Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

People are better informed? Yeah, that's why the top 3 attacks from the Foxnews led rightwing, against Obama in 2008, were

1. He wasn't born here
2. He's a Muslim
3. He's a Marxist

yep, conservative America is MUCH better informed since Foxnews took the reins of rightwing mind control...

sources that show FNC ever did any of the first two
and as for the third, he IS one

He IS one. lolol

I rest my case.
he IS a Marxist, you fucking moron
you were an asswipe moron on hannity, and your still one HERE
CNN's King Blasts Obama Statement That Fox Is "Destructive" & MSNBC Is "Invaluable"


Great video!
Ummm... I would just like to point out that it seems as though King himself has chosen footage from each network only to support his viewpoint. Each clip is a bad representation of each respective show. The fox clips were from some of the more sane things I've ever heard them say, things you can't argue with, like "Obama is bankrupting this country." Okay, anyone can see that. The MSNBC examples were of these ridiculous rants that make msnbc look like a crackhouse, so he chose clips that only made fox look like the good guys and msnbc look like the bad guys. It's bullshit. I thought CNN and especially King was unbiased, but he's not. This was blatant use of very selected footage to bring a "news" story to the nation. I agree with Obama, Fox is destructive and usually carries divisive rhetoric. MSNBC is more commentary on the ridiculousness that is going on, and people call is "left." It's ridiculous. However, I don't think it is appropriate for a president in office to be supporting or commenting negatively on any news networks. That is not his place, and is bullshit, and is immature, and is stooping to the level of fox, which is the worst part.
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Ummm... I would just like to point out that it seems as though King himself has chosen footage from each network only to support his viewpoint. Each clip is a bad representation of each respective show. The fox clips were from some of the more sane things I've ever heard them say, things you can't argue with, like "Obama is bankrupting this country." Okay, anyone can see that. The MSNBC examples were of these ridiculous rants that make msnbc look like a crackhouse, so he chose clips that only made fox look like the good guys and msnbc look like the bad guys. It's bullshit. I thought CNN and especially King was unbiased, but he's not. This was blatant use of very selected footage to bring a "news" story to the nation. I agree with Obama, Fox is destructive and usually carries divisive rhetoric. MSNBC is more commentary on the ridiculousness that is going on, and people call is "left." It's ridiculous. However, I don't think it is appropriate for a president in office to be supporting or commenting negatively on any news networks. That is not his place, and is bullshit, and is immature, and is stooping to the level of fox, which is the worst part.

MSNBC and Fox are both extremely biased, yellow journalism. 99% of the remaining media aren't as extreme, but aren't much better.

A university study (Perdue 2004ish?) found Fox to be "the most fair", but "fair" was defined as equal airtime to opposing sides. See, that's still destructive to me. Letting the most extreme people talk and letting them gravitate to the side they like...and therefore get more extreme themselves isn't fair...it's incendiary.

The days of unbiased journalism (if you think it ever existed) are long gone.
fox news is destructive, its a bunch of knee jerk, college drop out douchebags who don't have anything better to do than rile up trailer parks all over the country.
fox news is destructive, its a bunch of knee jerk, college drop out douchebags who don't have anything better to do than rile up trailer parks all over the country.

Much like you then complaining.
fox news is destructive, its a bunch of knee jerk, college drop out douchebags who don't have anything better to do than rile up trailer parks all over the country.

I have to disagree with you, Blu. If you think Fox is destructive, then any other news networks are destructive. The all have a bias, and there for they should all be labeled destructive. Through studies it has been proven that most of the networks and newspapers lean towards the left, Fox bucks that and the left goes crazy on just how bad Fox is. Incredible
fox news is destructive, its a bunch of knee jerk, college drop out douchebags who don't have anything better to do than rile up trailer parks all over the country.

I have to disagree with you, Blu. If you think Fox is destructive, then any other news networks are destructive. The all have a bias, and there for they should all be labeled destructive. Through studies it has been proven that most of the networks and newspapers lean towards the left, Fox bucks that and the left goes crazy on just how bad Fox is. Incredible

I find them all destructive as well, fox was just the topic of discussion
I really don't think MSNBC is as biased to the left as fox is biased to the right. Granted, MSNBC can swing left, but 'left' to me just means looking at the negative and picking apart the current adminstration to try to keep them accountable. That is kind of the media's job. If there wasn't a free press, there would no longer be a democracy. Fox has a whole different strategy: they try to indoctrinate everyone onto their platform of whatever it is, characterized by intolerance, elitism, and false sense of patriotic ideals.

MSNBC has Rachel Maddown, who was a rhodes scholar, so you can't really insult her credentials. Keith is more honest than most about what is going on, and calls people on things most are afraid, and so of course, the right and fox hate that, so smash, and put him in the 'crazy liberal' box trying to invalidate all that he says, even though he has great points.

I myself can't really watch either fox or msnbc, because I don't like any slant. I don't need to watch MSNBC to keep my beleifs in order. They stand a lone. Fox is so blatantly inflammatory using third grade style rhetoric, that it is hard to watch without feeling that I am becoming dumber. So, I don't really watch tv anymore. It's a reflection of a world that is in the shitter, so I stick to books, good movies, and music.
I really don't think MSNBC is as biased to the left as fox is biased to the right. Granted, MSNBC can swing left, but 'left' to me just means looking at the negative and picking apart the current adminstration to try to keep them accountable. That is kind of the media's job. If there wasn't a free press, there would no longer be a democracy. Fox has a whole different strategy: they try to indoctrinate everyone onto their platform of whatever it is, characterized by intolerance, elitism, and false sense of patriotic ideals.

MSNBC has Rachel Maddown, who was a rhodes scholar, so you can't really insult her credentials. Keith is more honest than most about what is going on, and calls people on things most are afraid, and so of course, the right and fox hate that, so smash, and put him in the 'crazy liberal' box trying to invalidate all that he says, even though he has great points.

I myself can't really watch either fox or msnbc, because I don't like any slant. I don't need to watch MSNBC to keep my beleifs in order. They stand a lone. Fox is so blatantly inflammatory using third grade style rhetoric, that it is hard to watch without feeling that I am becoming dumber. So, I don't really watch tv anymore. It's a reflection of a world that is in the shitter, so I stick to books, good movies, and music.

Your really biased. :cuckoo:
Fox News IS pretty dangerous. Aside from the fact that it does not present news in an objective manner, it's pundits have spotlighted people, that nuts have actually killed.
Fox News IS pretty dangerous. Aside from the fact that it does not present news in an objective manner, it's pundits have spotlighted people, that nuts have actually killed.

You got that from the Howard Dean Echo Chamber didn't you?

You leftwing nuts are really too much, I swear. Yes Fox leans to the right....but destructive? In a pigs eye! MSNBC does lean left, but destructive...no. It's just who you want to listen to. But you wingnuts think that if a news channel doesn't follow your mantra, they're destructive. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Get a friggin life

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