Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

Obama couldn't divide you against anything in 2007 shit-brains. He wasn't elected President until 2008 and didn't take over until 2009.

So.....you say BHO divided you against someone/something.
He couldn't have done that until 2008 at the earliest.
Do you understand now? I doubt it but let it sink in for a few moments.

.....hold music playing.....

Okay, now that we have this side issue of the year "riddle" solved...

You say he is divisive.

I asked you a very simple question; simple enough for even you to understand. If not, consult an adult any ol' time now.

Tell us whom you were aligned with back in 2007 that you have been divided "against" and what specifically the President did to make you and them separate.

Get your tap shoes on...its time to dodge/pretend you don't understand again.

me who said anything about me personally

only you did ya loser

Oh...so you are claiming he was divisive even though you have no personal experience with that supposed divisiveness. Thanks for clearing up that you have no experience or proof of Obama dividing you against anything.

Now we're getting somewhere.

Okay, then surely you can identify groups that were aligned in 2007 that are now at each other's throats and tell us SPECIFICALLY what Obama did to divide them.

The floor is yours.

yes look around you

wtf you are back to the 2007 bs again

what a joke you are

And the tap-dance continues. Again, 100% of those who call Obama divisive cannot cite a divisive thing he has done. Don't feel bad at your impotence. Most middle aged hate filled men suffer from it or so I'm told.

you are the queen of tap dancing

Thanks for the batting practice this morning.
Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?


is that the national democrat convention by chance

It might have been......back in the 1920s. But, in case you haven't noticed...things have a tendency to change over time.

yes. YOu dems have moved from anti-black bigotry to regional bigotry.

STill the party of hate.
You're going to pull a muscle dodging questions this early. Obama became President in 2008.
Don't be ashamed at your dodging; 100% of all conservatives have dodged the question....you should demand that whomever gives you your talking points gives you some ammo to back them up.

your quote not mine ya liar So I'll ask you the same question. You say he's divisive. Tell us whom you were aligned with back in 2007 t

Obama couldn't divide you against anything in 2007 shit-brains. He wasn't elected President until 2008 and didn't take over until 2009.

So.....you say BHO divided you against someone/something.
He couldn't have done that until 2008 at the earliest.
Do you understand now? I doubt it but let it sink in for a few moments.

.....hold music playing.....

Okay, now that we have this side issue of the year "riddle" solved...

You say he is divisive.

I asked you a very simple question; simple enough for even you to understand. If not, consult an adult any ol' time now.

Tell us whom you were aligned with back in 2007 that you have been divided "against" and what specifically the President did to make you and them separate.

Get your tap shoes on...its time to dodge/pretend you don't understand again.

me who said anything about me personally

only you did ya loser

Oh...so you are claiming he was divisive even though you have no personal experience with that supposed divisiveness. Thanks for clearing up that you have no experience or proof of Obama dividing you against anything.

Now we're getting somewhere.

Okay, then surely you can identify groups that were aligned in 2007 that are now at each other's throats and tell us SPECIFICALLY what Obama did to divide them.

The floor is yours.

yes look around you

wtf you are back to the 2007 bs again

what a joke you are
I'm looking around me...and I'm not seeing any divisiveness that was NOT there in 2007. Could you be a bit more specific about what President Obama created in the way of divisiveness?
Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?


is that the national democrat convention by chance


Klan delegates played a significant role at the path setting 1924 Democratic National Convention in New York City, often called the "Klanbake Convention"

Indeed. In 1924. Think that the Democratic Party has the same platform today?

I would assume so, all I ever see is half truths, misinformation, partial quotes to fit a narrative, and absolute disdain for anyone who dare not share their views.
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma
It IS convenient for the morons to wave Con-federate flags so that we can easily spot them.

Kind of like spotting this... no?


Ah...and it's deflection time.
Very low %.

But the problem I have communicating with lefties is, the factual dishonesty. According to many the percentage of hateful whites is extremely high. But conveniently the % of islamic threats (actual threats to us) is extremely low.

Do yourself a favor, and do your own research. If there is something you feel you are ignorant about, it's better to learn than to let a brain sit.

Why must you try to direct the conversation elsewhere? I've asked some very simple questions related to your personal experiences. You want to talk about Islamic threats? That is an entirely different subject.

Please....just tell me if you know any racists or bigots who are flying or wearing that flag as a symbol of that bigotry. Correll said he knows of one in his lifetime. How about you?

I don't know anyone.

That is amazing. You two guys are amazing.

I answered your fucking question, now it was a different answer you want?

If you don't give the answer he wants, he assumes you are "lying".

I know, and people like this vote in our elections.
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

there is not a area left that the prezbo

has not diligently made an effort to divide
I love how the dividers try to blame their divisive behavior on the President.

You want to discuss how Joe wants to lock up his fellow Americans for the simple fact of being different than him?
I'll say it again....Joe is wrong.
Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?


is that the national democrat convention by chance

It might have been......back in the 1920s. But, in case you haven't noticed...things have a tendency to change over time.

yes. YOu dems have moved from anti-black bigotry to regional bigotry.

STill the party of hate.

Been keeping the blacks down for decades, and yet they still loyally vote for them. The blacks who are conservative seem to do quite a bit better in life. Funny how that works.
1. That's ridiculous.

2. YOu don't get jail time for having a swastika on your coffee cup. Ever hear of the First Amendment?

3. Thanks for the preview of where the left wants take this country.

1. I think a black person would rightfully find a Confederate Flag as offensive as a Jewish person would find a Swastika.

2> Germany bans the Swastika, and they are just fine. We need to, too.

3. You mean we want to put you racists and haters in your place? Works for me.
Germany doesn't have the 1st Amendment like we do.

What? YOu suddenly afraid of change?

1st amendment is old. Passed by old white slavers.

Joe is up for "changing" that?

You afraid of "change"?
I'm sorry. Was that post intended to make sense?
Welfare conservatives in the middle of the day decide to show up and prove they are as ignorant as we assumed they were. Then it gets applauded here.

Is this news to anyone?

obama and you libs have been insulting them a lot over the past few months. why should they not let him know they are there and not appreciating the slander?

They should do whatever their little hearts and smaller brains tell them to do. It's a free country.

As one of grade school instructors told me (I'm sure she got it from somewhere else), "Better to have the world think you're an idiot than to show up on a workday, wave the flag of an easily defeated opponent in the victors' face and remove all doubt."

By all means, I wish all of you guys would wave that flag constantly.

"little hearts and small brains"?

Standard lib thought. If someone disagrees with you, it can only be because they are intellectual and/or morally deficient.

The South has been a loyal part of the this country for over 150 years. Attacking them like this serves no purpose other than to divide US.

And claiming the South was easily defeated just shows how completely ignorant you are of history.
Yep....and it's great that they have a flag to wave so we can see them coming.

Soooooo, you admit that you are so close minded that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you must be intellectually and/or morally deficient?

Well. Thank you for you honesty.

What is your opinion on your fellow libs who mostly like to think of themselves as the open minded ones?
This is amusing.....continue to defend racist symbolism being waved around. By all means try to convince us that it is smart geniuses who wave racist symbols around. :clap:
Yeah, rewrite history, make it like it didn't even happen.

That's the ticket.

No, put it in the proper context of NOT glorifying racists who committed treason.

These men deserve scorn, not honor.

Just like there are no monuments in Germany today to Hilter or Jodl or Keitel, there should be no monuments in America to Lee or Forrest.
Name one Confederate convicted of treason.
You put your finger on the problem that should have been solved over 150 years ago. Try a few for treason (they were thinking of doing that to Jefferson Davis), convict and hang them and we may not have had this lingering "Lost Cause" crap even today.
Who the fuck initiated the thread? It wasn't a liberal. Geaux4it is the OP. You calling her a liberal?

If you don't care, then why are your here?
When did I say that? We have an election coming up in 15 months and the more divisive, idiotic, stupid, jejune, juvenile, crazy, insane, unraveled, unpatriotic, un-American, and just plain mean the other side looks, only helps center-left candidates. Which is why I want you guys to keep waving your stars and bars. It basically puts a big ol' spotlight on the roaches.

Cons worry about how you libs are so hateful and divisive as to slander a whole sub culture of the US.

I wave the American Flag. I'm an American.
You wave the Confederate Flag. What are you?

I'll wait for an answer.

1. Yep. Hence the usefulness of manufactured fake outrage. By creating a massive hysteria over the simply flying of a regional flag, and constantly slandering the citizens of that subculture you divide Americans and marginalize a group that is a problem for your ideological agenda.

Nikki Haley was the first to say they should take down the flag. Scott Walker said he supported it. So did Lindsay Graham. So did BHO. Gee, who out of those 4 are you charging with being divisive? Just the black guy. I'm shocked

Err, in the context of this post, I was referring to YOU as a representative of the liberal left. I did not mention the President at all, nor his skin color, you did. The Liberal left is more likely to be white, than black, imo.

Would you like to address what I actually said, instead of making stuff up?

Good idea

That you worry about liberals being divisive.

Here is what you said:

Cons worry about how you libs are so hateful and divisive as to slander a whole sub culture of the US.

Oh okay...lets look at it how liberals are "dividing" the nation.

Obama, who would be a liberal compared to any GOP contender for his job in the past 20-30 years received the majority of all votes cast for President in 2012. But you're wanting to talk about how liberals hate people and how divisive we are. Here is the groups he won. You ready? Good.

Age Groups 18-29------regardless of race/sex
Age Groups 30-44------regardless of race/sex
*He "lost" age groups 45-64 by a margin of 2%------regardless of race/sex
Voters with no college------regardless of race/sex
Voters with some college------regardless of race/sex
*He "lost" Voters with only a BA/BS by 2%------regardless of race/sex
Voters with Post Doctorals------regardless of race/sex
Voters with incomes $500,000 or less------regardless of race/sex
Big Cities------regardless of race/sex
Mid-Sized Cities------regardless of race/sex
*He and Romney split the Suburbs 50/50------regardless of race/sex

So, the evidence suggests....

Naw, the evidence screams out loud that you don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about if the liberal choice was able to win nearly every demographic outside of grumpy white folks.

Read more here
President Exit Polls - Election 2012 - NYTimes.com

And weep.

TIme to start blaming the liberal media (again).
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

there is not a area left that the prezbo

has not diligently made an effort to divide
I love how the dividers try to blame their divisive behavior on the President.

You want to discuss how Joe wants to lock up his fellow Americans for the simple fact of being different than him?

We already have. We told him he's wrong. Dead wrong.

Feel better?

i would feel better is you libs were not seething with such hatred and were not so convinced that anyone that disagreed with you was evul.

I think he is just a little ahead of you guys.

If you get your way, you will get to where he is now, eventually.
Wave your flag of love and intelligence a bit more. I'm not convinced yet.
I love how the dividers try to blame their divisive behavior on the President.

You want to discuss how Joe wants to lock up his fellow Americans for the simple fact of being different than him?

We already have. We told him he's wrong. Dead wrong.

Feel better?

i would feel better is you libs were not seething with such hatred and were not so convinced that anyone that disagreed with you was evul.

I think he is just a little ahead of you guys.

If you get your way, you will get to where he is now, eventually.

Nope. I think you have the right to fly whatever flag you want. Always have, always will. I'd just LOVE it if you'd be honest about your motivation.

I doubt it.

You don't care about my real reasons. YOu just need to tell yourself that it is because I am "Evul".
No one is saying you are "evul"....oh, can you see your house from up there on that cross? that Southern cross?
Why must you try to direct the conversation elsewhere? I've asked some very simple questions related to your personal experiences. You want to talk about Islamic threats? That is an entirely different subject.

Please....just tell me if you know any racists or bigots who are flying or wearing that flag as a symbol of that bigotry. Correll said he knows of one in his lifetime. How about you?

I don't know anyone.

That is amazing. You two guys are amazing.

I answered your fucking question, now it was a different answer you want?

Yes. The honest one. Thanks.

Here we go with more baiting by lefties. Ask a question, but wait, douchebag here already had the answer he believed it was. Why? Well that's easy, it's because all conservatives lynch blacks and hold the rebel flag up in honor of that.

Btw which was the party of Jim Crow and the KKK? Buhler? Buhler?
Who said "all con-servatives lynch blacks and hold the rebel flag up in honor of that"? Besides you, that is.
4 years of destruction and treason is a "region"?

Obviously not. That's a weird question.

The South is a region.

The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Here is something cool I was recently shown.

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Veterans Today

"At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement. When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.

On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain. Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:

“…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor [my emphasis]… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”

The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

Confederate Cemetery

Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900

Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”"

No it has not.

The Confederate flag symbolizes white supremacy and it always has - Vox

I post policy from a us president one hundred years dead, passed though congress and you post opinion from Libby Nelson?

WHy does libby nelson trump a century of national policy?

What you posted does not prove that "The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride". Why are you playing dense?

The link was offered more as a more general statement of acceptance and reconciliation, demonstrating the overall healing of the wound.

They moved dead confederates to be reburied at Arlington.

That is a powerful statement.
What's powerful about it?
Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Caveman thought...

Guess what douche? I could give a rats ass what you think about what I do. Has no effect on me at all. Based on a previous post, you have never spent any time researching the civil war. You are dumb enough to believe it was about slavery.
I can see you've fallen for the carefully laid "Lost Cause" propaganda machine.

Grab a warm bottle and sit this one out, adults are having discussions.
Again, I see you've fallen for the "Lost Cause" propaganda. Do you also call the Civil War the "War of Northern Aggression"? That's a good one.
Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?


is that the national democrat convention by chance

It might have been......back in the 1920s. But, in case you haven't noticed...things have a tendency to change over time.

yes. YOu dems have moved from anti-black bigotry to regional bigotry.

STill the party of hate.
Nobody hates you. I'm sorry that you feel so victimized.

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