Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

uscitizen: Fox news is destructive to America.

One of the few things I agree with Obama about.

FOX and Right Wing Radio are a direct result of Left wing Bias in most of the Rest of the Media.

Obama is simply reaping what Liberals have given us. A right wing network born in response to Liberal Media Bias.
uscitizen: Fox news is destructive to America.

One of the few things I agree with Obama about.

Why doesn't that surprise me, UScitizen. :cuckoo:

You agree with barry on a lot more than your willing to admit, I think :eusa_whistle:

I disagree with most of what Obama has done.

I of course agree with several things he has said, but alas he is a politician, never believe what they say, it is legal for them to lie.
Ahh that functionally dead but verbally alive myth of the media being so liberal.

Keep sounding it off though like dereg and tax cuts.
Ahh that functionally dead but verbally alive myth of the media being so liberal.

Keep sounding it off though like dereg and tax cuts.

Don't be stupid, there have been studies to prove it...Look at UCLA study on media bias. This from a liberal school.
But you have a right to your opinion no matter how wrong it may be. :cuckoo:
I really don't think MSNBC is as biased to the left as fox is biased to the right. Granted, MSNBC can swing left, but 'left' to me just means looking at the negative and picking apart the current adminstration to try to keep them accountable. That is kind of the media's job. If there wasn't a free press, there would no longer be a democracy. Fox has a whole different strategy: they try to indoctrinate everyone onto their platform of whatever it is, characterized by intolerance, elitism, and false sense of patriotic ideals.

MSNBC has Rachel Maddown, who was a rhodes scholar, so you can't really insult her credentials. Keith is more honest than most about what is going on, and calls people on things most are afraid, and so of course, the right and fox hate that, so smash, and put him in the 'crazy liberal' box trying to invalidate all that he says, even though he has great points.

I myself can't really watch either fox or msnbc, because I don't like any slant. I don't need to watch MSNBC to keep my beleifs in order. They stand a lone. Fox is so blatantly inflammatory using third grade style rhetoric, that it is hard to watch without feeling that I am becoming dumber. So, I don't really watch tv anymore. It's a reflection of a world that is in the shitter, so I stick to books, good movies, and music.

Your really biased. :cuckoo:

Of course I am biased. Everybody is biased. It's hard not to be. Yo'ure biased for thinking I'm biased because, obviously you stand for the right, and only want to poke holes in my post to prove that your bias is right. It's ridiculous. You're very mature by the way for such a succinct and to the point post, that hit me right where it hurts. OWWW!!! I am really biased! WHAAA!!!! Do you think I care what you think? Next time, try to use something other than the Embold button to state your case.
Fox News IS pretty dangerous. Aside from the fact that it does not present news in an objective manner, it's pundits have spotlighted people, that nuts have actually killed.

You got that from the Howard Dean Echo Chamber didn't you?

You leftwing nuts are really too much, I swear. Yes Fox leans to the right....but destructive? In a pigs eye! MSNBC does lean left, but destructive...no. It's just who you want to listen to. But you wingnuts think that if a news channel doesn't follow your mantra, they're destructive. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Get a friggin life

There is a difference between the two. Fox is destructive and I'll tell you why: because it's overall rhetoric is laced with implications of intolerance and essentially hate. It preaches that 'white middle america' are the victims of this mass socialist conspiracy set forth by our black marxist president barack obama. Think about how backwards it is that a news corporation is allowing a message of this potency to exist. You now have all of these white people, who feel like victims, and are looking for scapegoats, so, they pick on minorities and try the reverse racism card, and they blame the government, and the president, bla bla ba. I mean, the left pisses me off too. Anyone who goes to an extreme on their spectrum has to be slightly distorted in their thinking. There is supposed to be a balance between republican and democratic ideals. If you take either too far, you end up with either communism or a fascist state, so obviously, only a balance works, so we should just stop touting our side as being right and try to strike a balance. That's what I say.
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Fox News IS pretty dangerous. Aside from the fact that it does not present news in an objective manner, it's pundits have spotlighted people, that nuts have actually killed.

You got that from the Howard Dean Echo Chamber didn't you?

You leftwing nuts are really too much, I swear. Yes Fox leans to the right....but destructive? In a pigs eye! MSNBC does lean left, but destructive...no. It's just who you want to listen to. But you wingnuts think that if a news channel doesn't follow your mantra, they're destructive. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Get a friggin life

There is a difference between the two. Fox is destructive and I'll tell you why: because it's overall rhetoric is laced with implications of intolerance and essentially hate. It preaches that 'white middle america' are the victims of this mass socialist conspiracy set forth by our black marxist president barack obama. Think about how backwards it is that a news corporation is allowing a message of this potency to exist. You now have all of these white people, who feel like victims, and are looking for scapegoats, so, they pick on minorities and try the reverse racism card, and they blame the government, and the president, and the whole left wing party. MSNBC only reacts against the hypocrisy of the right, which isn't too hard because it is so blatant. Obviously, "I am biased because I am a kookie left winger," so, don't mind me.

You have some clips that specifically identify whites as the aggrieved?
Fox News IS pretty dangerous. Aside from the fact that it does not present news in an objective manner, it's pundits have spotlighted people, that nuts have actually killed.
ANd the mainstream media is fair and balanced?
This kills me. You people on the Left have been listening/watching network news for so long that when a news organization with a different point of view and approach to reporting the news comes along, you are aghast at the unmitigated gall of that particular news organization's approach.
That isn't anything but intollerance for an opposing viewpoint.
Fox News IS pretty dangerous. Aside from the fact that it does not present news in an objective manner, it's pundits have spotlighted people, that nuts have actually killed.

You got that from the Howard Dean Echo Chamber didn't you?

You leftwing nuts are really too much, I swear. Yes Fox leans to the right....but destructive? In a pigs eye! MSNBC does lean left, but destructive...no. It's just who you want to listen to. But you wingnuts think that if a news channel doesn't follow your mantra, they're destructive. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Get a friggin life

There is a difference between the two. Fox is destructive and I'll tell you why: because it's overall rhetoric is laced with implications of intolerance and essentially hate. It preaches that 'white middle america' are the victims of this mass socialist conspiracy set forth by our black marxist president barack obama. Think about how backwards it is that a news corporation is allowing a message of this potency to exist. You now have all of these white people, who feel like victims, and are looking for scapegoats, so, they pick on minorities and try the reverse racism card, and they blame the government, and the president, bla bla ba. I mean, the left pisses me off too. Anyone who goes to an extreme on their spectrum has to be slightly distorted in their thinking. There is supposed to be a balance between republican and democratic ideals. If you take either too far, you end up with either communism or a fascist state, so obviously, only a balance works, so we should just stop touting our side as being right and try to strike a balance. That's what I say.
Got some examples you'd like to share?
Fox News IS pretty dangerous. Aside from the fact that it does not present news in an objective manner, it's pundits have spotlighted people, that nuts have actually killed.

You got that from the Howard Dean Echo Chamber didn't you?

You leftwing nuts are really too much, I swear. Yes Fox leans to the right....but destructive? In a pigs eye! MSNBC does lean left, but destructive...no. It's just who you want to listen to. But you wingnuts think that if a news channel doesn't follow your mantra, they're destructive. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Get a friggin life

There is a difference between the two. Fox is destructive and I'll tell you why: because it's overall rhetoric is laced with implications of intolerance and essentially hate. It preaches that 'white middle america' are the victims of this mass socialist conspiracy set forth by our black marxist president barack obama. Think about how backwards it is that a news corporation is allowing a message of this potency to exist. You now have all of these white people, who feel like victims, and are looking for scapegoats, so, they pick on minorities and try the reverse racism card, and they blame the government, and the president, bla bla ba. I mean, the left pisses me off too. Anyone who goes to an extreme on their spectrum has to be slightly distorted in their thinking. There is supposed to be a balance between republican and democratic ideals. If you take either too far, you end up with either communism or a fascist state, so obviously, only a balance works, so we should just stop touting our side as being right and try to strike a balance. That's what I say.

Your wrong, and I'll tell you why, it's because your a blooming moron. :cuckoo:
I really don't think MSNBC is as biased to the left as fox is biased to the right. Granted, MSNBC can swing left, but 'left' to me just means looking at the negative and picking apart the current adminstration to try to keep them accountable. That is kind of the media's job. If there wasn't a free press, there would no longer be a democracy. Fox has a whole different strategy: they try to indoctrinate everyone onto their platform of whatever it is, characterized by intolerance, elitism, and false sense of patriotic ideals.

MSNBC has Rachel Maddown, who was a rhodes scholar, so you can't really insult her credentials. Keith is more honest than most about what is going on, and calls people on things most are afraid, and so of course, the right and fox hate that, so smash, and put him in the 'crazy liberal' box trying to invalidate all that he says, even though he has great points.

I myself can't really watch either fox or msnbc, because I don't like any slant. I don't need to watch MSNBC to keep my beleifs in order. They stand a lone. Fox is so blatantly inflammatory using third grade style rhetoric, that it is hard to watch without feeling that I am becoming dumber. So, I don't really watch tv anymore. It's a reflection of a world that is in the shitter, so I stick to books, good movies, and music.

Your really biased. :cuckoo:

Of course I am biased. Everybody is biased. It's hard not to be. Yo'ure biased for thinking I'm biased because, obviously you stand for the right, and only want to poke holes in my post to prove that your bias is right. It's ridiculous. You're very mature by the way for such a succinct and to the point post, that hit me right where it hurts. OWWW!!! I am really biased! WHAAA!!!! Do you think I care what you think? Next time, try to use something other than the Embold button to state your case.

And your still a blooming moron. :cuckoo:
FOX and Right Wing Radio are a direct result of Left wing Bias in most of the Rest of the Media.

Obama is simply reaping what Liberals have given us. A right wing network born in response to Liberal Media Bias.

LOL WUT. This message keeps getting repeated, but with each passing day it gets more untrue.

What media is controlled primarily by the left?

Radio? Nope. Radio has always been right-wing controlled.

TV? Well you got Fox News, CNN has had several right wing pundits over the years. MSNBC is the polar opposite of Fox. Besides, whoever is watching these channels are merely trying to reinforce their own view in the first place.

Internet? Internet isn't controlled by either side.

New report: Internet more important than newspapers, but still not trustworthy

The study found that as sources of information – their primary function – newspapers rank below the Internet or television. Only 56 percent of Internet users ranked newspapers as important or very important sources of information for them – a decrease from 60 percent in 2008 and below the Internet (78 percent), and television (68 percent).

As for the rest of the thread: Leave the poor horse be, it's been beaten to death so long that it's starting to gather flies.
FOX and Right Wing Radio are a direct result of Left wing Bias in most of the Rest of the Media.

Obama is simply reaping what Liberals have given us. A right wing network born in response to Liberal Media Bias.

LOL WUT. This message keeps getting repeated, but with each passing day it gets more untrue.

What media is controlled primarily by the left?

Radio? Nope. Radio has always been right-wing controlled.

TV? Well you got Fox News, CNN has had several right wing pundits over the years. MSNBC is the polar opposite of Fox. Besides, whoever is watching these channels are merely trying to reinforce their own view in the first place.

Internet? Internet isn't controlled by either side.

New report: Internet more important than newspapers, but still not trustworthy

The study found that as sources of information – their primary function – newspapers rank below the Internet or television. Only 56 percent of Internet users ranked newspapers as important or very important sources of information for them – a decrease from 60 percent in 2008 and below the Internet (78 percent), and television (68 percent).

As for the rest of the thread: Leave the poor horse be, it's been beaten to death so long that it's starting to gather flies.

This is TYPICAL of a liberal screaming "what bias?????"


NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

The left doesn't think there is a bias to the left wing media because they AGREE with left wing media.

This is an insight to their narcissitic view on the world. It's SELF CENTERED.

THEY don't have a bias. YOU DO! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

If the left wing media says what they want to hear, WELL THAT'S SETTLED! It's not "biased!" :eusa_snooty:

It doesn't matter that there is a REASON why the left wing media is losing viewership. Why MSNBC is trying to change it's name with "lean foward" (this won't hurt a bit!:lol:).

But don't try to tell that to a closed minded liberal. His mind is made UP! :eusa_snooty:

What is the obvious next to THAT! :eusa_snooty:


Now let me predict what the left will say next. They will SCREAM that newsbusters and the Media Research Center and NOT "trustworthy" sites to judge bias because THEY THEMSELVES have a "conservative" bias. :eusa_snooty:


The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Hilarious!

There is a difference between the two. Fox.......... preaches that 'white middle america' are the victims of this mass socialist conspiracy set forth by our black marxist president barack obama.
Essentually, what you just stated is very close to the truth. :cool:

FOX has been preaching against socialism since before Obama.

Only you race baiting liberal assholes think this is about race. This is about ideology. FOX hates Nancy and Harry, who are white liberals, just as much as they hate Obama.
FOX and Right Wing Radio are a direct result of Left wing Bias in most of the Rest of the Media.

Obama is simply reaping what Liberals have given us. A right wing network born in response to Liberal Media Bias.

LOL WUT. This message keeps getting repeated, but with each passing day it gets more untrue.

What media is controlled primarily by the left?

Radio? Nope. Radio has always been right-wing controlled.

TV? Well you got Fox News, CNN has had several right wing pundits over the years. MSNBC is the polar opposite of Fox. Besides, whoever is watching these channels are merely trying to reinforce their own view in the first place.

Internet? Internet isn't controlled by either side.

New report: Internet more important than newspapers, but still not trustworthy

The study found that as sources of information – their primary function – newspapers rank below the Internet or television. Only 56 percent of Internet users ranked newspapers as important or very important sources of information for them – a decrease from 60 percent in 2008 and below the Internet (78 percent), and television (68 percent).

As for the rest of the thread: Leave the poor horse be, it's been beaten to death so long that it's starting to gather flies.

LOL so says a liberal.

You are so full of it, it is not funny.

MOST of the other networks at least lean Left. MSNBC and ABC being the worst IMO. CNN has moved to the Center recently but was leaning left when it was the Dominate Cable news network.

Most of the Major Newspapers in America, which small town news papers look to for their National News. Are left of center.

the Internet is dominated by younger people who tend to be more left.

Hollywood which helps to shape peoples impressions about all sorts of things is far left.

You can Deny that FOX is a reaction to left wing media, but you would be totally wrong.
Approximately 23% of Americans trust FOX. 57% of the tea baggers trust FOX. I guess FOX tells them what they want to hear, rather than give them information.

Source: http://www.publicreligion.org/objects/uploads/fck/file/AVS 2010 Report FINAL.pdf

Ok...don't be unsophisticated. We watch/listen to FNC because we're sick of the one sided editorialized so-called news we get from the left laening mainstream media.
That's that. Caser closed.
You'll just have to endure the existence of opposing viewpoints.
Jesus Christ. WHat is it with you lefties anyway....
FOX and Right Wing Radio are a direct result of Left wing Bias in most of the Rest of the Media.

Obama is simply reaping what Liberals have given us. A right wing network born in response to Liberal Media Bias.

LOL WUT. This message keeps getting repeated, but with each passing day it gets more untrue.

What media is controlled primarily by the left?

Radio? Nope. Radio has always been right-wing controlled.

TV? Well you got Fox News, CNN has had several right wing pundits over the years. MSNBC is the polar opposite of Fox. Besides, whoever is watching these channels are merely trying to reinforce their own view in the first place.

Internet? Internet isn't controlled by either side.

New report: Internet more important than newspapers, but still not trustworthy

The study found that as sources of information – their primary function – newspapers rank below the Internet or television. Only 56 percent of Internet users ranked newspapers as important or very important sources of information for them – a decrease from 60 percent in 2008 and below the Internet (78 percent), and television (68 percent).

As for the rest of the thread: Leave the poor horse be, it's been beaten to death so long that it's starting to gather flies.

LOL so says a liberal.

You are so full of it, it is not funny.

MOST of the other networks at least lean Left. MSNBC and ABC being the worst IMO. CNN has moved to the Center recently but was leaning left when it was the Dominate Cable news network.

Most of the Major Newspapers in America, which small town news papers look to for their National News. Are left of center.

the Internet is dominated by younger people who tend to be more left.

Hollywood which helps to shape peoples impressions about all sorts of things is far left.

You can Deny that FOX is a reaction to left wing media, but you would be totally wrong.
CNN had ot move to the center( they are still very much liberal biased) because over the last 5 years CNN's ratings have plummeted over 50%.

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