Obama Hits Yet Another All-Time LOW

And yet, the Libberhoids keep licking and sucking his pathetic black ass

Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low in Ohio | RealClearPolitics

Snip from your link, that only taxpayers care about:

The botched rollout of Barack Obama's signature health care law continues to take a political toll on the president. The latest evidence is a Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday morning showing the president's approval rating hitting a record low of 34 percent in Ohio. Obama's disapproval rating has jumped to an all-time high of 61 percent. This represents a significant decline from Quinnipiac's last poll in Ohio on June 26, when Obama recorded a 40 percent approval rating and a 57 percent disapproval rating.

The president's personal credibility has also taken a serious hit, thanks to his broken pledge that Americans would be able to keep their health care plans. Only 39 percent of Ohioans now believe the president is "honest and trustworthy," a new low, while 57 percent believe he is not "honest and trustworthy," a new high.

The law itself has also suffered in the eyes of the public. Only 35 percent of Ohioans currently support Obamacare, while 59 percent are opposed.

Read more: Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low in Ohio | RealClearPolitics
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Doubt it's hit bottom yet.

Sure them Dim Sens and Reps who head to the gallows...er, I mean primaries and elections next year are real happy about Barry helping to remind the electorate it was they who voted for, sight unseen, legislation that has done such damage to so many people thus far and yet to come. The stench of BarryCare is all theirs.
And yet, the Libberhoids keep licking and sucking his pathetic black ass

Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low in Ohio | RealClearPolitics

Snip from your link, that only taxpayers care about:

The botched rollout of Barack Obama's signature health care law continues to take a political toll on the president. The latest evidence is a Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday morning showing the president's approval rating hitting a record low of 34 percent in Ohio. Obama's disapproval rating has jumped to an all-time high of 61 percent. This represents a significant decline from Quinnipiac's last poll in Ohio on June 26, when Obama recorded a 40 percent approval rating and a 57 percent disapproval rating.

The president's personal credibility has also taken a serious hit, thanks to his broken pledge that Americans would be able to keep their health care plans. Only 39 percent of Ohioans now believe the president is "honest and trustworthy," a new low, while 57 percent believe he is not "honest and trustworthy," a new high.

The law itself has also suffered in the eyes of the public. Only 35 percent of Ohioans currently support Obamacare, while 59 percent are opposed.

Read more: Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low in Ohio | RealClearPolitics
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And the more odumbo shows his ugly face and opens his lying mouth on tv, the higher his disapproval rate will go. People will only buy bull shit for so long, and that's what the kenyan is full of... BULL SHIT. He talks like a little two bit, pimpin' street hustler from the Chicago ghettos... oh... wait... actually, that's what he is. There is NOTHING "presidential" or "statesman" like about ovomit. So it's no mystery what kind of people it is still kissing that shit stains ass, it's the TRASH of society. "Birds of a feather flock together."
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And yet, the Libberhoids keep licking and sucking his pathetic black ass

Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low in Ohio | RealClearPolitics

Snip from your link, that only taxpayers care about:

The botched rollout of Barack Obama's signature health care law continues to take a political toll on the president. The latest evidence is a Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday morning showing the president's approval rating hitting a record low of 34 percent in Ohio. Obama's disapproval rating has jumped to an all-time high of 61 percent. This represents a significant decline from Quinnipiac's last poll in Ohio on June 26, when Obama recorded a 40 percent approval rating and a 57 percent disapproval rating.

The president's personal credibility has also taken a serious hit, thanks to his broken pledge that Americans would be able to keep their health care plans. Only 39 percent of Ohioans now believe the president is "honest and trustworthy," a new low, while 57 percent believe he is not "honest and trustworthy," a new high.

The law itself has also suffered in the eyes of the public. Only 35 percent of Ohioans currently support Obamacare, while 59 percent are opposed.

Read more: Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low in Ohio | RealClearPolitics
Follow us: @RCP_Articles on Twitter
And the more odumbo shows his ugly face and opens his lying mouth on tv, the higher his disapproval rate will go. People will only buy bull shit for so long, and that's what the kenyan is full of... BULL SHIT. He talks like a little two bit, pimpin' street hustler from the Chicago ghettos... oh... wait... actually, that's what he is. There is NOTHING "presidential" or "statesman" like about ovomit. So it's no mystery what kind of people it is still kissing that shit stains ass, it's the TRASH of society. "Birds of a feather flock together."

Yes, and did you see the latest from Iran calling O a liar?

Iranian officials say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.

Iran and Western nations including the United States came to an agreement on the framework for an interim deal late Saturday night in Geneva. The deal has yet to be implemented

The White House released a multi-page fact sheet containing details of the draft agreement shortly after the deal was announced.

However, Iranian foreign ministry official on Tuesday rejected the White House’s version of the deal as “invalid” and accused Washington of releasing a factually inaccurate primer that misleads the American public.

Iran: White House Lying About Details of Nuke Deal | Washington Free Beacon
Couldn't happen to a better idiot and he did it all on his own ! Just think even with the media covering for him. Only a liberal can be so stupid. Lol
I tend to watch Rasmussen's daily tracking poll.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 20% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 43% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -23.
I tend to watch Rasmussen's daily tracking poll.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 20% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 43% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -23.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance.

That number seems high to me.
I would think that it should be around 35% maybe a little over that.
How can people approve of what this guy did.
He flat out lied to the American people and got caught at it as well.
Obama's just a cheap, left wing radical intent on transforming America in to a socialist cesspool.
I tend to watch Rasmussen's daily tracking poll.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 20% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 43% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -23.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance.

That number seems high to me.
I would think that it should be around 35% maybe a little over that.
How can people approve of what this guy did.
He flat out lied to the American people and got caught at it as well.

That 45% is people who "strongly approve" (20%) and "somewhat approve". If you read the explanation at Rasmussen, they have found that giving only 2 choices as it "approve" vs. disapprove", results in stronger disapproval ratings.

I think it's a good way to judge general feelings, but if you want a guess as to what would happen if the election were to be held today, the Presidential Approval Index would best reflect hypothetical results.
he was always trying to convince the 47% of lazy bums that the middle class makes too much money and he was going to take it! what he forgot to tell them was they the middle class has been struggling ever since the wicked bitch of the west came into power in 2007.
Snip from your link, that only taxpayers care about:

The botched rollout of Barack Obama's signature health care law continues to take a political toll on the president. The latest evidence is a Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday morning showing the president's approval rating hitting a record low of 34 percent in Ohio. Obama's disapproval rating has jumped to an all-time high of 61 percent. This represents a significant decline from Quinnipiac's last poll in Ohio on June 26, when Obama recorded a 40 percent approval rating and a 57 percent disapproval rating.

The president's personal credibility has also taken a serious hit, thanks to his broken pledge that Americans would be able to keep their health care plans. Only 39 percent of Ohioans now believe the president is "honest and trustworthy," a new low, while 57 percent believe he is not "honest and trustworthy," a new high.

The law itself has also suffered in the eyes of the public. Only 35 percent of Ohioans currently support Obamacare, while 59 percent are opposed.

Read more: Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low in Ohio | RealClearPolitics
Follow us: @RCP_Articles on Twitter
And the more odumbo shows his ugly face and opens his lying mouth on tv, the higher his disapproval rate will go. People will only buy bull shit for so long, and that's what the kenyan is full of... BULL SHIT. He talks like a little two bit, pimpin' street hustler from the Chicago ghettos... oh... wait... actually, that's what he is. There is NOTHING "presidential" or "statesman" like about ovomit. So it's no mystery what kind of people it is still kissing that shit stains ass, it's the TRASH of society. "Birds of a feather flock together."

Yes, and did you see the latest from Iran calling O a liar?

Iranian officials say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.

Iran and Western nations including the United States came to an agreement on the framework for an interim deal late Saturday night in Geneva. The deal has yet to be implemented

The White House released a multi-page fact sheet containing details of the draft agreement shortly after the deal was announced.

However, Iranian foreign ministry official on Tuesday rejected the White House’s version of the deal as “invalid” and accused Washington of releasing a factually inaccurate primer that misleads the American public.

Iran: White House Lying About Details of Nuke Deal | Washington Free Beacon

Wow, when the Iranians have more credibility than the president of the united states you know things are going downhill fast.

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