Obama/EPA lose big at Supreme Court

Yeah, because who needs clean air and clean water!


you mean who needs jobs; when you have trillions in welfare to give out?

So, we should pollute our water and air so that a few rich assholes can make a profit?


How's this for an idea. You have to comply with the clean air rules, and we aren't letting your products in if they were made in a country that doesn't.

Yeah, we will be dumping tons of CO2 into the water. There will be black clouds CO2 every where because of this. CO2 is almost as bad of a pollutant as that nasty dihydrogen monoxide.
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WHY.., is it the "mankind" in America are the ones who need to take better care of our planet ? the percentage of landmass of the U.S.A. takes up 1.9% the planet. :up:

the 98.1% are the ones who are fucking up this Earth.., IF the rest of the world were as good at environmentalism as we are, this planet would be about 95% as pure as the day Noah found land :up:

While no one would argue that mankind needs to take better care of the planet...

Read more at BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Huge EPA Regulations
And with any luck at all, maybe someday we can be just like China with it's filthy air and plentiful cheap labor.


I recently spent some time with a colleague from China, and she was amazed how clean the air around Chicago was compared to Chinese cities.

The wealthy will always find ways to make sure their water and air are clean. It's the rest of us who need to look out.

So the wind doesnt blow? I guess the wealthy can afford HUGE fans to blow all the bad air into the ghetto.:lol::cuckoo:

And if you're so worried about it why aren't you in china giving them the what for?

Joe is all over the place. One minute the rich have all the money to enjoy their own clean air...Chicago and the next minute the rich are killing us all with their pollution.

if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle

you know no such thing you idiot; you only think you have a mandate, a concensus; because in your world nobody disagrees with the orthodoxy

change the channel left-wing loon

Actually, I'm pretty sure they would. Most people I know like breathing clean air.

Like I said, I used to be a rightwinger.

And I ended up with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and having to work three jobs to make ends meet.

That's the world I live in.

So I'm not going to get weepy that big corporations can't make obscene profits poisoning the rest of us.

Boo fucking hoo, and also bullshit.
Yeah, because who needs clean air and clean water!


you mean who needs jobs; when you have trillions in welfare to give out?

So, we should pollute our water and air so that a few rich assholes can make a profit?


How's this for an idea. You have to comply with the clean air rules, and we aren't letting your products in if they were made in a country that doesn't.

i guess that rules out China, India..., oooh hell every fucking backwards country the U.S.A. does business with.

the U.S.A. is the cleanest when it comes to clean air and water, if you do not like our standards then move to India or China then do your usual whining about clean air and water.

oooooh ! BTW....................................... :fu:
I think that air and water are a little more important than a badly written document by 200 year old slave rapists.

But of course you hate the us constitution.

I think it's a badly written document, but that wasn't my point.

If you put every one of these regulations on a ballot, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM would win. Because they are pretty much common sense.

And if Americans were so piss ignorant, they'd win hands down. Because the science is pretty conclusive.

But because you have a congress that is bought and paid for by the big corporations doing the polluting, and half the piss-ignorant Americans can't tell you who their Congressman or Senator is, you have these guys who refuse to pass laws because they care more about K-Street than Main Street.

If you put a bill saying everyone gets a free $10k every year, it would pass as well. Lying fucks like you would word the bills to make them seem like they would cost people nothing, but of course everything costs something. You are a supporter of Mob rule, as long as the mob does what you want it to do.

Please go away, and kindly fuck off.
Yeah, because who needs clean air and clean water!


you mean who needs jobs; when you have trillions in welfare to give out?

So, we should pollute our water and air so that a few rich assholes can make a profit?


How's this for an idea. You have to comply with the clean air rules, and we aren't letting your products in if they were made in a country that doesn't.
Idiots like you and obamashitforbrains would love to see this country reduced to third world status. Open your eyes and get obamashitforbrains dick out of your mouth.
I recently spent some time with a colleague from China, and she was amazed how clean the air around Chicago was compared to Chinese cities.

The wealthy will always find ways to make sure their water and air are clean. It's the rest of us who need to look out.

So the wind doesnt blow? I guess the wealthy can afford HUGE fans to blow all the bad air into the ghetto.:lol::cuckoo:

And if you're so worried about it why aren't you in china giving them the what for?

Joe is all over the place. One minute the rich have all the money to enjoy their own clean air...Chicago and the next minute the rich are killing us all with their pollution.

And yet the far let will vote for poor old Hilary Clinton who can not get by with 5 million in assets..

Your post is like crowing about a stage 2 cancer diagnosis on the basis of it not being stage 3.

The decision was a compromise ruling that split the Court: the vote was five to four to reject EPA’s broadest view of its power over greenhouse gas emissions, but the Justices voted seven to two to allow EPA to impose air pollution control strategy on many of the power plants and other fixed sources of greenhouse gases.

Justice Antonin Scalia, the author of the lead opinion, said from the bench that the Court was leaving the agency with authority to cut back on such pollution at eighty-three percent of the sources across the country, while denying it authority over an additional three percent. “EPA is getting almost everything it wanted in this case,” he commented.
Opinion analysis: EPA mostly wins, but with criticism : SCOTUSblog

This is a lie.

The Court upheld the EPA's comprehensive regulatory authority pursuant to the Clean Air Act.

The issue concerned how the EPA interpreted provisions of the Act, where the ruling in no way mitigates the Agency's regulatory authority.
Thank you.

I was just reading the USA Today article and it seemed to me to this thread title is a lie.

It was a split ruling.

If you put a bill saying everyone gets a free $10k every year, it would pass as well. Lying fucks like you would word the bills to make them seem like they would cost people nothing, but of course everything costs something. You are a supporter of Mob rule, as long as the mob does what you want it to do.

Please go away, and kindly fuck off.

"Mob Rule". What the Conservatards say when they lose elections.

Yes, I'm sure that these bills protecting our planet WILL cost the 1% something.

And they can completely afford it.

Your post is like crowing about a stage 2 cancer diagnosis on the basis of it not being stage 3.

The decision was a compromise ruling that split the Court: the vote was five to four to reject EPA’s broadest view of its power over greenhouse gas emissions, but the Justices voted seven to two to allow EPA to impose air pollution control strategy on many of the power plants and other fixed sources of greenhouse gases.

Justice Antonin Scalia, the author of the lead opinion, said from the bench that the Court was leaving the agency with authority to cut back on such pollution at eighty-three percent of the sources across the country, while denying it authority over an additional three percent. “EPA is getting almost everything it wanted in this case,” he commented.
Opinion analysis: EPA mostly wins, but with criticism : SCOTUSblog

SCOTUSblog is just one of them liberallefty pinko commie sites. What do they know?

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I think that air and water are a little more important than a badly written document by 200 year old slave rapists.

So basically "fuck the rule of law"?

No, basically, fuck the big corporations and the scum-sucking politicians they've bought working against the public good.

i got a great idea there Joeboi, as a protest, please STOP buying and using big corporations products, will you do that ?

try that for the rest of this year, then on December 31st come tell us how well you profited and/or benefitted by boycotting big corporations

will that work for you ? you may or may NOT know that when your KIA runs out of gas, you can not buy any more, you will have "hoof it" :lmao:

Well, here's the true story:

Supreme Court largely upholds EPA's greenhouse gas powers

The Environmental Protection Agency appeared to notch another legal victory on Monday as the Supreme Court affirmed the agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

Read more: Supreme Court largely upholds EPA's greenhouse gas powers | TheHill
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