Obama Has Dismantled America

Does the extinguished candle care about the darkness? Ask the huddled masses who are yearning to be free. America was once thought of as a light unto nations. Obama has single-handedly extinguished that light.
hahh hah that is hilarious, who really writes something like that with a straight face? I smell Pulitzer!

In fact I'm inspired, so:

America was once the fresh wind of democracy and freedom, blowing across the rotting world to bring a sense of hope. Now Obama has come and stifled that wind, and across the globe a billion voices cry out as the face of freedom is lost.


ok we're glad to hear what blows your skirt up...anything else?
how about, we are going to STOP THE SEAS rising and HEAL THE planet?

that sold you on voting for him didn't it? and HOPIE CHANGIE
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I've never voted for Obama, although I did vote for McCain against him once.

Now lets talk more about thread saying America has been dismantled. How are you getting by? Foraging for food and trading old family heirlooms for heating oil? Maybe getting some shelter at the abandoned malls that used to have commerce?

Good luck, and god speed in your quest to survive this apocalypse.
Obama is a teleprompter reader and an inarticulate half assed circus barker. "The conspiracy" or the "great satan" is the entity that put him there and whose agenda is in place in America and in America's sphere of influence.
Obama is a teleprompter reader and an inarticulate half assed circus barker. "The conspiracy" or the "great satan" is the entity that put him there and whose agenda is in place in America and in America's sphere of influence.

Good description of him and the rest of you post too..
It is difficult to believe the number of American presidents that have been elected just to destroy America. Certainly, Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, Hoover, FDR, Truman and others all elected with one purpose in mind, destroy America. Hard to believe, but it's right here on the boards.
Pure and simple, obama is a socialist, muslim. He hates America for being a successful capitalist nation, and set about to destroy that part of America. He has succeeded. After his signature obamacare is fully implemented taking over 1/6 of the nations economy, and we see just how devastating this will be to people, jobs and the economy, his job to destroy America, "fundamentally change America," will be complete.


Get corporate America/Earth out of Congress and things like this will not happen, but as long as republicans want this since their president elect Harrison allowed corporations to be viewed as individuals instead of corporations, the work the Founding Fathers did to keep this from happening was undone.
The corporations reaped the wind and the tax payers are reaping the whirl wind.

What an ignorant deflecting opinion! Both parties are tied into corporations, and anyone that is honest would say so!

Obama is a lying scumbucket, and so are the ones who voted for him!:mad:

I am sure you are lying about that.
I didn't realize he ever cared who knew.

And it was dismantled long before he ever sat his lazy ass in the chair.

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