Obama Gives Phones to Illegal Aliens for Votes

Obama Gives Phones to Illegal Aliens for Votes

Illegal aliens now quite possibly can call a toll free government number, 1-800-259-0957, to get a free “Obama Phone.” The program, conventionally known as Safe Link Wireless, is available to those are on food stamps or Medicaid. Applying for work permits that give them drivers’ licenses provides illegals proof of identity. With that, they enter America’s entitlement class and even become enabled to vote in our elections — for Democrats, of course.

The Obama administration has set up a cascading series events, beginning back in August when deportation of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants was suspended, pending reviews. “A review of about 300,000 deportation cases currently before the immigration courts,” will be done by the DOJ and Homeland Security to “halt deportations of longtime residents with clean police records who came here illegally when they were children,” according to a New York Times article.
What say you?

He's buying votes and in particuliar those that can't vote...
Buying illegal votes with taxpayer subsidized support of illegal aliens who can vote on their free phones even though they're minors.

He thinks the American people are not looking or are confused or something, too. Just look at the DNC faithful here, trying as hard as they can to make his cheating not look so bad. tch, tch, tch.
Call 1-800-259-0957 and tell them you're an illegal alien, and you'd like a free Obama phone. Also, ask them who pays for it. We'll wait...

He's buying votes and in particuliar those that can't vote...
Buying illegal votes with taxpayer subsidized support of illegal aliens who can vote on their free phones even though they're minors.

He thinks the American people are not looking or are confused or something, too. Just look at the DNC faithful here, trying as hard as they can to make his cheating not look so bad. tch, tch, tch.

They can't help themselves. They know Obama is in trouble and are trying desparately to save him...

IF the rule of law means anything? He's doomed no matter what he does.

People are engaged...paying attention larger than I have ever seen in my life.
Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.
More: FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?
Your information is dated 2009, sweetiekins. Please hang up and dial again. This is 2012. :lmao:

That doesn't make the blog you used to get your source correct.

Safe Link has been around for quite some time. I can't vouch for who funds it, but I do know that when I used to get a phone bill there was a surcharge for the project.

Don't ask, don't tell, Lakota. You know the drill. Here's the most recent info:

Lifeline Cell Phone eligibility for Assurance Wireless, a Lifeline Assistance program
Contact us at 1-888-898 8448

You may qualify for Assurance Wireless if you participate in any of the following government programs:

. Medicaid
. Food Stamps/SNAP
. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

. Health Benefit Coverage under Child Health Plan (CHIP)
. Federal Public Housing Assistance
. Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

OR You may qualify based on household income

Lifeline Cell Phone Eligibility | Assurance Wireless
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I pray that there's enough people that actually see what he's doing...
It worries me because, you know, we here on this messageboard with all the bitching and complaining on both sides, see what is happening. But there are many out there that are completely blind to it. I work with some women that supported Obama in 08, and they know NOTHING about politics, or what's been going on in the last 3 1/2 yrs. They don't listen to the news, or read the news, or pay any attention to anything except what they hear from their friends. They vote for Obama again.

It's unbelievable to me that there are people that pay attention to NOTHING, just go about their lives without a care. Then when someone tries to tell them what's been going on they get that "deer in the headlights" look! One woman i work with voted for Obama...and she says she's Christian, yet knew NOTHING about the Book of Revelation in the Bible. I'm not comparing voting for Obama and Revelation...i'm saying this because these people are just completely unknowing about anything!!!!

Would you deny them their faith and the comfort they derive from that?
Your information is dated 2009, sweetiekins. Please hang up and dial again. This is 2012. :lmao:

That doesn't make the blog you used to get your source correct.

Safe Link has been around for quite some time. I can't vouch for who funds it, but I do know that when I used to get a phone bill there was a surcharge for the project.

Surcharge? Well, you and other subscribers paid some of it or replaced with interest the "foundation" that did. Thanks for sharing that.
This is all about pubs refusing a good work/ss ID card, dupes. But carry on, morons...
Don't ask, don't tell, Lakota. You know the drill. Here's the most recent info:

Lifeline Cell Phone eligibility for Assurance Wireless, a Lifeline Assistance program
Contact us at 1-888-898 8448

You may qualify for Assurance Wireless if you participate in any of the following government programs:

. Medicaid
. Food Stamps/SNAP
. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

. Health Benefit Coverage under Child Health Plan (CHIP)
. Federal Public Housing Assistance
. Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

OR You may qualify based on household income

Lifeline Cell Phone Eligibility | Assurance Wireless

Oh, so now there's another telephone number. Your OP seems to be undergoing metamorphosis.

Well, hell, just call both telephone numbers and ask for a free Obama phone. Tell them you're an illegal alien and/or you are under one of the above social programs. Ask them who started this program and who pays for it. We'll wait...

NOTE: The phone number listed in your link is 1-888-898-4888 - not 1-888-898 8448 as you have referenced above.
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that you are a hate filled lie fueled idiot

I've never seen anyone as hateful as you...you won't believe anything that anyone says if it's against Obama. Your quite a tool.....

Something you should understand is a significant number of those whom you believe are pro-Obama are actually anti-Republican, with good cause.

I was a registered Republican and a Conservative from the early sixties. Back then there was a fringe element associated with Republican Conservatives but that element gradually hijacked the Party, beginning with Ronald Reagan and culminating with George W. Bush -- which was when and why I re-registered as a Democrat. Today's Republicans are largely brainwashed and the neo-Conservatives are fringe radicals who would have been kicked to the curb by yesterdays version.

While Kucinich was my first choice I voted for Obama in '08 because the alternative was McCain. And while Obama has been a major disappointment for me (and for most others who voted for him), I (we) will vote for him again in November because -- look who the alternative is this time! And based on the general quality of your messages I'd say you are far too intelligent to not understand that Obama, as bad as he is, is the lesser of two evils.
Factcheck? The group obama was a board member of? hold the toilet paper I have to take another shit.

As far as I can tell, Obama has never been affiliated with Factcheck.org and Factcheck.org does not even have a board.

As to the veracity of the information from the link Lakhota provided, Factcheck offered complete sourcing and links (unlike the cowboy byte or the original source of the story). Are you disputing their sources, or are you maintaining that the information becomes inaccurate once Factcheck touches it?

A review of board minutes and records by CNN show Obama crossed paths repeatedly with Ayers at board meetings of the Annenberg Challenge Project.
You seemed to have an issue with the first phone # that was part of a link. I found another that may be more up to date. It seems when these things become known, the shape shifting starts. Children are coming over the border unattended by their parents. There was a 90% increase this most recent year according to Greta Van Susteren's guest, and that was validated by several articles and statements made by police that I found but didn't link. I can only do so much to call attention to these minor children coming over here and the trials the immigrants go through before they can even get over the border due to the criminal element of the coyotes and drug cartels trying to make a buck off these people, and now children.

It's madness, and there's no reason for it. Every single time there's a presidential election, the Democrats make a huge stink about adding more illegal immigrants to make Latino emotions run hot at any opposition to this.

I'm tired of their war on business. It's one thing for the Democrats to shoot themselves in the foot. I set my foot down when they try to shoot America in the foot, and they're doing it right and left with taxpayer money and funnelling it to themselves, their families, their voters, and they're taking it away from those who don't vote for them.

America has never been so financially ruined by another group of people than the Democrats hustling tax-funded projects to their credit without having to pay a single cent in tax money for the tax money they can hustle by putting little earmarks on bills they agree to pass. It's a national scandal.

It works to your advantage, somehow, or you wouldn't be here throwing up a smokescreen to avoid discussing

thousands of minor children being hustled over the border without parental support in the last 12 months

All the Obama administration can see fit to do is to muzzle the very people who have to deal with this unthinkable situation like Joe Arpaio, Sheriff in Arizona, because he doesn't kiss their heineys.
I pray that there's enough people that actually see what he's doing...
It worries me because, you know, we here on this messageboard with all the bitching and complaining on both sides, see what is happening. But there are many out there that are completely blind to it. I work with some women that supported Obama in 08, and they know NOTHING about politics, or what's been going on in the last 3 1/2 yrs. They don't listen to the news, or read the news, or pay any attention to anything except what they hear from their friends. They vote for Obama again.

It's unbelievable to me that there are people that pay attention to NOTHING, just go about their lives without a care. Then when someone tries to tell them what's been going on they get that "deer in the headlights" look! One woman i work with voted for Obama...and she says she's Christian, yet knew NOTHING about the Book of Revelation in the Bible. I'm not comparing voting for Obama and Revelation...i'm saying this because these people are just completely unknowing about anything!!!!

You sound like a teavangelist. No offense.
Okay, I give up on this wingnut thread. Enjoy the fact-free wallow...
that you are a hate filled lie fueled idiot

I've never seen anyone as hateful as you...you won't believe anything that anyone says if it's against Obama. Your quite a tool.....

Something you should understand is a significant number of those whom you believe are pro-Obama are actually anti-Republican, with good cause.

I was a registered Republican and a Conservative from the early sixties. Back then there was a fringe element associated with Republican Conservatives but that element gradually hijacked the Party, beginning with Ronald Reagan and culminating with George W. Bush -- which was when and why I re-registered as a Democrat. Today's Republicans are largely brainwashed and the neo-Conservatives are fringe radicals who would have been kicked to the curb by yesterdays version.

While Kucinich was my first choice I voted for Obama in '08 because the alternative was McCain. And while Obama has been a major disappointment for me (and for most others who voted for him), I (we) will vote for him again in November because -- look who the alternative is this time! And based on the general quality of your messages I'd say you are far too intelligent to not understand that Obama, as bad as he is, is the lesser of two evils.
We are not brainwashed. We read the papers since the 1960s, and we are well-informed. We're not organized by a central locus that tells us what to say, what to do, and who is and is not telling the truth according to the Democrat Party that I OBSERVED using a convict's book of lies as their damn party platform in 1999-2000 and again in 2004. Two media figures were forced to resign for using the false and misleading information this book used. TWO, and they were 1%ers too.
Factcheck? The group obama was a board member of? hold the toilet paper I have to take another shit.

As far as I can tell, Obama has never been affiliated with Factcheck.org and Factcheck.org does not even have a board.

As to the veracity of the information from the link Lakhota provided, Factcheck offered complete sourcing and links (unlike the cowboy byte or the original source of the story). Are you disputing their sources, or are you maintaining that the information becomes inaccurate once Factcheck touches it?

A review of board minutes and records by CNN show Obama crossed paths repeatedly with Ayers at board meetings of the Annenberg Challenge Project.
Ayers and Obama crossed paths on boards, records show - CNN

The Annenburg Foundation - one of the largest non-profits in this country, funds both Factcheck.org, and the Annenburg Challenge.

Obama was never on the "Board" of either one. Obama worked on a project that got grant money from the Annenburg Challenge. That's all.
You seemed to have an issue with the first phone # that was part of a link. I found another that may be more up to date. It seems when these things become known, the shape shifting starts. Children are coming over the border unattended by their parents. There was a 90% increase this most recent year according to Greta Van Susteren's guest, and that was validated by several articles and statements made by police that I found but didn't link. I can only do so much to call attention to these minor children coming over here and the trials the immigrants go through before they can even get over the border due to the criminal element of the coyotes and drug cartels trying to make a buck off these people, and now children.

It's madness, and there's no reason for it. Every single time there's a presidential election, the Democrats make a huge stink about adding more illegal immigrants to make Latino emotions run hot at any opposition to this.

I'm tired of their war on business. It's one thing for the Democrats to shoot themselves in the foot. I set my foot down when they try to shoot America in the foot, and they're doing it right and left with taxpayer money and funnelling it to themselves, their families, their voters, and they're taking it away from those who don't vote for them.

America has never been so financially ruined by another group of people than the Democrats hustling tax-funded projects to their credit without having to pay a single cent in tax money for the tax money they can hustle by putting little earmarks on bills they agree to pass. It's a national scandal.

It works to your advantage, somehow, or you wouldn't be here throwing up a smokescreen to avoid discussing

thousands of minor children being hustled over the border without parental support in the last 12 months

All the Obama administration can see fit to do is to muzzle the very people who have to deal with this unthinkable situation like Joe Arpaio, Sheriff in Arizona, because he doesn't kiss their heineys.

But no one is giving free "taxpayer" phones to illegals.
The dupes have believed pure Pubcrappe since Rush and Fox, etc etc etc started up...they've been told the truth many times and now deserve nothing but abuse. Just bad, hateful tools...

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