Obama/EPA lose big at Supreme Court

Well, here's the true story:

Supreme Court largely upholds EPA's greenhouse gas powers

The Environmental Protection Agency appeared to notch another legal victory on Monday as the Supreme Court affirmed the agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

Read more: Supreme Court largely upholds EPA's greenhouse gas powers | TheHill
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good one dimwit; now tell your loser friends to stop crying then
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So basically "fuck the rule of law"?

No, basically, fuck the big corporations and the scum-sucking politicians they've bought working against the public good.

Nope, its basically "fuck the american people" by taking legislative action out of the hands of their representatives and giving it to a bunch of un-elected bureaucrats. and a few political appointees from the branch that is supposed to EXECUTE the law, not write it.

Joe would be happy with a dictatorship, as long as he agrees with the dictator.

Joeboi can not agree with anything or anyone he even disagrees with himself at times, so him having a dictator in his life, would require him to be isolated from ALL humanity :lmao:
While I do not agree with many of the SCOTUS decisions I am liking the fact that this supreme court does not want to legislate form the bench. More proof that the far left should not be in power.

i got a great idea there Joeboi, as a protest, please STOP buying and using big corporations products, will you do that ?

try that for the rest of this year, then on December 31st come tell us how well you profited and/or benefitted by boycotting big corporations

will that work for you ? you may or may NOT know that when your KIA runs out of gas, you can not buy any more, you will have "hoof it" :lmao:

Or we can just pass common sense laws keeping them from going tiger on us.

(That was from a comedian who remarked that the tiger that mauled Roy of Sigfried and Roy "went tiger" on him.)

What you don't seem to get is that Corporations are about profit. They aren't about creating jobs or products, that's just a side-effect.

The idea is that we need to make sure they aren't doing damage on the way to profit. Which kind of makes sense unless you are a mind-numbed robot listening to hate radio all day.

Well, here's the true story:

Supreme Court largely upholds EPA's greenhouse gas powers

The Environmental Protection Agency appeared to notch another legal victory on Monday as the Supreme Court affirmed the agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

Read more: Supreme Court largely upholds EPA's greenhouse gas powers | TheHill
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

good one dimwit; now tell your loser friends to stop crying then

You are oblivious to the facts. Lucky you.

you mean who needs jobs; when you have trillions in welfare to give out?

So, we should pollute our water and air so that a few rich assholes can make a profit?


How's this for an idea. You have to comply with the clean air rules, and we aren't letting your products in if they were made in a country that doesn't.

Did you even watch the news? Or read it?? If you had you might discover that the court pretty much gave the EPA what it wanted, it just told them that they can't rewrite the law. You really need to fucking read before you jump to a fucking stupid conclusion.


Did I miss where you told the OP that? With the same tone?

i got a great idea there Joeboi, as a protest, please STOP buying and using big corporations products, will you do that ?

try that for the rest of this year, then on December 31st come tell us how well you profited and/or benefitted by boycotting big corporations

will that work for you ? you may or may NOT know that when your KIA runs out of gas, you can not buy any more, you will have "hoof it" :lmao:

Or we can just pass common sense laws keeping them from going tiger on us.

(That was from a comedian who remarked that the tiger that mauled Roy of Sigfried and Roy "went tiger" on him.)

What you don't seem to get is that Corporations are about profit. They aren't about creating jobs or products, that's just a side-effect.

The idea is that we need to make sure they aren't doing damage on the way to profit. Which kind of makes sense unless you are a mind-numbed robot listening to hate radio all day.

what you don't seem to get is that Big Business can easily move overseas.....and keep their profits overseas where they avoid taxation....and they also invest those profits overseas as well....

meanwhile Small Business cannot do this very easily....so they are hurt financially by these excessive Dimwit regulations and tend to layoff workers....and they don't invest what little profits are left....this is one way how Obama is targeting the middle class....which is what all commie types do....

do you think this bodes well for the United States.....?

GE is one of Obama's favorite Big Corporations....

The company with the most profits parked overseas is General Electric, according to a new Bloomberg analysis of 83 corporations.

GE said in a Feb. 26 regulatory filing that it was holding $108 billion in profits overseas as of the end of last year. That is up from $102 billion a year before. GE said in the filing that it reinvested most of these profits in foreign business operations and does not intend to bring those profits back to the U.S.

General Electric Avoids Taxes By Keeping $108 Billion Overseas
We need to abolish the EPA altogether. Hooray for poisoned water supplies. Pollution creates jobs.

Vote Republican.


Yesterday's decisions were a huge victory for the EPA. Only a hack site would find a way to turn it into a defeat. :lol::lol::lol:

The "defeat" is actually a huge backfire on those who "won". It is a pyrrhic victory for them.

It is being called The 83% Solution.

Supreme Court Ruling Backs Most EPA Emission Controls

"It bears mention that EPA is getting almost everything it wanted in this case," Justice Scalia said from the bench. The ruling allows the agency to regulate facilities responsible for 83% of greenhouse-gas emissions from stationary pollution sources, he said, while the regulation the court invalidated would have raised that percentage to 86%.

It was a 7 to 2 decision which decided the EPA has the power to regulate large carbon emission producers. The other decision rolled that regulatory power back from 86 percent of carbon emitters to 83 percent.
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Monday's ruling stems from the court's 2007 decision declaring that the EPA could regulate carbon dioxide emissions from cars, trucks and other mobile sources under the Clean Air Act. After that decision, the EPA began attempting to regulate stationary sources of greenhouse gas pollution, things like utility plants, steel plants and factories.

But this particular provision of the law was quite specific about what places could be regulated — those that emit more than 100 tons of pollutants each year, or in some cases, 250 tons. Those thresholds would mean requiring permits for just about every apartment house, mall, school and church; enforcement would cost tens of billions of dollars, and construction would grind to a halt nationwide.

So, the EPA "tailored" the reach of the statute, and required permits only for those plants that emitted 100,000 tons of pollution a year, instead of 100 tons.

Industry challenged the regulations, hoping to exclude limits on stationary greenhouse gas emission altogether. But on Monday, the business community appeared to have won the battle and lost the war. A five-justice conservative majority agreed that the EPA could not rewrite that particular section of the Clean Air Act to suit its "bureaucratic policy goals."

But — and this is a big "but" — a seven-justice majority said that under a different provision of the Clean Air Act, if a plant has to get a permit for air pollutants anyway, that will include greenhouse gases.

As the court majority noted, the difference in the reach of these two provisions is only 3 percent.

EPA Gets A Win From Supreme Court On Global Warming Emissions — Mostly

from the article

But the court said the EPA can regulate greenhouse gas emissions from industries already required to get permits for other forms of emissions. As a result, Scalia said, the agency will be able to regulate sources responsible for 83% of all greenhouse gases emitted from stationary sources nationwide.

Read more at BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Huge EPA Regulations


i got a great idea there Joeboi, as a protest, please STOP buying and using big corporations products, will you do that ?

try that for the rest of this year, then on December 31st come tell us how well you profited and/or benefitted by boycotting big corporations

will that work for you ? you may or may NOT know that when your KIA runs out of gas, you can not buy any more, you will have "hoof it" :lmao:

Or we can just pass common sense laws keeping them from going tiger on us.

(That was from a comedian who remarked that the tiger that mauled Roy of Sigfried and Roy "went tiger" on him.)

What you don't seem to get is that Corporations are about profit. They aren't about creating jobs or products, that's just a side-effect.

The idea is that we need to make sure they aren't doing damage on the way to profit. Which kind of makes sense unless you are a mind-numbed robot listening to hate radio all day.

Hey, shit for brains, why haven't you admitted you were wrong? You even thanked NYCaribiner for saying the exact same thing you negged me for, and accused me of being a corporate tool. Does the fact that you were 100% wrong through this entire thread matter to you at all?
Talk about Drama Lama's.

The EPA Can not make it's own laws, congress has to do it.
Get over lefties, we are not a totalitarian government, which you all seem to like and want.
So, we should pollute our water and air so that a few rich assholes can make a profit?


How's this for an idea. You have to comply with the clean air rules, and we aren't letting your products in if they were made in a country that doesn't.

Did you even watch the news? Or read it?? If you had you might discover that the court pretty much gave the EPA what it wanted, it just told them that they can't rewrite the law. You really need to fucking read before you jump to a fucking stupid conclusion.


Did I miss where you told the OP that? With the same tone?

Did you miss where Joe thought that the EPA should be able to write laws, or just ignore it? Have you said anything to him about how stupid that is?
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Yesterday's decisions were a huge victory for the EPA. Only a hack site would find a way to turn it into a defeat. :lol::lol::lol:

The "defeat" is actually a huge backfire on those who "won". It is a pyrrhic victory for them.

It is being called The 83% Solution.

Supreme Court Ruling Backs Most EPA Emission Controls

"It bears mention that EPA is getting almost everything it wanted in this case," Justice Scalia said from the bench. The ruling allows the agency to regulate facilities responsible for 83% of greenhouse-gas emissions from stationary pollution sources, he said, while the regulation the court invalidated would have raised that percentage to 86%.

It was a 7 to 2 decision which decided the EPA has the power to regulate large carbon emission producers. The other decision rolled that regulatory power back from 86 percent of carbon emitters to 83 percent.

From what i am reading it has the authority, however further changes and the basis of regulation have to come from additional legislation. It said the end around EPA was using to enforce new regs cannot be done.

To me that says the executive has to go back to the legislature for guidance.

you rely on the ignorant and brainwashed

losers like your ilk think there is no such thing as a bad regulation
and that regulations; from angenda-driven people in power; are more important than our Constitution

you already admitted that much

ok continue drooling...............

The only reason why you knuckle draggers have claimed these were 'bad' regulations was because the Negro suggested them.

And there it is! The last argument for the weak minded: racism. Congratulations you moron.

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