*Obama Got Paid Well*

You're retarded. Utterly retarded. You think white people were redlined and democrats relaxed banking rules? Fuck off. No wonder you believe the election was rigged you are just uneducated.
Dumbass fuck, what is the percentage of poor people in the US? What is the percentage of blacks to whites in the US? People who couldnt afford a house were redlined not because of their skin color, but because they were fucking poor. But since you Marxists cant seem to judge people on the content of the character, but only the skin color, you once again, prove what a fucking racist moron you are.
Dumbass fuck, what is the percentage of poor people in the US? What is the percentage of blacks to whites in the US? People who couldnt afford a house were redlined not because of their skin color, but because they were fucking poor. But since you Marxists cant seem to judge people on the content of the character, but only the skin color, you once again, prove what a fucking racist moron you are.
What you typed is not true retard. Redlining kept blacks who had equal profiles to whites out of loans in white neighborhoods. Poor people of all colors struggle to get loans dipshit but if you weren’t utterly stupid you’d understand redlining. Go read ‘The Color of Law’ and it will make sense to you uneducated fuck.
What you typed is not true retard. Redlining kept blacks who had equal profiles to whites out of loans in white neighborhoods. Poor people of all colors struggle to get loans dipshit but if you weren’t utterly stupid you’d understand redlining. Go read ‘The Color of Law’ and it will make sense to you uneducated fuck.
So when Bill Clinton was in office in 1991 the government was allowing redlining due to peoples color for at least 6 years? Then when it was found out, Andrew Cuojo, who killed 10s of thousands of elderly, went in and black people who couldnt afford to buy a house, had a red line associated with them so they did get a loan to buy said house, even though they still couldnt afford the house? Then 7 years later with a housing crisis event, the Republicans called in Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac to see why the bubble was about to burst and the Three retarded folks just yelled racist, racist racist, and 3 years later the economy collapses? Wow, calling me stupid, because of what Marxists/Demofucks like you allowed to fester, then everyone gets punished...All in the name of equity....
So what's gotten you so upset lately, causing you to go on a pout-stalking crusade?

There's no need to revisit your past faceplants. Just accept your humiliation with some dignity.
Why is your Lord and Savior ignoring the inevitable sea level rise from the fraudulent manmade global warming? It’s almost as if he’s laughing at your gullibility
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama did pretty good for a bullshitter.
2. Born abroad, brought to these shore's as a kid.
3. Found Big Mike and some small children.
4. Deceived A Nation.
5. Into believing he isn't gay, and his wife was a lady, and his children were his and his.
6. Yeah Obama was slick.
7. You have been fundamentally fucked.
8. And you shall never be the same, and when he said America will be fundamentally change , he wasn't joking.
9. You've got to hand it to him, he did change America, no easy task.


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