Obama: I’m not Dick Cheney


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
oh yes you are cheney, only WORSE... wear it PROUD..
but he says his spying on the Amercian people is different..youbetcha


Obama says surveillance programs are carefully supervised and controlled. | AP Photo
By JOSH GERSTEIN | 6/17/13 4:49 PM EDT

President Barack Obama used a television interview set to air Monday night to defend his administration’s use of far-reaching surveillance programs as carefully supervised and controlled.

Obama also appeared to reject comparisons between himself and Vice President Dick Cheney, who strongly backed similar surveillance efforts in the George W. Bush administration and has defended Obama’s continuation of national security-related programs similar in many respects to those pursued by the previous administration.

a lot of comments at site
Read more: Obama: I?m not Dick Cheney - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com
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No you aren't Cheney President Obama. You are 100 times worse.
oh yes you are cheney, only WORSE... wear it PROUD..
but he says his spying on the Amercian people is different..youbetcha


Obama says surveillance programs are carefully supervised and controlled. | AP Photo
By JOSH GERSTEIN | 6/17/13 4:49 PM EDT

President Barack Obama used a television interview set to air Monday night to defend his administration’s use of far-reaching surveillance programs as carefully supervised and controlled.

Obama also appeared to reject comparisons between himself and Vice President Dick Cheney, who strongly backed similar surveillance efforts in the George W. Bush administration and has defended Obama’s continuation of national security-related programs similar in many respects to those pursued by the previous administration.

a lot of comments at site
Read more: Obama: I?m not Dick Cheney - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Carefully supervised and controlled...........like the IRS, State Dept., etc....:eek:.
oh yes you are cheney, only WORSE... wear it PROUD..
but he says his spying on the Amercian people is different..youbetcha


Obama says surveillance programs are carefully supervised and controlled. | AP Photo
By JOSH GERSTEIN | 6/17/13 4:49 PM EDT

President Barack Obama used a television interview set to air Monday night to defend his administration’s use of far-reaching surveillance programs as carefully supervised and controlled.

Obama also appeared to reject comparisons between himself and Vice President Dick Cheney, who strongly backed similar surveillance efforts in the George W. Bush administration and has defended Obama’s continuation of national security-related programs similar in many respects to those pursued by the previous administration.

a lot of comments at site
Read more: Obama: I?m not Dick Cheney - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Carefully supervised and controlled...........like the IRS, State Dept., etc....:eek:.

he really thinks he can sell that crap...just amazing
sorry to inform him the majority of the people don't trust him..
you better dig out stupid picture for CNN

Obama’s ratings plummet after surveillance scandal

President Barack Obama’s approval rating has dropped from 53 to 45 percent in the past month, with 61 percent of US poll respondents criticizing his handling of domestic government spying in wake of the NSA surveillance scandal.

The latest national CNN poll offers evidence that the president is suffering the political consequences of the National Security Agency’s spy tactics, which were first revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden this month.

The president’s approval rating is now the lowest it has been in more than a year and a half, with the majority of Americans expressing ill feelings toward Obama. Fifty percent of poll respondents said they do not believe Obama is honest and trustworthy, 54 percent disapprove of his job handling, and 61 percent disapprove of the way he’s handling US government surveillance, according to the CNN/ORC International survey.

About 60 percent of respondents also said that the US government is so large and powerful that it endangers American freedoms.

Obama’s disapproval rating has been on the rise for months, increasing from 51 percent in January to 54 percent in April and 57 percent in June.

“The drop in Obama’s support is fueled by a dramatic 17-point decline over the past month among people under 30, who, along with black Americans, had been the most loyal part of the Obama coalition,” CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said in the news agency’s release of the findings.

Obama’s approval rating among independent voters plummeted by 10 points in the last month, with only 37 percent agreeing with his job handling and 61 percent disapproving of it this month.

Holland believes the significant drop in Obama’s support comes as a result of recent government scandals, including the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups, the Justice Department’s criminal pursuit of journalists, and the revelation of the NSA’s extensive surveillance program.

“It is clear that revelations about NSA surveillance programs have damaged Obama’s standing with the public, although older controversies like the IRS matter may have begun to take their toll as well,” he told CNN.

all of it here
Obama?s ratings plummet after surveillance scandal ? RT USA
Dick Cheney was a singular evil. No one in this administration comes close to matching him.

But I'll admit this administration is a shitty one.


No, President Obama is nothing like The Dick and we can all be thankful for that.

Nonetheless, the Patriot Act was wrong when the idiot rw's were in favor of it and its wrong now that they're against it. Like in this thread! LOL

:rolling eyes:
Dick Cheney was a singular evil. No one in this administration comes close to matching him.

I think Holder matches Cheney and Obama is a close second


No, President Obama is nothing like The Dick and we can all be thankful for that.

Nonetheless, the Patriot Act was wrong when the idiot rw's were in favor of it and its wrong now that they're against it. Like in this thread! LOL

:rolling eyes:

Yes, Obama has has been too neoconservative for me but to say he is a hundred times worse than Cheney let alone worse than Cheney is laughable.
[ame=http://youtu.be/gYyqBxD-3xw]Holder Says People Need to be Brainwashed - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://youtu.be/kg9m1F8B2_c]65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama - YouTube[/ame]
No Messiah you are not, as a mater of fact your now the President who as the candidate that said "he was going to meet with his Attorney General and undue all the damage to the constitution resulting from 8 years of the Bush Presidency" yep right, all talk, all worthless words like the last 4.5 years. Funny how libs talk a good line and can't walk a straight line.
link to poll in article

Poll: Obama Worse than Bush on Civil Liberties
by Mike Flynn 17 Jun 2013, 1:29 PM PDT 52 post a comment

A new CNN poll released Monday generated a lot of attention on the dramatic drop in President Obama's approval ratings. The top-line approval numbers were not the most troubling news for the White House, however. Obama now polls much worse than President Bush did on handling government surveillance and protecting civil liberties.

Just 35% of Americans approve of Obama's handling of government surveillance on citizens. 61% disapprove. This is 13 points worse than President Bush scored in the Spring of 2006, just months before the Democrats seized control of Congress. In a poll in May, 2006, 39% approved of how Bush was handling the issue, while 52% disapproved. Bush's numbers came amidst a large outcry from the left and the media criticizing his Administration's anti-terror policies. Yet, today, Obama's numbers are worse.

Also in Monday's CNN poll, 43% of Americans said the Obama Administration had "gone too far" in restricting citizens' civil liberties. In the Fall of 2006, just 39% of Americans said the same thing about Bush.

all of it here
Poll: Obama Worse than Bush on Civil Liberties


No, President Obama is nothing like The Dick and we can all be thankful for that.

Nonetheless, the Patriot Act was wrong when the idiot rw's were in favor of it and its wrong now that they're against it. Like in this thread! LOL

:rolling eyes:

Yes, Obama has has been too neoconservative for me but to say he is a hundred times worse than Cheney let alone worse than Cheney is laughable.

really, go over to politico where the article came from and read the comments
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