Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma


NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.
4 years of destruction and treason is a "region"?

Obviously not. That's a weird question.

The South is a region.

The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Here is something cool I was recently shown.

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Veterans Today

"At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement. When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.

On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain. Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:

“…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor [my emphasis]… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”

The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

Confederate Cemetery

Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900

Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”"
Interesting. Have you ever met anyone in that one percent?

ONce. Working at a medical facility in the rural south a family had a very old male member who insisted on wearing a confederate flag hat, and we were warned by his family to not discuss it with him.

Oddly he also insisted on daily trips to the bar in order to agree to go for treatment.

The doctor stated that this would lead to horrible side effects.

But it did not.

The doctor had no explanation for this medical oddity.

Odds are that guy is dead by now.

Despite being in the South, he was considered a loon by his family and the local members of the facility.

You've only met one person in your life who flies that flag or wears it somehow as a sign that he or she is not interested in equality with black people?

That's awesome.

He was considered a loon by his family and the locals working at the medical facility.

This undermines your bigoted view of the South as a horribly racist place.

It is awesome.

America is an awesome place. It is to bad you libs are so determined to ruin it.

Now you want to talk about something else. Libs ruining America? That's great. What percentage of libs do you think would like to ruin America?

Would you first like to comment on my answer to your question?

YOu asked the question. That implies you care about the answer.

BUt you ignored it.

Why do you think that man's family and my co-workers thought that man was a loon?

Does that really jive with your view of the SOuth as a horribly racist place?

I think you lied, that's why. You know of only ONE? Please.
I don't like the way our beloved confederate flag is being treated as racist

Let's go wave it at that negro president to prove our point
I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.
4 years of destruction and treason is a "region"?

Obviously not. That's a weird question.

The South is a region.

The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Here is something cool I was recently shown.

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Veterans Today

"At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement. When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.

On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain. Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:

“…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor [my emphasis]… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”

The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

Confederate Cemetery

Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900

Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”"

No it has not.

The Confederate flag symbolizes white supremacy and it always has - Vox
Last edited:
Yeah, rewrite history, make it like it didn't even happen.

That's the ticket.

No, put it in the proper context of NOT glorifying racists who committed treason.

These men deserve scorn, not honor.

Just like there are no monuments in Germany today to Hilter or Jodl or Keitel, there should be no monuments in America to Lee or Forrest.
Name one Confederate convicted of treason.
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

there is not a area left that the prezbo

has not diligently made an effort to divide
I love how the dividers try to blame their divisive behavior on the President.

You want to discuss how Joe wants to lock up his fellow Americans for the simple fact of being different than him?

We already have. We told him he's wrong. Dead wrong.

Feel better?

i would feel better is you libs were not seething with such hatred and were not so convinced that anyone that disagreed with you was evul.

I think he is just a little ahead of you guys.

If you get your way, you will get to where he is now, eventually.
NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.
4 years of destruction and treason is a "region"?

Obviously not. That's a weird question.

The South is a region.

The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Here is something cool I was recently shown.

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Veterans Today

"At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement. When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.

On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain. Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:

“…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor [my emphasis]… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”

The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

Confederate Cemetery

Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900

Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”"

No it has not.

You might want to talk to President McKinley about that.

Except that you can't because he has been dead for well over one hundred years.
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

there is not a area left that the prezbo

has not diligently made an effort to divide
I love how the dividers try to blame their divisive behavior on the President.

You want to discuss how Joe wants to lock up his fellow Americans for the simple fact of being different than him?

We already have. We told him he's wrong. Dead wrong.

Feel better?

i would feel better is you libs were not seething with such hatred and were not so convinced that anyone that disagreed with you was evul.

I think he is just a little ahead of you guys.

If you get your way, you will get to where he is now, eventually.

Nope. I think you have the right to fly whatever flag you want. Always have, always will. I'd just LOVE it if you'd be honest about your motivation.
Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.
4 years of destruction and treason is a "region"?

Obviously not. That's a weird question.

The South is a region.

The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Here is something cool I was recently shown.

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Veterans Today

"At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement. When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.

On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain. Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:

“…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor [my emphasis]… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”

The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

Confederate Cemetery

Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900

Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”"

No it has not.

You might want to talk to President McKinley about that.

Except that you can't because he has been dead for well over one hundred years.

See edit.
ONce. Working at a medical facility in the rural south a family had a very old male member who insisted on wearing a confederate flag hat, and we were warned by his family to not discuss it with him.

Oddly he also insisted on daily trips to the bar in order to agree to go for treatment.

The doctor stated that this would lead to horrible side effects.

But it did not.

The doctor had no explanation for this medical oddity.

Odds are that guy is dead by now.

Despite being in the South, he was considered a loon by his family and the local members of the facility.

You've only met one person in your life who flies that flag or wears it somehow as a sign that he or she is not interested in equality with black people?

That's awesome.

He was considered a loon by his family and the locals working at the medical facility.

This undermines your bigoted view of the South as a horribly racist place.

It is awesome.

America is an awesome place. It is to bad you libs are so determined to ruin it.

Now you want to talk about something else. Libs ruining America? That's great. What percentage of libs do you think would like to ruin America?

Would you first like to comment on my answer to your question?

YOu asked the question. That implies you care about the answer.

BUt you ignored it.

Why do you think that man's family and my co-workers thought that man was a loon?

Does that really jive with your view of the SOuth as a horribly racist place?

I think you lied, that's why. You know of only ONE? Please.

You need to believe that I lied, because you need to believe that the SOuth and America are racist.

It is part of your defense mechanism against all the information that does not fit with your world view.
Yeah, rewrite history, make it like it didn't even happen.

That's the ticket.

No, put it in the proper context of NOT glorifying racists who committed treason.

These men deserve scorn, not honor.

Just like there are no monuments in Germany today to Hilter or Jodl or Keitel, there should be no monuments in America to Lee or Forrest.
Name one Confederate convicted of treason.

William Bruce Mumford. I think he's it. Johnson granted Davis amnesty before a trial ever actually happened.
there is not a area left that the prezbo

has not diligently made an effort to divide
I love how the dividers try to blame their divisive behavior on the President.

You want to discuss how Joe wants to lock up his fellow Americans for the simple fact of being different than him?

We already have. We told him he's wrong. Dead wrong.

Feel better?

i would feel better is you libs were not seething with such hatred and were not so convinced that anyone that disagreed with you was evul.

I think he is just a little ahead of you guys.

If you get your way, you will get to where he is now, eventually.

Nope. I think you have the right to fly whatever flag you want. Always have, always will. I'd just LOVE it if you'd be honest about your motivation.

I doubt it.

You don't care about my real reasons. YOu just need to tell yourself that it is because I am "Evul".
You've only met one person in your life who flies that flag or wears it somehow as a sign that he or she is not interested in equality with black people?

That's awesome.

He was considered a loon by his family and the locals working at the medical facility.

This undermines your bigoted view of the South as a horribly racist place.

It is awesome.

America is an awesome place. It is to bad you libs are so determined to ruin it.

Now you want to talk about something else. Libs ruining America? That's great. What percentage of libs do you think would like to ruin America?

Would you first like to comment on my answer to your question?

YOu asked the question. That implies you care about the answer.

BUt you ignored it.

Why do you think that man's family and my co-workers thought that man was a loon?

Does that really jive with your view of the SOuth as a horribly racist place?

I think you lied, that's why. You know of only ONE? Please.

You need to believe that I lied, because you need to believe that the SOuth and America are racist.

It is part of your defense mechanism against all the information that does not fit with your world view.

Nope. I need no such thing.

I'll tell you what. Take a trip to Columbia, SC tomorrow. See if you find any people waving that flag who are using is as a symbol of bigotry and hate. Talk to them. Get their story. Then come back here and try to convince someone that they represent less than 1% of those who fly that flag.

It is you who needs to believe something to make you feel better. I live in the south. I know what the south is.

You won't even respond to a direct inquiry about your personal beliefs without accusing the questioner of attacking you. Think about that.
I love how the dividers try to blame their divisive behavior on the President.

You want to discuss how Joe wants to lock up his fellow Americans for the simple fact of being different than him?

We already have. We told him he's wrong. Dead wrong.

Feel better?

i would feel better is you libs were not seething with such hatred and were not so convinced that anyone that disagreed with you was evul.

I think he is just a little ahead of you guys.

If you get your way, you will get to where he is now, eventually.

Nope. I think you have the right to fly whatever flag you want. Always have, always will. I'd just LOVE it if you'd be honest about your motivation.

I doubt it.

You don't care about my real reasons. YOu just need to tell yourself that it is because I am "Evul".

I don't think you are evil. What makes you say that?
NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.
4 years of destruction and treason is a "region"?

Obviously not. That's a weird question.

The South is a region.

The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Here is something cool I was recently shown.

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Veterans Today

"At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement. When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.

On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain. Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:

“…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor [my emphasis]… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”

The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

Confederate Cemetery

Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900

Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”"

No it has not.

The Confederate flag symbolizes white supremacy and it always has - Vox

I post policy from a us president one hundred years dead, passed though congress and you post opinion from Libby Nelson?

WHy does libby nelson trump a century of national policy?
Yeah, rewrite history, make it like it didn't even happen.

That's the ticket.

No, put it in the proper context of NOT glorifying racists who committed treason.

These men deserve scorn, not honor.

Just like there are no monuments in Germany today to Hilter or Jodl or Keitel, there should be no monuments in America to Lee or Forrest.
Name one Confederate convicted of treason.

William Bruce Mumford. I think he's it. Johnson granted Davis amnesty before a trial ever actually happened.

The Americans of the day and for over 1OO years afterwards had no problem with it.
Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.
4 years of destruction and treason is a "region"?

Obviously not. That's a weird question.

The South is a region.

The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Here is something cool I was recently shown.

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Veterans Today

"At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement. When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.

On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain. Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:

“…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor [my emphasis]… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”

The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

Confederate Cemetery

Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900

Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”"

No it has not.

The Confederate flag symbolizes white supremacy and it always has - Vox

I post policy from a us president one hundred years dead, passed though congress and you post opinion from Libby Nelson?

WHy does libby nelson trump a century of national policy?

What you posted does not prove that "The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride". Why are you playing dense?
NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Of course not you! Who said anything about you?

I'll ask you the same question I asked Correll. What percentage of people who fly that flag or support it are doing so to promote their feelings of bigotry? What's your guess? And....do you personally know anyone who does?

Very low %.

But the problem I have communicating with lefties is, the factual dishonesty. According to many the percentage of hateful whites is extremely high. But conveniently the % of islamic threats (actual threats to us) is extremely low.

Do yourself a favor, and do your own research. If there is something you feel you are ignorant about, it's better to learn than to let a brain sit.

Why must you try to direct the conversation elsewhere? I've asked some very simple questions related to your personal experiences. You want to talk about Islamic threats? That is an entirely different subject.

Please....just tell me if you know any racists or bigots who are flying or wearing that flag as a symbol of that bigotry. Correll said he knows of one in his lifetime. How about you?

I don't know anyone.
Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Of course not you! Who said anything about you?

I'll ask you the same question I asked Correll. What percentage of people who fly that flag or support it are doing so to promote their feelings of bigotry? What's your guess? And....do you personally know anyone who does?

Very low %.

But the problem I have communicating with lefties is, the factual dishonesty. According to many the percentage of hateful whites is extremely high. But conveniently the % of islamic threats (actual threats to us) is extremely low.

Do yourself a favor, and do your own research. If there is something you feel you are ignorant about, it's better to learn than to let a brain sit.

Why must you try to direct the conversation elsewhere? I've asked some very simple questions related to your personal experiences. You want to talk about Islamic threats? That is an entirely different subject.

Please....just tell me if you know any racists or bigots who are flying or wearing that flag as a symbol of that bigotry. Correll said he knows of one in his lifetime. How about you?

I don't know anyone.

That is amazing. You two guys are amazing.

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