Obama finds some solid ground; tests still ahead

Every president in recent memory that has won a second term had a big drop in approval during his first term and then came back.

Obama has been through that.
The Repub line- up does look as weak as it could possibly be. Hell, I'd pick those people to run to ensure an O'bama victory. :D
The Repub line- up does look as weak as it could possibly be. Hell, I'd pick those people to run to ensure an O'bama victory. :D

Anyone who is a serious presidential contender is sitting this one out

They know Obama is too strong
I'm sure Obama will have us all convinced that 50,000,000 unemployed, $5 gas, inflation, $14,000,000,000,000 debt, $1,200,000,000,000 deficits, Obamacare and three wars are all wonderful things and we'll all be chanting "four more years!"

Yep... I can see it now.
I remember them saying it about George HW Bush, who did not have 9+% unemployment, $4 gasoline, and rising foreclosures after 3 years in office.
Virtually every election Obama has campaigned in since he took office has been a loser. His support is mostly hype, with indpendents fleeing him in droves.
Whistling past the graveyard.

Right now, the Ryan plan, Wisconsin, and various other dingbat GOP governors are handing the 2012 race to President Obama.
Whistling past the graveyard.

Right now, the Ryan plan, Wisconsin, and various other dingbat GOP governors are handing the 2012 race to President Obama.

Paul Ryan and the GOP governors are not running for PResident. Obama is. ANd they don't have 9% unemployment, $4 gas and rising foreclosures on their record.
Obama finds some solid ground; tests still ahead - Yahoo! News

The doomsday talk of Obama losing is rightwing bullshit, they don't have anyone strong enough to knock him out the box.

I just can't believe the Independents would fall for Obama's BS again unless, of course, the GOP nominates a real loser.
Anyone they nominate will be better than Obama. ANd at the worst people will just sit home.

This is the weakest group of Presidential contenders since Mike Dukakis got the Dem nod in 1988.

Now, instead of the Dems running a former governor from Massachusetts, the GOP will run a former Governor of Massachusetts
Obama finds some solid ground; tests still ahead - Yahoo! News

The doomsday talk of Obama losing is rightwing bullshit, they don't have anyone strong enough to knock him out the box.

I just can't believe the Independents would fall for Obama's BS again unless, of course, the GOP nominates a real loser.

In case you didn't notice, no one is fleeing to the GOP, they're exactly everything to hand the election to Obama by steering hard to the right to save their jobs as opposed to solving the country's problems. They want voters to vote for the GOP because the country is having problems, not because they as the GOP can fix shit.
Obama's got problems. His hardcore whackaloon base is pissed over Gitmo, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya and the lack of a single payer system. The so-called "moderates" feel betrayed by his obvious hostility toward free enterprise, traditionally "white" foreign nations and Israel. All that are left are the nitwits who are totally emotionally invested in the man personally regardless of his obvious failings.

Sorry kids.. the man's got problems. Now, with that said, if the GOP fields a really weak candidate that goes off on some hardcore social conservative scree... he could win. But it will be tough either way I think, unless the economy really turns around.
It will be all about the economy.

If its improved then he could get that second term.

Its a long way till 2012 folks. A lot of things can happen.

Stay tuned.
This time in their terms, Carter and Bush I had the election sewn up, and Clinton and Reagan were toast.

making predictions now is an exercise in futility.

I think the voters still hold the Republicans responsible for the 2008 meltdown. They get credit for the bubble, they get credit for the meltdown. Obama has been less than inspiring, and his record of alienating every single foreign leader (He was supposed to make things better with that) and a Nero level of insouciance in dealing with domestic issues is not endearing him to the electorate.

I don't see him doing much better, but the Republican field reminds me of the Seven Dwarves which was all the Democrats could field in 1992. But one of the dwarves won that year. So who really knows at this point?

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