Obama goes on Fox News and gives interview.

Fox handled it like one of their typical propaganda pieces. Obama figured them out early and refused to be railroaded by an antagonistic interviewer who refused to let the President answer his questions. Interupting 16 times shows that Fox had no intentions of allowing the President to accurately respond.

Watch Fox interview a Republican on Healthcare. Powderpuff questions supporting the Fox agenda, no challenging of blatantly false or misleading answers, leading questions

Fox gave up being a legitimate network a long time ago. They are now the news equivalent of Professional Wrestling
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Fox handled it like one of their typical propaganda pieces. Obama figured them out early and refused to be railroaded by an antagonistic interviewer who refused to let the President answer his questions. Interupting 16 times shows that Fox had no intentions of allowing the President to accurately respond.

Watch Fox interview a Republican on Healthcare. Powderpuff questions supporting the Fox agenda, no challenging of blatantly false or misleading questions, leading questions

Fox gave up being a legitimate network a long time ago. They are now the news equivalent of Professional Wrestling

No, No, No, You have them confused with Super Duper Olberdork on Countdown, that channel currently behind the Cartoon Network with total viewership, uhhh MSNBC, yeah thats it......do they still have advertisers?
Fox handled it like one of their typical propaganda pieces. Obama figured them out early and refused to be railroaded by an antagonistic interviewer who refused to let the President answer his questions. Interupting 16 times shows that Fox had no intentions of allowing the President to accurately respond.

Watch Fox interview a Republican on Healthcare. Powderpuff questions supporting the Fox agenda, no challenging of blatantly false or misleading questions, leading questions

Fox gave up being a legitimate network a long time ago. They are now the news equivalent of Professional Wrestling


unless you've had your head in the sand for the past 14 months, the interview on Fox was the single first time the man has been pushed. Only the anti-first ammendment k00ks didnt like it............heaven forbid somebody challenge the far left agenda of this administration.

Watching the president squirm on his pompous pedestal was funnier than a frog in a glass of milk.

Oh............and did I mention the Gallup poll yesterday on Obama.....................

46% Approve

47% Disapprove

Fox handled it like one of their typical propaganda pieces. Obama figured them out early and refused to be railroaded by an antagonistic interviewer who refused to let the President answer his questions. Interupting 16 times shows that Fox had no intentions of allowing the President to accurately respond.

Watch Fox interview a Republican on Healthcare. Powderpuff questions supporting the Fox agenda, no challenging of blatantly false or misleading questions, leading questions

Fox gave up being a legitimate network a long time ago. They are now the news equivalent of Professional Wrestling

I've watched lots of interviews where Fox interviewed George W Bush.

Guess how many times they interrupted him like they did Obama...
Just a public service notice.......................

If this jackass healthcare bill ends up with the epic fAiL label by the end of the weekend, MAKE SURE to tune in the "Countdown" show on Monday!!! Gonna be cant miss TV. If you want to see the perfect illustration of a lying slithering liberal weenie who's had all his feathers plucked...........tune in for an hour and watch Olbermann do his arrogant self-righteous mental meltdown.

Its gonna be fcukking classic!!!!!!!!!!!
Go look up the meaning of the phrase 'super majority' and then let us know why his stupid fucking pork bill hasn't passed. The Republicans didn't have enough votes to stop it.... so, I ask you.... WHY NO BILL?

Please pay attention to history and stop ignoring the facts.

The democrats, even IF you decided to count the two independents as demcorats, did not have a super majority until Al Franken was signed into office on July 7, 2009 and yet the stimulus bill was signed into law on Feb 17, 2009.

So republicans DID have enough votes to stop it because democrats did not have enough votes to prevent a filibuster. 57+2 does not equal 60.

Well, why didn't they sign it on July 8? or 9 or any other fucking day since? This constant whining about the GOP is laughable. They are a lame duck of a party and STILL the fucking left can't pass a bill.

And..... what about Obama stating that he will absolutely not use reconciliation to pass healthcare? What about what he said about any POTUS who used that these techniques to pass something as massive as healthcare would be going against the Constitution, against the very founding principles of this nation? What about what he said about any President who used this practice had lost his authority?

Obama has lost his Presidential authority and he should resign. Now.

Don't worry Caliifornia Girl....they will sign the bill this weekend

Democrats will have passed the most significant legislation in our lifetimes
Please pay attention to history and stop ignoring the facts.

The democrats, even IF you decided to count the two independents as demcorats, did not have a super majority until Al Franken was signed into office on July 7, 2009 and yet the stimulus bill was signed into law on Feb 17, 2009.

So republicans DID have enough votes to stop it because democrats did not have enough votes to prevent a filibuster. 57+2 does not equal 60.

Well, why didn't they sign it on July 8? or 9 or any other fucking day since? This constant whining about the GOP is laughable. They are a lame duck of a party and STILL the fucking left can't pass a bill.

And..... what about Obama stating that he will absolutely not use reconciliation to pass healthcare? What about what he said about any POTUS who used that these techniques to pass something as massive as healthcare would be going against the Constitution, against the very founding principles of this nation? What about what he said about any President who used this practice had lost his authority?

Obama has lost his Presidential authority and he should resign. Now.

Don't worry Caliifornia Girl....they will sign the bill this weekend

Democrats will have passed the most significant legislation in our lifetimes

and they're too afraid to put their name to it....

sad day in american politics folks....this supposedly great bill is so great, they are too ashamed to put their names on it

Fox handled it like one of their typical propaganda pieces. Obama figured them out early and refused to be railroaded by an antagonistic interviewer who refused to let the President answer his questions. Interupting 16 times shows that Fox had no intentions of allowing the President to accurately respond.

Watch Fox interview a Republican on Healthcare. Powderpuff questions supporting the Fox agenda, no challenging of blatantly false or misleading questions, leading questions

Fox gave up being a legitimate network a long time ago. They are now the news equivalent of Professional Wrestling

I've watched lots of interviews where Fox interviewed George W Bush.

Guess how many times they interrupted him like they did Obama...

Obama was obviously completely clueless. Watching the interview makes that very clear.

The man is in so far over his head that it's gone beyond laughable, to downright sad.

Sad for at least the next two generations of american citizens.
Then you are a fool.

The facts point straight at the Rs heads for most of this mess.

Really? Since 1945 the Democrats have controlled both houses of congress for 17 congresses.
The Republicans for 6 and the house and senate were split 5 times.

I would say todays mess is clearly created by those in power most of the time.

Actually, an intelligent person would look at their body of work instead of their time in office. Time means little if you don't or can't get things done when compared to those that do and did.

So you are making excuses for the Democrats the past 65 years? Ok as long as we know where you are coming from. Twist away.

Those two things do not mean the same thing.

Means the same thing to me. And I consider myself fairly Mr Average. And if it doesn't mean the same it's close enough to the same that you have to twist it to mean something different. Of course Obama likes to make statements that he can twist later.

LOL you were the one who misrepresented (twisted) what was actually said based on what you wanted to hear and then try to claim someone else "twisted "it to mean something different."

That's just hilarious.

Please oh wise one, point out the different meanings, Because the rest of the world is so ignorant in your eyes. (Whew talk about a twist)
Means the same thing to me. And I consider myself fairly Mr Average. And if it doesn't mean the same it's close enough to the same that you have to twist it to mean something different. Of course Obama likes to make statements that he can twist later.

LOL you were the one who misrepresented (twisted) what was actually said based on what you wanted to hear and then try to claim someone else "twisted "it to mean something different."

That's just hilarious.

Please oh wise one, point out the different meanings, Because the rest of the world is so ignorant in your eyes. (Whew talk about a twist)
You must understand Sarge, that when you are dealing with that kool-aid drinking moron, you are dealing with a PAID progressive propagandist. It's only too obvious.

Bush answered the questions, because the questions consisted of things like:

"Are you a great president, or the GREATEST president?"

Where do you think Colbert got the idea for that joke?

And Obama was attempting to answer the question, you just didn't like his answer, and apparently neither did the interviewer, thus his many, many interruptions.

Obama was obviously completely clueless. Watching the interview makes that very clear.

Really? In what way? "Clueless" about FoxNews' talking points perhaps, and the stock answers he was "supposed" to be providing.

I guess Fox was upset because nuanced answers, that go into a lot of detail, don't make good sound bites for Fox to replay later.

The man is in so far over his head that it's gone beyond laughable, to downright sad.

Sad for at least the next two generations of american citizens.

"Over his head"? This coming from a former Bush supporter? Obama's not over his head at all. He's dealing with 2 wars that were handed to him, and a huge economic crisis that was handed to him, and he's doing relatively well with all of it.

It took Reagan, the hero of the right 2 1/2 years to stop unemployment from plummeting. It's only been a little over one year, and the economy seems to be coming around, albeit slowly.
Fox handled it like one of their typical propaganda pieces. Obama figured them out early and refused to be railroaded by an antagonistic interviewer who refused to let the President answer his questions. Interupting 16 times shows that Fox had no intentions of allowing the President to accurately respond.

Watch Fox interview a Republican on Healthcare. Powderpuff questions supporting the Fox agenda, no challenging of blatantly false or misleading questions, leading questions

Fox gave up being a legitimate network a long time ago. They are now the news equivalent of Professional Wrestling

Bull Shit. Obama never made any attempt to answer the questions because as we all know there are no answers because once again he wants congress to vote on a Bill that hasn't been written to change a bill that hasn't been voted on, and no one knows what the end result will say or have in it until they get done voting.

And that is your stupid assed Democrat leadership today.
Bull Shit. Obama never made any attempt to answer the questions because as we all know there are no answers because once again he wants congress to vote on a Bill that hasn't been written to change a bill that hasn't been voted on, and no one knows what the end result will say or have in it until they get done voting.

And that is your stupid assed Democrat leadership today.

The Bill has been written. Twice. And approved, twice. Now the parts of congress must compromise between the versions, thus the changes.

That is how our government works. If you don't like it, see if you can get a Constitutional Amendment to do away with one of the parts of congress. If it's the Senate, I'll be behind you 100%.
The Obama Administration claimed unemployment would peak at 8% if the stimulus bill was passed.

That is clearly a lie.

Didn't they also say the stimuless bill would create jobs, something about shovels and such? And didn't they say the stimuless is working? Yet they just passed a jobs bill . . . because the stimuless is working. Right.

The stimulus has created jobs and that esitmate of 8% was on the bill before the Rs hacked away at it.

You see you people continue to lie even when corrected with the facts.

Earth to stupid, unemployment has gone up 3% since the signing of the stimulus.

Thanks for playing ...........
Please pay attention to history and stop ignoring the facts.

The democrats, even IF you decided to count the two independents as demcorats, did not have a super majority until Al Franken was signed into office on July 7, 2009 and yet the stimulus bill was signed into law on Feb 17, 2009.

So republicans DID have enough votes to stop it because democrats did not have enough votes to prevent a filibuster. 57+2 does not equal 60.

Well, why didn't they sign it on July 8? or 9 or any other fucking day since? This constant whining about the GOP is laughable. They are a lame duck of a party and STILL the fucking left can't pass a bill.

And..... what about Obama stating that he will absolutely not use reconciliation to pass healthcare? What about what he said about any POTUS who used that these techniques to pass something as massive as healthcare would be going against the Constitution, against the very founding principles of this nation? What about what he said about any President who used this practice had lost his authority?

Obama has lost his Presidential authority and he should resign. Now.

Don't worry Caliifornia Girl....they will sign the bill this weekend

Democrats will have passed the most significant legislation in our lifetimes

It's dead in the sand moron. It will never become Law. Bet on it. ~BH
Please pay attention to history and stop ignoring the facts.

The democrats, even IF you decided to count the two independents as demcorats, did not have a super majority until Al Franken was signed into office on July 7, 2009 and yet the stimulus bill was signed into law on Feb 17, 2009.

So republicans DID have enough votes to stop it because democrats did not have enough votes to prevent a filibuster. 57+2 does not equal 60.

Well, why didn't they sign it on July 8? or 9 or any other fucking day since? This constant whining about the GOP is laughable. They are a lame duck of a party and STILL the fucking left can't pass a bill.

And..... what about Obama stating that he will absolutely not use reconciliation to pass healthcare? What about what he said about any POTUS who used that these techniques to pass something as massive as healthcare would be going against the Constitution, against the very founding principles of this nation? What about what he said about any President who used this practice had lost his authority?

Obama has lost his Presidential authority and he should resign. Now.

Don't worry Caliifornia Girl....they will sign the bill this weekend

Democrats will have passed the most significant legislation in our lifetimes

Yes, HR clusterfuck 216.
Fox handled it like one of their typical propaganda pieces. Obama figured them out early and refused to be railroaded by an antagonistic interviewer who refused to let the President answer his questions. Interupting 16 times shows that Fox had no intentions of allowing the President to accurately respond.

Watch Fox interview a Republican on Healthcare. Powderpuff questions supporting the Fox agenda, no challenging of blatantly false or misleading questions, leading questions

Fox gave up being a legitimate network a long time ago. They are now the news equivalent of Professional Wrestling

polly wanna cracker ? ..........
Bull Shit. Obama never made any attempt to answer the questions because as we all know there are no answers because once again he wants congress to vote on a Bill that hasn't been written to change a bill that hasn't been voted on, and no one knows what the end result will say or have in it until they get done voting.

And that is your stupid assed Democrat leadership today.

The Bill has been written. Twice. And approved, twice. Now the parts of congress must compromise between the versions, thus the changes.

That is how our government works. If you don't like it, see if you can get a Constitutional Amendment to do away with one of the parts of congress. If it's the Senate, I'll be behind you 100%.

Yes they incorporate the two bills the house votes on the new Bill then it goes back to the Senate. That is not what they are doing and you know that. And if you deny it you are as big a liar as they are.

Once again they are talking about voting on a bill which has not been written that will change a bill that the house has not voted on.

Go ahead and deny it, it doesn't change the truth.
Fox handled it like one of their typical propaganda pieces. Obama figured them out early and refused to be railroaded by an antagonistic interviewer who refused to let the President answer his questions. Interupting 16 times shows that Fox had no intentions of allowing the President to accurately respond.

Watch Fox interview a Republican on Healthcare. Powderpuff questions supporting the Fox agenda, no challenging of blatantly false or misleading questions, leading questions

Fox gave up being a legitimate network a long time ago. They are now the news equivalent of Professional Wrestling

polly wanna cracker ? ..........
And some grape Kool-aid?..........

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