Obama: I’m not Dick Cheney



No, President Obama is nothing like The Dick and we can all be thankful for that.

Nonetheless, the Patriot Act was wrong when the idiot rw's were in favor of it and its wrong now that they're against it. Like in this thread! LOL

:rolling eyes:

Well dumb ass,at the time we had just been attacked and it made a certain amount of sense.
Now you have the obammy admin adding ALL Americans to the list.
Right after using the IRS to target his political opponents.
Context....get some.:cuckoo:
Dick Cheney had the guts to tell it how it was and not bull shit around the issue. The Messiah fails miserably in comparison. But then again what would you expect from a person who's only job was as a community organizer and one term Senator.

No, President Obama is nothing like The Dick and we can all be thankful for that.

Nonetheless, the Patriot Act was wrong when the idiot rw's were in favor of it and its wrong now that they're against it. Like in this thread! LOL

:rolling eyes:

Yes, Obama has has been too neoconservative for me but to say he is a hundred times worse than Cheney let alone worse than Cheney is laughable.

really, go over to politico where the article came from and read the comments

It was a lot of feigned outrage.


No, President Obama is nothing like The Dick and we can all be thankful for that.

Nonetheless, the Patriot Act was wrong when the idiot rw's were in favor of it and its wrong now that they're against it. Like in this thread! LOL

:rolling eyes:

Well dumb ass,at the time we had just been attacked and it made a certain amount of sense.
Now you have the obammy admin adding ALL Americans to the list.
Right after using the IRS to target his political opponents.
Context....get some.:cuckoo:

Hey, why not, the people are the enemy of the state, especially if they earn money and have an opinion:)


No, President Obama is nothing like The Dick and we can all be thankful for that.

Nonetheless, the Patriot Act was wrong when the idiot rw's were in favor of it and its wrong now that they're against it. Like in this thread! LOL

:rolling eyes:

Well dumb ass,at the time we had just been attacked and it made a certain amount of sense.
Now you have the obammy admin adding ALL Americans to the list.
Right after using the IRS to target his political opponents.
Context....get some.:cuckoo:

IRS didn't target political opponents and it was a Bush appointee who headed the IRS.
Dick Cheney had the guts to tell it how it was and not bull shit around the issue. The Messiah fails miserably in comparison. But then again what would you expect from a person who's only job was as a community organizer and one term Senator.

Guts? Is that what it takes to send your countrymen to die so your buddies can get no-bid contracts?
We warned the country what this clown would do if given the chance and sure enough he's lived up to his billing....a lazy, feminine, bookworm with no real-world experience in running even a lemonade stand, much less the federal government. He toured the world bowing to despots and kings, became the laughing stock of hard-ass governments like Russia, China, and Iran and still treats the office as a venue to continue to campaign for.....himself. He can't even give a speech without teleprompters....too lazy to memorize it, too light-headed to have any substantial thoughts of his own. And now he's buried in scandals he had nothing to do with because he wasn't "intellectually curious" enough to know what's been going on. He checked out shortly after his first election knowing he'd gotten himself into something way beyond his abilities. And so now that his media lap dogs have turned on him, he'll cook up an international incident to knock his failures off the TV screens....it will involve the Russians and it will happen in Syria. Pray for the sons and daughters in uniform who are tasked to carry out whatever this punk has in store for them.

No, President Obama is nothing like The Dick and we can all be thankful for that.

Nonetheless, the Patriot Act was wrong when the idiot rw's were in favor of it and its wrong now that they're against it. Like in this thread! LOL

:rolling eyes:

Well dumb ass,at the time we had just been attacked and it made a certain amount of sense.
Now you have the obammy admin adding ALL Americans to the list.
Right after using the IRS to target his political opponents.
Context....get some.:cuckoo:

IRS didn't target political opponents and it was a Bush appointee who headed the IRS.

Talk about brain washed. You go ahead with that story skippy.
In fact shout it from the roof tops. It's a lot more fun laughing at you when you get so personally invested. What a dimwit.:laugh:

No, President Obama is nothing like The Dick and we can all be thankful for that.

Nonetheless, the Patriot Act was wrong when the idiot rw's were in favor of it and its wrong now that they're against it. Like in this thread! LOL

:rolling eyes:

Well dumb ass,at the time we had just been attacked and it made a certain amount of sense.
Now you have the obammy admin adding ALL Americans to the list.
Right after using the IRS to target his political opponents.
Context....get some.:cuckoo:

IRS didn't target political opponents and it was a Bush appointee who headed the IRS.

Man, if ignorance was bliss, you have got to be the happiest person on this board.
oh yes you are cheney, only WORSE... wear it PROUD..
but he says his spying on the Amercian people is different..youbetcha


Obama says surveillance programs are carefully supervised and controlled. | AP Photo
By JOSH GERSTEIN | 6/17/13 4:49 PM EDT

President Barack Obama used a television interview set to air Monday night to defend his administration’s use of far-reaching surveillance programs as carefully supervised and controlled.

Obama also appeared to reject comparisons between himself and Vice President Dick Cheney, who strongly backed similar surveillance efforts in the George W. Bush administration and has defended Obama’s continuation of national security-related programs similar in many respects to those pursued by the previous administration.

a lot of comments at site
Read more: Obama: I?m not Dick Cheney - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Carefully supervised and controlled...........like the IRS, State Dept., etc....:eek:.


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