Obama Gives Phones to Illegal Aliens for Votes

Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.
More: FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?
Your information is dated 2009, sweetiekins. Please hang up and dial again. This is 2012. :lmao:

Actually, the blog post you mention is from 2011. It also seems to be entirely plagiarized. The same text (with very minor stylistic alterations) appears in another story dated one day earlier: Obama Gives Illegal Aliens Phones for Votes

Lakhota's reference to the Factcheck article is highly relevant in that it refers to the same program (Safelink) as does the original article. As the article notes, the program has offered free cell phones continuously since the Bush administration.

It should be noted that Factcheck's claim that the program is not supported by taxes is somewhat misleading. As Factcheck notes, the program is set up through the FCC and uses funds collected from the telecom companies. So, these might not technically be taxes, but they are funds the government collects from businesses.

Let's break down the original article's (IE, the one that the cowboy byte plagiarized):

- The government is indirectly involved in a program that provides free cell phones. Obama is in charge of the government.

- Illegal aliens might be able to fraudulently obtain these cell phones. No evidence is cited to indicate either that this would be possible or that any have done it. To me it seems too little reward for the risk (arrest and deportation, facilitated by tracking the fraudulent cell phone).

- If the illegal aliens get the free cell phones that will make them happy, and they will want to reward Obama.

- The illegal aliens will commit unrelated fraud in order to vote in an election, and they will vote for Obama to reward him for continuing this Bush-era program.

So the article isn't even claiming that the phones will facilitate voter fraud-- only that they will motivate it.

The article also uses incredibly poor sourcing. An anonymous source apparently tells the author that there is a publication that urges "illegals" to commit voter fraud. Given the claim that this is published (and translated into English), there is no reason for the author to rely on an anonymous source rather than reading the article herself.

So, to summarize: plagiarized, poorly-sourced, very weak logic, incorrect timeline.
This is not about illegals you just lapped up the lies of a right wing hack so you could hate Obama a little more
My estimates for illegal aliens is that it is a bad deal for Americans. The human costs for getting here are horrendous. Hundreds of them die horrendous deaths at the hands of drug cartels before even crossing the border as you can see from this link. And sending children here is as low as you can go, Truthmatters. Offering illegals mass citizenship before elections with instructions to vote for the incumbent is a practice that is going to stop. And crooks gleaning phone records and voting for those who don't know how to vote, speak English, or even know if they are going to stay here has got to go, too.

We're not going to take this criminal use of illegal aliens any more.

Your "proof" is links to right wing blogs. How about a genuine news story for this instead of overblown rhetoric and bullshit?
I pray that there's enough people that actually see what he's doing...
It worries me because, you know, we here on this messageboard with all the bitching and complaining on both sides, see what is happening. But there are many out there that are completely blind to it. I work with some women that supported Obama in 08, and they know NOTHING about politics, or what's been going on in the last 3 1/2 yrs. They don't listen to the news, or read the news, or pay any attention to anything except what they hear from their friends. They vote for Obama again.

It's unbelievable to me that there are people that pay attention to NOTHING, just go about their lives without a care. Then when someone tries to tell them what's been going on they get that "deer in the headlights" look! One woman i work with voted for Obama...and she says she's Christian, yet knew NOTHING about the Book of Revelation in the Bible. I'm not comparing voting for Obama and Revelation...i'm saying this because these people are just completely unknowing about anything!!!!

What exactly does a Christian woman who voted for Obama have to do with Revelation?

Are you saying Obama is the anti-Christ?
He might not be the anti christ but he sure is anti Christian. I never did believe the lying fool.
I pray that there's enough people that actually see what he's doing...
It worries me because, you know, we here on this messageboard with all the bitching and complaining on both sides, see what is happening. But there are many out there that are completely blind to it. I work with some women that supported Obama in 08, and they know NOTHING about politics, or what's been going on in the last 3 1/2 yrs. They don't listen to the news, or read the news, or pay any attention to anything except what they hear from their friends. They vote for Obama again.

It's unbelievable to me that there are people that pay attention to NOTHING, just go about their lives without a care. Then when someone tries to tell them what's been going on they get that "deer in the headlights" look! One woman i work with voted for Obama...and she says she's Christian, yet knew NOTHING about the Book of Revelation in the Bible. I'm not comparing voting for Obama and Revelation...i'm saying this because these people are just completely unknowing about anything!!!!

They likey feign it so they dont have to discuss poltics with a brain washed con like you
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Another disturbing fact is some of the phones are being handed out to unattended minors:

Over the first six months of the federal fiscal year, more than 5,200 unaccompanied minors crossed the border illegally into the United States. That figure represents a surge of more 90 percent over the same period last year, with more than 1,300 children arriving in March alone.
In LA, UCSD and the LAPD have put out the red carpet: Send them to America. We'll give them a phone with speed dial help to free food, shelter, medicine, education, benefits, and "optional driver's licenses."

The University of California even has a speed dial poetry number, so people can listen to how America opens its doors to the hungry, tired, poor, etc.

And you're paying for it. Taxpayers subsidize border crossing assistance for illegal aliens.

How's about providing actual proof from an actual news agency, rather than posting some right wing idiot's blog views?
Excuse me? Greta Van Susteren is a Democrat who gave the interview about the thousands of unattended minors crossing the border into the USA each year, and the 90% figure of increase last year. And the Los Angeles Police Department are the ones doling out optional drivers licenses, plus it's no secret that taxpayers subsidize all border crossing assistance for illegal aliens.

You didn't know two of them were from the LAPD?

What were you thinking, ABikerSailor?

You think we are making this up about children being sent over here with no parents accompanying them?

Why do you think Sheriff Joe Arpaio is in trouble with the Obama Justice Department? He's the bloke who has to deal with these kids in his state, and there's no adults to hand these abandoned persons back to. He's fighting a brutal battle with heartless cartels who think nothing of mass murdering a bunch of illegals headed this way and burying them in mass graves. The article above I linked to showed that 3 mass murders were uncovered by August of 2010. For every one criminal act you catch, there are hundreds that are not apprehended, and that's pretty well known in the law enforcement community. The cartels are heinous in their crimes of using and disposing of people for whom they have no use.

Obama is using illegal aliens for vote, and he's getting the money for these votes not from his party but from taxpayers.

He's the most criminal president we've ever had and I am going to fight with all my might to get him and his tax-evading, vice-ignoring flunkies out of office.
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Factcheck? The group obama was a board member of? hold the toilet paper I have to take another shit.

As far as I can tell, Obama has never been affiliated with Factcheck.org and Factcheck.org does not even have a board.

As to the veracity of the information from the link Lakhota provided, Factcheck offered complete sourcing and links (unlike the cowboy byte or the original source of the story). Are you disputing their sources, or are you maintaining that the information becomes inaccurate once Factcheck touches it?
Your information is dated 2009, sweetiekins. Please hang up and dial again. This is 2012. :lmao:

Actually, the blog post you mention is from 2011. It also seems to be entirely plagiarized. The same text (with very minor stylistic alterations) appears in another story dated one day earlier: Obama Gives Illegal Aliens Phones for Votes

Lakhota's reference to the Factcheck article is highly relevant in that it refers to the same program (Safelink) as does the original article. As the article notes, the program has offered free cell phones continuously since the Bush administration.

It should be noted that Factcheck's claim that the program is not supported by taxes is somewhat misleading. As Factcheck notes, the program is set up through the FCC and uses funds collected from the telecom companies. So, these might not technically be taxes, but they are funds the government collects from businesses.

Let's break down the original article's (IE, the one that the cowboy byte plagiarized):

- The government is indirectly involved in a program that provides free cell phones. Obama is in charge of the government.

- Illegal aliens might be able to fraudulently obtain these cell phones. No evidence is cited to indicate either that this would be possible or that any have done it. To me it seems too little reward for the risk (arrest and deportation, facilitated by tracking the fraudulent cell phone).

- If the illegal aliens get the free cell phones that will make them happy, and they will want to reward Obama.

- The illegal aliens will commit unrelated fraud in order to vote in an election, and they will vote for Obama to reward him for continuing this Bush-era program.

So the article isn't even claiming that the phones will facilitate voter fraud-- only that they will motivate it.

The article also uses incredibly poor sourcing. An anonymous source apparently tells the author that there is a publication that urges "illegals" to commit voter fraud. Given the claim that this is published (and translated into English), there is no reason for the author to rely on an anonymous source rather than reading the article herself.

So, to summarize: plagiarized, poorly-sourced, very weak logic, incorrect timeline.
Obama was on the board of Fact Check, madam. They're covering his ass and you know it.
Factcheck? The group obama was a board member of? hold the toilet paper I have to take another shit.

As far as I can tell, Obama has never been affiliated with Factcheck.org and Factcheck.org does not even have a board.

As to the veracity of the information from the link Lakhota provided, Factcheck offered complete sourcing and links (unlike the cowboy byte or the original source of the story). Are you disputing their sources, or are you maintaining that the information becomes inaccurate once Factcheck touches it?
So fact check, formerly influenced by Obama's membership on its board, exists without the existence of any human beings running it, and you're criticizing people here for using references who do not hide who they are like your supporters at "fact check"?

To put it politely, "very interesting."
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Obama Gives Phones to Illegal Aliens for Votes

Illegal aliens now quite possibly can call a toll free government number, 1-800-259-0957, to get a free “Obama Phone.” The program, conventionally known as Safe Link Wireless, is available to those are on food stamps or Medicaid. Applying for work permits that give them drivers’ licenses provides illegals proof of identity. With that, they enter America’s entitlement class and even become enabled to vote in our elections — for Democrats, of course.

The Obama administration has set up a cascading series events, beginning back in August when deportation of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants was suspended, pending reviews. “A review of about 300,000 deportation cases currently before the immigration courts,” will be done by the DOJ and Homeland Security to “halt deportations of longtime residents with clean police records who came here illegally when they were children,” according to a New York Times article.
What say you?

I guess the European banking crisis of overwhelming debt is the direction Democrats wish to take us.

I wonder if Obama will direct the fed to give them 100s of billions more?

The SafeLink program has actually been offering cell phones to low-income households in some states since 2008, not beginning "earlier this year," as the e-mail claims. But the program is rooted in a deeper history.

When phone lines were first laid out in the late 19th century, they were not always inter-operable. That is to say the phone service created by one company to serve one town may not have been compatible with the phone service of another company serving a different town nearby. The telecom companies themselves saw the folly in this arrangement, and so in 1913, AT&T committed itself to resolving interconnection problems as part of the "Kingsbury Commitment."

That common goal of universal service became a goal of universal access to service when Congress passed The Telecommunications Act of 1934. The act created the FCC and also included in its preamble a promise "to make available, so far as possible, to all the people of the United States, a rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges.” There was a fear, expressed by telecom companies themselves, that market forces alone might encourage companies to pass on providing service to hard-to-reach places. This would both hurt the people who wouldn’t have service as well as existing customers who wouldn’t be able to reach them. So the new FCC was tasked with promoting this principle of "universal service."

This informal practice was codified when the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) was created as part of the 1996 Telecommunications Act to "ensure all Americans, including low-income consumers and those who live in rural, insular, high cost areas, shall have affordable service and [to] help to connect eligible schools, libraries, and rural health care providers to the global telecommunications network." The USAC includes four programs to serve rural areas, high cost areas, rural health care providers, and schools and libraries. Since 1997, USAC has provided discounted land line service to low-income individuals. (A more limited program to offer assistance to low-income individuals was created a decade earlier; the telecommunications act expanded and formalized it.) According to Eric Iversen, USAC director of external relations, the Universal Service Fund more recently began funding programs that provide wireless service, such as the pre-paid cellular SafeLink program mentioned in the chain e-mail.

The president has no direct impact on the program, and one could hardly call these devices "Obama Phones," as the e-mail author does. This specific program, SafeLink, started under President George Bush, with grants from an independent company created under President Bill Clinton, which was a legacy of an act passed under President Franklin Roosevelt, which was influenced by an agreement reached between telecommunications companies and the administration of President Woodrow Wilson.

Wilson Phones, anyone?

– Justin Bank

Update, Nov. 5: A public relations representative from SafeLink Wireless contacted us to note that the América Móvil subsidiary that operates the SafeLink program and receives funds from the USF is TracFone Wireless, based in Miami, Fla.

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?
Obama Gives Phones to Illegal Aliens for Votes

Illegal aliens now quite possibly can call a toll free government number, 1-800-259-0957, to get a free “Obama Phone.” The program, conventionally known as Safe Link Wireless, is available to those are on food stamps or Medicaid. Applying for work permits that give them drivers’ licenses provides illegals proof of identity. With that, they enter America’s entitlement class and even become enabled to vote in our elections — for Democrats, of course.

The Obama administration has set up a cascading series events, beginning back in August when deportation of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants was suspended, pending reviews. “A review of about 300,000 deportation cases currently before the immigration courts,” will be done by the DOJ and Homeland Security to “halt deportations of longtime residents with clean police records who came here illegally when they were children,” according to a New York Times article.
What say you?

I guess the European banking crisis of overwhelming debt is the direction Democrats wish to take us.

I wonder if Obama will direct the fed to give them 100s of billions more?

Is that before or after his demand for another $1.2T for debt ceiling raise with no budget?
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Obama Gives Phones to Illegal Aliens for Votes

Illegal aliens now quite possibly can call a toll free government number, 1-800-259-0957, to get a free “Obama Phone.” The program, conventionally known as Safe Link Wireless, is available to those are on food stamps or Medicaid. Applying for work permits that give them drivers’ licenses provides illegals proof of identity. With that, they enter America’s entitlement class and even become enabled to vote in our elections — for Democrats, of course.

The Obama administration has set up a cascading series events, beginning back in August when deportation of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants was suspended, pending reviews. “A review of about 300,000 deportation cases currently before the immigration courts,” will be done by the DOJ and Homeland Security to “halt deportations of longtime residents with clean police records who came here illegally when they were children,” according to a New York Times article.
What say you?

He's buying votes and in particuliar those that can't vote...
Obama Gives Phones to Illegal Aliens for Votes

Illegal aliens now quite possibly can call a toll free government number, 1-800-259-0957, to get a free “Obama Phone.” The program, conventionally known as Safe Link Wireless, is available to those are on food stamps or Medicaid. Applying for work permits that give them drivers’ licenses provides illegals proof of identity. With that, they enter America’s entitlement class and even become enabled to vote in our elections — for Democrats, of course.

The Obama administration has set up a cascading series events, beginning back in August when deportation of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants was suspended, pending reviews. “A review of about 300,000 deportation cases currently before the immigration courts,” will be done by the DOJ and Homeland Security to “halt deportations of longtime residents with clean police records who came here illegally when they were children,” according to a New York Times article.
What say you?

He's buying votes and in particuliar those that can't vote...

Prove it...

Call 1-800-259-0957 and tell them you're an illegal alien, and you'd like a free Obama phone. Also, ask them who pays for it. We'll wait...
Obama Gives Phones to Illegal Aliens for Votes

Illegal aliens now quite possibly can call a toll free government number, 1-800-259-0957, to get a free “Obama Phone.” The program, conventionally known as Safe Link Wireless, is available to those are on food stamps or Medicaid. Applying for work permits that give them drivers’ licenses provides illegals proof of identity. With that, they enter America’s entitlement class and even become enabled to vote in our elections — for Democrats, of course.

The Obama administration has set up a cascading series events, beginning back in August when deportation of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants was suspended, pending reviews. “A review of about 300,000 deportation cases currently before the immigration courts,” will be done by the DOJ and Homeland Security to “halt deportations of longtime residents with clean police records who came here illegally when they were children,” according to a New York Times article.
What say you?

He's buying votes and in particuliar those that can't vote...
Plus the DOJ is keeping 300,0O0 illegals here until after the election. It is also screeching "JOE ARPAIO Lawsuit!" in its death squeal if anybody talks about this, taking the illegal votes away from the Democrats, who know they can't win without massive frauds.

Joe Arpaio has to deal with thousands of minor children whose are being hauled over the border by coyotes while the DOJ screams bloody murder at him.

Some justice department-turned-illegal-vote-snatchers. :rolleyes:

He's buying votes and in particuliar those that can't vote...
Plus the DOJ is keeping 300,0O0 illegals here until after the election. It is also screeching "JOE ARPAIO Lawsuit!" in its death squeal if anybody talks about this, taking the illegal votes away from the Democrats, who know they can't win without massive frauds.

Joe Arpaio has to deal with thousands of minor children whose are being hauled over the border by coyotes while the DOJ screams bloody murder at him.

Some justice department-turned-illegal-vote-snatchers. :rolleyes:

Indeed. All I can say is that I can't wait for Eric Holder to be held in contempt of Congress...and handcuffed...and led out of the chamber.

These people are criminals.

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