Obama ignores Al Qaeda/Islamic terrorists


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Why does Obama virtually ignore our enemy when Islamic extremism is still alive and well....even right here in the United States...?

President Barack Obama’s speech memorializing the thousands of 9/11 terror victims played down the identity and purpose of their attackers.

“Ten years ago, America confronted one of our darkest nights,” Obama said at the beginning of his Sunday night speech at the Kennedy Center. ”Mighty towers crumbled. Black smoke billowed up from the Pentagon. Airplane wreckage smoldered on a Pennsylvania field.”

Obama did not identify the attackers as Islamists or al Qaida members, and did not describe their purpose, but labeled them vaguely as “hateful killers.”


“The United States will never wage war against Islam or any religion,” Obama said in his Sunday night speech, declaring that “immigrants come here from all parts of the globe. In the biggest cities and the smallest towns, in our schools and workplaces, you still see people of every conceivable race, religion and ethnicity — all of them pledging allegiance to one flag; all of them reaching for the same American dream — e pluribus unum, out of many, we are one.”

This optimistic picture of American universalism is contradicted by evidence that a segment of Muslim immigrants have initiated numerous terror attacks in the United States. According to research from the Anti-Defamation League, updated this month: “Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, approximately 200 Americans have been charged for their roles in various bomb plots and conspiracies in the U.S., as well as for providing material support to Islamic terrorist groups.”

A Pew Research Center poll released Aug. 29 showed that 21 percent of Muslims living in the United States believe there is a “great deal” or “fair amount” of support among Muslim Americans for “extremism.” The same poll found that only 34 percent of U.S. Muslims believe Muslim advocacy groups “have done as much as they should” to counter Islamic extremists.

The Pew poll also showed that 7 percent of the 1.8 million Muslim adults in the United States believe suicide bombing and other attacks on civilian targets are “sometimes” justified “to defend Islam from its enemies.”

Seven percent of 1.8 million is 126,000 people.

Read more: 9/11 Speech | Barack Obama | al Qaida | The Daily Caller
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The best way to fix this country is to nit pick a couple words of meaningless podium talk.

you got the meaningless part right.....

not only did our meaningless government reps ignore both God and our heroic first responders.... but they also ignored the very reason for 9/11....

He ignores them sooo much, he has them killed.

Actions speak louder than words. ;)
The best way to fix this country is to nit pick a couple words of meaningless podium talk.

you got the meaningless part right.....

not only did our meaningless government reps ignore both God and our heroic first responders.... but they also ignored the very reason for 9/11....


No my point is to ignore podium talk from our idiot politicians.

Bush praised Islam repeatedly and went on and on about how 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam, Obama doing the exact same thing is just as meaningless as when Bush did it.
The best way to fix this country is to nit pick a couple words of meaningless podium talk.

you got the meaningless part right.....

not only did our meaningless government reps ignore both God and our heroic first responders.... but they also ignored the very reason for 9/11....


Do you deny all or just don't pay attention?

Following a moment of silence, Obama read Psalm 46 during ceremonies at the new 9-11 Memorial at Ground Zero.

The ceremony includes a reading of the names of those killed ten years ago.

Attendees include New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Governor George Pataki, current Governor Andrew Cuomo, first responders and families of 9-11 victims.
Obama Reads Prayer At 9-11 Ceremony - Local News - Little Rock, AR - msnbc.com

ACLJ: Prayer Permeates 9/11 Ground Zero Remembrance, Despite Mayor Bloomberg Ban

ACLJ: Prayer Permeates 9/11 Ground Zero Remembrance, Despite Mayor Bloomberg Ban -- WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

evidently you are mistaken.
One leader killed does not equate to safety....look at the facts.....we are still under threat...and BO steadfastly ignores this....and the 9/11 ceremoney was the appropriate place to mention such...

Bloomberg officially banned clergy from leading prayer.....sure prayer happened because people WANTED prayer at such a ceremony.....and many politicians knew that....which is the only reason BO included a psalm...gosh can u believe he went over the Wall of Separation....? wasn't that illegal or something...? hahaha

Sure....first responders ATTENDED the ceremony but like clergy they were banned from being IN the ceremoney.....a total disgrace...

Bloomberg claimed not enough "room" for them.....what a laugh....tons of room...
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Obama would have never sanctioned the killing of Bin Laden if he had any other choice. He knows nothing of the military along with nearly all of congress and Bless Biden's family they have a son in the military. Obama can't salute, put his hand over this heart and has not idea what America is all about.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

That's the guy that ignored Bin Laden.

Anymore questions?
Obama would have never sanctioned the killing of Bin Laden if he had any other choice. He knows nothing of the military along with nearly all of congress and Bless Biden's family they have a son in the military. Obama can't salute, put his hand over this heart and has not idea what America is all about.

That's absolutely incorrect. In the debate with McCain, Obama made a promise to kill Bin Laden. He actively kept up with the operation and fought with the Generals on when and where to do it.

He was completely engaged in this venture.

That's why Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.
It doesn't look like hes ignored them so much to me, look at all the drone strikes in Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan for starters as well as the Bin Laden hit in May, so much for "ignoring" them.
Maybe we should have a day of celebration for the first and only thing that Obama has done that has worked. Did I mention that after the seals killed Bin Laden that Obama continues to give huge financial aid the country that has harbored him and given our technology to the Chinese.
Maybe we should have a day of celebration for the first and only thing that Obama has done that has worked. Did I mention that after the seals killed Bin Laden that Obama continues to give huge financial aid the country that has harbored him and given our technology to the Chinese.

Obama gave the order jack ass, without that Osama would be chillin in house watching internet porn right now.
Why does Obama virtually ignore our enemy when Islamic extremism is still alive and well....even right here in the United States...?

President Barack Obama’s speech memorializing the thousands of 9/11 terror victims played down the identity and purpose of their attackers.

Read more: 9/11 Speech | Barack Obama | al Qaida | The Daily Caller

You're right! While that other president did SO much to get Osama bin Laden and actually killed him, Obama said he "wasn't that important" and just ignored him!

Oh wait. It was the other way around, wasn't it?

Okay, well, while that Obama let terrorists attack us on American Soil, that other guy captured over a dozen active cells BEFORE they blew sh1t up!

Oh wait. That was the other way around too, wasn't it?

Well hell. Uh hmmm. Well. Obama's a Liberal Socialist Democrat and therefore hates America!!!!

Phew. If it wasn't for babbling bullsh1t, I wouldn't have had anything to say! Kinda like the OP. :lol:
Why does Obama virtually ignore our enemy when Islamic extremism is still alive and well....even right here in the United States...?

President Barack Obama’s speech memorializing the thousands of 9/11 terror victims played down the identity and purpose of their attackers.

Read more: 9/11 Speech | Barack Obama | al Qaida | The Daily Caller

You're right! While that other president did SO much to get Osama bin Laden and actually killed him, Obama said he "wasn't that important" and just ignored him!

Oh wait. It was the other way around, wasn't it?

Okay, well, while that Obama let terrorists attack us on American Soil, that other guy captured over a dozen active cells BEFORE they blew sh1t up!

Oh wait. That was the other way around too, wasn't it?

Well hell. Uh hmmm. Well. Obama's a Liberal Socialist Democrat and therefore hates America!!!!

Phew. If it wasn't for babbling bullsh1t, I wouldn't have had anything to say! Kinda like the OP. :lol:

babble away yourself...

when (if) KSM is finally tried and sentenced to death by a military tribunal under Obama i might have a little less skepticism...

BO and Liberals are attempting to downplay the whole significance of 9/11....

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