Obama Henchman To Plead Fifth On Fast And Furious...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
DOJ official plans to plead the Fifth, refuse to testify on Fast and Furious

Department of Justice official Patrick Cunningham has reportedly planned to plead the Fifth Amendment to avoid incriminating himself in response to a subpoena House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa served him that will compel him to appear before Congress about Operation Fast and Furious.

Cunningham has been the chief of the criminal division of the Arizona U.S. Attorney’s office in Phoenix for the past two years. In subpoenaing Cunningham, Issa said he has information indicating Cunningham helped approve gun walking as an acceptable tactic under the Obama administration’s DOJ.

Cunningham, according to Issa, has repeatedly refused to testify before Congress about Fast and Furious. Now that he’s been subpoenaed and announced that he’ll plead the Fifth Amendment, this signals the first time an official in President Barack Obama’s and Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice has refused to testify over Operation Fast and Furious on the basis that he or she may admit to committing a crime.

Issa said that Cunningham’s plan to plead the Fifth Amendment to avoid incriminating himself over his role in Operation Fast and Furious is a sign that there’s serious politically-motivated foul play going on within the Justice Department.

“The assertion of the Fifth Amendment by a senior Justice official is a significant indictment of the Department’s integrity in Operation Fast and Furious,” Issa said. “The former head of the ATF has previously told the committee that the Justice Department is managing its response to Operation Fast and Furious in a manner designed to protect its political appointees. This is the first time anyone has asserted their Fifth Amendment right in this investigation and heightens concerns that the Justice Department’s motivation for refusing to hand over subpoenaed materials is a desire to shield responsible officials from criminal charges and other embarrassment."

Read more: Fast and Furious | Fifth Amendment | Patrick Cunningham | The Daily Caller
I keep wondering if there was any coordination with the Mexican drug gangs, such as let us buy the best US guns and we'll donate to your re-election coffers?

Sounds reasonable. How else would they know that they were being encouraged to buy the guns??
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I keep wondering if there was any coordination with the Mexican drug gangs, such as let us buy the best US guns and we'll donate to your re-election coffers?

Sounds reasonable. How else would they know that they were being encouraged to buy the guns??

It's a horrifying mess. Holder should be prosecuted.
This issue needs to be pushed to the forefront asap.
Such criminals should not be re-elected to office.

Yeah,hopefully there will be justice. The Obama Administration has handled this very poorly. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Obama's response is

Obama's response is


Yeah it's very sad. They've treated Brian Terry's poor family very badly. I really would like to see Eric Holder wearing an orange jumpsuit. He is a criminal.

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