Obama: I'd Get More Done If GOP Wasn't Punished for Working With Democrats

Obama makes me ill

Now I see where someone came up with nonsense earlier today, Republicans are beholden to talk radio

I suggest you be tested by a psychologist before blaming Obama for your illness. Who knows, it may be organic, congenital or a product of being dropped on your head to often. All should be ruled out first. If they are ruled out talk radio and Fox News exposure might explain your illness.

It is good to see you've taken the first step.

So, 2 posters in a row with nothing of substance going on attack. SSDD.
If Obama's policies are so great and will be good for the country why does he have so much trouble implementing them? We have heard one answer it's all the GOP fault allow me to present a alternative answer his polices aren't great and won't be good for the country I know this is a difficult concept for some to even consider but let's give it a shot.

Are the roots of any of Obama's policies found in GOP legislative initiatives?

This is the risk the GOP is taking, they're giving Obama and the Dems an opening to paint them (again) as the bad guys. The Republicans keep saying they're committed to this, that they don't care, that they'll stick to their guns, so here we go.

Paul Ryan warned his party yesterday to be prepared, that Obama's a smart cookie and will take advantage of every opening they give him:

Paul Ryan: GOP must not be "the villain" in Obama's "morality plays" - Political Eye - CBS News


Surrender is the only option, don't you agree Mr. Chamberlien?
How much traction did the GOP legislative initiatives you are speaking of, get from the entire GOP legislative caucus?

Not much, did they? Why do you suppose that is?
It's truly hilarious that an entertainer (Rush) seems to have such a strong voice in preventing a President from accomplishing his progressive tyranny. Hats off to Mr. Limbaugh!!!

That's true, indirectly. Here's how it works, chronologically:

1. Limbaugh fires up his flock with a simplistic absolutism that keeps them angry and his ratings up

2. His flock buys it hook, line and sinker and gets politically active

3. Their anger ends up accounting for most of the energy in the party

4. That energy translates into influence, particularly in two areas:
  • The nomination process, where their small but powerful voting bloc gets other simplistic absolutists on ballots
  • An ability to intimidate sitting legislators into doing their bidding or be "primaried" by a simplistic absolutist who will
5. Those legislators, terrified they're going to lose their cushy gubmit jobs, become hardcore absolutists themselves to keep their base and their contributors happy

6. Frustrated, Obama points it out

So yeah, I think you're right. And it goes even further with the even more rabid Hannity, Beck, Levin and Savage. They make the absolutist base even bigger, even more angry, even more intimidating, scaring even more otherwise pragmatic legislators into gumming up the formally fairly effective legislative process.


You give Limbaugh way to much credit, way too much. You have definitely been listening to too many liberals. I am a Reagan Conservative and Limbaugh has no effect on what I do, vote or say. I would guess that is the same for most conservative Republicans. Actually I do think you are talking about liberals who amazingly all toe the same line and all say the same things, I am impressed with their programing.

This is the risk the GOP is taking, they're giving Obama and the Dems an opening to paint them (again) as the bad guys. The Republicans keep saying they're committed to this, that they don't care, that they'll stick to their guns, so here we go.

Paul Ryan warned his party yesterday to be prepared, that Obama's a smart cookie and will take advantage of every opening they give him:

Paul Ryan: GOP must not be "the villain" in Obama's "morality plays" - Political Eye - CBS News


Surrender is the only option, don't you agree Mr. Chamberlien?

Nice straw man there. I didn't say that.

Do what you want.

Clever, if illogical, argument. Liberals yearn for a return to the days of Country Club Republicans who went along to get along with Democrats. Just what we need.

Well, I'd much rather see Country Club Republicans in power than the club carrying Neanderthals of today.

banning clubs will be next on your agenda

Neanderthals, another ethinic group the liberal left hates, it never ends with those people.
If Obama's policies are so great and will be good for the country why does he have so much trouble implementing them? We have heard one answer it's all the GOP fault allow me to present a alternative answer his polices aren't great and won't be good for the country I know this is a difficult concept for some to even consider but let's give it a shot.

I agree, he didn't even get one vote for his budget, FROM HIS OWN PARTY. Of course the liberals created a cover story but it was his budget. I think he is having problems selling his far left ideas to his own party let alone anyone right of center or anyone close to center.
How much traction did the GOP legislative initiatives you are speaking of, get from the entire GOP legislative caucus?

Not much, did they? Why do you suppose that is?

Is that the point? Or is the point that President Obama has offered several policy ideas that were inspired by the GOP....only to have the GOP oppose them.

Yeah. That is the point.

Good work.

This is the risk the GOP is taking, they're giving Obama and the Dems an opening to paint them (again) as the bad guys. The Republicans keep saying they're committed to this, that they don't care, that they'll stick to their guns, so here we go.

Paul Ryan warned his party yesterday to be prepared, that Obama's a smart cookie and will take advantage of every opening they give him:

Paul Ryan: GOP must not be "the villain" in Obama's "morality plays" - Political Eye - CBS News


Surrender is the only option, don't you agree Mr. Chamberlien?

Nice straw man there. I didn't say that.

Do what you want.


We will and we will win and have been winning elections or don't local elections count? So, if we can't be angry white men, a racist remark by the way. We can't be against abortion, which isn't murder but it is close. We can't be for personal responsibility and logical fair welfare reform, although it is killing the economy and the country. What the hell in order to reboot the party it sure sounds like we got to stop believing in anything that Obama doesn't feed us. That's surrender no matter how rational and calm you try to sound.

Peace in our time, all we have to do is placate the masses and Obama.

BTW, surrender is not an option.
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Are the roots of any of Obama's policies found in GOP legislative initiatives?

Yes. ObamaCare was first proposed by a GOP think tank (Heritage). It was adopted by Dole in opposition to HillaryCare, and finally put into place by Romney.

Before that we had Clinton's NAFTA along with fiscal deregulation, both of which were initially proposed by Reagan.

How did we get here? How did the Left become moderate Republicans?

Answer: Having been hijacked by concentrated wealth, the Republican Party became radical and moved far Right. As a result the Left was dragged Right and forced to adopt moderate Republican policies.

Interestingly, the new Right calls policies which they created, now held by the spineless Left, radical Liberalism.

The result is that the goal posts have moved. For example, both Clinton's and Obama's economic teams are lead by Wall Street Free Market guys.

Meaning: the old Left is gone. There is no Labor Party. Both parties are owned by the concentrated wealth of the private sector.

Why doesn't the public see this?

Answer: the Republican Media Machine has created a bubble wherein Bob Dole's health care plan is Socialism and Hussein is Bin Laden and Obama is coming to take your guns and kill grandma.

THE GOP has literally trapped a significant portion of Americans inside the bubble. These people don't analyze real policy. They are literally spoon-fed garbage. But here's the kicker. They've been trained not to trust any external information source, including science and history. Welcome to Dark Ages America. Truth has been pushed underground, and the people are ruled by demagogues pushing fear.

God help us.

(This is what happens when a free society is taken over by a small group. Once they successfully capture the political and media machinery the game ends. Like in Nazi Germany, they always find a core group of rabid and functionally illiterate citizens to whom they feed pure propaganda.)

God help us.
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Obama: I'd Get More Done If GOP Wasn't Punished for Working With Democrats


And of course Congress would have gotten more done if it weren’t for the obstructionism of the right.

Had Congressional republicans made jobs and the economy their priority rather than ‘getting rid’ of Obama, we might be considerably further along with economic recovery.
Jeebus what a bunch of brainwashed, fear mongered loudmouth morons- the "no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME). Luckily, marching lockstep into the dustbin of history.Read something fcs.
Obama: I'd Get More Done If GOP Wasn't Punished for Working With Democrats


And of course Congress would have gotten more done if it weren’t for the obstructionism of the right.

Had Congressional republicans made jobs and the economy their priority rather than ‘getting rid’ of Obama, we might be considerably further along with economic recovery.

Keep telling yourself that, but then again the Presidents policies during the first two years of his first term were supposed to do that and they failed miserably? Oh how quick the whiners forget. If it is a dictator you want then move out of America, that's if, you have the courage.
If Obama's policies are so great and will be good for the country why does he have so much trouble implementing them? We have heard one answer it's all the GOP fault allow me to present a alternative answer his polices aren't great and won't be good for the country I know this is a difficult concept for some to even consider but let's give it a shot.

I agree, he didn't even get one vote for his budget, FROM HIS OWN PARTY. Of course the liberals created a cover story but it was his budget. I think he is having problems selling his far left ideas to his own party let alone anyone right of center or anyone close to center.

Yup, a budget Dems said was moot and Pubs brought to a vote just for you, superdupe.
He's a centrist you're a Rush.Beckbot.
Dems want a dictator Obama? You're fear mongered out of your tiny mind, idiot. Hoping for your recovery....
Obama: I'd Get More Done If GOP Wasn't Punished for Working With Democrats


And of course Congress would have gotten more done if it weren’t for the obstructionism of the right.

Had Congressional republicans made jobs and the economy their priority rather than ‘getting rid’ of Obama, we might be considerably further along with economic recovery.

Keep telling yourself that, but then again the Presidents policies during the first two years of his first term were supposed to do that and they failed miserably? Oh how quick the whiners forget. If it is a dictator you want then move out of America, that's if, you have the courage.

Your first sentence is a question but I suspect that you're not really interested in an answer.
Your second sentence, if it's meant to answer the question, is very confusing.
The third sentence has nothing to do at all with the first two - it appears to be simply the next in the pile of meaningless, unsubstantiated talking points that have to be put into every post.

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