Obama has set back race relations for many years. How will Trump fix race relations?

Are you reading off a prompter?

Typical Lemming Liberal Loser response to something indisputable

list the ways Obama set back race relations.

I'll even concede one. The mere election of a black man as president enflamed a ton of smoldering racism in this country.

This is not about race....It is about the man and his attempts to destroy the lifes of Americans along with the country itself...Nothing to do with race... Whites voted him into office....

It can only be about race because Obama didn't do any of that other stuff. No whites actually did not vote him into office. Both elections show that Obama never got 50 percent of the white vote.

This is not about race....It is about the man and his attempts to destroy the lifes of Americans along with the country itself...Nothing to do with race... ....

The above posted by the author of this thread, entitled:

"Obama has set back race relations for many years"
Obama lacked the fortitude to go up against all the people that fought for the civil rights movement.

Yeah, he tried to crap on everything they did.

He failed.

Probly should be strung up. Next!
Obama only seeks to divide, and to spread hate. The only thing he is good at is deceits, lies, division, o he is full of hate.

Righties always start threads of false premise.

Obama opened up the conversation in ways we have never seen. True that brought the racists into the light . But that's good because we see them for what they are .

Apparently keeping racism underground and ignoring is "good race relations " for righties .
Anyone see this episode of SNL? I didn't watch it but heard about it later. I think there is a lot of truth in it.

As host of the first Saturday Night Live episode following Donald Trump's inauguration, Aziz Ansari urged the president to speak out against a small pocket of his supporters the comedian calls “lowercase KKK.”

These people, he said, have “gotten way too fired up about the Trump thing for the wrong reasons. I’m talking about these people that, as soon as Trump won, they’re like, ‘We don’t have to pretend like we’re not racist anymore! We don’t have to pretend anymore! We can be racist again! Whoo!'”

“If you’re one of these people, please go back to pretending,” he added. “You’ve got to go back to pretending. I’m so sorry we never thanked you for your service. We never realized how much effort you were putting into the pretending. But you gotta go back to pretending.”

I don't agree that President Obama set race relations back at all, and I do believe that right now many hidden things are being revealed.
Obama only seeks to divide, and to spread hate. The only thing he is good at is deceits, lies, division, because he is full of hate.

Indeed. The very presence of that "Black man in the White house" sure brought the racists out of the woodwork
Obama only seeks to divide, and to spread hate. The only thing he is good at is deceits, lies, division, o he is full of hate.

Righties always start threads of false premise.

Obama opened up the conversation in ways we have never seen. True that brought the racists into the light . But that's good because we see them for what they are .

Apparently keeping racism underground and ignoring is "good race relations " for righties .

Hello, Timmy.

I have two questions for you and President Obama admirers...


Shawn Carter, Nasir Jones, Barack Obama.jpg

Timmy, I look forward to reading your reply, with hopes of intelligently discussing SOLUTIONS for PREVENTING large numbers of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

By keeping as many useless blacks out of office as possible!

The vast majority of them scream RACISM, RACISM, RACISM 24/7/365 and do little else but that!

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