Obama has won, leads us all around like a dog on a leash

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I just got home from work and did my usual surf of all the news channels. Everyone of them including Fox was doing a piece or focusing on RACE.

It's almost like some wacko didn't shoot 3 people in KC over the weekend.

It's almost like we're not being handed our hats by Russia

It's almost like unemployment isn't high

It's almost like gas prices aren't sky high

It's almost like food prices aren't soaring

It's almost like the ACA isn't causing a lot of grief for a lot of folks

It's almost like we're just a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash..........oh, wait...
That's the very reason Sheryl Attkisson left CBS. She was tired of being told what and how to report on things. She resents manipulating the reports as much as some of us resent being given misinformation or outright lies. I hope she finds a new job where she can be a real reporter again instead of just a mouthpiece for the current administration. She is the second reporter to publicly state that there is too much pressure on the media to toe the line.

"I think it borders on inappropriate if it’s sort of a campaign to stop and influence and manipulate the reporting. Rather than providing the public information — the information that we own — it’s just a lot of obfuscation, accusations, saying things are phony scandals, bogus, not real, giving misinformation and false information.”
WATCH: Why Sharyl Attkisson Left CBS News Over Benghazi

So, all the obedient media will talk about is whatever the daily talking points are that the White House issues. This week, maybe the whole month, it's regarding race and the fictional war on women. I wonder if Jay Carney and company type the info into the newsroom teleprompters.
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And you blame the president for news programming why exactly?

Holder makes his stupid accusation about supposed mistreatment and the so called media turn it into long as segments about race.

You must have been terrible at connect the dot puzzles as a child huh?
I just got home from work and did my usual surf of all the news channels. Everyone of them including Fox was doing a piece or focusing on RACE.

It's almost like some wacko didn't shoot 3 people in KC over the weekend.

It's almost like we're not being handed our hats by Russia

It's almost like unemployment isn't high

It's almost like gas prices aren't sky high

It's almost like food prices aren't soaring

It's almost like the ACA isn't causing a lot of grief for a lot of folks

It's almost like we're just a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash..........oh, wait...
It's almost like the majority of corporate media are controlled by wealthy fascists who only want the public to focus on divisive issues like race, gay marriage, abortion and poverty so that the People do not unite against wealthy fascists who control our media and government.
I just got home from work and did my usual surf of all the news channels. Everyone of them including Fox was doing a piece or focusing on RACE.

It's almost like some wacko didn't shoot 3 people in KC over the weekend.

It's almost like we're not being handed our hats by Russia

It's almost like unemployment isn't high

It's almost like gas prices aren't sky high

It's almost like food prices aren't soaring

It's almost like the ACA isn't causing a lot of grief for a lot of folks

It's almost like we're just a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash..........oh, wait...
It's almost like the majority of corporate media are controlled by wealthy fascists who only want the public to focus on divisive issues like race, gay marriage, abortion and poverty so that the People do not unite against wealthy fascists who control our media and government.

Do you really believe that?
I just got home from work and did my usual surf of all the news channels. Everyone of them including Fox was doing a piece or focusing on RACE.

It's almost like some wacko didn't shoot 3 people in KC over the weekend.

It's almost like we're not being handed our hats by Russia

It's almost like unemployment isn't high

It's almost like gas prices aren't sky high

It's almost like food prices aren't soaring

It's almost like the ACA isn't causing a lot of grief for a lot of folks

It's almost like we're just a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash..........oh, wait...
It's almost like the majority of corporate media are controlled by wealthy fascists who only want the public to focus on divisive issues like race, gay marriage, abortion and poverty so that the People do not unite against wealthy fascists who control our media and government.

Obabble is controlled by the wealthy?? He blows them...and they blow him...and we.........content to jerk off.
I just got home from work and did my usual surf of all the news channels. Everyone of them including Fox was doing a piece or focusing on RACE.

It's almost like some wacko didn't shoot 3 people in KC over the weekend.

It's almost like we're not being handed our hats by Russia

It's almost like unemployment isn't high

It's almost like gas prices aren't sky high

It's almost like food prices aren't soaring

It's almost like the ACA isn't causing a lot of grief for a lot of folks

It's almost like we're just a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash..........oh, wait...

The only people with their heads up Obama's keester are the IDIOTS who elected him.

Many Obama haters are spineless whiners and do-nothings.

The rest of us had Obama figured out before he took the oath in 2009, and since then we have been preparing...................
I just got home from work and did my usual surf of all the news channels. Everyone of them including Fox was doing a piece or focusing on RACE.

It's almost like some wacko didn't shoot 3 people in KC over the weekend.

It's almost like we're not being handed our hats by Russia

It's almost like unemployment isn't high

It's almost like gas prices aren't sky high

It's almost like food prices aren't soaring

It's almost like the ACA isn't causing a lot of grief for a lot of folks

It's almost like we're just a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash..........oh, wait...
It's almost like the majority of corporate media are controlled by wealthy fascists who only want the public to focus on divisive issues like race, gay marriage, abortion and poverty so that the People do not unite against wealthy fascists who control our media and government.

Obabble is controlled by the wealthy?? He blows them...and they blow him...and we.........content to jerk off.
You just answered your own question.
The rest of us had Obama figured out before he took the oath in 2009, and since then we have been preparing...................
Except that you were fine with increasing the powers of the executive branch under Bush and you'll be just fine with increasing the powers of the executive branch even further once a Republican is back in office.
It's almost like the majority of corporate media are controlled by wealthy fascists who only want the public to focus on divisive issues like race, gay marriage, abortion and poverty so that the People do not unite against wealthy fascists who control our media and government.

Obabble is controlled by the wealthy?? He blows them...and they blow him...and we.........content to jerk off.
You just answered your own question.

And you missed it.
I just got home from work and did my usual surf of all the news channels. Everyone of them including Fox was doing a piece or focusing on RACE.

It's almost like some wacko didn't shoot 3 people in KC over the weekend. If I am not mistaken that "wacko" once ran for the Senate as a republican.

It's almost like we're not being handed our hats by Russia Whoaaaa!!! Who knew we owned the Crimea? I never suspected!

It's almost like unemployment isn't high "Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!" Wasn't that the republican battle cry not so long ago? And yes I know the gop House passed jobs bills but I also know that attached to each of these bills was a rider calling for the repeal of ACA. In other words, THE HOUSE SENT A BILL TO THE SENATE THEY WERE SURE WOULDN'T PASS.

It's almost like gas prices aren't sky high It wasn't to long ago that prices were near $3.00 per gallon. I never heard a word, not one, praising Obama for the low prices. With that in mind you should probably NOT scream about high prices. Actually the highest gas price under bush was around $4.11 per gallon. Let us know when it passes that.

It's almost like food prices aren't soaring Perhaps you should take that up with the people growing the food. Correct me if I am in error but the US government is not in the agribusiness. By the by, explain to me exactly how Obama is responsible for the price of food. It is amazing to me. On one hand you condemn Obama for being totally inept and unable to do anything right and on the other had he is this evil genius who is controlling gas and food prices. Clearly he is an amazing man.

It's almost like the ACA isn't causing a lot of grief for a lot of folks
Which is exactly why well over 7,500,000 have signed up for ACA and why it is now polling an over 50% approval rating. As more and more people become aware of how it works, more and more people are approving it. Apparently the constant stream of lies and misinformation has been trumped by truth and reality.

It's almost like we're just a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash..........oh, wait... There are a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash. The happen to listen to Limbaugh and fox news and have little relationship with reality. If you wish to see one of those idiots, look to yourself.
I just got home from work and did my usual surf of all the news channels. Everyone of them including Fox was doing a piece or focusing on RACE.

It's almost like some wacko didn't shoot 3 people in KC over the weekend.

It's almost like we're not being handed our hats by Russia

It's almost like unemployment isn't high

It's almost like gas prices aren't sky high

It's almost like food prices aren't soaring

It's almost like the ACA isn't causing a lot of grief for a lot of folks

It's almost like we're just a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash..........oh, wait...
It's almost like the majority of corporate media are controlled by wealthy fascists who only want the public to focus on divisive issues like race, gay marriage, abortion and poverty so that the People do not unite against wealthy fascists who control our media and government.

Do you really believe that?

OTher than his use of the word "Fascist", which is a bit inflametory, he probably has a point.

The needle on Aboriton hasn't moved in 40 years... yet they can't stop talking about it.
The rest of us had Obama figured out before he took the oath in 2009, and since then we have been preparing...................
Except that you were fine with increasing the powers of the executive branch under Bush and you'll be just fine with increasing the powers of the executive branch even further once a Republican is back in office.

Really? I was fine with the executive branch's increased powers? I did not know that about myself.

Thanks very much!

And you blame the president for news programming why exactly?

Because the media are ‘in the bag’ for Obama.
I don't buy that crap. If a media source posts an article praising Obama the right wing starts screaming and wailing 'Lies! Lies! It's liberal media!!!" However, if the next day they post an article praising a conservative they are just being honest and truthful and they are no longer the "Lying liberal media."
How is it possible that the media can go from "Lying liberal media" to honest and truthful media source virtually overnight? They can't. The truth of the matter is that the majority of the media is working to present the truth as they see it. When something truthful but negative about the right is posted the right immediately does everything in their power to neutralize the post. Hence, the "liberal media" tag.
I just got home from work and did my usual surf of all the news channels. Everyone of them including Fox was doing a piece or focusing on RACE.

It's almost like some wacko didn't shoot 3 people in KC over the weekend.

It's almost like we're not being handed our hats by Russia

It's almost like unemployment isn't high

It's almost like gas prices aren't sky high

It's almost like food prices aren't soaring

It's almost like the ACA isn't causing a lot of grief for a lot of folks

It's almost like we're just a bunch of idiots being led around on a leash..........oh, wait...
It's almost like the majority of corporate media are controlled by wealthy fascists who only want the public to focus on divisive issues like race, gay marriage, abortion and poverty so that the People do not unite against wealthy fascists who control our media and government.

Do you really believe that?

Anyone who believes that is way out there.

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