Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma


Thanks for the reply.

It didn't hurt you to respond to that question, did it?
Not at all. Why would it hurt?

I dunno. It really seems to hurt some people when they are asked that question. They get really upset.

And now, that you have been crushed logically and revealed to be a hypocrite you start lying.

Libs, all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
Now I remember. You wouldn't answer that question. Bizarre.

Correct. For some reason, he considers my asking him that question to be an attack on his character.

I even told him that I would accept his answer regardless of what it is....as I am a generally trusting soul. But....no. He just would not answer.

Thanks for the reply.

It didn't hurt you to respond to that question, did it?
Not at all. Why would it hurt?

I dunno. It really seems to hurt some people when they are asked that question. They get really upset.

And now, that you have been crushed logically and revealed to be a hypocrite you start lying.

Libs, all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
Now I remember. You wouldn't answer that question. Bizarre.

Correct. For some reason, he considers my asking him that question to be an attack on his character.

I even told him that I would accept his answer regardless of what it is....as I am a generally trusting soul. But....no. He just would not answer.
Maybe he's a coward.
Not at all. Why would it hurt?

I dunno. It really seems to hurt some people when they are asked that question. They get really upset.

And now, that you have been crushed logically and revealed to be a hypocrite you start lying.

Libs, all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
Now I remember. You wouldn't answer that question. Bizarre.

Correct. For some reason, he considers my asking him that question to be an attack on his character.

I even told him that I would accept his answer regardless of what it is....as I am a generally trusting soul. But....no. He just would not answer.
Maybe he's a coward.

Gee. I never thought of that. Ya think?
Your bigotry and hatred are leading you to assume that any difference must be a intellectual and/or moral deficiency on their part.

And you want to lock them up because they are different than you.

You are the hater here.

Naw, I want to lock them up for being bigots. Before they go out and hurt someone like Dylan Roof did.

"Re-education Camp" has a nice ring to it.
No, I'm not.

Seriously, I just happen to believe in freedom. Not my freedom to say what I please and your freedom to shut up and listen. Everyone's freedom to say what they please. Including people I don't agree with, people I vehemently disagree with. If I don't stand for their freedom, then I stand for nothing.

And while you really want this to be about racism, I know quite a few people who show that flag who aren't racists. It doesn't mean to them what it means to you, and they have as much right to apply their meaning to that piece of cloth as you.

The only thing a government should not display is overtly religious symbols, and only that because of the first amendment. Beyond that, people can fly what they want to fly, march for what they want to march for, display what they want to display and make what ever point they want to make. And you should be celebrating that you live in a land where that is the case.
Can a government display the nazi flag (i'm talking USA state/local/federal)?

That would be showing favoritism to a particular group which IMO is not allowed under equal protection.

It is equal protection under the law. What law exactly do you think applies?
Under the lawS not the law. If they also fly flags that express anti-nazi pride that would be fine.

Well, if we are going to get specific, it's "of the laws". The key word being laws. So which laws are you expecting equal protection of?
Obama represents the anarchy and destruction of America in the name of Islam.

Sorry. I thought you said, "You are dismayed by what yiou see as the PC pussification of America....and think it is a good trade off to let bigots have their publicly funded demonstration flag so long as you dont have to hear people protest about it. Those protests are so divisive!" I must have been mistaken.

Yeah....meaning PUBLICLY FUNDED as in ON GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AT TAXPAYERS EXPENSE. Not on Bubba's garage or F150.

Get it?

Yeah, and you are wrong. I believe I covered that. If the representatives of the people of a state or local government, or the federal government for that matter, what to fly the flag for Slytherin, that is for them to decide. The only thing prohibited is overtly religious symbols. Get it?
Overtly? What about covertly? Apparently the cross on that flag is St. Andrew's cross.

It pretty much has to be overt. It has to meet the standard of establishing religion.
Okay, then. A cross is rather overt.

Is it? Does that mean the schools have to stop using the plus sign? We have to scrap intersection signs? SC flag has a crescent moon, does that mean they have established an Islamic state?
Your bigotry and hatred are leading you to assume that any difference must be a intellectual and/or moral deficiency on their part.

And you want to lock them up because they are different than you.

You are the hater here.

Naw, I want to lock them up for being bigots. Before they go out and hurt someone like Dylan Roof did.

"Re-education Camp" has a nice ring to it.

Yep, we should round all Muslims up like Wesley Clark wants

Your bigotry and hatred are leading you to assume that any difference must be a intellectual and/or moral deficiency on their part.

And you want to lock them up because they are different than you.

You are the hater here.

Naw, I want to lock them up for being bigots. Before they go out and hurt someone like Dylan Roof did.

"Re-education Camp" has a nice ring to it.

Yep, we should round all Muslims up like Wesley Clark wants


See. The opponents of freedom can be found on both sides of the political spectrum.

Thanks for the reply.

It didn't hurt you to respond to that question, did it?
Not at all. Why would it hurt?

I dunno. It really seems to hurt some people when they are asked that question. They get really upset.

And now, that you have been crushed logically and revealed to be a hypocrite you start lying.

Libs, all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
Now I remember. You wouldn't answer that question. Bizarre.

Correct. For some reason, he considers my asking him that question to be an attack on his character.

I even told him that I would accept his answer regardless of what it is....as I am a generally trusting soul. But....no. He just would not answer.

Lonelaugher, can I ask YOU a personal question?
Your bigotry and hatred are leading you to assume that any difference must be a intellectual and/or moral deficiency on their part.

And you want to lock them up because they are different than you.

You are the hater here.

Naw, I want to lock them up for being bigots. Before they go out and hurt someone like Dylan Roof did.

"Re-education Camp" has a nice ring to it.

The idea of judging a whole population based on what one individual's actions is a fairly standard form of bigotry.

YOur rationalizations aside, you want to lock them up because they are different than you.

You are the hater here.
Your bigotry and hatred are leading you to assume that any difference must be a intellectual and/or moral deficiency on their part.

And you want to lock them up because they are different than you.

You are the hater here.

Naw, I want to lock them up for being bigots. Before they go out and hurt someone like Dylan Roof did.

"Re-education Camp" has a nice ring to it.

Yep, we should round all Muslims up like Wesley Clark wants


See. The opponents of freedom can be found on both sides of the political spectrum.

The difference is that those on the left are rising in power. They won this battle.
Your bigotry and hatred are leading you to assume that any difference must be a intellectual and/or moral deficiency on their part.

And you want to lock them up because they are different than you.

You are the hater here.

Naw, I want to lock them up for being bigots. Before they go out and hurt someone like Dylan Roof did.

"Re-education Camp" has a nice ring to it.

Yep, we should round all Muslims up like Wesley Clark wants


See. The opponents of freedom can be found on both sides of the political spectrum.

The difference is that those on the left are rising in power. They won this battle.

I see no difference between them at all. But what battle?
Your bigotry and hatred are leading you to assume that any difference must be a intellectual and/or moral deficiency on their part.

And you want to lock them up because they are different than you.

You are the hater here.

Naw, I want to lock them up for being bigots. Before they go out and hurt someone like Dylan Roof did.

"Re-education Camp" has a nice ring to it.

Yep, we should round all Muslims up like Wesley Clark wants


See. The opponents of freedom can be found on both sides of the political spectrum.

The difference is that those on the left are rising in power. They won this battle.

I see no difference between them at all. But what battle?

PUlling down the Confederate Flag.

The Dem President was on board the side of bigotry on this one.

THe haters run the Dem Party. They are a fringe in the GOP.
Naw, I want to lock them up for being bigots. Before they go out and hurt someone like Dylan Roof did.

"Re-education Camp" has a nice ring to it.

Yep, we should round all Muslims up like Wesley Clark wants


See. The opponents of freedom can be found on both sides of the political spectrum.

The difference is that those on the left are rising in power. They won this battle.

I see no difference between them at all. But what battle?

PUlling down the Confederate Flag.

The Dem President was on board the side of bigotry on this one.

THe haters run the Dem Party. They are a fringe in the GOP.

Every last flag that was pulled down was pulled down by republicans. The president might have expressed an opinion, but he had absolutely no authority to do anything about it.
Yep, we should round all Muslims up like Wesley Clark wants


See. The opponents of freedom can be found on both sides of the political spectrum.

The difference is that those on the left are rising in power. They won this battle.

I see no difference between them at all. But what battle?

PUlling down the Confederate Flag.

The Dem President was on board the side of bigotry on this one.

THe haters run the Dem Party. They are a fringe in the GOP.

Every last flag that was pulled down was pulled down by republicans. The president might have expressed an opinion, but he had absolutely no authority to do anything about it.

The President took sides, and sided with the haters.

A lot of the REpbublican leadership still thinks that someday, somehow they might be able to work with the mob.

THey are fools and appeasers.

But they are not the mob.

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