Obama glad Eagles signed Vick. The picture on Drudge says it all!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010


Need I say more?


The propensity of sports fans to forgive anything as long as the guy makes touch downs has always been something, I view with disgust.

I know what you are saying. BUT PIT BULLS!!! :eek:

There was a pit bull at the condos I used to live in. The biggest, most MONSTROUS looking pit bull you ever saw. This thing looked like it had been cross bred with CUJO!

One day without any warning, it jumped out from it's patio, grabbed my oldest with it's front paws in a bear hug, (who was only 8 at the time), and pulled her face in toward him.

I was so horrified, (I'm ashamed to say) I couldn't react. Biggest Pit bull I EVER saw! HUGE!

Then the dog, started licking the crap out of her! :lol::lol::lol:

Biggest friendliest thing, you ever saw. It would come running up to you, looking like something out of a nightmare and then stop short, right in front of you, wagging it's tale and panting happily to see you!

LOVED EVERYBODY! :lol::lol::lol:

One day, the dog got stolen. Probably by some scubag like Vick who will make it mean.

I have no use for people who mistreat helpless animals.

I don't give a damn how many touch downs Vick makes. He's a slime ball in my book.
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While I obviously don't approve of what Michael Vick did, he served his time in jail, paid his fines, and received his punishment. Is he never supposed to be able to get a job ever again?


Need I say more?


The propensity of sports fans to forgive anything as long as the guy makes touch downs has always been something, I view with disgust.

shouldn't you be interviewing sarah's fluff boy or something?

Looks like a hit a nerve with the "I don't care if he's like OJ and kills a neighborhood, as long as he can make touch downs" crowd.

Thanks for stepping up to be heard.
While I obviously don't approve of what Michael Vick did, he served his time in jail, paid his fines, and received his punishment. Is he never supposed to be able to get a job ever again?

Yeah! How about at an animal shelter!

That would be a great job for him, if the bastard was really sorry!


Need I say more?


The propensity of sports fans to forgive anything as long as the guy makes touch downs has always been something, I view with disgust.

shouldn't you be interviewing sarah's fluff boy or something?

Looks like a hit a nerve with the "I don't care if he's like OJ and kills a neighborhood, as long as he can make touch downs" crowd.

Thanks for stepping up to be heard.


you couldn't hit the ocean from the deck of the titanic.

thanks for the laugh
He doesnt need your approval or anyone to forgive him. The fact is he spent almost 2 years in jail. So in the eyes of the legal system hes even and should be able to exploit any marketable skillset he has. Personally, I still think hes a low life.
shouldn't you be interviewing sarah's fluff boy or something?

Looks like a hit a nerve with the "I don't care if he's like OJ and kills a neighborhood, as long as he can make touch downs" crowd.

Thanks for stepping up to be heard.


you couldn't hit the ocean from the deck of the titanic.

thanks for the laugh

Yeah, that's why you are here. Thanks for protesting too much.

While I obviously don't approve of what Michael Vick did, he served his time in jail, paid his fines, and received his punishment. Is he never supposed to be able to get a job ever again?

Yeah! How about at an animal shelter!

That would be a great job for him, if the bastard was really sorry!

Except the judge has told him to stay away from dogs......you missed that part, didn't you?
He doesnt need your approval or anyone to forgive him. The fact is he spent almost 2 years in jail. So in the eyes of the legal system hes even and should be able to exploit any marketable skillset he has. Personally, I still think hes a low life.

I agree...But apparently Teapartysamarai doesn't believe in people freely using their marketable skills once they've paid their dept to society.
He doesnt need your approval or anyone to forgive him. The fact is he spent almost 2 years in jail. So in the eyes of the legal system hes even and should be able to exploit any marketable skillset he has. Personally, I still think hes a low life.

I'm not talking about my approval. I'm talking about the approval of the crowd that Vick could shoot his wife at high noon on Friday, as long as he makes touch downs on Sunday!

But Tiger Woods did less and is anyone forgiving him?


So, what's different about Vick? Tiger didn't kill anything. Vick's favorite method was hanging the poor things.


Or you know damn well, he'd be in the same DOG HOUSE (pun intended) as Woods!

And OF COURSE, it's the guys coming to the thread, coming to Vick's defense on this one.

Thanks for proving my point. Disgusting!
While I obviously don't approve of what Michael Vick did, he served his time in jail, paid his fines, and received his punishment. Is he never supposed to be able to get a job ever again?

The issue really isnt about Michael Vick in my eyes. The issue is praising the owners of the Eagles for giving him a second chance.

Lets be real here.....if Michael Vick did not run the 40 in 4.1 seconds, would the owners of the Eagles hired him to sell hot dogs in the stands?

He hired him as he saw him as a means to make money...not as a means to give Michael Vick a second chance.

And likewise, would Michael Vick taken a job to sell hot dogs in the stands? Again, lets be real here...he took the job due to his ability to generate millions in salary.

Obama, a President I was not thrilled with from day one, but one I am now giving much more credit to as of late (he is actually starting to get my support in some initiaitives)...dropped the ball with this one.

I prefer seeing him out there praising some kid who got out of jail for some dumb auto theft and going back to college, than priasing Michael Vick for taking a million dollar contract and the Owner of the Eagles betting on great financial returns.
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He doesnt need your approval or anyone to forgive him. The fact is he spent almost 2 years in jail. So in the eyes of the legal system hes even and should be able to exploit any marketable skillset he has. Personally, I still think hes a low life.

I'm not talking about my approval. I'm talking about the approval of the crowd that Vick could shoot his wife at high noon on Friday, as long as he makes touch downs on Sunday!

But Tiger Woods did less and is anyone forgiving him?


So, what's different about Vick? Tiger didn't kill anything. Vick's favorite method was hanging the poor things.


Or you know damn well, he'd be in the same DOG HOUSE (pun intended) as Woods!

And OF COURSE, it's the guys coming to the thread, coming to Vick's defense on this one.

Thanks for proving my point. Disgusting!

you should ask senator miller (fuckwit-AK) to intervene.

oh, wait....
While I obviously don't approve of what Michael Vick did, he served his time in jail, paid his fines, and received his punishment. Is he never supposed to be able to get a job ever again?

Yeah! How about at an animal shelter!

That would be a great job for him, if the bastard was really sorry!

Except the judge has told him to stay away from dogs......you missed that part, didn't you?

Good! Even better!

Now let's see the bastard give half his salary to the animal shelter since he had so much fun killing dogs. Maybe he should have some fun trying to keep some alive and adopted.

Son of a Bitch!
That would be a great job for him, if the bastard was really sorry!
So Vick puts dogs in a ring to fight.
Yes, it's brutal and illegal.
He paid his debt to society.

Your hero, Sarah Palin, can put a 30-06 slug into the skull of an elk and you're okay with that?

Just trying to better understand where your high standards rest...

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