Obama: Give Up Your Cell, Cable, and Phone For Insurance.

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
He really did mean that. If Mitt Romney had said that the press would be howling at how insensitive he was. Let them eat cake and all that.
Obama is the biggest elitist out there. Just don't blow a bunch of cash in Vegas.

Obama To People Who Can?t Afford Obamacare: Give Up Your Phone Or Cable To Pay For It? |

The President recently participated in a health care town hall with Spanish-language media. He responded to a question received via email, from a consumer who makes $36,000 per year and cannot find insurance for a family of three for less than $315 per month. The President responded that “if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.” He added that if a family member gets sick, the father “will wish he had paid that $300 a month.”
Yeah...the Dictator (or wannabe) speaks. He's TELLING Americans SUBMIT or else...
Yeah leftists aren't telling US how to live our lives, are they?
Well, they wanted a daddy now they get to be spanked by him too

how firkken Presidential is that?

that man makes me ill
republicans tell the poor to do the same thing so save the faux outrage.
Tell them WHAT take charge of their lives, and STOP mooching off the rest of us? Educate themselves and cease using the safety net as a hammock? Really?:eusa_hand:
He can't afford it. So Obama says, "Well, look at your budget, cable bill, telephone, cell phone bill, you're just not prioritizing things right." Hey, Mr. President, you may have forgotten, it's not a matter of priority. This man has to have it or he's in violation of your stupid law. He has been mandated by the Supreme Court and you and everybody else that he's got to have this. It isn't a matter of choice. His cell phone is. His cable TV bill is. But your health care bill is not. He has to have it or he is committing a crime, punishable with a fine and maybe imprisonment if he goes long enough without it.
Obama: Give Up Your Cell Phone and Cable TV to Buy Health Care - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Just read what your fellow republicans type on here...from wishing hunger and starvation on the poor etc.
Just read what your fellow republicans type on here...from wishing hunger and starvation on the poor etc.
Which 'Republicans' care to point them out or do you have a #100 Broad paintbrush?

republicans tell the poor to do the same thing so save the faux outrage.
Tell them WHAT take charge of their lives, and STOP mooching off the rest of us? Educate themselves and cease using the safety net as a hammock? Really?:eusa_hand:

You do realize some people work 40 hour weeks or more and are still poor. Raise the damn wages.
Because Gubmint says so? Market can't afford it? What fucking country do you think YOU live in? Liberty is still ALIEN to you, isn't it? Constitution STILL Alien to YOU isn't it?:eusa_hand:
republicans tell the poor to do the same thing so save the faux outrage.
Tell them WHAT take charge of their lives, and STOP mooching off the rest of us? Educate themselves and cease using the safety net as a hammock? Really?:eusa_hand:

You do realize some people work 40 hour weeks or more and are still poor. Raise the damn wages.

go open your own business then you can raise wages all you want
until, just whine about it...now stop derailing the thread, it's about your Dear wonderful Leader
republicans tell the poor to do the same thing so save the faux outrage.

Not true. Republicans do not EVER tell the poor do without in order to pay for a government mandated waste of money.

What we do tell them is that sacrificing the government handout lifestyle in favor of improving yourself and your income on your own would allow you to leave welfare and purchase your own insurance.

It's a fine line in their eye's I'm sure. One is self sacrifice for a limited time in order to improve your lot for a lifetime. The other is self sacrifice at the alter of more government control of what you will be allowed to achieve during that life time.

Giving up cable and other creature comforts for a short time in order to build yourself up to being able to have those things plus more for your lifetime is a Republican concept. Giving those things up to pay for a few months of a government agenda that will never end and never get you out of that cycle of dependency is the democrat concept.
What Obama has done has increased the cost of medical insurance then ridiculed people for not wanting to pay for it.

Sure some people are "so-called' poor own a car, HDTV, PS3, etc....but their medical insurance could be cheaper if tort reform and insurance commerce laws were changed to lower medical insurance costs....then he could really ridicule them when they still don't buy cheaper medical insurance compared to their crack, gold teeth, hip-hop CDs, etc.
Healthcare is an INDIVIDUAL responsibility. ORION? YOU need to learn the meaning of the word.

And Orion? Apart from the SCOTUS screwing US? Tell us WHERE in the Constitution where Government is mandated to dictate this horseshit?
He really did mean that. If Mitt Romney had said that the press would be howling at how insensitive he was. Let them eat cake and all that.
Obama is the biggest elitist out there. Just don't blow a bunch of cash in Vegas.

Obama To People Who Can?t Afford Obamacare: Give Up Your Phone Or Cable To Pay For It? |

The President recently participated in a health care town hall with Spanish-language media. He responded to a question received via email, from a consumer who makes $36,000 per year and cannot find insurance for a family of three for less than $315 per month. The President responded that “if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.” He added that if a family member gets sick, the father “will wish he had paid that $300 a month.”

Republicans say the same thing to low income earners - get rid of the phone and the television. How is this different?

As cheap as things are in the US, this bloke should be able to afford his healthcare for the family. If he can't, he should find a better job, or his wife should get off her butt and find work.
I'm convinced Obama has been reading my post. He's trying to win me over I see.


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