*Obama Got Paid Well*

Because billionaires get free money in their investments. I guess you didnt know that, where corrupt politicians have to steal the wealth of the people by high taxes then giving it to companies like Solyndra that will kick back the dollars to the guy who gave them the money. That is crony capitalism, which Joe Biteme is the leading proponent of.

Apparently not...

Even if they were getting money from other sources, why would a billionaire turn down more money?
911 was a Zionist Fascist false flag hate hoax as were the USS Liberty and the Marines in Lebanon 1983..

Zionist Fascist liars will always insist...

This is NOT controlled demolition

This is a "757" not a cruise missile

No photos of "Osama" in Saudi, three of Col Tim Osman...

I've lost count of how many sock puppets you have on this forum.

And what kind of special retard bleevs a missile hit the Pentagon and 5,000 military experts inside the building all thought it was an airplane?

You are a whole new level of stupid.
Why would a billionaire need to help himself to taxpayer money, where people like Bill (i did not have sexual relations with that woman) went into the White House with 10s of thousands of dollars, and came out with millions of dollars? The brown turd Obama, the same thing, he writes a book, then he is buying mega mansions near the ocean where when the water rises he will be flooded out of existence. Maybe if you pulled your head out of Uranus and watched what the Marxist elites have been doing to this country by stealing the wealth of it, with the Globull Warming bullshit, you would realize who the real enemy of the people are....
This billionaire does what he does for money, and that is his addiction and motivation, regardless. Why does a billionaire ask working class to contribute to his defense when he has so much money? Your obnoxious remark about President Obama reeks of racism. You are the "turd", the color of your skin notwithstanding. trump added 8 trillion dollars to the deficit, and that is the stealing of our wealth. I voted for the Republicans during the Clinton years, and was a strong Reagan supporter. Reagan, Barak Obama, and George W Bush are my favorite presidents. Trump has poisoned our country with his divisive antics.
Apparently not...

Even if they were getting money from other sources, why would a billionaire turn down more money?
What happened to the 10 billion dollars that trump said he was worth in a speech to the U.N?
Maybe lost during his legal woes, aye? That's ok, because the Saudis gave 2 billion dollars to Kushner
and Ivanka.
5,000 military experts


Always with Zionist Fascist FRAUD it is the "number of experts to parrot"

Same with Co2 fraud...

Doesn't alter the fact that 911 and Co2 are both frauds, Zionist Fascist frauds, and indeed, it was a cruise missile...

This billionaire does what he does for money, and that is his addiction and motivation, regardless. Why does a billionaire ask working class to contribute to his defense when he has so much money? Your obnoxious remark about President Obama reeks of racism. You are the "turd", the color of your skin notwithstanding. trump added 8 trillion dollars to the deficit, and that is the stealing of our wealth. I voted for the Republicans during the Clinton years, and was a strong Reagan supporter. Reagan, Barak Obama, and George W Bush are my favorite presidents. Trump has poisoned our country with his divisive antics.
What happened to the 10 billion dollars that trump said he was worth in a speech to the U.N?
Maybe lost during his legal woes, aye? That's ok, because the Saudis gave 2 billion dollars to Kushner
and Ivanka.
Do you know what assets are? Billionaires dont walk around with billions of dollars in his wallet, you stupid Marxist twit.
Still trying to rewrite history you lying piece of shit..

The claim was Obama caused a fake recession. That was patently false you asshole. Bush caused the recession.

As for your claim you linked it is fantasy bullshit. Nothing in that opinion is accurate. And the author is a amateur moron like yourself.

We knew everything there was to know about George Bush's college years including every frat party he ever attended but we know almost noting about Hussein's college years. As a matter of fact it seems that Harvard has his record locked up in a freaking vault. Who paid for Hussein's college education? You can eyeball the Declaration of Independence but nobody has ever seen Hussein's actual birth certificate. It's locked up in a vault in Hawaii and nobody in the media is curious.
We knew everything there was to know about George Bush's college years including every frat party he ever attended but we know almost noting about Hussein's college years. As a matter of fact it seems that Harvard has his record locked up in a freaking vault. Who paid for Hussein's college education? You can eyeball the Declaration of Independence but nobody has ever seen Hussein's actual birth certificate. It's locked up in a vault in Hawaii and nobody in the media is curious.
Because he is an alien and we all know it. Came from space.
The claim was Obama caused a fake recession. That was patently false you asshole. Bush caused the recession.

As for your claim you linked it is fantasy bullshit. Nothing in that opinion is accurate. And the author is a amateur moron like yourself.

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The brown turd Obammy didnt cause the recession, that was Andrew Cuomo(the killer of 10s of thousands of elderly) while he enacted the Affordable Housing act under Bill Clinton. What Obammy did with his Keynesian economics was to let free money go to the rich people at zero percent interest, while the working class watched their savings go to crap in interest rates, which extended the recession far longer than it needed to. But dumbasses like you just march along with what your masters tell you to say and do, then wonder why you get fucked by people like Joe...
The brown turd Obammy didnt cause the recession, that was Andrew Cuomo(the killer of 10s of thousands of elderly) while he enacted the Affordable Housing act under Bill Clinton. What Obammy did with his Keynesian economics was to let free money go to the rich people at zero percent interest, while the working class watched their savings go to crap in interest rates, which extended the recession far longer than it needed to. But dumbasses like you just march along with what your masters tell you to say and do, then wonder why you get fucked by people like Joe...
I see only one of us studied economics....

The Great Recession had one single cause... DEREGULATION. Most significantly the 1999 rollback of the Glass-Steagall Act (Republican congress signed by Clinton). It led to easy loans and risky banking investments. BAM.. it crashed leaving people and institutions mired in debt.

It was a long recovery for one single reason... the debt load assumed by Americans and companies due to the financial crisis was heavy.

However nothing you typed was accurate.
I see only one of us studied economics....

The Great Recession had one single cause... DEREGULATION. Most significantly the 1999 rollback of the Glass-Steagall Act (Republican congress signed by Clinton). It led to easy loans and risky banking investments. BAM.. it crashed leaving people and institutions mired in debt.

It was a long recovery for one single reason... the debt load assumed by Americans and companies due to the financial crisis was heavy.

However nothing you typed was accurate.
Here's what really caused the housing crisis
“Under Clinton’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in ‘credit-deprived’ areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting.
What’s more, in the Clinton push to issue home loans to lower income borrowers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made a common practice to virtually end credit documentation, low credit scores were disregarded, and income and job history was also thrown aside. The phrase “subprime” became commonplace. What an understatement. … Tragically, when prices fell, lower-income folks who really could not afford these mortgages under normal credit standards, suffered massive foreclosures and personal bankruptcies.”
Try again, moron....
Clickbait. The Community Reinvestment Act was passed in 1977 you moron. People can tell you anything and as long as it supports your world view you are bought in. Try growing a brain and get yourself educated. Here are scholarly articles on the Great Recession and it's deregulation cause.

This study analyzes the trends in the financial sector over the past 30 years, and argues that unsupervised financial innovations and lenient government regulation are at the root of the current financial crisis and recession.

accelerated deregulation accompanied by rapid financial innovation stimulated powerful financial booms that always ended in crises.

I compare the United States and France between the early 1980s and the 2007–2008 crisis and show the effects of similar policies in different contexts. I find that in both cases banks turned to new financing techniques, took greater risks, and were a major cause of the crisis.

Do you know what assets are? Billionaires dont walk around with billions of dollars in his wallet, you stupid Marxist twit.
You mean that trump lost 7.5 billion dollars in assets inside 4 years? Forbes says that he is worth 2.5 billion today. I am hardly a Marxist "twit". I analyze information, and your mouth gets in the way of your brains as you simply spew forth trump's bullshit. You are an ignorant and probably uneducated person, and a perfect sucker for a con man.
Clickbait. The Community Reinvestment Act was passed in 1977 you moron. People can tell you anything and as long as it supports your world view you are bought in. Try growing a brain and get yourself educated. Here are scholarly articles on the Great Recession and it's deregulation cause.

This study analyzes the trends in the financial sector over the past 30 years, and argues that unsupervised financial innovations and lenient government regulation are at the root of the current financial crisis and recession.

accelerated deregulation accompanied by rapid financial innovation stimulated powerful financial booms that always ended in crises.

I compare the United States and France between the early 1980s and the 2007–2008 crisis and show the effects of similar policies in different contexts. I find that in both cases banks turned to new financing techniques, took greater risks, and were a major cause of the crisis.

That fool will use the term "fake" in his answer, if he has an answer.

Clickbait. The Community Reinvestment Act was passed in 1977 you moron. People can tell you anything and as long as it supports your world view you are bought in. Try growing a brain and get yourself educated. Here are scholarly articles on the Great Recession and it's deregulation cause.

This study analyzes the trends in the financial sector over the past 30 years, and argues that unsupervised financial innovations and lenient government regulation are at the root of the current financial crisis and recession.

accelerated deregulation accompanied by rapid financial innovation stimulated powerful financial booms that always ended in crises.

I compare the United States and France between the early 1980s and the 2007–2008 crisis and show the effects of similar policies in different contexts. I find that in both cases banks turned to new financing techniques, took greater risks, and were a major cause of the crisis.

So are you telling me that CBS is a lying piece of shit? Or that you just cant come to grips that Andy Cuojo the killer of 10s of thousands of elderly really screwed the pooch when he allowed people who could never afford to live in a house....Wait for it....To live in houses they cant afford. Then when the bubble was scene in 2004 and addressed by the Republicans, the Dems Maxine (Dog Face) Waters, Chris Dodd and Fagot Barney Frank, all howled how racist it was to red line people of color, even though more whites were red lined because of the rules. Dont give me your shit, you Marxist asshole, i know what happened, i didnt have my head buring up my ass like you still do today.
The recession of Andy Cuojo would never of happened if the Demoassholes would of stopped the subprime mortgage shit in 2004 and let the banks get back to normal, but nope, had to let it go which is what Demofucks always like to do..
So are you telling me that CBS is a lying piece of shit? Or that you just cant come to grips that Andy Cuojo the killer of 10s of thousands of elderly really screwed the pooch when he allowed people who could never afford to live in a house....Wait for it....To live in houses they cant afford. Then when the bubble was scene in 2004 and addressed by the Republicans, the Dems Maxine (Dog Face) Waters, Chris Dodd and Fagot Barney Frank, all howled how racist it was to red line people of color, even though more whites were red lined because of the rules. Dont give me your shit, you Marxist asshole, i know what happened, i didnt have my head buring up my ass like you still do today.
The recession of Andy Cuojo would never of happened if the Demoassholes would of stopped the subprime mortgage shit in 2004 and let the banks get back to normal, but nope, had to let it go which is what Demofucks always like to do..

You're retarded. Utterly retarded. You think white people were redlined and democrats relaxed banking rules? Fuck off. No wonder you believe the election was rigged you are just uneducated.

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