Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Of course not you! Who said anything about you?

I'll ask you the same question I asked Correll. What percentage of people who fly that flag or support it are doing so to promote their feelings of bigotry? What's your guess? And....do you personally know anyone who does?

Very low %.

But the problem I have communicating with lefties is, the factual dishonesty. According to many the percentage of hateful whites is extremely high. But conveniently the % of islamic threats (actual threats to us) is extremely low.

Do yourself a favor, and do your own research. If there is something you feel you are ignorant about, it's better to learn than to let a brain sit.

Why must you try to direct the conversation elsewhere? I've asked some very simple questions related to your personal experiences. You want to talk about Islamic threats? That is an entirely different subject.

Please....just tell me if you know any racists or bigots who are flying or wearing that flag as a symbol of that bigotry. Correll said he knows of one in his lifetime. How about you?

I don't know anyone.

That is amazing. You two guys are amazing.

I answered your fucking question, now it was a different answer you want?
Of course not you! Who said anything about you?

I'll ask you the same question I asked Correll. What percentage of people who fly that flag or support it are doing so to promote their feelings of bigotry? What's your guess? And....do you personally know anyone who does?

Very low %.

But the problem I have communicating with lefties is, the factual dishonesty. According to many the percentage of hateful whites is extremely high. But conveniently the % of islamic threats (actual threats to us) is extremely low.

Do yourself a favor, and do your own research. If there is something you feel you are ignorant about, it's better to learn than to let a brain sit.

Why must you try to direct the conversation elsewhere? I've asked some very simple questions related to your personal experiences. You want to talk about Islamic threats? That is an entirely different subject.

Please....just tell me if you know any racists or bigots who are flying or wearing that flag as a symbol of that bigotry. Correll said he knows of one in his lifetime. How about you?

I don't know anyone.

That is amazing. You two guys are amazing.

I answered your fucking question, now it was a different answer you want?

Yes. The honest one. Thanks.
Very low %.

But the problem I have communicating with lefties is, the factual dishonesty. According to many the percentage of hateful whites is extremely high. But conveniently the % of islamic threats (actual threats to us) is extremely low.

Do yourself a favor, and do your own research. If there is something you feel you are ignorant about, it's better to learn than to let a brain sit.

Why must you try to direct the conversation elsewhere? I've asked some very simple questions related to your personal experiences. You want to talk about Islamic threats? That is an entirely different subject.

Please....just tell me if you know any racists or bigots who are flying or wearing that flag as a symbol of that bigotry. Correll said he knows of one in his lifetime. How about you?

I don't know anyone.

That is amazing. You two guys are amazing.

I answered your fucking question, now it was a different answer you want?

Yes. The honest one. Thanks.

Here we go with more baiting by lefties. Ask a question, but wait, douchebag here already had the answer he believed it was. Why? Well that's easy, it's because all conservatives lynch blacks and hold the rebel flag up in honor of that.

Btw which was the party of Jim Crow and the KKK? Buhler? Buhler?
Liberals are worried about a 150 year old battle flag flying above a piece of concrete and don't seem to give a flying shit about Muslims shooting unarmed marines at a recruiting station.

You people really make me sick.

Who the fuck initiated the thread? It wasn't a liberal. Geaux4it is the OP. You calling her a liberal?

I don't give a fuck who started the thread you libtard. I've seen way more outrage on this fucking flag thing from liberals than I have about these 4 Marines being shot. Why is that? Where is your outrage? Where are liberals standing up saying we need to arm all of these recruiting stations? Nowhere. What do we hear? Crickets. Raise a 150 year old flag above a chunk of concrete and liberals shit their pants trying to tear it down.

CNN couldn't even admit it was a god damn Muslim. But damn THEY DIDN'T HESITATE TO SAY THE DUDE THAT SHOT THOSE BLACKS IN THE CHURCH WAS WHITE. Oh fuck no, that's the first fucking thing they said. They didn't hesitate to talk about the flag either.
Arm the pilots! Arm the teachers! Arm the recruiters! Arm the movie theater workers! Arm the ministers!

Yeah...way to live in fear.

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

are they

Yes...hold that moron up as your example. :rofl:

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.
Well, isn't that Ironic.....:rofl:

NOpe. The confederate battle flag has been a harmless symbol of regional pride for quite a long period of history.

I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.
Well, isn't that Ironic.....:rofl:

No it really isn't, you are just a moron. I guess you don't understand irony.
I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?

What is the ill intent in that picture? Hint: it's there, but it's not the flags.
I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.
Well, isn't that Ironic.....:rofl:

No it really isn't, you are just a moron. I guess you don't understand irony.
It most certainly IS Ironic....and the Goddess of Irony is well pleased with your offering.
He was considered a loon by his family and the locals working at the medical facility.

This undermines your bigoted view of the South as a horribly racist place.

It is awesome.

America is an awesome place. It is to bad you libs are so determined to ruin it.

Now you want to talk about something else. Libs ruining America? That's great. What percentage of libs do you think would like to ruin America?

Would you first like to comment on my answer to your question?

YOu asked the question. That implies you care about the answer.

BUt you ignored it.

Why do you think that man's family and my co-workers thought that man was a loon?

Does that really jive with your view of the SOuth as a horribly racist place?

I think you lied, that's why. You know of only ONE? Please.

You need to believe that I lied, because you need to believe that the SOuth and America are racist.

It is part of your defense mechanism against all the information that does not fit with your world view.

Nope. I need no such thing.

I'll tell you what. Take a trip to Columbia, SC tomorrow. See if you find any people waving that flag who are using is as a symbol of bigotry and hate. Talk to them. Get their story. Then come back here and try to convince someone that they represent less than 1% of those who fly that flag.

It is you who needs to believe something to make you feel better. I live in the south. I know what the south is.

You won't even respond to a direct inquiry about your personal beliefs without accusing the questioner of attacking you. Think about that.

Says the man with the clown avatar.

I live in a rust belt city.

I recall growing up. I was politically precocious. I accepted the conventional wisdom about racism.

I noted that there was none of it in my immediate family. I just though my family was exceptional.

I noted that there was none in my neighborhood. I thought my neighborhood was exceptional.

There was a funeral. It turned out an older cousin, well before I was born, had had an interracial marriage. It had never been discussed. The woman attended and was welcomed with open arms.

I just thought my extended family was exceptional.

I moved to the city.

Made all kinds of friends.

I read how there was so much racism in America.

I just thought me and my friends were exceptional.

I think the breaking point came when I read how my city was exceptionally racist.

And when liberals started accusing me of being racist for various policy positions I held that, imo, had nothing to do with race.

THat is where I looked around and said, "That is bullshit".

Liberals have been shown in academic studies to be the worst at understanding people who think differently than them.
I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Caveman thought...

Guess what douche? I could give a rats ass what you think about what I do. Has no effect on me at all. Based on a previous post, you have never spent any time researching the civil war. You are dumb enough to believe it was about slavery.
I can see you've fallen for the carefully laid "Lost Cause" propaganda machine.
NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?


is that the national democrat convention by chance

It might have been......back in the 1920s. But, in case you haven't noticed...things have a tendency to change over time.
NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?

What is the ill intent in that picture? Hint: it's there, but it's not the flags.

That would be your Jim Crow democrats.
Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.
4 years of destruction and treason is a "region"?

Obviously not. That's a weird question.

The South is a region.

The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride.

Here is something cool I was recently shown.

Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress Veterans Today

"At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement. When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.

On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain. Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:

“…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor [my emphasis]… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”

The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

Confederate Cemetery

Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900

Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”"

No it has not.

The Confederate flag symbolizes white supremacy and it always has - Vox

I post policy from a us president one hundred years dead, passed though congress and you post opinion from Libby Nelson?

WHy does libby nelson trump a century of national policy?

What you posted does not prove that "The flag has for many years been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional southern pride". Why are you playing dense?

The link was offered more as a more general statement of acceptance and reconciliation, demonstrating the overall healing of the wound.

They moved dead confederates to be reburied at Arlington.

That is a powerful statement.
I could be a real asshole here and post a picture of a "harmless" lynching of a black person, but I'm sure that would break some forum rules.

Here's why this is such a fun issue. The people who really run the GOP would love to get rid of the Confederate Flag. Just like they want the gay marriage and abortion discussions to go away.

But their bubba-redneck supporters want it.

NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Of course not you! Who said anything about you?

I'll ask you the same question I asked Correll. What percentage of people who fly that flag or support it are doing so to promote their feelings of bigotry? What's your guess? And....do you personally know anyone who does?

Very low %.

But the problem I have communicating with lefties is, the factual dishonesty. According to many the percentage of hateful whites is extremely high. But conveniently the % of islamic threats (actual threats to us) is extremely low.

Do yourself a favor, and do your own research. If there is something you feel you are ignorant about, it's better to learn than to let a brain sit.
Says the guy that stated that the South started the Civil War for freedom. :rofl:
Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Out of the millions who do? There are certainly some who are.

The vast, overwhelming majority? no. Harmless regional pride.

What is your guess about the percentage who are using it with ill intent?

How about this ill intent?


is that the national democrat convention by chance


Klan delegates played a significant role at the path setting 1924 Democratic National Convention in New York City, often called the "Klanbake Convention"

Indeed. In 1924. Think that the Democratic Party has the same platform today?
Of course not you! Who said anything about you?

I'll ask you the same question I asked Correll. What percentage of people who fly that flag or support it are doing so to promote their feelings of bigotry? What's your guess? And....do you personally know anyone who does?

Very low %.

But the problem I have communicating with lefties is, the factual dishonesty. According to many the percentage of hateful whites is extremely high. But conveniently the % of islamic threats (actual threats to us) is extremely low.

Do yourself a favor, and do your own research. If there is something you feel you are ignorant about, it's better to learn than to let a brain sit.

Why must you try to direct the conversation elsewhere? I've asked some very simple questions related to your personal experiences. You want to talk about Islamic threats? That is an entirely different subject.

Please....just tell me if you know any racists or bigots who are flying or wearing that flag as a symbol of that bigotry. Correll said he knows of one in his lifetime. How about you?

I don't know anyone.

That is amazing. You two guys are amazing.

I answered your fucking question, now it was a different answer you want?

If you don't give the answer he wants, he assumes you are "lying".
NOpe. I recognize you guys that have been attacking Southerns as the haters.

As you personally have constantly shown with your admitted hatred and bigotry and now with wanting to imprison people for no reason other than being from a different culture than you.

Let me ask you something.

Are any of the people who fly the confederate flag doing so as a means of being divisive or expressing their bigotry?

Not mine, mine represents a nod to a time when freedom almost won vs big government. And if you think I'm talking about slavery, you will need to get some books and read. I hang a few flags at home.

Included are 3 different stars and stripes, the navy flag (don't tread on me) and my rebel flag. Most of these fly in my man cave.

Caveman thought...

Guess what douche? I could give a rats ass what you think about what I do. Has no effect on me at all. Based on a previous post, you have never spent any time researching the civil war. You are dumb enough to believe it was about slavery.
I can see you've fallen for the carefully laid "Lost Cause" propaganda machine.

Grab a warm bottle and sit this one out, adults are having discussions.

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