Obama extends combat role in Afghanistan.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
President Obama has signed secret orders to extend the U.S, combat role in Afghanistan meaning U.S. forces will have a direct role in the fighting after saying back in May the U.S. would have no combat role in Afghanistan next year and that the missions for the 9,800 troops still in the country would be limited to training Afghan forces and to hunting the remnants of Al-Qaeda.
Can this ass ever make up his mind....Escalate!.. Surge!... Draw Down!.... Patrol!..... Don't Patrol!... Change the ROE,....Declare Defeat!.... Wait a Minute Not so Fast!.... Ad Nauseam
I will have our troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014”

A web search of Obama's campaign promises about withdrawing troops from Afghanistan comes up with over 1,600,000 results dating back to 2008.

However, a number of sources, including the NYT, claim he has secretly extended the role of US troop in Afghanistan into 2015 and maybe until 2017.

And millions of gullible people believed him!

Read the story @ http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/22/u...ma-extends-us-role-in-afghan-combat.html?_r=1
secrete troops ?

big secrete ... its being reported on a message board.

BS meter is reading 100%
secrete troops ?

big secrete ... its being reported on a message board.

BS meter is reading 100%
I know it really kills you that your Messiah has gone back on his promises. You consider the New York Times to be nothing of importance?
Kind of funny.

Bush signs order to pull out of Iraq, Obama pulls troops out of Iraq = Obama is bad.
Obama signs order to pull our of Afghanistan. Obama doesn't pull out of Afghanistan = Obama is bad.

I don't support Obama going back in, I think this is another Libya and something which will have a negative impact on how he is viewed in the future.
Far cry from what he actually said he was going to do. We should have been out of there after we missed Bin Laden.
secrete troops ?

big secrete ... its being reported on a message board.

BS meter is reading 100%
I know it really kills you that your Messiah has gone back on his promises. You consider the New York Times to be nothing of importance?

One needs to read daily to keep up with Obama's changing positions...then one has to decide what his parsing really entails...
It's wrong our President has changed his mind on this.

We need to bring our troops home, and put our neo-cons in fema camps.

Obama, Hagel, and Dempsey need to go, with Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rice, to the Hague.
U.S. officials confirm that Obama has signed an executive order that would also allow military forces to conduct limited targeting of Taliban forces if they pose a threat to U.S. troops or if they were providing support to al Qaeda.
The order would also allow U.S. military aircraft to provide close air support for Afghan troops on the ground if needed. The new authorizations were first reported by the New York Times.

so what is the BIG SECRET again ... ?

secrete = 100% BS.

get it doltboys?
God you guys are predictable...

If he does something...he's exceeding his authority
If he does nothing...he's a poor leader
If he does something after doing nothing....he waited too long
If he does nothing after doing something...he needs to make up his mind
If he does what Republicans want, or wanted.....it's his problem now
If anyone breaks the law....Obama isn't enforcing the law
If he enforces the law....Obama is breaking the law
If he wants something done.....the Republicans won't do it
If he acts on his own....he's violating the constitution
If he brushes his teeth....he's wasting tax payer water.

I could go on..........

Have any of you righties stopped to think about why you hated him, before he did anything at all?
God you guys are predictable...

If he does something...he's exceeding his authority
If he does nothing...he's a poor leader
If he does something after doing nothing....he waited too long
If he does nothing after doing something...he needs to make up his mind
If he does what Republicans want, or wanted.....it's his problem now
If anyone breaks the law....Obama isn't enforcing the law
If he enforces the law....Obama is breaking the law
If he wants something done.....the Republicans won't do it
If he acts on his own....he's violating the constitution
If he brushes his teeth....he's wasting tax payer water.

I could go on..........

Have any of you righties stopped to think about why you hated him, before he did anything at all?

Have you libs ever stopped to think....man payback's a bitch...
God you guys are predictable...

If he does something...he's exceeding his authority
If he does nothing...he's a poor leader
If he does something after doing nothing....he waited too long
If he does nothing after doing something...he needs to make up his mind
If he does what Republicans want, or wanted.....it's his problem now
If anyone breaks the law....Obama isn't enforcing the law
If he enforces the law....Obama is breaking the law
If he wants something done.....the Republicans won't do it
If he acts on his own....he's violating the constitution
If he brushes his teeth....he's wasting tax payer water.

I could go on..........

Have any of you righties stopped to think about why you hated him, before he did anything at all?

Have you libs ever stopped to think....man payback's a bitch...
BHO and his admin lies and indecisions cause our guys on the front lines to lose their lives and limbs ..this is a national disgrace.
God you guys are predictable...

If he does something...he's exceeding his authority
If he does nothing...he's a poor leader
If he does something after doing nothing....he waited too long
If he does nothing after doing something...he needs to make up his mind
If he does what Republicans want, or wanted.....it's his problem now
If anyone breaks the law....Obama isn't enforcing the law
If he enforces the law....Obama is breaking the law
If he wants something done.....the Republicans won't do it
If he acts on his own....he's violating the constitution
If he brushes his teeth....he's wasting tax payer water.

I could go on..........

Have any of you righties stopped to think about why you hated him, before he did anything at all?

Have you libs ever stopped to think....man payback's a bitch...
BHO and his admin lies and indecisions cause our guys on the front lines to lose their lives and limbs ..this is a national disgrace.

Most libs don't care as long as one doesn't criticize Obama over his policy, then they run to his defense.
'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.'

Obama's just continuing on with the Globalist Elite plan. Permanent War is the goal. His Obamabots got duped bigtime. He hasn't ended any wars. He's only continued and started new ones.
'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.'

Obama's just continuing on with the Globalist Elite plan. Permanent War is the goal. His Obamabots got duped bigtime. He hasn't ended any wars. He's only continued and started new ones.
When you're the world's biggest arms dealer you like a good war or two. Now if we could just stop losing them.
God you guys are predictable...

If he does something...he's exceeding his authority
If he does nothing...he's a poor leader
If he does something after doing nothing....he waited too long
If he does nothing after doing something...he needs to make up his mind
If he does what Republicans want, or wanted.....it's his problem now
If anyone breaks the law....Obama isn't enforcing the law
If he enforces the law....Obama is breaking the law
If he wants something done.....the Republicans won't do it
If he acts on his own....he's violating the constitution
If he brushes his teeth....he's wasting tax payer water.

I could go on..........

Have any of you righties stopped to think about why you hated him, before he did anything at all?
Its because he's black. Havent you gotten that memo?

Actually the fact that he is totally incompetent and unsuited to the job explains his inability to get anything right. Thus the criticism.

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