Obama Gives Phones to Illegal Aliens for Votes

Okay, I give up on this wingnut thread. Enjoy the fact-free wallow...
The fact is, now minor children are crossing the border in droves. That's a recent trend. It's a terrible thing, and it is backed by border stat catches coming from the border patrol and communities who are horrified at the ages of these young children coming here with no parents in sight. I linked you to three known mass graves for illegal immigrants uncovered in 2010, and I think that is just a fraction of the evil that is done to these children and young people coming over the border with nothing but a shirt on their backs and a few dollars in their pockets, if the coyotes don't rob them of everything when they dump them. You go right ahead and head out. Disappear when you see the facts. It won't be the first time.

There's a big problem here, and it comes from ignoring the elephant sitting in the living room that the illegal alien problem is to the 4 border states as well as adjacent states and Florida.
Okay, I give up on this wingnut thread. Enjoy the fact-free wallow...
The fact is, now minor children are crossing the border in droves. That's a recent trend. It's a terrible thing, and it is backed by border stat catches coming from the border patrol and communities who are horrified at the ages of these young children coming here with no parents in sight. I linked you to three known mass graves for illegal immigrants uncovered in 2010, and I think that is just a fraction of the evil that is done to these children and young people coming over the border with nothing but a shirt on their backs and a few dollars in their pockets, if the coyotes don't rob them of everything when they dump them. You go right ahead and head out. Disappear when you see the facts. It won't be the first time.

There's a big problem here, and it comes from ignoring the elephant sitting in the living room that the illegal alien problem is to the 4 border states as well as adjacent states and Florida.

You're right, it is a big problem.

Even so, your OP is still nonsense. No one is giving illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded free cell phones...
Factcheck? The group obama was a board member of? hold the toilet paper I have to take another shit.

As far as I can tell, Obama has never been affiliated with Factcheck.org and Factcheck.org does not even have a board.

As to the veracity of the information from the link Lakhota provided, Factcheck offered complete sourcing and links (unlike the cowboy byte or the original source of the story). Are you disputing their sources, or are you maintaining that the information becomes inaccurate once Factcheck touches it?

A review of board minutes and records by CNN show Obama crossed paths repeatedly with Ayers at board meetings of the Annenberg Challenge Project.
Ayers and Obama crossed paths on boards, records show - CNN

Thank you for the clarification. As I understand it:

- Obama served on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge until 1999 (Chicago Annenberg Challenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

- The challenge was funded in part by the Annenberg Foundation.

- Beginning in 2003, the Annenberg Foundation began to fund Factcheck.org (which does not have a Board of Directors).

So Obama served on a board which took money from a group that later funded Factcheck.org. I must say that I find that quite different from what you originally claimed.
Don't ask, don't tell, Lakota. You know the drill. Here's the most recent info:

Lifeline Cell Phone eligibility for Assurance Wireless, a Lifeline Assistance program
Contact us at 1-888-898 8448

You may qualify for Assurance Wireless if you participate in any of the following government programs:

. Medicaid
. Food Stamps/SNAP
. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

. Health Benefit Coverage under Child Health Plan (CHIP)
. Federal Public Housing Assistance
. Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

OR You may qualify based on household income

Lifeline Cell Phone Eligibility | Assurance Wireless

Oh, so now there's another telephone number. Your OP seems to be undergoing metamorphosis.

Well, hell, just call both telephone numbers and ask for a free Obama phone. Tell them you're an illegal alien and/or you are under one of the above social programs. Ask them who started this program and who pays for it. We'll wait...

NOTE: The phone number listed in your link is 1-888-898-4888 - not 1-888-898 8448 as you have referenced above.
Thank you for your correction of my typo.
I pray that there's enough people that actually see what he's doing...
It worries me because, you know, we here on this messageboard with all the bitching and complaining on both sides, see what is happening. But there are many out there that are completely blind to it. I work with some women that supported Obama in 08, and they know NOTHING about politics, or what's been going on in the last 3 1/2 yrs. They don't listen to the news, or read the news, or pay any attention to anything except what they hear from their friends. They vote for Obama again.

It's unbelievable to me that there are people that pay attention to NOTHING, just go about their lives without a care. Then when someone tries to tell them what's been going on they get that "deer in the headlights" look! One woman i work with voted for Obama...and she says she's Christian, yet knew NOTHING about the Book of Revelation in the Bible. I'm not comparing voting for Obama and Revelation...i'm saying this because these people are just completely unknowing about anything!!!!

Did your praying during the 2008 election work?

P.S. It's not going to work in 2012. Obama is going to win.
As far as I can tell, Obama has never been affiliated with Factcheck.org and Factcheck.org does not even have a board.

As to the veracity of the information from the link Lakhota provided, Factcheck offered complete sourcing and links (unlike the cowboy byte or the original source of the story). Are you disputing their sources, or are you maintaining that the information becomes inaccurate once Factcheck touches it?

A review of board minutes and records by CNN show Obama crossed paths repeatedly with Ayers at board meetings of the Annenberg Challenge Project.
Ayers and Obama crossed paths on boards, records show - CNN

Thank you for the clarification. As I understand it:

- Obama served on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge until 1999 (Chicago Annenberg Challenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

- The challenge was funded in part by the Annenberg Foundation.

- Beginning in 2003, the Annenberg Foundation began to fund Factcheck.org (which does not have a Board of Directors).

So Obama served on a board which took money from a group that later funded Factcheck.org. I must say that I find that quite different from what you originally claimed.
First, Obama played stupid when somebody asked him about his association with Mr. Ayers, suspect in the death of a SF Policeman Brian V. McConnell that he told an undercover cop Ms. Dorne built and he placed on the Park Station windowsill that blew him to bits and severely wounded two other cops.

Obama doesn't "serve" unless he gets more out of something than he puts into it.

Kind of like Nancy Pelosi "serves" so long as her family gets a billion bucks out of taxpayer-100%-subsidized green loans to their failing businesses.

Enough is enough.

The whole bunch needs to be shown the door. This nation has problems, and all Obama can do is try to get rid of Joe Arpaio who's bustin' his ass trying to get help for these minor children by locating their parents, now being sent over the border for riddance from Central America and Mexico.

Enough of that is enough, too.
Factcheck? The group obama was a board member of? hold the toilet paper I have to take another shit.

As far as I can tell, Obama has never been affiliated with Factcheck.org and Factcheck.org does not even have a board.

As to the veracity of the information from the link Lakhota provided, Factcheck offered complete sourcing and links (unlike the cowboy byte or the original source of the story). Are you disputing their sources, or are you maintaining that the information becomes inaccurate once Factcheck touches it?
So fact check, formerly influenced by Obama's membership on its board, exists without the existence of any human beings running it, and you're criticizing people here for using references who do not hide who they are like your supporters at "fact check"?

To put it politely, "very interesting."

Assuming your question is intended as a characterization of my own position, it is a mischaracterization. I did not say that Factcheck was not run by human beings, I said that it did not have a board: it has a Director and a Deputy Director(FactCheck.org : About Us). As I note in a previous post, Obama does not seem to have ever been affiliated with Factcheck.

In fact I did not criticize people for using unhidden references: I criticized them for hiding their references, either for plagiarizing a source or for relying unnecessarily on anonymous hearsay.

Do you deny the factual accuracy of any of the following, and can you provide evidence supporting that position:

- Your original source committed plagiarism.

- The program began before Obama was elected President.

- Illegal aliens are not eligible for the program.

- Your source does not provide any evidence that illegal aliens have fraudulently enrolled in the program.
A review of board minutes and records by CNN show Obama crossed paths repeatedly with Ayers at board meetings of the Annenberg Challenge Project.
Ayers and Obama crossed paths on boards, records show - CNN

Thank you for the clarification. As I understand it:

- Obama served on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge until 1999 (Chicago Annenberg Challenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

- The challenge was funded in part by the Annenberg Foundation.

- Beginning in 2003, the Annenberg Foundation began to fund Factcheck.org (which does not have a Board of Directors).

So Obama served on a board which took money from a group that later funded Factcheck.org. I must say that I find that quite different from what you originally claimed.
First, Obama played stupid when somebody asked him about his association with Mr. Ayers, suspect in the death of a SF Policeman Brian V. McConnell that he told an undercover cop Ms. Dorne built and he placed on the Park Station windowsill that blew him to bits and severely wounded two other cops.

Obama doesn't "serve" unless he gets more out of something than he puts into it.

Kind of like Nancy Pelosi "serves" so long as her family gets a billion bucks out of taxpayer-100%-subsidized green loans to their failing businesses.

Enough is enough.

The whole bunch needs to be shown the door. This nation has problems, and all Obama can do is try to get rid of Joe Arpaio who's bustin' his ass trying to get help for these minor children by locating their parents, now being sent over the border for riddance from Central America and Mexico.

Enough of that is enough, too.

I'm going to accept this non sequitur as an implicit concession that your original claim regarding the relationship between Obama and Factcheck has become untenable.
Okay, I give up on this wingnut thread. Enjoy the fact-free wallow...
The fact is, now minor children are crossing the border in droves. That's a recent trend. It's a terrible thing, and it is backed by border stat catches coming from the border patrol and communities who are horrified at the ages of these young children coming here with no parents in sight. I linked you to three known mass graves for illegal immigrants uncovered in 2010, and I think that is just a fraction of the evil that is done to these children and young people coming over the border with nothing but a shirt on their backs and a few dollars in their pockets, if the coyotes don't rob them of everything when they dump them. You go right ahead and head out. Disappear when you see the facts. It won't be the first time.

There's a big problem here, and it comes from ignoring the elephant sitting in the living room that the illegal alien problem is to the 4 border states as well as adjacent states and Florida.

You're right, it is a big problem.

Even so, your OP is still nonsense. No one is giving illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded free cell phones...
They get them when they apply for welfare. It's a convoluted process, but taxpayers foot the bill for this, and some subscribers to the phone service see surcharges for this vaguely known deal. Some of those kids are so young, they don't even know they are eligible for help over here, if the coyotes don't use them for other ill purposes or worse, kill them and put them in mass graves. did you read that one or are you taking my transposed typo as all this thread is worth like Lakota did before he/she left? I've linked it twice.
Thank you for the clarification. As I understand it:

- Obama served on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge until 1999 (Chicago Annenberg Challenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

- The challenge was funded in part by the Annenberg Foundation.

- Beginning in 2003, the Annenberg Foundation began to fund Factcheck.org (which does not have a Board of Directors).

So Obama served on a board which took money from a group that later funded Factcheck.org. I must say that I find that quite different from what you originally claimed.
First, Obama played stupid when somebody asked him about his association with Mr. Ayers, suspect in the death of a SF Policeman Brian V. McConnell that he told an undercover cop Ms. Dorne built and he placed on the Park Station windowsill that blew him to bits and severely wounded two other cops.

Obama doesn't "serve" unless he gets more out of something than he puts into it.

Kind of like Nancy Pelosi "serves" so long as her family gets a billion bucks out of taxpayer-100%-subsidized green loans to their failing businesses.

Enough is enough.

The whole bunch needs to be shown the door. This nation has problems, and all Obama can do is try to get rid of Joe Arpaio who's bustin' his ass trying to get help for these minor children by locating their parents, now being sent over the border for riddance from Central America and Mexico.

Enough of that is enough, too.

I'm going to accept this non sequitur as an implicit concession that your original claim regarding the relationship between Obama and Factcheck has become untenable.
Do whatever you want.

Obama's board membership on FactCheck is not about me, madam.
The fact is, now minor children are crossing the border in droves. That's a recent trend. It's a terrible thing, and it is backed by border stat catches coming from the border patrol and communities who are horrified at the ages of these young children coming here with no parents in sight. I linked you to three known mass graves for illegal immigrants uncovered in 2010, and I think that is just a fraction of the evil that is done to these children and young people coming over the border with nothing but a shirt on their backs and a few dollars in their pockets, if the coyotes don't rob them of everything when they dump them. You go right ahead and head out. Disappear when you see the facts. It won't be the first time.

There's a big problem here, and it comes from ignoring the elephant sitting in the living room that the illegal alien problem is to the 4 border states as well as adjacent states and Florida.

You're right, it is a big problem.

Even so, your OP is still nonsense. No one is giving illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded free cell phones...
They get them when they apply for welfare. It's a convoluted process, but taxpayers foot the bill for this, and some subscribers to the phone service see surcharges for this vaguely known deal.
Illegal immigrants are not eligible for "welfare", and the the phones aren't paid for by "the taxpayers", they're paid by the telephone companies.

Some of those kids are so young, they don't even know they are eligible for help over here, if the coyotes don't use them for other ill purposes or worse, kill them and put them in mass graves. did you read that one or are you taking my transposed typo as all this thread is worth like Lakota did before he/she left? I've linked it twice.

I'm not disagreeing with you about coyotes, and underage illegal immigrants. Yes, of course it's a terrible problem.

But that doesn't change the fact that the premise of this thread is a LIE.
First, Obama played stupid when somebody asked him about his association with Mr. Ayers, suspect in the death of a SF Policeman Brian V. McConnell that he told an undercover cop Ms. Dorne built and he placed on the Park Station windowsill that blew him to bits and severely wounded two other cops.

Obama doesn't "serve" unless he gets more out of something than he puts into it.

Kind of like Nancy Pelosi "serves" so long as her family gets a billion bucks out of taxpayer-100%-subsidized green loans to their failing businesses.

Enough is enough.

The whole bunch needs to be shown the door. This nation has problems, and all Obama can do is try to get rid of Joe Arpaio who's bustin' his ass trying to get help for these minor children by locating their parents, now being sent over the border for riddance from Central America and Mexico.

Enough of that is enough, too.

I'm going to accept this non sequitur as an implicit concession that your original claim regarding the relationship between Obama and Factcheck has become untenable.
Do whatever you want.

Obama's board membership on FactCheck is not about me, madam.

Obama has never been, no will he ever be, on "the board" of factcheck.

In fact, he has never had anything at all to do with factcheck.
I'm going to accept this non sequitur as an implicit concession that your original claim regarding the relationship between Obama and Factcheck has become untenable.
Do whatever you want.

Obama's board membership on FactCheck is not about me, madam.

Obama has never been, no will he ever be, on "the board" of factcheck.

In fact, he has never had anything at all to do with factcheck.
Did too.
I'm going to accept this non sequitur as an implicit concession that your original claim regarding the relationship between Obama and Factcheck has become untenable.
Do whatever you want.

Obama's board membership on FactCheck is not about me, madam.

Obama has never been, no will he ever be, on "the board" of factcheck.

In fact, he has never had anything at all to do with factcheck.

Annenberg which is also does fact check
Do whatever you want.

Obama's board membership on FactCheck is not about me, madam.

Obama has never been, no will he ever be, on "the board" of factcheck.

In fact, he has never had anything at all to do with factcheck.

Annenberg which is also does fact check

No, he was never on the board of The Annenberg Foundation either.

He was on the board of a program that got funding from Annenberg. That's all.

You can keep repeating as much as you like, but that won't make it come true.

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