president who is has declared for one and then is returned in office probably has as good a public mandate as anyone in politics is going to have for such a big project.
The figures I saw was around 70 percent against ObamaCare. Yes, he was re-elected, but America was lied to. They were told they could keep their plans if they preferred. Those on the right hollered that it wasn't possible but most of the news media couldn't be bothered. As it is now portions of it are being pushed back beyond upcoming elections for the same reasons.

Baked into those "against" numbers are people that wanted single payer.

And it looks like when you break down the numbers on repealing? They are like 53% against, 33% for.

It's disingenuous to use these numbers unless you point that out.

And Obama's "lie" was no lie.

Unfortunately he made a claim that the insurance companies had no compulsion to adhere too.

And after the law went into effect, they sold a bunch of policies they knew they would have to cancel. They also knew they could blame it on ObamaCare.

Why this isn't the REAL issue is beyond me.

Oh wait, it isn't.

You folks just hate everything this President does.
[ the whole Obamacare thing itself makes me feel very sad as it's been done in such a half-assed way. Done right this could have been a real force for good but as it is it's just a mess. Hopfully it will get fixed of a fashion, it's gone so far now that I can't see it being totally abandoned.

That's why we need to elect Hillary to fix Obamacare. Obama is half assed like you say, but Hillary is a complete ass. It is only Hillary who can show us how great this legislation is.
One in two Americans don't believe in evolution

Talk about low information voters......guess which party they vote for

Do I believe in Creation = Yes
Do I believe in Evolution? = Yes
How old is the Universe? = about 14 billion years
How old is the Earth? = about 4 billion
Is there a Creator, a God? = Yes
Am I a Christian = yes, by my own definition, not yours!

Where does that put me in your "one in two" statement?
Knowing how many people are either lazy, visual, or answer by word association.
"Go around" is not specific enough to catch people who aren't paying attention.
Too many people will associate the word "go" with the sun "going up in the East
and setting in the West". once they have that image in their mind, they will say yes.

I would like to see if they used the technical term REVOLVE
would they get different results?

does the earth REVOLVE around the sun is more clear.
it invokes a visual image of the earth in the orbit around the sun, and has a greater
chance of getting a yes answer once that person has that image in their mind.

the sun "going up the sky" can cause people to be caught off guard
and say YES automatically based on that mental image
although they were asked a different question "does the sun go around the earth"

I suspect a strong word association could explain this; it is still LAZY and not paying attention.

If the word REVOLVE was used, I am guessing this would get slightly better results.
Maybe 4 out of 5 or 5 out of 6 would get it right.

And still 1 out of so many people would still think FIRST
of the "sun moving in the sky" and answer yes automatically.

LMAO--- Liberals no doubt. :lol:

This explains some of the reasons Obama was elected twice



A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation.

The survey of 2,200 people in the United States was conducted by the NSF in 2012 and released on Friday at an annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicago.

To the question "Does the Earth go around the Sun, or does the Sun go around the Earth," 26 percent of those surveyed answered incorrectly

Read the rest here: 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says : The Two-Way : NPR
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One in two Americans don't believe in evolution

Talk about low information voters......guess which party they vote for

Do I believe in Creation = Yes
Do I believe in Evolution? = Yes
How old is the Universe? = about 14 billion years
How old is the Earth? = about 4 billion
Is there a Creator, a God? = Yes
Am I a Christian = yes, by my own definition, not yours!

Where does that put me in your "one in two" statement?

Hey Natstew: if I agree with you (which I do)
does that make "two out of two Americans"?
one in two americans don't believe in evolution

talk about low information voters......guess which party they vote for

do i believe in creation = yes
do i believe in evolution? = yes
how old is the universe? = about 14 billion years
how old is the earth? = about 4 billion
is there a creator, a god? = yes
am i a christian = yes, by my own definition, not yours!

Where does that put me in your "one in two" statement?

NO bible for YOU!!!!!!!
Baked into those "against" numbers are people that wanted single payer.

And it looks like when you break down the numbers on repealing? They are like 53% against, 33% for.

It's disingenuous to use these numbers unless you point that out.
It's disengenous to post numbers as facts with no support. I said I heard about 70% were against it. Which is true. Those wanting single payer would be included in the for camp so you aren't making sense.
And Obama's "lie" was no lie.

Unfortunately he made a claim that the insurance companies had no compulsion to adhere too.
Try this in smaller pieces. If he made a statement without knowing or caring about the final outcome, he was lying. For votes. Secondly, insurance companies CAN'T give you the same policy since so much else was mandated by law into the policies. To say Obama didn't know that could be a factor is beyond credulity.
And after the law went into effect, they sold a bunch of policies they knew they would have to cancel. They also knew they could blame it on ObamaCare.

Why this isn't the REAL issue is beyond me.

Oh wait, it isn't.

You folks just hate everything this President does.
You need to back up your claim they sold bundled policies. Who would have bought them that didn't know the ACA was coming? I don't hate Obama, I knew what he was and he has proven true to form. I have no respect for those that gave him power and continue to support him though.

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