Obama grieves

I REALLY hope this OP is a JOKE!

If Barry actually showed remorse for an ISIS Executioner about to fry 12 innocent people with a flamethrower then he is finally outing himself as a true ISIS / terrorist SYMPATHIZER!
I REALLY hope this OP is a JOKE!

If Barry actually showed remorse for an ISIS Executioner about to fry 12 innocent people with a flamethrower then he is finally outing himself as a true ISIS / terrorist SYMPATHIZER!

Yeah but what kind of moron would it take to believe such bullshit in the first place?
I REALLY hope this OP is a JOKE!

If Barry actually showed remorse for an ISIS Executioner about to fry 12 innocent people with a flamethrower then he is finally outing himself as a true ISIS / terrorist SYMPATHIZER!

Yeah but what kind of moron would it take to believe such bullshit in the first place?
Considering it's Obama we are talking about, the guy who has supplied, armed, protected, trained and taken the nation to war to HELP Al Qaeida, ISIS, & the Mslim Brotherhood...so it wouldn't take an idiot to believe Barry would actually do so.
I REALLY hope this OP is a JOKE!

If Barry actually showed remorse for an ISIS Executioner about to fry 12 innocent people with a flamethrower then he is finally outing himself as a true ISIS / terrorist SYMPATHIZER!
He's outed himself a million times. Nobody cares except us deplorables.
I REALLY hope this OP is a JOKE!

If Barry actually showed remorse for an ISIS Executioner about to fry 12 innocent people with a flamethrower then he is finally outing himself as a true ISIS / terrorist SYMPATHIZER!

Yeah but what kind of moron would it take to believe such bullshit in the first place?
Considering it's Obama we are talking about, the guy who has supplied, armed, protected, trained and taken the nation to war to HELP Al Qaeida, ISIS, & the Mslim Brotherhood...so it wouldn't take an idiot to believe Barry would actually do so.

No? Anyone who believes that nonsense does't have to go very far to believe the President is a secret Muslim. Wait, you believe don't you?
I REALLY hope this OP is a JOKE!

If Barry actually showed remorse for an ISIS Executioner about to fry 12 innocent people with a flamethrower then he is finally outing himself as a true ISIS / terrorist SYMPATHIZER!

No- you really hope it is true.

But of course it isn't.

Despite what the Right Wing Nut Job Brigade wants to believe.
I REALLY hope this OP is a JOKE!

If Barry actually showed remorse for an ISIS Executioner about to fry 12 innocent people with a flamethrower then he is finally outing himself as a true ISIS / terrorist SYMPATHIZER!

Yeah but what kind of moron would it take to believe such bullshit in the first place?
Considering it's Obama we are talking about, the guy who has supplied, armed, protected, trained and taken the nation to war to HELP Al Qaeida, .

Considering that you are just posting Right Wing Nut Job talking points - i.e. lies.

President Obama is the President who has done more to take down Al Qaeda than any other President- accomplishing what Bush couldn't do.

But I know- hell you think President Obama is personally there handing out AK47's to ISIS- because you are that delusional.
Will issue statement abhorring violence of any kind....reaching out to the executioners family...and saying this act by the English sniper will only add propaganda vaue to isis social media efforts.

Good shot, sarge.

Sniper takes out ISIS executioner from a mile away | New York Post

Meanwhile- from the article:

The captives were then rescued by British and US special forces.

How much are you grieving that American forces helped rescue the captives?

I am guessing as much as President Obama is 'grieving' another terrorist scum was killed.

You righties aways complain about drone attacks . What's the difference ?

What's the difference between sharp shooting the guilty guy and killing everyone around him? Seriously? Did you just ask that?

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