Obama Gonna Need an Intervention!!!

What does it have to do with Obama?

Leave it to you not to get the connection.....

Leave it to a Texan to believe there is one.....

Willfully blind is not laser surgery correctable.
neither is being another arrogant, fat mouth Texican.....

It isnt arrogance when you can back it up.
Now run along moonbeam....
No Texican I ever met could back up a turd....
Leave it to you not to get the connection.....

Leave it to a Texan to believe there is one.....

Willfully blind is not laser surgery correctable.
neither is being another arrogant, fat mouth Texican.....

It isnt arrogance when you can back it up.
Now run along moonbeam....
No Texican I ever met could back up a turd....

What the fuck does constipation have to do with anything?
Maybe you should get aAaron to push up your stool.....
Leave it to a Texan to believe there is one.....

Willfully blind is not laser surgery correctable.
neither is being another arrogant, fat mouth Texican.....

It isnt arrogance when you can back it up.
Now run along moonbeam....
No Texican I ever met could back up a turd....

What the fuck does constipation have to do with anything?
Maybe you should get aAaron to push up your stool.....
The reason that there are toilets in Texass is so Texicans can bath....
Willfully blind is not laser surgery correctable.
neither is being another arrogant, fat mouth Texican.....

It isnt arrogance when you can back it up.
Now run along moonbeam....
No Texican I ever met could back up a turd....

What the fuck does constipation have to do with anything?
Maybe you should get aAaron to push up your stool.....
The reason that there are toilets in Texass is so Texicans can bath....

Sorry I dont have any beaner blood.
Why do you hate mexicans?
Willfully blind is not laser surgery correctable.
neither is being another arrogant, fat mouth Texican.....

It isnt arrogance when you can back it up.
Now run along moonbeam....
No Texican I ever met could back up a turd....

What the fuck does constipation have to do with anything?
Maybe you should get aAaron to push up your stool.....
The reason that there are toilets in Texass is so Texicans can bath....

Surely you meant Texians but you're just weak on Texas history or spelling.
What does it have to do with Obama?

Leave it to you not to get the connection.....

Leave it to a Texan to believe there is one.....

Willfully blind is not laser surgery correctable.

I know a douche when I see one....

Cant say I've ever heard of a guy who was familiar with douching.
But to each his own I guess....so how is that spring fresh feel?
neither is being another arrogant, fat mouth Texican.....

It isnt arrogance when you can back it up.
Now run along moonbeam....
No Texican I ever met could back up a turd....

What the fuck does constipation have to do with anything?
Maybe you should get aAaron to push up your stool.....
The reason that there are toilets in Texass is so Texicans can bath....

Surely you meant Texians but you're just weak on Texas history or spelling.
Not any weaker than the Red River Bridge War.....Where Texicans thought Texass so valuable that a toll was established to cross into Texass, which almost started a war...
Too bad Americans are dumb enough to eat that beef after all we all know our beef is full of chemicals, etc. And we wonder why cancer rates are what they are. The stuff isn't natural. Disgusting.
It isnt arrogance when you can back it up.
Now run along moonbeam....
No Texican I ever met could back up a turd....

What the fuck does constipation have to do with anything?
Maybe you should get aAaron to push up your stool.....
The reason that there are toilets in Texass is so Texicans can bath....

Surely you meant Texians but you're just weak on Texas history or spelling.
Not any weaker than the Red River Bridge War.....Where Texicans thought Texass so valuable that a toll was established to cross into Texass, which almost started a war...

So it's spelling.....
No Texican I ever met could back up a turd....

What the fuck does constipation have to do with anything?
Maybe you should get aAaron to push up your stool.....
The reason that there are toilets in Texass is so Texicans can bath....

Surely you meant Texians but you're just weak on Texas history or spelling.
Not any weaker than the Red River Bridge War.....Where Texicans thought Texass so valuable that a toll was established to cross into Texass, which almost started a war...

So it's spelling.....
As usual....
Quick....get the smelling salts ready for the Prez!

"A Cargill beef processing plant in Fort Morgan, Colo. has fired nearly 200 Somali Muslims who walked off the job last week in a dispute over the company’s accommodations of their prayer rituals.

The workers’ complaints were vague, but seemed to center on the amount of space and time that Cargill had made available for them to pray at the meat plant, which is located in northeast Colorado. Devout Muslims pray five times a day.

More than 200 workers, mostly Muslims from Somalia, either walked off the job before the second shift was set to begin at the plant on Dec. 21 or failed to show up to work the next day in protest of what they claimed were Cargill’s new, restrictive policies.

Jaylani Hussein, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim civil rights group that is representing more than 100 of the workers in the dispute, claims that the workers were told on Dec. 18: “If you want to pray, go home.”
Colorado Meat Plant Fires 200 Muslims Who Walked Out Of Work Over Prayer Dispute

"....Cargill spokesman Mike Martin ..... disputed that any of the workers were told that if they wanted to pray that they should go home.

This is unrelatted to an earlier story on a meat-packing Muslim worker who cut off the head of his fellow-worker.....
"A fired Oklahoma factory worker inflicted a brutal, ISIS-style punishment on colleagues he tried to convert to Islam — cutting one woman’s head off with a 10-inch fillet knife, law-enforcement sources said Friday."

One can only surmise that meat-packing companies encourage terrorism.
I believe that they are getting Americanized when leaving work in protests. Next they will be looting and destroying businesses by arson. Obviously CAIR didn't CARE they were putting the jobs in jeopardy.

What did you expect? The only right a worker has now days is to say "screw you, treat me right or do it yourself" I'm proud or their American gumption,
More like.
Worker" screw you"
Employer: "ok since you refuse to live by the terms and conditions of your employment, you may leave now. Tomorrow one of of the 50 people that applied for your job will be here to replace you. Good bye and good luck. I wish you well in your endeavors. Hell, I'll even write you a letter of recommendation."

Odd, but just the opposite happened. Sooner or later it reaches the point where workers just have to refuse to accept poor treatment. That's what built the unions and gave Americans the five day work week, and that's what is going to return some of the workers rights that have been stolen by the GOP.
What does it have to do with Obama?
It has nothing to do with President Obama at the moment.

If the West Africans want to live here

What does it have to do with Obama?

Leave it to you not to get the connection.....

Leave it to a Texan to believe there is one.....

Willfully blind is not laser surgery correctable.

I know a douche when I see one....

Cant say I've ever heard of a guy who was familiar with douching.
But to each his own I guess....so how is that spring fresh feel?
Spent your entire life living with guys, Hondo?
Leave it to you not to get the connection.....

Leave it to a Texan to believe there is one.....

Willfully blind is not laser surgery correctable.

I know a douche when I see one....

Cant say I've ever heard of a guy who was familiar with douching.
But to each his own I guess....so how is that spring fresh feel?
Spent your entire life living with guys, Hondo?

Nah...I've been married to my wonderful wife for over 25 years now.
And unlike your butt buddies her shit dont stink.
I'm more amused that there were probably 3-400,000 "real" Amerkins eating food packaged by Muslims and didn't even know it. I imagine a lot of them are turning shades of green about right now.

If they walked off the job, they should be fired and replaced.
I'm more amused that there were probably 3-400,000 "real" Amerkins eating food packaged by Muslims and didn't even know it. I imagine a lot of them are turning shades of green about right now.

If they walked off the job, they should be fired and replaced.

If you think about it it should disturb you.
All it would take is some asshole dune coon to decide it was time for jihad and you have hundreds of dead Americans.
I think I'll be avoiding cargill products from here on out,
I'm more amused that there were probably 3-400,000 "real" Amerkins eating food packaged by Muslims and didn't even know it. I imagine a lot of them are turning shades of green about right now.

If they walked off the job, they should be fired and replaced.

If you think about it it should disturb you.
All it would take is some asshole dune coon to decide it was time for jihad and you have hundreds of dead Americans.
I think I'll be avoiding cargill products from here on out,

And on this note.....why isnt anyone trashing cargill for hiring a shitload of muslims?

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