Obama/EPA lose big at Supreme Court


You don't even know what you are talking about, do you? The regulations target carbon emmsions, not pollution, and the EPA got most of what it wanted. The air would be just as clean if the Court told them they couldn't regulate carbon at all. You get dumber every time you post.

Fucking stupid idiot moron.

Carbon emissions are a real problem, dumbass.

Just because you don't understand the science, doesn't mean the science doesn't tell us there's a HUGE problem.

Moving the goalposts. Idiot.
Obama thought he could use the backdoor route and regulate businesses to their deaths.. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! Reigning in this rogue President and his lackeys and starting to see the actual sun begin to peek over the clouds a little these days.. it's been a long time coming..

Epa can still regulate. ...
Talk about Drama Lama's.

The EPA Can not make it's own laws, congress has to do it.
Get over lefties, we are not a totalitarian government, which you all seem to like and want.

the OP found it necessary to use Obama's name as the first word in the thread title then continued to ignore the role Congress plays in the EPA ... the thread began with drama and dodges the facts :eusa_whistle:
what you don't seem to get is that Big Business can easily move overseas.....and keep their profits overseas where they avoid taxation....and they also invest those profits overseas as well....


Well, there's a solution to that.

when they move their factories overseas, their products are taxed to the nines when they try to get them back into this country. Maybe require them to put a picture of the flag of the country they made it in.

Problem. Fucking. Solved.

you rely on the ignorant and brainwashed

losers like your ilk think there is no such thing as a bad regulation
and that regulations; from angenda-driven people in power; are more important than our Constitution

you already admitted that much

ok continue drooling...............

The only reason why you knuckle draggers have claimed these were 'bad' regulations was because the Negro suggested them.

And there it is! The last argument for the weak minded: racism. Congratulations you moron.

The Act the EPA was devising these new regs under was the Clean Air Act signed by George H. Bush.

In short, the GOP was all for clean air. Until the Negro did it.
The only reason why you knuckle draggers have claimed these were 'bad' regulations was because the Negro suggested them.

And there it is! The last argument for the weak minded: racism. Congratulations you moron.

The Act the EPA was devising these new regs under was the Clean Air Act signed by George H. Bush.

In short, the GOP was all for clean air. Until the Negro did it.

Funny that you ignore the fact that Obama didn't write the regulations, yet still think people are racist because they disagree with the EPA writing laws.
The only reason why you knuckle draggers have claimed these were 'bad' regulations was because the Negro suggested them.

And there it is! The last argument for the weak minded: racism. Congratulations you moron.

The Act the EPA was devising these new regs under was the Clean Air Act signed by George H. Bush.

In short, the GOP was all for clean air. Until the Negro did it.

The EPA added their own regulations under the Clean Air Act.
EPA does not have the right to change that Act on it's own. Congress must do that.
And there it is! The last argument for the weak minded: racism. Congratulations you moron.

The Act the EPA was devising these new regs under was the Clean Air Act signed by George H. Bush.

In short, the GOP was all for clean air. Until the Negro did it.

The EPA added their own regulations under the Clean Air Act.
EPA does not have the right to change that Act on it's own. Congress must do that.

EPA's basic mission is to protect human health and the environment -- air, water, and land. EPA, state, local and tribal agencies work together to ensure compliance with environmental laws passed by Congress, state legislatures and tribal governments.
Did you even watch the news? Or read it?? If you had you might discover that the court pretty much gave the EPA what it wanted, it just told them that they can't rewrite the law. You really need to fucking read before you jump to a fucking stupid conclusion.


Did I miss where you told the OP that? With the same tone?

Did you miss where Joe thought that the EPA should be able to write laws, or just ignore it? Have you said anything to him about how stupid that is?

Excuse me RWnut, but the OP is a lie about the Court's decision.
Yeah, because who needs clean air and clean water!

Do you think they did away with the bill?
No they didn't.
The clean air and water act is still there. EPA can not add rules & regulations to that bill. Which is what they did. Congress does that.
We still have clean air and water Joe.
Yeah, because who needs clean air and clean water!

Yeah, because who needs to follow the Constitution.

I think that air and water are a little more important than a badly written document by 200 year old slave rapists.

Simple [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION]
Hold Corporations to respect "due process" and "right to petition for redress of grievances,"
in order to be licensed to operate.

So Corporations cannot be abused to subvert "equal protections" of individuals and communities they affect with their policies and practices,
the same way the Bill of Rights was designed to check Govt as a "collective institution" that has greater resources/influence/authority than a single individual does.

Hold Corporations and Citizens to the same Constitutional standards so everyone
agrees to protect interests equally, including representation and due process.
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The Act the EPA was devising these new regs under was the Clean Air Act signed by George H. Bush.

In short, the GOP was all for clean air. Until the Negro did it.

The EPA added their own regulations under the Clean Air Act.
EPA does not have the right to change that Act on it's own. Congress must do that.

EPA's basic mission is to protect human health and the environment -- air, water, and land. EPA, state, local and tribal agencies work together to ensure compliance with environmental laws passed by Congress, state legislatures and tribal governments.

How does that address the point that Peach made?
Did I miss where you told the OP that? With the same tone?

Did you miss where Joe thought that the EPA should be able to write laws, or just ignore it? Have you said anything to him about how stupid that is?

Excuse me RWnut, but the OP is a lie about the Court's decision.

Excuse me, but I pointed that out before you did. In fact, I was the first person to point that out, and Joe attacked me for it, so you can fuck off.

I do appreciate the fact that you did show up for the party though.
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Yeah, because who needs clean air and clean water!

Do you think they did away with the bill?
No they didn't.
The clean air and water act is still there. EPA can not add rules & regulations to that bill. Which is what they did. Congress does that.
We still have clean air and water Joe.

For now.

Not if we leave it up to these corporate mother fuckers.
And there it is! The last argument for the weak minded: racism. Congratulations you moron.

The Act the EPA was devising these new regs under was the Clean Air Act signed by George H. Bush.

In short, the GOP was all for clean air. Until the Negro did it.

Funny that you ignore the fact that Obama didn't write the regulations, yet still think people are racist because they disagree with the EPA writing laws.

Except the EPA wasn't writing laws, they were writing regulations, which is what every government department does after Congress passes overall legislation.

Now, back before the Negro made you all batshit crazy, Republicans used to understand this.

you mean who needs jobs; when you have trillions in welfare to give out?

So, we should pollute our water and air so that a few rich assholes can make a profit?


How's this for an idea. You have to comply with the clean air rules, and we aren't letting your products in if they were made in a country that doesn't.

Continue on with the fear mongering. It's your only play. No one is promoting dirty air and water.

Sure you are.

All the time.

Methinks he doesn't know what a "Smackdown" is…

But the court said the EPA can regulate greenhouse gas emissions from industries already required to get permits for other forms of emissions. As a result, Scalia said, the agency will be able to regulate sources responsible for 83% of all greenhouse gases emitted from stationary sources nationwide.

Read more at BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Huge EPA Regulations

Methinks he doesn't know what a "Smackdown" is…

But the court said the EPA can regulate greenhouse gas emissions from industries already required to get permits for other forms of emissions. As a result, Scalia said, the agency will be able to regulate sources responsible for 83% of all greenhouse gases emitted from stationary sources nationwide.

Read more at BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Huge EPA Regulations

good one doofus; let's see if it stops the hysterics from you left-wing losers that things are so stacked against you and obama

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