Obama: 'I Will Veto Any Effort' To Undo Automatic Cuts

How does that become the democrats fault... unbelievable.

The Republicans offered new taxes. The Dems refused unless they got MORE spending. Pretty simple concept.
Please, tell us what new taxes the republicans wanted.

Oh your gonna love this. I may not be right about this..but I've seen several interviews where they offered "tax cuts" to repatriate foreign profits. :lol:

The same sort offered by Bush that led the conga line for off shoring!
I'd like to see proof of RGS' "simple concept" as well.

It was National News, the Republicans on the Committee offered 300 billion ( as I recall) in new revenue and the Democrats refused unless the Republicans agreed to Obama's Job Bill.
Obama: 'I Will Veto Any Effort' To Undo Automatic Cuts
national journal ^ | Nobember 21, 2011 | George E. Condon Jr.

President Obama Monday evening blamed Republicans for the failure of the super committee to meet its deadline for a debt plan and warned that he will veto any attempt to eliminate the automatic spending cuts that go into effect with that failure.

In an appearance in the White House briefing room a little more than an hour after the committee officially conceded failure, the president said his answer to those who want to eliminate those cuts “is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off-ramps on this one.”

http://www.nationaljournal.com//sup...-any-effort-to-undo-automatic-cuts-20111121He added, “We need to keep the pressure up to compromise, not the turn off the pressure.”

I got to say that this is one of the few times I agree with Obama...This forces us the hell out of the middle east as it does what I believe we should do here. With the cuts in defense. Also cutting head long into welfare and other leftist shit!!! YAY!

While it is a dishonest lie to lay the blame at the feet of the republicans considering NEITHER SIDE compromised (well the republicans DID agree to revenue increases) I do agree with obama's decision to veto any attempt to circumvent the automatic cuts.

If the President could stop being a dishonest political hack about things these types of decisions would actually help him in 2012.
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If the Dems are intelligent about this, they will make it their driving force going into the 2012 election. If they do a good job selling this, the Dems are going to take back the House, add seats in the Senate, and Obama is going to be re-elected easily.

Hope springs eternal in the breast of the Kool-Aid guzzling libturd.
Oh your gonna love this. I may not be right about this..but I've seen several interviews where they offered "tax cuts" to repatriate foreign profits. :lol:

The same sort offered by Bush that led the conga line for off shoring!

I heard that and a revoking of a tax credit for corporate jet owners. Oh the HUMANITY!

At the end of the day though, both sides acted irrationally. Republicans argued that despite crippling debt, raising taxes shouldn't be an option. Democrats argued that despite crippling debt cutting spending shouldn't be an option. The issue is that both sides have a dogmatic approach to how you deal with a recession that fails to account for the fact that both approaches are going to drive us into the ditch inside of a decade.

We need some massive spending cuts and some massive tax reform and tax increases if we plan to see any amount of change in the debt. I just don't see that happening.

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