Obama gun ban critic ends up the victim of a second heavily-armed government raid


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Reality TV star, Obama gun ban critic ends up the victim of a second heavily-armed government raid on non-violent preppers in New Jersey in a month​

By: Bob
Jan• 22•13

PJ Vinch is a star on reality TV show on TRUTV called “Bear Swamp Recovery”, where he repossesses cars, trucks, buses, and even a Zamboni for finance companies.

He was also recently raided by local cops, a SWAT unit with automatic weapons, federal agents and a helicopter.

What does six squad cars…the Captian of my local police department, SWAT, one Federal Agent and Helicopter have in common? A inspection at my house fearing someone put a bunker full of Guns near a creek that floods every other week next to my house. REALLY? My family has lived there since the 50′s, you could not just ask? Knock on my door? Guns drawn, know what they found? A deer blind..that was made of two pieces of fence bought at Home Depot. And you wonder why people are mistrusting of government. FEDERAL MARSHALS WITH HELICOPTER CALLED FOR A DEER BLIND.


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Reality TV star, Obama gun ban critic ends up the victim of a second heavily-armed government raid on non-violent preppers in New Jersey in a month « Bob Owens

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