Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

Yeah....meaning PUBLICLY FUNDED as in ON GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AT TAXPAYERS EXPENSE. Not on Bubba's garage or F150.

Get it?

Yeah, and you are wrong. I believe I covered that. If the representatives of the people of a state or local government, or the federal government for that matter, what to fly the flag for Slytherin, that is for them to decide. The only thing prohibited is overtly religious symbols. Get it?
Overtly? What about covertly? Apparently the cross on that flag is St. Andrew's cross.

It pretty much has to be overt. It has to meet the standard of establishing religion.
Okay, then. A cross is rather overt.

Is it? Does that mean the schools have to stop using the plus sign? We have to scrap intersection signs? SC flag has a crescent moon, does that mean they have established an Islamic state?
A plus sign is not a Christian cross.
See. The opponents of freedom can be found on both sides of the political spectrum.

The difference is that those on the left are rising in power. They won this battle.

I see no difference between them at all. But what battle?

PUlling down the Confederate Flag.

The Dem President was on board the side of bigotry on this one.

THe haters run the Dem Party. They are a fringe in the GOP.

Every last flag that was pulled down was pulled down by republicans. The president might have expressed an opinion, but he had absolutely no authority to do anything about it.

The President took sides, and sided with the haters.

A lot of the REpbublican leadership still thinks that someday, somehow they might be able to work with the mob.

THey are fools and appeasers.

But they are not the mob.

So the haters the president sided with were the republicans. Because no matter how you phrase it, it was the republicans who actually took down the flags.
Wow. That's too personal.

Your explanation is shit. Just answer. It won't hurt.

There was nothing "shit" about my answer.

This thread is about the Confederate Flag.

You claimed to be against it because it is divisive.

When I pointed out that Obama made racially divisive comments against McCain's campaign you claimed the accusation of running a racist campaign was true.

But you were completely unable to support that claim.

Your attempts were so weak as to make my case for me.

You did not have the intellectual honesty or moral courage to admit that, and now

you are trying to change the subject.
Yeah, and you are wrong. I believe I covered that. If the representatives of the people of a state or local government, or the federal government for that matter, what to fly the flag for Slytherin, that is for them to decide. The only thing prohibited is overtly religious symbols. Get it?
Overtly? What about covertly? Apparently the cross on that flag is St. Andrew's cross.

It pretty much has to be overt. It has to meet the standard of establishing religion.
Okay, then. A cross is rather overt.

Is it? Does that mean the schools have to stop using the plus sign? We have to scrap intersection signs? SC flag has a crescent moon, does that mean they have established an Islamic state?
A plus sign is not a Christian cross.

No, it isn't. Which was rather my point.
Overtly? What about covertly? Apparently the cross on that flag is St. Andrew's cross.

It pretty much has to be overt. It has to meet the standard of establishing religion.
Okay, then. A cross is rather overt.

Is it? Does that mean the schools have to stop using the plus sign? We have to scrap intersection signs? SC flag has a crescent moon, does that mean they have established an Islamic state?
A plus sign is not a Christian cross.

No, it isn't. Which was rather my point.
It wasn't much of a point since the cross on the con flag is St. Andrew's cross.
It pretty much has to be overt. It has to meet the standard of establishing religion.
Okay, then. A cross is rather overt.

Is it? Does that mean the schools have to stop using the plus sign? We have to scrap intersection signs? SC flag has a crescent moon, does that mean they have established an Islamic state?
A plus sign is not a Christian cross.

No, it isn't. Which was rather my point.
It wasn't much of a point since the cross on the con flag is St. Andrew's cross.

It's also a multiplication sign. If you think this constitutes the establishment of religion, then proceed with your court case. In this country, you have every right to be wrong.
The difference is that those on the left are rising in power. They won this battle.

I see no difference between them at all. But what battle?

PUlling down the Confederate Flag.

The Dem President was on board the side of bigotry on this one.

THe haters run the Dem Party. They are a fringe in the GOP.

Every last flag that was pulled down was pulled down by republicans. The president might have expressed an opinion, but he had absolutely no authority to do anything about it.

The President took sides, and sided with the haters.

A lot of the REpbublican leadership still thinks that someday, somehow they might be able to work with the mob.

THey are fools and appeasers.

But they are not the mob.

So the haters the president sided with were the republicans. Because no matter how you phrase it, it was the republicans who actually took down the flags.

This is not about phasing, It is about who won and who lost and what that means.

Nikke Haley didn't win. She might think she somehow turned this to her advantage, but she did not.

She has empowered her enemies.

And they are still her enemies. She made no friends and alienated many of her supporters.
I see no difference between them at all. But what battle?

PUlling down the Confederate Flag.

The Dem President was on board the side of bigotry on this one.

THe haters run the Dem Party. They are a fringe in the GOP.

Every last flag that was pulled down was pulled down by republicans. The president might have expressed an opinion, but he had absolutely no authority to do anything about it.

The President took sides, and sided with the haters.

A lot of the REpbublican leadership still thinks that someday, somehow they might be able to work with the mob.

THey are fools and appeasers.

But they are not the mob.

So the haters the president sided with were the republicans. Because no matter how you phrase it, it was the republicans who actually took down the flags.

This is not about phasing, It is about who won and who lost and what that means.

Nikke Haley didn't win. She might think she somehow turned this to her advantage, but she did not.

She has empowered her enemies.

And they are still her enemies. She made no friends and alienated many of her supporters.

Nikki Haley did not have the authority to take down that flag. Only the state senate could do that, and they did so with a vote of 36-3. 2/3's of the state senate is republican. There is no other way to look at this than the republicans took down the flag. You can't blame this on the democrats or the progressives.
PUlling down the Confederate Flag.

The Dem President was on board the side of bigotry on this one.

THe haters run the Dem Party. They are a fringe in the GOP.

Every last flag that was pulled down was pulled down by republicans. The president might have expressed an opinion, but he had absolutely no authority to do anything about it.

The President took sides, and sided with the haters.

A lot of the REpbublican leadership still thinks that someday, somehow they might be able to work with the mob.

THey are fools and appeasers.

But they are not the mob.

So the haters the president sided with were the republicans. Because no matter how you phrase it, it was the republicans who actually took down the flags.

This is not about phasing, It is about who won and who lost and what that means.

Nikke Haley didn't win. She might think she somehow turned this to her advantage, but she did not.

She has empowered her enemies.

And they are still her enemies. She made no friends and alienated many of her supporters.

Nikki Haley did not have the authority to take down that flag. Only the state senate could do that, and they did so with a vote of 36-3. 2/3's of the state senate is republican. There is no other way to look at this than the republicans took down the flag. You can't blame this on the democrats or the progressives.

Do you think that a month form now, if some lib makes some accusation about the South or the GOP being sooooo racist that I could point out that the South Carolina State Senate removed the Confederate FLag that that point will get the GOP or the South ANY CRED at all?
Every last flag that was pulled down was pulled down by republicans. The president might have expressed an opinion, but he had absolutely no authority to do anything about it.

The President took sides, and sided with the haters.

A lot of the REpbublican leadership still thinks that someday, somehow they might be able to work with the mob.

THey are fools and appeasers.

But they are not the mob.

So the haters the president sided with were the republicans. Because no matter how you phrase it, it was the republicans who actually took down the flags.

This is not about phasing, It is about who won and who lost and what that means.

Nikke Haley didn't win. She might think she somehow turned this to her advantage, but she did not.

She has empowered her enemies.

And they are still her enemies. She made no friends and alienated many of her supporters.

Nikki Haley did not have the authority to take down that flag. Only the state senate could do that, and they did so with a vote of 36-3. 2/3's of the state senate is republican. There is no other way to look at this than the republicans took down the flag. You can't blame this on the democrats or the progressives.

Do you think that a month form now, if some lib makes some accusation about the South or the GOP being sooooo racist that I could point out that the South Carolina State Senate removed the Confederate FLag that that point will get the GOP or the South ANY CRED at all?

The left isn't going to give the right cred and the right isn't going to give the left cred. The both behave in the same way for the same reasons. That doesn't change what actually happened.
The President took sides, and sided with the haters.

A lot of the REpbublican leadership still thinks that someday, somehow they might be able to work with the mob.

THey are fools and appeasers.

But they are not the mob.

So the haters the president sided with were the republicans. Because no matter how you phrase it, it was the republicans who actually took down the flags.

This is not about phasing, It is about who won and who lost and what that means.

Nikke Haley didn't win. She might think she somehow turned this to her advantage, but she did not.

She has empowered her enemies.

And they are still her enemies. She made no friends and alienated many of her supporters.

Nikki Haley did not have the authority to take down that flag. Only the state senate could do that, and they did so with a vote of 36-3. 2/3's of the state senate is republican. There is no other way to look at this than the republicans took down the flag. You can't blame this on the democrats or the progressives.

Do you think that a month form now, if some lib makes some accusation about the South or the GOP being sooooo racist that I could point out that the South Carolina State Senate removed the Confederate FLag that that point will get the GOP or the South ANY CRED at all?

The left isn't going to give the right cred and the right isn't going to give the left cred. The both behave in the same way for the same reasons. That doesn't change what actually happened.

If Obama had stood up the mob, even once instead of always siding with the mob, I would have given credit where it was due.

The S.C. senate has empowered it's enemies. This will not improve anything but make matters worse.
So the haters the president sided with were the republicans. Because no matter how you phrase it, it was the republicans who actually took down the flags.

This is not about phasing, It is about who won and who lost and what that means.

Nikke Haley didn't win. She might think she somehow turned this to her advantage, but she did not.

She has empowered her enemies.

And they are still her enemies. She made no friends and alienated many of her supporters.

Nikki Haley did not have the authority to take down that flag. Only the state senate could do that, and they did so with a vote of 36-3. 2/3's of the state senate is republican. There is no other way to look at this than the republicans took down the flag. You can't blame this on the democrats or the progressives.

Do you think that a month form now, if some lib makes some accusation about the South or the GOP being sooooo racist that I could point out that the South Carolina State Senate removed the Confederate FLag that that point will get the GOP or the South ANY CRED at all?

The left isn't going to give the right cred and the right isn't going to give the left cred. The both behave in the same way for the same reasons. That doesn't change what actually happened.

If Obama had stood up the mob, even once instead of always siding with the mob, I would have given credit where it was due.

The S.C. senate has empowered it's enemies. This will not improve anything but make matters worse.

I assume the SC Senators did what elected officials normally do, bow to the expressed feelings of their constituents. That's how it works. Given that the majority of them were republicans, I think it safe to assume the majority of those constituents were as well. It's the people's state house. If the people didn't want the flag there then it was right to have it taken down.
This is not about phasing, It is about who won and who lost and what that means.

Nikke Haley didn't win. She might think she somehow turned this to her advantage, but she did not.

She has empowered her enemies.

And they are still her enemies. She made no friends and alienated many of her supporters.

Nikki Haley did not have the authority to take down that flag. Only the state senate could do that, and they did so with a vote of 36-3. 2/3's of the state senate is republican. There is no other way to look at this than the republicans took down the flag. You can't blame this on the democrats or the progressives.

Do you think that a month form now, if some lib makes some accusation about the South or the GOP being sooooo racist that I could point out that the South Carolina State Senate removed the Confederate FLag that that point will get the GOP or the South ANY CRED at all?

The left isn't going to give the right cred and the right isn't going to give the left cred. The both behave in the same way for the same reasons. That doesn't change what actually happened.

If Obama had stood up the mob, even once instead of always siding with the mob, I would have given credit where it was due.

The S.C. senate has empowered it's enemies. This will not improve anything but make matters worse.

I assume the SC Senators did what elected officials normally do, bow to the expressed feelings of their constituents. That's how it works. Given that the majority of them were republicans, I think it safe to assume the majority of those constituents were as well. It's the people's state house. If the people didn't want the flag there then it was right to have it taken down.

i assume they bowed to the will of the mob, and sold out the expressed feelings of their constituents.

Do you have a link showing that the majority fo South Carolina citizens wanted the Flag removed?
Nikki Haley did not have the authority to take down that flag. Only the state senate could do that, and they did so with a vote of 36-3. 2/3's of the state senate is republican. There is no other way to look at this than the republicans took down the flag. You can't blame this on the democrats or the progressives.

Do you think that a month form now, if some lib makes some accusation about the South or the GOP being sooooo racist that I could point out that the South Carolina State Senate removed the Confederate FLag that that point will get the GOP or the South ANY CRED at all?

The left isn't going to give the right cred and the right isn't going to give the left cred. The both behave in the same way for the same reasons. That doesn't change what actually happened.

If Obama had stood up the mob, even once instead of always siding with the mob, I would have given credit where it was due.

The S.C. senate has empowered it's enemies. This will not improve anything but make matters worse.

I assume the SC Senators did what elected officials normally do, bow to the expressed feelings of their constituents. That's how it works. Given that the majority of them were republicans, I think it safe to assume the majority of those constituents were as well. It's the people's state house. If the people didn't want the flag there then it was right to have it taken down.

i assume they bowed to the will of the mob, and sold out the expressed feelings of their constituents.

Do you have a link showing that the majority fo South Carolina citizens wanted the Flag removed?

No, and I won't try. I said "assume". I don't see your typical politician doing something he knows won't get him re-elected. But I don't call that selling out. They are supposed to be representing their constituents. It's why they get paid.
Do you think that a month form now, if some lib makes some accusation about the South or the GOP being sooooo racist that I could point out that the South Carolina State Senate removed the Confederate FLag that that point will get the GOP or the South ANY CRED at all?

The left isn't going to give the right cred and the right isn't going to give the left cred. The both behave in the same way for the same reasons. That doesn't change what actually happened.

If Obama had stood up the mob, even once instead of always siding with the mob, I would have given credit where it was due.

The S.C. senate has empowered it's enemies. This will not improve anything but make matters worse.

I assume the SC Senators did what elected officials normally do, bow to the expressed feelings of their constituents. That's how it works. Given that the majority of them were republicans, I think it safe to assume the majority of those constituents were as well. It's the people's state house. If the people didn't want the flag there then it was right to have it taken down.

i assume they bowed to the will of the mob, and sold out the expressed feelings of their constituents.

Do you have a link showing that the majority fo South Carolina citizens wanted the Flag removed?

No, and I won't try. I said "assume". I don't see your typical politician doing something he knows won't get him re-elected. But I don't call that selling out. They are supposed to be representing their constituents. It's why they get paid.

Selling out your constituents generally will not cause you to NOT get re-elected.

But a media frenzy? That can destroy you.

The mob has power. And it is not democracy.

Yes, IMO, these Senators failed in their job.
The left isn't going to give the right cred and the right isn't going to give the left cred. The both behave in the same way for the same reasons. That doesn't change what actually happened.

If Obama had stood up the mob, even once instead of always siding with the mob, I would have given credit where it was due.

The S.C. senate has empowered it's enemies. This will not improve anything but make matters worse.

I assume the SC Senators did what elected officials normally do, bow to the expressed feelings of their constituents. That's how it works. Given that the majority of them were republicans, I think it safe to assume the majority of those constituents were as well. It's the people's state house. If the people didn't want the flag there then it was right to have it taken down.

i assume they bowed to the will of the mob, and sold out the expressed feelings of their constituents.

Do you have a link showing that the majority fo South Carolina citizens wanted the Flag removed?

No, and I won't try. I said "assume". I don't see your typical politician doing something he knows won't get him re-elected. But I don't call that selling out. They are supposed to be representing their constituents. It's why they get paid.

Selling out your constituents generally will not cause you to NOT get re-elected.

But a media frenzy? That can destroy you.

The mob has power. And it is not democracy.

Yes, IMO, these Senators failed in their job.

That is an issue for the citizens of SC. If you are one, you should express your point of view. If not, it really doesn't matter. Personally, I don't care if it's flying or not.
If Obama had stood up the mob, even once instead of always siding with the mob, I would have given credit where it was due.

The S.C. senate has empowered it's enemies. This will not improve anything but make matters worse.

I assume the SC Senators did what elected officials normally do, bow to the expressed feelings of their constituents. That's how it works. Given that the majority of them were republicans, I think it safe to assume the majority of those constituents were as well. It's the people's state house. If the people didn't want the flag there then it was right to have it taken down.

i assume they bowed to the will of the mob, and sold out the expressed feelings of their constituents.

Do you have a link showing that the majority fo South Carolina citizens wanted the Flag removed?

No, and I won't try. I said "assume". I don't see your typical politician doing something he knows won't get him re-elected. But I don't call that selling out. They are supposed to be representing their constituents. It's why they get paid.

Selling out your constituents generally will not cause you to NOT get re-elected.

But a media frenzy? That can destroy you.

The mob has power. And it is not democracy.

Yes, IMO, these Senators failed in their job.

That is an issue for the citizens of SC. If you are one, you should express your point of view. If not, it really doesn't matter. Personally, I don't care if it's flying or not.

As the issue(s) are bigger than just one flag in one state, I do care.

The mob is driving policy. NOt the "wishes of the constituents."

YOu don't think this is over do you?
I assume the SC Senators did what elected officials normally do, bow to the expressed feelings of their constituents. That's how it works. Given that the majority of them were republicans, I think it safe to assume the majority of those constituents were as well. It's the people's state house. If the people didn't want the flag there then it was right to have it taken down.

i assume they bowed to the will of the mob, and sold out the expressed feelings of their constituents.

Do you have a link showing that the majority fo South Carolina citizens wanted the Flag removed?

No, and I won't try. I said "assume". I don't see your typical politician doing something he knows won't get him re-elected. But I don't call that selling out. They are supposed to be representing their constituents. It's why they get paid.

Selling out your constituents generally will not cause you to NOT get re-elected.

But a media frenzy? That can destroy you.

The mob has power. And it is not democracy.

Yes, IMO, these Senators failed in their job.

That is an issue for the citizens of SC. If you are one, you should express your point of view. If not, it really doesn't matter. Personally, I don't care if it's flying or not.

As the issue(s) are bigger than just one flag in one state, I do care.

The mob is driving policy. NOt the "wishes of the constituents."

YOu don't think this is over do you?

No. It isn't a bigger issue than that. Frankly, it's hardly an issue at all. I have thought about it and concluded it's just another pointless distraction. Wave the flag, don't wave it. I don't care either way.

Out of curiosity, what do you think the difference is between the mob and the constituency?
The mob is hiding under his bed and they ALWAYS disagree with him.

The constituency, on the other hand, agrees with him and have just been cheated by the mob.
i assume they bowed to the will of the mob, and sold out the expressed feelings of their constituents.

Do you have a link showing that the majority fo South Carolina citizens wanted the Flag removed?

No, and I won't try. I said "assume". I don't see your typical politician doing something he knows won't get him re-elected. But I don't call that selling out. They are supposed to be representing their constituents. It's why they get paid.

Selling out your constituents generally will not cause you to NOT get re-elected.

But a media frenzy? That can destroy you.

The mob has power. And it is not democracy.

Yes, IMO, these Senators failed in their job.

That is an issue for the citizens of SC. If you are one, you should express your point of view. If not, it really doesn't matter. Personally, I don't care if it's flying or not.

As the issue(s) are bigger than just one flag in one state, I do care.

The mob is driving policy. NOt the "wishes of the constituents."

YOu don't think this is over do you?

No. It isn't a bigger issue than that. Frankly, it's hardly an issue at all. I have thought about it and concluded it's just another pointless distraction. Wave the flag, don't wave it. I don't care either way.

Out of curiosity, what do you think the difference is between the mob and the constituency?

"a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence."

"a body of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body."

I generally go by normal english meanings of words.

I don't play word games.


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