Obama goes on Fox News and gives interview.

When is Fox News going to have Nancy Pelosi on so that they can congratulate her on passing Healthcare Reform???

Nancy will never in a million years go on Fox.
I can't believe Obama did.

He didn't answer any questions though...what a douchebag.
Prove that he knows the answers and purposefully withheld answers. Otherwise, you are simply dreaming out of your ass again, Ollie.

So you are saying that Obama does not know how HE FEELS about reconciliation? He does not know how HE FEELS about deem and not vote?

Wow....so you say he does not think for himself? Wow....I mean...really? You? Admit he is a puppet?

Wow...I am impressed by your honesty.

YOU, nor anyone else knows why Obama did what he did. You are GUESSSING. And not only are you guessing, but you are forming your guesses into a neat little pile that fits your agenda. Wait a second...do you work for Faux News?

Jeez....VaY....spinning is not your style.
What are you talking about?

He was asked his sentiments on Reconciliation and on Slaughter.
He would not answer. He never said "I dont want to answer"...he simply spoke about something else all together.

So he was asked again...and again he went on a little rant about something...

So he was asked again...and he reprimanded Brett saying something along the lines of "you wont let me answer"...and then I seem to recall something like...I answered it for you already.

But he didnt.

What was he hiding? ANd Why? Does it not bother you that he would not tell us how he feels about something so important and controiversial?

As for not having an answer about Connecticut......if he does not know what is in it, how does he know it is right for the people?
I have not seen the interview as I do not watch Faux News. If he didn't answer the questions, then perhaps Fuax edited them out. It would not be the first time Faux News has attempted to shape their own story. How do you know this is not the case?

God I wished you would just once think for yourself. The man didn't answer the questions because he doesn't have the answers. no one knows what they are going to vote on, STILL.

Prove that he knows the answers and purposefully withheld answers. Otherwise, you are simply dreaming out of your ass again, Ollie.

That's the point that he cannot answer the questions on something he wants the congress to vote on in the next few days. So once again are we now voting on something that no one knows anything about? That no one has read? AGAIN!
You ninkompoop....he didn't say Obama KNEW THE ANSWERS AND THEN PURPOSELY WITHELD THEM...he said Obama DOESN'T HAVE THE ANSWERS BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW THEM!!! Obama himself admitted as much in the interview!!!!! Pelosi admitted it as well!!!! No one knows what's in this bill...NO ONE...well except beneficiaries of the Cornhusker kickback, payoffs to the unions, SEIU's 150 million dollar bribe...:lol:

Now you fucking liberals who support THIS BILL wonder why everyone in America hates your fucking guts for what you are trying to do to the country.

When Bret specifically asked Obama if the Connecticut hospital $100 million was in it and the Montana asbestos deal . . . . Barry never answered the question. Same with the Medicare cuts being double spent. Dodge ball all the way.

Perhaps Obama doesn't know? I didn't think the POTUS wrote our Bills?

VA, had you watched the interview you would hear the questions asked and the non-answers given by Obama. Frankly, I'm really surprised that you're playing the 'I don't watch Faux News' card. I gave you more credit than that.
You ninkompoop....he didn't say Obama KNEW THE ANSWERS AND THEN PURPOSELY WITHELD THEM...he said Obama DOESN'T HAVE THE ANSWERS BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW THEM!!! Obama himself admitted as much in the interview!!!!! Pelosi admitted it as well!!!! No one knows what's in this bill...NO ONE...well except beneficiaries of the Cornhusker kickback, payoffs to the unions, SEIU's 150 million dollar bribe...:lol:

Now you fucking liberals who support THIS BILL wonder why everyone in America hates your fucking guts for what you are trying to do to the country.

When Bret specifically asked Obama if the Connecticut hospital $100 million was in it and the Montana asbestos deal . . . . Barry never answered the question. Same with the Medicare cuts being double spent. Dodge ball all the way.

Perhaps Obama doesn't know? I didn't think the POTUS wrote our Bills?

Then why did he keep saying we and I.
I'm an independent who views Republicans as less of a failure and less harmful to our nation and children's future than Democrats.

I'd like to throw you and both Parties in prison, and start over. ;)

Then you are a fool.

The facts point straight at the Rs heads for most of this mess.

Really? Since 1945 the Democrats have controlled both houses of congress for 17 congresses.
The Republicans for 6 and the house and senate were split 5 times.

I would say todays mess is clearly created by those in power most of the time.

Actually, an intelligent person would look at their body of work instead of their time in office. Time means little if you don't or can't get things done when compared to those that do and did.
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As he said he doesn't care about procedure. So if the house decides to vote on a bill to correct the bill that doesn't exist yet then that's just fine with him. He also made a statement about how we will see the bill before it is voted on.... I call Bull Shit there too.
I really wish people would stop trying to make excuses for this BS.


"I don't spend a lot of time worrying about what the procedural rules are in the House or Senate,"

Those two things do not mean the same thing.

Means the same thing to me. And I consider myself fairly Mr Average. And if it doesn't mean the same it's close enough to the same that you have to twist it to mean something different. Of course Obama likes to make statements that he can twist later.

LOL you were the one who misrepresented (twisted) what was actually said based on what you wanted to hear and then try to claim someone else "twisted "it to mean something different."

That's just hilarious.
The Fox guy interrupted the President 16 times. No accident there.

Only becuase it was an interview. Not a campaign speech.
He ONLY interrupted him when he went off on a tangent without answering the question.
Thats what interviewers do.

Obama seems to start melting down the minute the questions get any tougher than "so, what do you think of the weather?" or, "what's it like to be so wonderful Mr. President?"

What a joke this guy is.
I predict Obama won't make it to the 2012 election. I smell a resignation in disgrace. H'e screwed the pooch so bad... it can only get worse for him.
He's a narcissist... times TEN.

The beauty of this is... if they circumvent the U.S. Constitution and do this thing... they will be out of power for a generation or better. Not to mention this will not stand up to legal scrutiny.

It's quite comical to watch...

More dishonesty from the righties and they try to spread their lies, propaganda and scare tactics.

passing the bill through any means that has been considered is in no way shape or form circumventing the U.S. Constitution.
I don't think he has the decency to resign. He'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming, which I don't think will happen.

We'll just let him continue his trainwreck of a presidency until the end of his term...when people will have a completely different group of people ready to move into place. Thank goodness.
That bill was never passed as he designed it by insistance of republicans.

Lie some more why dont you?

Go look up the meaning of the phrase 'super majority' and then let us know why his stupid fucking pork bill hasn't passed. The Republicans didn't have enough votes to stop it.... so, I ask you.... WHY NO BILL?

Please pay attention to history and stop ignoring the facts.

The democrats, even IF you decided to count the two independents as demcorats, did not have a super majority until Al Franken was signed into office on July 7, 2009 and yet the stimulus bill was signed into law on Feb 17, 2009.

So republicans DID have enough votes to stop it because democrats did not have enough votes to prevent a filibuster. 57+2 does not equal 60.
Means the same thing to me. And I consider myself fairly Mr Average. And if it doesn't mean the same it's close enough to the same that you have to twist it to mean something different. Of course Obama likes to make statements that he can twist later.

Not spending time worrying and not caring are two completely different things. Unless the english language has somehow changed in the last hour and I was not informed.

You were not informed, sorry no one sought your approval, maybe sometime in the next century your opinion will matter.....
That bill was never passed as he designed it by insistance of republicans.

Lie some more why dont you?

Go look up the meaning of the phrase 'super majority' and then let us know why his stupid fucking pork bill hasn't passed. The Republicans didn't have enough votes to stop it.... so, I ask you.... WHY NO BILL?

Please pay attention to history and stop ignoring the facts.

The democrats, even IF you decided to count the two independents as demcorats, did not have a super majority until Al Franken was signed into office on July 7, 2009 and yet the stimulus bill was signed into law on Feb 17, 2009.

So republicans DID have enough votes to stop it because democrats did not have enough votes to prevent a filibuster. 57+2 does not equal 60.

Well, why didn't they sign it on July 8? or 9 or any other fucking day since? This constant whining about the GOP is laughable. They are a lame duck of a party and STILL the fucking left can't pass a bill.

And..... what about Obama stating that he will absolutely not use reconciliation to pass healthcare? What about what he said about any POTUS who used that these techniques to pass something as massive as healthcare would be going against the Constitution, against the very founding principles of this nation? What about what he said about any President who used this practice had lost his authority?

Obama has lost his Presidential authority and he should resign. Now.

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