Obama/EPA lose big at Supreme Court

well at least you admit you're a wannabe fascist and subversive

No, a fascist is a guy who let's a big corporations run roughshod over the public good.

Joe is a statist, who believes that once anyone who agrees with him has power, that power can be used without limit or control.

Fascism has nothing to do with corporations as we have them now, its a form of statism that allows businesses to maintain ownership as long as they follow the government TO THE LETTER.

Which makes you a budding little fascist.

Guy, if you don't think your whole movement isn't bought and paid for by big corporations, then you are more delusional than I thought.

Hey, ever notice the rich always get their tax cuts and abortions never get banned?
And with any luck at all, maybe someday we can be just like China with it's filthy air and plentiful cheap labor.

I think that air and water are a little more important than a badly written document by 200 year old slave rapists.

So basically "fuck the rule of law"?

No, basically, fuck the big corporations and the scum-sucking politicians they've bought working against the public good.

Nope, its basically "fuck the american people" by taking legislative action out of the hands of their representatives and giving it to a bunch of un-elected bureaucrats. and a few political appointees from the branch that is supposed to EXECUTE the law, not write it.

Joe would be happy with a dictatorship, as long as he agrees with the dictator.
Yeah, because who needs clean air and clean water!


you mean who needs jobs; when you have trillions in welfare to give out?

So, we should pollute our water and air so that a few rich assholes can make a profit?


How's this for an idea. You have to comply with the clean air rules, and we aren't letting your products in if they were made in a country that doesn't.

Did you even watch the news? Or read it?? If you had you might discover that the court pretty much gave the EPA what it wanted, it just told them that they can't rewrite the law. You really need to fucking read before you jump to a fucking stupid conclusion.

No, a fascist is a guy who let's a big corporations run roughshod over the public good.

Joe is a statist, who believes that once anyone who agrees with him has power, that power can be used without limit or control.

Fascism has nothing to do with corporations as we have them now, its a form of statism that allows businesses to maintain ownership as long as they follow the government TO THE LETTER.

Which makes you a budding little fascist.

Guy, if you don't think your whole movement isn't bought and paid for by big corporations, then you are more delusional than I thought.

Hey, ever notice the rich always get their tax cuts and abortions never get banned?

Same tired arguments from JoeBlow.

At least I get to neg your dumb ass for something other than a Kellerman screed.
And with any luck at all, maybe someday we can be just like China with it's filthy air and plentiful cheap labor.


If we continue to let the government get more and more power, it probably will happen. After all, when the government has no competition or fear of being removed, it can do whatever the hell it wants.
Yeah, because who needs to follow the Constitution.

I think that air and water are a little more important than a badly written document by 200 year old slave rapists.

But of course you hate the us constitution.

I think it's a badly written document, but that wasn't my point.

If you put every one of these regulations on a ballot, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM would win. Because they are pretty much common sense.

And if Americans were so piss ignorant, they'd win hands down. Because the science is pretty conclusive.

But because you have a congress that is bought and paid for by the big corporations doing the polluting, and half the piss-ignorant Americans can't tell you who their Congressman or Senator is, you have these guys who refuse to pass laws because they care more about K-Street than Main Street.
I think that air and water are a little more important than a badly written document by 200 year old slave rapists.

But of course you hate the us constitution.

I think it's a badly written document, but that wasn't my point.

If you put every one of these regulations on a ballot, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM would win. Because they are pretty much common sense.

And if Americans were so piss ignorant, they'd win hands down. Because the science is pretty conclusive.

But because you have a congress that is bought and paid for by the big corporations doing the polluting, and half the piss-ignorant Americans can't tell you who their Congressman or Senator is, you have these guys who refuse to pass laws because they care more about K-Street than Main Street.

if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle

you know no such thing you idiot; you only think you have a mandate, a concensus; because in your world nobody disagrees with the orthodoxy

change the channel left-wing loon

you mean who needs jobs; when you have trillions in welfare to give out?

So, we should pollute our water and air so that a few rich assholes can make a profit?


How's this for an idea. You have to comply with the clean air rules, and we aren't letting your products in if they were made in a country that doesn't.

What are you babbling about? SCOTUS only said that Congress needs to make laws, not the Executive Branch. This is, in fact, how the government was set up.

The sad thing here is, SCOTUS has allowed the Executive Branch to regulate about 83% of carbon emissions and Congress is woefully absent in the process. As a result, I would say that this is far from a victory for those who oppose a dictatorship.

As for clean air and water, what in the hell does that have to do with the story? :badgrin:

Now in the spirit of FDR, Court Packing Scheme anyone?

Nice to see that I am not the only person that actually pays attention. The ruling, essentially, gives the EPA everything it wanted in regards to regulation carbon emissions from power plants and other industrial sources, but told them flat out they cannot rewrite the law to apply to churches and schools when Congress specifcally said that the law doesn't cover things like that. Even the Sierra Club likes the ruling, but Joe thinks it means that corporations can pollute because doesn't bother to actually read.
And with any luck at all, maybe someday we can be just like China with it's filthy air and plentiful cheap labor.


I recently spent some time with a colleague from China, and she was amazed how clean the air around Chicago was compared to Chinese cities.

The wealthy will always find ways to make sure their water and air are clean. It's the rest of us who need to look out.
And with any luck at all, maybe someday we can be just like China with it's filthy air and plentiful cheap labor.


I recently spent some time with a colleague from China, and she was amazed how clean the air around Chicago was compared to Chinese cities.

The wealthy will always find ways to make sure their water and air are clean. It's the rest of us who need to look out.

dont worry leftard; at the way the Left chases away jobs china-type pollution will never happen here; there wont be any jobs left soon anyway
So, we should pollute our water and air so that a few rich assholes can make a profit?


How's this for an idea. You have to comply with the clean air rules, and we aren't letting your products in if they were made in a country that doesn't.

Continue on with the fear mongering. It's your only play. No one is promoting dirty air and water.

Oh, no one is openly saying it... Big Corporations spend billions trying to keep you derpa-derps thinking they are your friend.

They aren't.

They'd put carcinogens in your tapwater in a heartbeat if there was a profit to be made.

The ruling doesn't effect the ability of the EPA to regulate big corporations, idiot. Stop being a fascist and go educate yourself, it you know how to read.

if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle

you know no such thing you idiot; you only think you have a mandate, a concensus; because in your world nobody disagrees with the orthodoxy

change the channel left-wing loon

Actually, I'm pretty sure they would. Most people I know like breathing clean air.

Like I said, I used to be a rightwinger.

And I ended up with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and having to work three jobs to make ends meet.

That's the world I live in.

So I'm not going to get weepy that big corporations can't make obscene profits poisoning the rest of us.

if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle

you know no such thing you idiot; you only think you have a mandate, a concensus; because in your world nobody disagrees with the orthodoxy

change the channel left-wing loon

Actually, I'm pretty sure they would. Most people I know like breathing clean air.

Like I said, I used to be a rightwinger.

And I ended up with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and having to work three jobs to make ends meet.

That's the world I live in.

So I'm not going to get weepy that big corporations can't make obscene profits poisoning the rest of us.

you rely on the ignorant and brainwashed

losers like your ilk think there is no such thing as a bad regulation
and that regulations; from angenda-driven people in power; are more important than our Constitution

you already admitted that much

ok continue drooling...............

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