*Obama Got Paid Well*

I believe Obummer is one of the most successful liars and scammers we have ever seen -- at least so far .Personal and public life . A spy and traitor . It will be interesting how he is seen and evaluated in the fullness of time

He did seem to be better at it than Trump.
I believe Obummer is one of the most successful liars and scammers we have ever seen -- at least so far .Personal and public life . A spy and traitor . It will be interesting how he is seen and evaluated in the fullness of time
Who has liied more, him or you?
ODS. Obama had the most legally abiding team in modern history. No scandals cause he led with honor. People pay a lot of money to hear what he thinks now. That’s capitalism. If you don’t like it move to Russia. Most of you are there anyway.
ODS. Obama had the most legally abiding team in modern history. No scandals cause he led with honor. People pay a lot of money to hear what he thinks now. That’s capitalism. If you don’t like it move to Russia. Most of you are there anyway.


First two acts of the homO presidency = cover up 911 and FBI fraud case against climate "scientists"

New tactic introduced by homO = spending US taxdollars in foreign country, get kickbacks galore, do not inform American people

Pushing homosexuality and black bigotry into US public education

Weaponizing DOJ as a tool against Republicans not part of the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

First two acts of the homO presidency = cover up 911 and FBI fraud case against climate "scientists"

New tactic introduced by homO = spending US taxdollars in foreign country, get kickbacks galore, do not inform American people

Pushing homosexuality and black bigotry into US public education

Weaponizing DOJ as a tool against Republicans not part of the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd
Yea. Sure cowboy. 911 was an inside job and Obama covered it up. It was space aliens as we all know. GTFOOH
Yea. Sure cowboy. 911 was an inside job and Obama covered it up. It was space aliens as we all know. GTFOOH

911 was a Zionist Fascist false flag hate hoax as were the USS Liberty and the Marines in Lebanon 1983..

Zionist Fascist liars will always insist...

This is NOT controlled demolition

This is a "757" not a cruise missile

No photos of "Osama" in Saudi, three of Col Tim Osman...

911 was a Zionist Fascist false flag hate hoax as were the USS Liberty and the Marines in Lebanon 1983..

Zionist Fascist liars will always insist...

This is NOT controlled demolition

This is a "757" not a cruise missile

No photos of "Osama" in Saudi, three of Col Tim Osman...

You left out the ring leader
911 was a Zionist Fascist false flag hate hoax as were the USS Liberty and the Marines in Lebanon 1983..

Zionist Fascist liars will always insist...

This is NOT controlled demolition

This is a "757" not a cruise missile

No photos of "Osama" in Saudi, three of Col Tim Osman...

You’re either a bored comedian or pretty off your rocker. Some people hijacked planes and flew them into targets very simply. Why the fuck would you crash planes into targets AND blow them up with misses and planted bombs. Dumbest fucking conspiracy to ever be invented.
You’re either a bored comedian or pretty off your rocker. Some people hijacked planes and flew them into targets very simply. Why the fuck would you crash planes into targets AND blow them up with misses and planted bombs. Dumbest fucking conspiracy to ever be invented.

Your "credibility" is that this is not controlled demolition...

ODS. Obama had the most legally abiding team in modern history. No scandals cause he led with honor. People pay a lot of money to hear what he thinks now. That’s capitalism. If you don’t like it move to Russia. Most of you are there anyway.
That’s absurd.

O was a massive fraud completely controlled by big pharma, Wall Street, and the MIC. He took dumb W’s two wars and made it seven. Increased the war budget enormously, refused to prosecute war crimes (torture) or close Guantanamo, and pushed 7.5 million Americans out of their homes while bailing out the big banks that caused the great recession…and on and on. Then illegally spied on a presidential campaign.

Stop being a cultist exactly like a rabid Trumper.

The uniparty alters all.
ODS. Obama had the most legally abiding team in modern history. No scandals cause he led with honor. People pay a lot of money to hear what he thinks now. That’s capitalism. If you don’t like it move to Russia. Most of you are there anyway.
Is there ever a time that you are ashamed of yourself for lying, or are you just a fucking worthless idiot slave who follows what your Marxist masters tell you to say?


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