Obama Has Dismantled America


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
And all you who voted for him had a hand in it...you should be real proud
links in article at site

Obama Has Dismantled America
By Pamela Geller

Does the extinguished candle care about the darkness? Ask the huddled masses who are yearning to be free. America was once thought of as a light unto nations. Obama has single-handedly extinguished that light.

I saw it all coming. In my 2010 book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America, I noted that one student who was interviewed after an Obama town hall meeting during his first presidential trip to Europe in 2009 said happily: "He sounds just like a European." That is, not like an American president who loves his country. And he doesn't: asked during that visit to Europe about American exceptionalism, Obama answered: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."

In other words, he didn't believe in American exceptionalism at all. In a seminal moment for modern historians and active political observers like myself, a snapshot came across the newswires in May 2008, showing candidate Obama crossing an airplane tarmac, mid-gait, and holding Fareed Zakaria's American epitaph, The Post-American World. In the photo, Obama is holding his place in the book with his finger, as if he didn't dare put it down and wanted to dive back into it as soon as he could.

The vicious Zakaria describes his book this way: "This is not a book about the decline of America, but rather about the rise of everyone else." In it, he details the era he hopes we are entering now -- a world in which the United States would "no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures." He asserts that the "rise of the rest" is the "great story of our time, and one that will reshape the world. The tallest buildings, biggest dams, largest-selling movies, and most advanced cell phones are all being built outside the United States. This economic growth is producing political confidence, national pride, and potentially international problems."

Obama seems bound and determined to drive America over a cliff and make Zakaria's vision of the future a self-fulfilling prophecy. Obama went to work from his first day in office to make Zakaria's wishful thinking about America's decline a reality. As the most powerful man in the world, he would level the playing field, even if it meant cutting America off at the knees. Good and evil would be made equivalent, with evil sanctioned by the world's only remaining superpower. He turned against our allies (particularly Israel) and showed them that America could not be relied on. He taxed us into poverty and stirred up racial strife to make us all less safe. He has enabled Russia to re-emerge as a world power, and the Islamic jihadists are bolder than ever.

Obama vowed to make America just another nation -- unexceptional -- and he has. It's not that other nations have risen. They haven't. It's that Obama has dismantled American hegemony and diminished our standing in the world.

All of it here
Read more: Articles: Obama Has Dismantled America
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So Obama wants to dismantle and destroy America?

Well if that's what you believe then I can certainly see why you might not like the guy
you can thank corporate America for this, they are the ones not building tall buildings, they are the ones that moved manufacturing over seas and are allowed to hide profits on off shore bank accounts.
But again, RWer's and they're"Didn't build that" campaign is ironic to what they are saying now.

The vicious Zakaria describes his book this way: "This is not a book about the decline of America, but rather about the rise of everyone else." In it, he details the era he hopes we are entering now -- a world in which the United States would "no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures." He asserts that the "rise of the rest" is the "great story of our time, and one that will reshape the world. The tallest buildings, biggest dams, largest-selling movies, and most advanced cell phones are all being built outside the United States. This economic growth is producing political confidence, national pride, and potentially international problems."
He has enabled Russia to re-emerge as a world power, and the Islamic jihadists are bolder than ever.

Ha! The Russians took action because of the threat to their long time terrorist ally Syria. If you notice the Russians support terrorist rogue nations, in no way are they a world leader or a super power.
Every team is number 1, every religion is the right one.

In other words, he didn't believe in American exceptionalism at all. In a seminal moment for modern historians and active political observers like myself, a snapshot came across the newswires in May 2008, showing candidate Obama crossing an airplane tarmac, mid-gait, and holding Fareed Zakaria's American epitaph, The Post-American World. In the photo, Obama is holding his place in the book with his finger, as if he didn't dare put it down and wanted to dive back into it as soon as he could.

How are we exceptional to what other cultures and nations have accomplished with less resources and technology?
Pure and simple, obama is a socialist, muslim. He hates America for being a successful capitalist nation, and set about to destroy that part of America. He has succeeded. After his signature obamacare is fully implemented taking over 1/6 of the nations economy, and we see just how devastating this will be to people, jobs and the economy, his job to destroy America, "fundamentally change America," will be complete.

Have this hack do something productive instead of just hating one man. And Steph you are not a piece of work.More like the trash can of myopic cynicism.
Pure and simple, obama is a socialist, muslim. He hates America for being a successful capitalist nation, and set about to destroy that part of America. He has succeeded. After his signature obamacare is fully implemented taking over 1/6 of the nations economy, and we see just how devastating this will be to people, jobs and the economy, his job to destroy America, "fundamentally change America," will be complete.


So dramatic...
Pure and simple, obama is a socialist, muslim. He hates America for being a successful capitalist nation, and set about to destroy that part of America. He has succeeded. After his signature obamacare is fully implemented taking over 1/6 of the nations economy, and we see just how devastating this will be to people, jobs and the economy, his job to destroy America, "fundamentally change America," will be complete.


Get corporate America/Earth out of Congress and things like this will not happen, but as long as republicans want this since their president elect Harrison allowed corporations to be viewed as individuals instead of corporations, the work the Founding Fathers did to keep this from happening was undone.
The corporations reaped the wind and the tax payers are reaping the whirl wind.
Pure and simple, obama is a socialist, muslim. He hates America for being a successful capitalist nation, and set about to destroy that part of America. He has succeeded. After his signature obamacare is fully implemented taking over 1/6 of the nations economy, and we see just how devastating this will be to people, jobs and the economy, his job to destroy America, "fundamentally change America," will be complete.


So dramatic...

... and so true.
Pure and simple, obama is a socialist, muslim. He hates America for being a successful capitalist nation, and set about to destroy that part of America. He has succeeded. After his signature obamacare is fully implemented taking over 1/6 of the nations economy, and we see just how devastating this will be to people, jobs and the economy, his job to destroy America, "fundamentally change America," will be complete.


So dramatic...

Conservative mental impairment only allows for some RWer posters to have a one track mind, yet they have no real argument, just blame one guy they hate for all they see wrong in the world and make damn sure they repeat ad nausea.
you have to wonder what the people who voted for him was thinking when he vowed, TO TRANSFORM AMERCIA?

well we have been living in this horrible ObamaNation now for FIVE LONG YEARS

unemployment has hardly dropped, he's raised taxes, grew the Government instead of the economy, etc etc

we will be digging out this mess for quite some time...can't wait until he is gone..but I'm afraid they are going to put another FILTHY progressive like Obama in the next election...Hillary or Biden...they just don't seem to care or know better...that is what the progressive party depends on
Pure and simple, obama is a socialist, muslim. He hates America for being a successful capitalist nation, and set about to destroy that part of America. He has succeeded. After his signature obamacare is fully implemented taking over 1/6 of the nations economy, and we see just how devastating this will be to people, jobs and the economy, his job to destroy America, "fundamentally change America," will be complete.


So dramatic...

Conservative mental impairment only allows for some RWer posters to have a one track mind, yet they have no real argument, just blame one guy they hate for all they see wrong in the world and make damn sure they repeat ad nausea.
Poor buttglow... little bubble headed obama soldier trying to carry the water for a complete buffoon, that's already disliked by the majority, and getting more unpopular by the day.

You do realize you're quickly becoming the irrelevant minority don't you buttglow? Poor little guy... you're going to be all alone with a few other idiots still supporting a loser.
Pure and simple, obama is a socialist, muslim. He hates America for being a successful capitalist nation, and set about to destroy that part of America. He has succeeded. After his signature obamacare is fully implemented taking over 1/6 of the nations economy, and we see just how devastating this will be to people, jobs and the economy, his job to destroy America, "fundamentally change America," will be complete.


Get corporate America/Earth out of Congress and things like this will not happen, but as long as republicans want this since their president elect Harrison allowed corporations to be viewed as individuals instead of corporations, the work the Founding Fathers did to keep this from happening was undone.
The corporations reaped the wind and the tax payers are reaping the whirl wind.

What an ignorant deflecting opinion! Both parties are tied into corporations, and anyone that is honest would say so!

Obama is a lying scumbucket, and so are the ones who voted for him!:mad:
So dramatic...

Conservative mental impairment only allows for some RWer posters to have a one track mind, yet they have no real argument, just blame one guy they hate for all they see wrong in the world and make damn sure they repeat ad nausea.
Poor buttglow... little bubble headed obama soldier trying to carry the water for a complete buffoon, that's already disliked by the majority, and getting more unpopular by the day.

You do realize you're quickly becoming the irrelevant minority don't you buttglow? Poor little guy... you're going to be all alone with a few other idiots still supporting a loser.

and poor old 007, so mentally disintegrated he has no ability anymore but to troll.
Pure and simple, obama is a socialist, muslim. He hates America for being a successful capitalist nation, and set about to destroy that part of America. He has succeeded. After his signature obamacare is fully implemented taking over 1/6 of the nations economy, and we see just how devastating this will be to people, jobs and the economy, his job to destroy America, "fundamentally change America," will be complete.


Get corporate America/Earth out of Congress and things like this will not happen, but as long as republicans want this since their president elect Harrison allowed corporations to be viewed as individuals instead of corporations, the work the Founding Fathers did to keep this from happening was undone.
The corporations reaped the wind and the tax payers are reaping the whirl wind.

What an ignorant deflecting opinion! Both parties are tied into corporations, and anyone that is honest would say so!

Obama is a lying scumbucket, and so are the ones who voted for him!:mad:

they all lie, ever know of a politician that didn't?
you have to wonder what the people who voted for him was thinking when he vowed, TO TRANSFORM AMERCIA?

well we have been living in this horrible ObamaNation now for FIVE LONG YEARS

unemployment has hardly dropped, he's raised taxes, grew the Government instead of the economy, etc etc

we will be digging out this mess for quite some time...can't wait until he is gone..but I'm afraid they are going to put another FILTHY progressive like Obama in the next election...Hillary or Biden...they just don't seem to care or know better...that is what the progressive party depends on

It's highly questionable yet as to whether or not obama will even finish his first term Steph. Not a one of the scandals is going away, and the more they learn, the more they see it's gross incompetence on the part of obama, not to mention this economy will not last another two years under obama. There's still a chance obama could be impeached and thrown out of office.
He said he would do it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKxDdxzX0kI]Obama: We Are 5 Days From Fundamentally Transforming America - YouTube[/ame]
Conservative mental impairment only allows for some RWer posters to have a one track mind, yet they have no real argument, just blame one guy they hate for all they see wrong in the world and make damn sure they repeat ad nausea.
Poor buttglow... little bubble headed obama soldier trying to carry the water for a complete buffoon, that's already disliked by the majority, and getting more unpopular by the day.

You do realize you're quickly becoming the irrelevant minority don't you buttglow? Poor little guy... you're going to be all alone with a few other idiots still supporting a loser.

and poor old 007, so mentally disintegrated he has no ability anymore but to troll.
And there you have it... little buttglow is reduced to "I know you are but what am I," childish tactics, poor buttglow, about as original as a stale pile of cow shit.

B'bye buttglow, you can talk to yourself now, moron.
Does the extinguished candle care about the darkness? Ask the huddled masses who are yearning to be free. America was once thought of as a light unto nations. Obama has single-handedly extinguished that light.
hahh hah that is hilarious, who really writes something like that with a straight face? I smell Pulitzer!

In fact I'm inspired, so:

America was once the fresh wind of democracy and freedom, blowing across the rotting world to bring a sense of hope. Now Obama has come and stifled that wind, and across the globe a billion voices cry out as the face of freedom is lost.


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