Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

1. That's ridiculous.

2. YOu don't get jail time for having a swastika on your coffee cup. Ever hear of the First Amendment?

3. Thanks for the preview of where the left wants take this country.

1. I think a black person would rightfully find a Confederate Flag as offensive as a Jewish person would find a Swastika.

2> Germany bans the Swastika, and they are just fine. We need to, too.

3. You mean we want to put you racists and haters in your place? Works for me.
Germany doesn't have the 1st Amendment like we do.

What? YOu suddenly afraid of change?

1st amendment is old. Passed by old white slavers.

Joe is up for "changing" that?

You afraid of "change"?
I'm sorry. Was that post intended to make sense?

It's a rip off of the lib refrain that cons are afraid of change.

Getting rid of the First Amendment, as JOe, your ally, obviously wants to do, would be a change.

Didn't really think that was difficult to figure out.
obama and you libs have been insulting them a lot over the past few months. why should they not let him know they are there and not appreciating the slander?

They should do whatever their little hearts and smaller brains tell them to do. It's a free country.

As one of grade school instructors told me (I'm sure she got it from somewhere else), "Better to have the world think you're an idiot than to show up on a workday, wave the flag of an easily defeated opponent in the victors' face and remove all doubt."

By all means, I wish all of you guys would wave that flag constantly.

"little hearts and small brains"?

Standard lib thought. If someone disagrees with you, it can only be because they are intellectual and/or morally deficient.

The South has been a loyal part of the this country for over 150 years. Attacking them like this serves no purpose other than to divide US.

And claiming the South was easily defeated just shows how completely ignorant you are of history.
Yep....and it's great that they have a flag to wave so we can see them coming.

Soooooo, you admit that you are so close minded that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you must be intellectually and/or morally deficient?

Well. Thank you for you honesty.

What is your opinion on your fellow libs who mostly like to think of themselves as the open minded ones?
This is amusing.....continue to defend racist symbolism being waved around. By all means try to convince us that it is smart geniuses who wave racist symbols around. :clap:

We've established that you have a closed mind. Time to move on.

I am asking you of your opinion of your lib friends who are still lying about that.

Do you respect their lies, or do you think they should be more honest like you?
Welcome to America


A few protesters waving large Confederate battle flags greeted President Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma City on Wednesday.

Local media reported that Confederate flag supporters also staged an event at an earlier Obama stop in Durant, Okla.

Obama has criticized the flag as a symbol of hate and applauded South Carolina's decision to remove it from the State House grounds after nine African Americans were killed at a church in Charleston.

Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma
That only works on democrats; federalists just bring along a Union flag and say, Remember the Second Amendment!
Yeah, rewrite history, make it like it didn't even happen.

That's the ticket.

No, put it in the proper context of NOT glorifying racists who committed treason.

These men deserve scorn, not honor.

Just like there are no monuments in Germany today to Hilter or Jodl or Keitel, there should be no monuments in America to Lee or Forrest.
Name one Confederate convicted of treason.
You put your finger on the problem that should have been solved over 150 years ago. Try a few for treason (they were thinking of doing that to Jefferson Davis), convict and hang them and we may not have had this lingering "Lost Cause" crap even today.

Funny those that fought and actually won the war against the confederacy disagreed.

Who are you to retroactively overrule their forgiveness and reopen those old wounds? What moral authority do you have to "unforgive" someone who was forgiven by the actual wronged parties?
Obviously not. That's a weird question.

The South is a region.

The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Here is something cool I was recently shown.

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Veterans Today

"At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement. When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.

On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain. Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:

“…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor [my emphasis]… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”

The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

Confederate Cemetery

Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900

Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”"

No it has not.

The Confederate flag symbolizes white supremacy and it always has - Vox

I post policy from a us president one hundred years dead, passed though congress and you post opinion from Libby Nelson?

WHy does libby nelson trump a century of national policy?

What you posted does not prove that "The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride". Why are you playing dense?

The link was offered more as a more general statement of acceptance and reconciliation, demonstrating the overall healing of the wound.

They moved dead confederates to be reburied at Arlington.

That is a powerful statement.
What's powerful about it?

It is shows tremendous respect to those who you libs are spending so much time and energy disrespecting today.

The President of the United States openly stated respect for those that fought against the United States and retroactively made them US soldiers.

If you can't see how powerful a statement that it is, it is because you refuse to see it.
What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?


is that the national democrat convention by chance

It might have been......back in the 1920s. But, in case you haven't noticed...things have a tendency to change over time.

yes. YOu dems have moved from anti-black bigotry to regional bigotry.

STill the party of hate.
Nobody hates you. I'm sorry that you feel so victimized.


I was referring to the South.

Reading this thread and the way you libs have been heaping hateful slurs and rhetoric on the people of the South your denial is not credible.
Yeah, this makes you guys look good. No, really!

Oh, Obama's approval rating is up over 40%.

It's at 50% in one poll.
So you asked all your friends and you could only get half of them to say they still liked Bucky?

No. CNN did it. I just predicted when the GOP won the Senate that Obama's popularity would increase. Which, of course, it did. I'm really good at this.
Do you believe Fox News polls?

Then GTFO.
1. That's ridiculous.

2. YOu don't get jail time for having a swastika on your coffee cup. Ever hear of the First Amendment?

3. Thanks for the preview of where the left wants take this country.

1. I think a black person would rightfully find a Confederate Flag as offensive as a Jewish person would find a Swastika.

2> Germany bans the Swastika, and they are just fine. We need to, too.

3. You mean we want to put you racists and haters in your place? Works for me.
Germany doesn't have the 1st Amendment like we do.

What? YOu suddenly afraid of change?

1st amendment is old. Passed by old white slavers.

Joe is up for "changing" that?

You afraid of "change"?
I'm sorry. Was that post intended to make sense?

It's a rip off of the lib refrain that cons are afraid of change.

Getting rid of the First Amendment, as JOe, your ally, obviously wants to do, would be a change.

Didn't really think that was difficult to figure out.
Conservatism in it's nature doesn't want change....afraid of it? Perhaps....but the word itself indicates an aversion to change. Surely you knew that.
Yeah, this makes you guys look good. No, really!

Oh, Obama's approval rating is up over 40%.

It's at 50% in one poll.
So you asked all your friends and you could only get half of them to say they still liked Bucky?

No. CNN did it. I just predicted when the GOP won the Senate that Obama's popularity would increase. Which, of course, it did. I'm really good at this.
Do you believe Fox News polls?

Then GTFO.

No. But CNN has Obama at 50%. He'll probably top out around 53% or so....kind of like the election. 332-206.
keep waving your racism around iit wont win the republicans any elections

Keep calling republicans racist. That does win elections.

Tears the country apart.

Ignores real problems that are killing people.

But it works.
Don't need to call people racist. They've got flags for that. :D

Says you.
And many others. But you seem to think that the Con-federate flag symbolizes intelligence and love? :eusa_eh:
They should do whatever their little hearts and smaller brains tell them to do. It's a free country.

As one of grade school instructors told me (I'm sure she got it from somewhere else), "Better to have the world think you're an idiot than to show up on a workday, wave the flag of an easily defeated opponent in the victors' face and remove all doubt."

By all means, I wish all of you guys would wave that flag constantly.

"little hearts and small brains"?

Standard lib thought. If someone disagrees with you, it can only be because they are intellectual and/or morally deficient.

The South has been a loyal part of the this country for over 150 years. Attacking them like this serves no purpose other than to divide US.

And claiming the South was easily defeated just shows how completely ignorant you are of history.
Yep....and it's great that they have a flag to wave so we can see them coming.

Soooooo, you admit that you are so close minded that you believe that anyone who disagrees with you must be intellectually and/or morally deficient?

Well. Thank you for you honesty.

What is your opinion on your fellow libs who mostly like to think of themselves as the open minded ones?
This is amusing.....continue to defend racist symbolism being waved around. By all means try to convince us that it is smart geniuses who wave racist symbols around. :clap:

We've established that you have a closed mind. Time to move on.

I am asking you of your opinion of your lib friends who are still lying about that.

Do you respect their lies, or do you think they should be more honest like you?
No...I am not a Con-servative.
keep waving your racism around iit wont win the republicans any elections

Keep calling republicans racist. That does win elections.

Tears the country apart.

Ignores real problems that are killing people.

But it works.
Don't need to call people racist. They've got flags for that. :D

Says you.
And many others. But you seem to think that the Con-federate flag symbolizes intelligence and love? :eusa_eh:

Last poll I saw it was pretty evenly split. And that was after years and years of lib propaganda.

I think the Confederate Battle Flag is a harmless symbol of regional pride.
Yeah, rewrite history, make it like it didn't even happen.

That's the ticket.

No, put it in the proper context of NOT glorifying racists who committed treason.

These men deserve scorn, not honor.

Just like there are no monuments in Germany today to Hilter or Jodl or Keitel, there should be no monuments in America to Lee or Forrest.
Name one Confederate convicted of treason.
You put your finger on the problem that should have been solved over 150 years ago. Try a few for treason (they were thinking of doing that to Jefferson Davis), convict and hang them and we may not have had this lingering "Lost Cause" crap even today.

Funny those that fought and actually won the war against the confederacy disagreed.

Who are you to retroactively overrule their forgiveness and reopen those old wounds? What moral authority do you have to "unforgive" someone who was forgiven by the actual wronged parties?
And they made a mistake that can only be seen as a mistake with time. The Union should have done what the Allies did after WWII. More trials for treason and war crimes.
1. I think a black person would rightfully find a Confederate Flag as offensive as a Jewish person would find a Swastika.

2> Germany bans the Swastika, and they are just fine. We need to, too.

3. You mean we want to put you racists and haters in your place? Works for me.
Germany doesn't have the 1st Amendment like we do.

What? YOu suddenly afraid of change?

1st amendment is old. Passed by old white slavers.

Joe is up for "changing" that?

You afraid of "change"?
I'm sorry. Was that post intended to make sense?

It's a rip off of the lib refrain that cons are afraid of change.

Getting rid of the First Amendment, as JOe, your ally, obviously wants to do, would be a change.

Didn't really think that was difficult to figure out.
Conservatism in it's nature doesn't want change....afraid of it? Perhaps....but the word itself indicates an aversion to change. Surely you knew that.

Actually I was making fun of the libs comic book version of understanding of the word.

And I still went over your head.

Sorry about that.

Tried to make a little joke. You didn't get it.

I take it you never actually gave any thought to what conservatives are trying to "conserve" have you?

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