*Obama Got Paid Well*


First two acts of the homO presidency = cover up 911 and FBI fraud case against climate "scientists"

New tactic introduced by homO = spending US taxdollars in foreign country, get kickbacks galore, do not inform American people

Pushing homosexuality and black bigotry into US public education

Weaponizing DOJ as a tool against Republicans not part of the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...
That is one of the ugliest men i have ever seen, and the white guy is pretty ugly also.
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Massive transfers of wealth have occurred over the last half century. In every other nation that is most favored, incredible riches resulted. Yet in our nation that did not happen. Yet we see and experience African American living great. Only they are not expected to live with responsibility at all. And a machismo culture tells the gullible public they just love the all-alphabet gay agendas.
911 was a Zionist Fascist false flag hate hoax as were the USS Liberty and the Marines in Lebanon 1983..

Zionist Fascist liars will always insist...

This is NOT controlled demolition

This is a "757" not a cruise missile

No photos of "Osama" in Saudi, three of Col Tim Osman...

Building 7 took 14 seconds to fall and there were no explosions seen or heard immediately precipitating its collapse, which was predicted earlier by firemen who witnessed tbe structural damage first hand.

Cruise missiles don't take out 2 rows of street lamps and cause he witnesses to see a commercial jet. They also cause a very different type of explosion than the fireball we saw at the Pentagon.

Tim Osman was too short to be bin Laden and you're too crazy to know any better.
ODS. Obama had the most legally abiding team in modern history. No scandals cause he led with honor. People pay a lot of money to hear what he thinks now. That’s capitalism. If you don’t like it move to Russia. Most of you are there anyway.

Oh yeah......................
Closing down THOUSANDS of businesses........causing MILLIONS to lose their jobs and homes and having to live in TENT CITIES, where Obozo COMPLETELY IGNORED their cries for food, clothing, heaters, water, and medical care!!!
Bombing CIVILIANS overseas, slaughtering CHILDREN AT WEDDINGS.
CREATING a FAKE "recession" in order to pump up prices in companies he has stock in!!
Selling illegals' children to sex slavers, child molesters, pedophiles, drug lords, and human traffickers.
Going into HIDING after creating MASSIVE racial riots across this country. Hiding like the fucking COWARD he is.

THIS is what the Pedocrats call "HONORABLE".
They also cause a very different type of explosion than the fireball we saw at the Pentagon.

There were open jet fuel drums in the Pentagon waiting for the strike. It doesn't change the fact that the "object" came in at 600 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground...

If the 757's nose is 8 feet off the ground, the engines are IN THE GROUND...

Cruise missiles don't take out 2 rows of street lamps

The "street lamp" issue is another laughable ZF talking point that has no merit. A cruise missile has a huge "air wake."
Building 7 took 14 seconds to fall and there were no explosions seen or heard immediately precipitating its collapse, which was predicted earlier by firemen who witnessed tbe structural damage first hand.


How close were you when it "fell?"
Sorry bout that,

1. And so America got fleeced.

2. Two trans did very well.

trump's net worth went from 3 billion dollars to 10 billion dollars in one year (he announced this in his speech to the U.N General Assembly one year after taking office. Curious, yes?
Your "credibility" is that this is not controlled demolition...

"See where the white smoke is? You see this thing leaning like this? It's definitely coming down. There's no way to stop it. 'Cause you have to go up in there to put it out and it's already, the structural integrity is not there in the building ... it's tough ... we can handle just about everything, this is beyond... They were trying to put the fire out down there with tower ladders. but uh, we got all kinds of water problems. The two Trade buildings took out the mains. There's no way to put the fire out."

”Look at the hole in that building. That thing’s gonna come down.”
trump's net worth went from 3 billion dollars to 10 billion dollars in one year (he announced this in his speech to the U.N General Assembly one year after taking office. Curious, yes?
My net worth went from $500,000 to over $1,500,000 in one year. Could it be that, that year was a gang buster of a year?
My proximity has nothing to do with it. That's not a controlled demolition. This is... Spot the differences....

The Mossad has you re-assigned to troll with this type of bullshit??


WTC 7 was steel framed. Anyone with an IQ over 5 knows that is controlled demolition.

Surely someone lower than you at Mossad could be posting this type of BS...

"See where the white smoke is? You see this thing leaning like this? It's definitely coming down. There's no way to stop it. 'Cause you have to go up in there to put it out and it's already, the structural integrity is not there in the building ... it's tough ... we can handle just about everything, this is beyond... They were trying to put the fire out down there with tower ladders. but uh, we got all kinds of water problems. The two Trade buildings took out the mains. There's no way to put the fire out."

”Look at the hole in that building. That thing’s gonna come down.”


Is he Jewish?


Did the Jewish leadership of NYFD deliberately march in unchosen firefighters knowing the demolition pending would prevent them from ever testifying...
homO reportedly is worth more than a $ billion and most of it is in Israel and Switzerland...
Oh yeah......................
Closing down THOUSANDS of businesses........causing MILLIONS to lose their jobs and homes and having to live in TENT CITIES, where Obozo COMPLETELY IGNORED their cries for food, clothing, heaters, water, and medical care!!!
Bombing CIVILIANS overseas, slaughtering CHILDREN AT WEDDINGS.
CREATING a FAKE "recession" in order to pump up prices in companies he has stock in!!
Selling illegals' children to sex slavers, child molesters, pedophiles, drug lords, and human traffickers.
Going into HIDING after creating MASSIVE racial riots across this country. Hiding like the fucking COWARD he is.

THIS is what the Pedocrats call "HONORABLE".
Recession happened under Bush. Obama pulled you out of it. And nothing scream “brave” like calling someone a coward on the internet. Kudos you warrior.
The Mossad has you re-assigned to troll with this type of bullshit??


WTC 7 was steel framed. Anyone with an IQ over 5 knows that is controlled demolition.

Surely someone lower than you at Mossad could be posting this type of BS...


Suuure, nutcase.... a controlled demolition with NO explosives.

And why did you ignore the firemen I showed predicted the damage to building 7 was so great, they expected it would collapse?

Is he Jewish?


Did the Jewish leadership of NYFD deliberately march in unchosen firefighters knowing the demolition pending would prevent them from ever testifying...


First two acts of the homO presidency = cover up 911 and FBI fraud case against climate "scientists"

New tactic introduced by homO = spending US taxdollars in foreign country, get kickbacks galore, do not inform American people

Pushing homosexuality and black bigotry into US public education

Weaponizing DOJ as a tool against Republicans not part of the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...
Woah. There is that picture again. lol.

How come that picture makes you so mad you post it all the time?

Oh, and "Zionist"! Everyone drink!

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