Obama had it right on what enrollees in ACA are paying


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

For many people, that has turned out to be true, according to new data released by the Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday. The report found people receiving subsidized health insurance plans are paying $82 a month, on average, for their premiums.

On average, individuals who selected health plans from the federal marketplace saw their premiums slashed by about 76% through the federal subsidies, reducing their monthly premiums about $346 to $82. After tax credits, almost 70% of the approximately 5.4 million people who signed up for plans through exchanges run by the federal government will pay less than $100 a month. And 46% are paying less than $50 a month, HHS said.

The report did not measure the premiums of insurance purchased through state-based marketplaces and federal officials told reporters they didn't have that data. Still, it provides the most comprehensive look at the effect of subsidies during the first open-enrollment period of the Affordable Care Act.

Federal officials said the data proves the law is working.

" What we’re finding is that the Marketplace is working. Consumers have more choices, and they’re paying less for their premiums," newly confirmed Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell said.
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Did Obama get the 48 million who desperately needed insurance to sign up?
And what of the millions who lost their coverage even though Obama said time and time again that would not happen and are now stuck with a huge deductible....

Maybe you would like to share your thoughts with us.
Did Obama get the 48 million who desperately needed insurance to sign up?
And what of the millions who lost their coverage even though Obama said time and time again that would not happen and are now stuck with a huge deductible....

Maybe you would like to share your thoughts with us.

Show us how many "millions" actually ended up losing their healthcare
Did Obama get the 48 million who desperately needed insurance to sign up?
And what of the millions who lost their coverage even though Obama said time and time again that would not happen and are now stuck with a huge deductible....

Maybe you would like to share your thoughts with us.

Show us how many "millions" actually ended up losing their healthcare

When ObamaCare kicked in at least 5 million people had their policy cancelled and
needed to find another....

My company lost their coverage and we had to get a new plan....
I know Obama said that would not happen...

But he lied.

From the article

Industry experts like Larry Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation, say the insurance companies have no choice. "What we're seeing now is reality coming into play," he said.

Obamacare forces them to drop many of their plans that don't meet the law's 10 minimum standards, including maternity care, emergency visits, mental health treatment and even pediatric dental care.


Are the lefties gonna say no one was dropped from their coverage?
Did Obama get the 48 million who desperately needed insurance to sign up?
And what of the millions who lost their coverage even though Obama said time and time again that would not happen and are now stuck with a huge deductible....

Maybe you would like to share your thoughts with us.

Show us how many "millions" actually ended up losing their healthcare

When ObamaCare kicked in at least 5 million people had their policy cancelled and
needed to find another....

My company lost their coverage and we had to get a new plan....
I know Obama said that would not happen...

But he lied.

From the article

Industry experts like Larry Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation, say the insurance companies have no choice. "What we're seeing now is reality coming into play," he said.

Obamacare forces them to drop many of their plans that don't meet the law's 10 minimum standards, including maternity care, emergency visits, mental health treatment and even pediatric dental care.


Are the lefties gonna say no one was dropped from their coverage?

No untrue only less than a million people lost their AGAINST THEIR WISHES.
Did Obama get the 48 million who desperately needed insurance to sign up?
And what of the millions who lost their coverage even though Obama said time and time again that would not happen and are now stuck with a huge deductible....

Maybe you would like to share your thoughts with us.

Show us how many "millions" actually ended up losing their healthcare

I am going to in 2015 that is the date for most. You know, after the mid-terms.

I went to work part time for another company and they offered health care, great. The only problem, it didn't meet the requirements of Obamacare. So in 2015 what do you think they will do? Either raise their rates or throw everyone onto the exchanges.
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OK, for everyone who was slashed that means someone else paid for their premiums, who is that? By reading the OP it seems that most are not paying most are receiving. Let me clarify. The cost of healthcare did not go down because of Obamacare. It still cost 10 dollars for a bandaid at the hospitals. So those going from 346 to 82 are being subsidized they are not paying more they are PAYING less for the same thing.
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Did Obama get the 48 million who desperately needed insurance to sign up?
And what of the millions who lost their coverage even though Obama said time and time again that would not happen and are now stuck with a huge deductible....

Maybe you would like to share your thoughts with us.

Show us how many "millions" actually ended up losing their healthcare
Why don't you?
Show us how many "millions" actually ended up losing their healthcare

When ObamaCare kicked in at least 5 million people had their policy cancelled and
needed to find another....

My company lost their coverage and we had to get a new plan....
I know Obama said that would not happen...

But he lied.

From the article

Industry experts like Larry Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation, say the insurance companies have no choice. "What we're seeing now is reality coming into play," he said.

Obamacare forces them to drop many of their plans that don't meet the law's 10 minimum standards, including maternity care, emergency visits, mental health treatment and even pediatric dental care.


Are the lefties gonna say no one was dropped from their coverage?

No untrue only less than a million people lost their AGAINST THEIR WISHES.

^ Liar
My understanding is that subsidies for those at 250 percent of the federal poverty level or below get cost sharing for copayment and coinsurance but not deductibles
Subsidies will merely cause insurance premiums to rise faster with the illusion premiums remain affordable while adding to the current deficit and future debt
Don Levit

Very few people have 100% of their premium paid for - not enough to drive the market.

The remainder have some skin in the game and will gravitate towards the lower priced insureres just like before. People don't stop wanting to pay less for things just because the government picks up a portion of the tab.
No shit, Sherlock. When someone else pays for the majority of the premium, the owner of the policy pays less. Durrrr.
for crying out loud get off YOUR KNEES already

you've been shown time after time THE AMERCIAN PEOPLE hate this fascist pos with Obama's name on it

so go bow to your Obama shrine and stop blowing smoke up our aesses
Did Obama get the 48 million who desperately needed insurance to sign up?
And what of the millions who lost their coverage even though Obama said time and time again that would not happen and are now stuck with a huge deductible....

Maybe you would like to share your thoughts with us.

Why do Republicans fight for shit?

Sub standard insurance policies.

Less than the minimum wage.

No benefits.

Dirty air and dirty water.

I don't get it.
When ObamaCare kicked in at least 5 million people had their policy cancelled and
needed to find another....

My company lost their coverage and we had to get a new plan....
I know Obama said that would not happen...

But he lied.

From the article

Industry experts like Larry Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation, say the insurance companies have no choice. "What we're seeing now is reality coming into play," he said.

Obamacare forces them to drop many of their plans that don't meet the law's 10 minimum standards, including maternity care, emergency visits, mental health treatment and even pediatric dental care.


Are the lefties gonna say no one was dropped from their coverage?

No untrue only less than a million people lost their AGAINST THEIR WISHES.

^ Liar

Ok I'll admit I got this wrong. The less than one million refers to people who lost their insurance but did not get it replaced. The other 5 million people lost their insurance but did find new insurance through the exchanges.

LA Times
Look at the screw job we get from Obama....

Told we have to do this so 48 million people who are not covered get covered....

Where are those 48 million

Told we can keep our plan....

Millions lose coverage forced to get new policies with steep deductibles.

Young people need to sign up in huge numbers to offset the sick who will rush to sign up.

Are the young and healthy signing up...Nope they are covered by their parents plan.

The left brags about how many signed up..

Indeed ...how many signed up that are being subsidized

So here is the double screwing....

Many lost their coverage...Get dropped when Obama said that would not happen.
Forced to get covered and now have a huge deductible and their taxes go to subsidize others.

And this is a huge success....???
And the competition that was envisioned for the exchanges is heating up:

Insurers flocking to ObamaCare

Health insurance companies suddenly want in on the ObamaCare action.

With a difficult launch year out of the way, insurers are seeing a moneymaking opportunity in the federal healthcare program and are lining up to offer plans on the ObamaCare exchanges in 2015.

In the 10 states where data is available, at least 27 new insurers have indicated they will offer plans on the marketplaces in 2015. Each additional carrier will expand the number of plans sold on the exchanges, since none of the carriers already offering plans have indicated they will drop out.

The surge in participation is being touted by the White House, and indicates that many of the ObamaCare exchanges are taking root despite the broader unpopularity of the law and opposition from Republicans on Capitol Hill.

Healthcare experts, who had long predicted that more insurers would join ObamaCare in the second year, say major players in the industry can’t afford to stay on the sidelines after more than 8 million people signed up for coverage in 2014.

"This is a very positive sign for the exchanges," said Avalere Health President and CEO Dan Mendelson

Read more: Insurers flocking to ObamaCare | TheHill
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

...those RWnuts in the repeal-Obamacare Alamo can add the insurance industry to their list of opponents.
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no he didnt have it right you idiot

nobody can "have it right" when the "BACK END" OF THE WEBSITE STILL ISNT COMPLETE
And the competition that was envisioned for the exchanges is heating up:

Insurers flocking to ObamaCare

Health insurance companies suddenly want in on the ObamaCare action.

With a difficult launch year out of the way, insurers are seeing a moneymaking opportunity in the federal healthcare program and are lining up to offer plans on the ObamaCare exchanges in 2015.

In the 10 states where data is available, at least 27 new insurers have indicated they will offer plans on the marketplaces in 2015. Each additional carrier will expand the number of plans sold on the exchanges, since none of the carriers already offering plans have indicated they will drop out.

The surge in participation is being touted by the White House, and indicates that many of the ObamaCare exchanges are taking root despite the broader unpopularity of the law and opposition from Republicans on Capitol Hill.

Healthcare experts, who had long predicted that more insurers would join ObamaCare in the second year, say major players in the industry can’t afford to stay on the sidelines after more than 8 million people signed up for coverage in 2014.

"This is a very positive sign for the exchanges," said Avalere Health President and CEO Dan Mendelson

Read more: Insurers flocking to ObamaCare | TheHill
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

...those RWnuts in the repeal-Obamacare Alamo can add the insurance industry to their list of opponents.

This is what was said from the beginning, Obamacare is nothing more then taking care of health insurance companies. They are flocking to the carcass as would vultures. They see money in overcharging people for health care. This will NOT reduce the cost of healthcare one bit.

For many people, that has turned out to be true, according to new data released by the Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday. The report found people receiving subsidized health insurance plans are paying $82 a month, on average, for their premiums.

On average, individuals who selected health plans from the federal marketplace saw their premiums slashed by about 76% through the federal subsidies, reducing their monthly premiums about $346 to $82. After tax credits, almost 70% of the approximately 5.4 million people who signed up for plans through exchanges run by the federal government will pay less than $100 a month. And 46% are paying less than $50 a month, HHS said.

The report did not measure the premiums of insurance purchased through state-based marketplaces and federal officials told reporters they didn't have that data. Still, it provides the most comprehensive look at the effect of subsidies during the first open-enrollment period of the Affordable Care Act.

Federal officials said the data proves the law is working.

" What we’re finding is that the Marketplace is working. Consumers have more choices, and they’re paying less for their premiums," newly confirmed Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell said.

Yeah dumbo...someone else is "paying".
I guess my health insurance going up $250 a month is paying for these cheap ACA plans.

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